

[Page 160]
[continued from page 159]

enclosure of simple form the banks of which
are much worn down. It has been entered
from the S. [South] and has an interior diameter
of from 15' to 20'.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 4

On the hillside to the W. [West] of the township of
Melvich and about 1/2 m. [mile] SSW. [South South West] of the Hotel
are the dilapidated remains of a cairn
Its diameter from E. to W. [East to West] has been about
about 63' and from N to S [North to South] about 70'.
Some 27' in from the N [North] the upper part of
a large slab facing N [North] probably indicates
the back of a chamber and other large
stones protruding seem to be part of such a
In the afternoon we motored back to For:
:sinard and from there returned by train
to Brora.
30th Sept. [September]. From Kilmain, a crofter township
two miles W. [West] of Brora, an old peat road leads NW. [North West] into the
deer forest for nearly two miles. Near the
termination of this road on the E. [East] of it rises
abruptly a massive rock, precipitous on

[Margin] Unnoted

the E and W. [East and West], with a steep slope at the
S. [South] end and a comparatively easy approach
from the N.W. [North West]. It bears the name of Duchary (?)
rocks. The summit which is level

[continued on page 161]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson