

[Page 19]
[continued from page 18]

been excavated. They have numbered about
At the extreme upper end of the group
is a hut circle much worn away and
showing no peculiar features. Some 40' W [West]
of it is a depression of about 10' interior diameter, encircled with a bank about
5' thick. The bottom of the depression is
some 2' below the top of the bank and
18" below the natural level.
Some 30' SE. [South East] of it is a hut circle. The entrance
to which has been excavated. The interior
diameter is about 24' x 31'. The thickness
of the encircling bank about 5' increasing
to about 9' on either side of the entrance
which is from the SE. [South East]. Adjoining it at
the S. [South] side of the entrance is a cairn
which has been excavated. Some
40 yds. [yards] S. [South] is another hut circle of ordinary
type with entrance from the SE. [South East], and
about 100 yds [yards] W. [West] is another small hut
circle of simple form.

[Margin] This is in Loth Parish.
O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 11.

The group of cairns on the hill side above
the enclosed land about ΒΌ W [West] of Kintradwell
contains about a dozen smaller in
size that [than] the last. One or two of the larger
have been excavated.

[continued on page 20]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson