

[Page 29]
[continued from page 28]

From a point about 10' distant, from the entrance
along the bank of the circle a bank runs off
in an Easterly direction and from the opposite
side an arm projects for a distance of 10'
flanking the entrance. These flanking walls
are [or] banks seem to have been intended to
protect the entrances from storms probably
to keep the snow out in winter.

[Margin] Unnoted

Situated about 100 yds. [yards] NW. [North West] of the last is
a hut-circle of more complex form.
Its surrounding bank
is of turf & stone: the
entrance from ESE [East South East]:
the diameter 39' x 33'.

[Sketch inserted]

The interior has been
subdivided into two
main compartments,
that on the W [West] side
measuring about
21' x 9', that on the N.E. [North East]
more circular, with a diameter of about 20',
divided & enclosed by a bank or wall 6'-9' across.
Opening out of the more circular compartment
towards the SE [South East] is another measuring interiorly about
7' x 4' and containing on its NE [North East] side a
small enclosure 3'6" in length by 1'6" in breadth

[continued on page 30]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson