

[Page 144]
[continued from page 143]

a single heap of stones 16' in diameter over
all and having a short wall curving to the
S.W. [South West] for 13'. (Illus [Illustration]) One large

[Sketch inserted]

cairn near
the SW. [South West] end of the group
lies with its longest axis
N. and S. [North and South] and clearly discloses
the outlines of several small circular chambers
among the debris. At the extreme SW. [South West]
end is a specimen which indicates an
interior diameter of from 12' to 15' and
entrance from SW. [South West]. As far as indica:
:tions serve, the interior diameters seem
to have been from 8' to 10' and the en:
:trances from W. or SW. [West or South West]. At the S.E. [South East]
end of the group are the remains of a
small oblong building with rounded ends, measuring about
42' over all from NE. to SW. [North East to South West] having the
ruins of a hut about 9'
across at the NE [North East] end.

[Sketch inserted]

The Interior diameter
of the construction
including the hut has
been about 33'. The
entrance has been from
SW. [South West] and has been 3' wide. (Cf p. [page] 59). The

[continued on page 145]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson