

[Page 40]
[continued from page 39]

cairn with a diameter of about 31' and a height
of 2' to 3'. A short distance to the NNW. [North North West]
of the standing stone is a low circular cairn
of about 20' diameter and height of about 2'.
The outline of the cairn is defined by boulders
from 1' to 1 1/2' in length and 6" to 8" above ground
set almost contiguously.
Some 40' SSW. [South South West] of the standing stone is the cairn
excavated by Dr. [Doctor] Joass. It has a diameter of
about 42'. Near the centre lies the covering slab
of the cist 4'6" in length x 3' in breadth. The
outline of the cairn is well marked with boulders
from 2' to 3' in length & about 1 ft. [foot] above ground set almost contiguously.
In the cairn was found a cist containing a
burnt interment and some beads of jet.
Close beside one of the stones of the circumference
was found an urn of cinerary type inverted
upon a small flat slab & covering a deposit of

[Margin] [[--] Scot in [--] Times)]

burnt human bones among which was an
oval tanged blade of bronze. The blade
beads & urn are probably in Dunrobin Museum.

[Margin] Unnoted

Some 120 yds [yards] S. [South] of the standing stone are
the remains of a stone circle formed of slabs
of schistose rock the highest about 2' high
and varying from 1'5" to 2'5" across.
Five of the stones are in situ standing

[continued on page 41]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson