

[Page 172]
[continued from page 171]

Some 100 yds. [yards] N. [North] on the N. [North] slope of the hill is
a hut circle with interior diameter of 21'
x 26' entrance from the E. [East]: banks of turf and
stone about 4' thick. Several small cairns
lie adjacent none having the hut features.
At the W. [West] end of Druim Liath and about
1 m. [mile] N. [North] of Bonar Bridge is Carn Liath.
It has been excavated and much of the stone
removed especially from the E [East] side inwards.
The diameter is about 65' and the greatest
height 9'. Certain large stones set upright
suggest a chambered character. One at 19'
from the E. [East] edge probably indicates the
commencement of the chamber and the
pointed head of a large boulder set with its
broad face to the E. [East] at 42' inwards seems
to have formed the back.
About 120 yds. [yards] N [North] of Carn Liath is a hut
circle which has had an enclosing wall
of stone 6' to 7' thick. The interior diameter
is 28' : the entrance from the E. [East] 3' wide.
Around it are small cairns of from
15' to 18' in diameter mostly covered with

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 12.

At Airdens on a ridge 80 yds. [yards] SE. [South East] of
the targets are the remains of a hut circle

[continued on page 173]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Jane F Jamieson