

[Page 24]
[continued from page 23]

thick heavy stone whorl, the perforation of which
has been made from both sides. All these objects
are preserved at the villa. A small piece of garden
ground in which are quantities of shells of whelks &c.
adjoining the villa to the W. [West] is probably the site of
the kitchen midden.
About 1 1/2 m. [miles] up the Strath of Kildonan from
Helmsdale the Caen burn joins the river. On

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 27.

the W. [West] of it about 300 yds [yards] distant from the stream
and about the same distance N. [North] of the Helmsdale
is a long cairn. It is situated on a terrace on
the hill side where the
ground begins to slope by an easier gradient
to the river. It lies with its main axis
almost due E. and W. [East and West]. It appears to be
about 168' in length, 27' broad at the W [West] end
and 46' at the E. [East]. At the W [West] end it is only a foot
or so in height but rises gradually Eastward
till near the extremity it has an elevation of
about 7'. 18' in from the S. [South] side at the
E. [East] extremity is a large boulder 4' high and
4' across which may give some indication of
the position of the passage. Excavation has
been tried at several points but no chamber
is exposed.
Some 30' S [South] of the W [West] end is a small round

[continued on page 25]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson