

[Page 140]
[continued from page 139]

widens to 3'.9". At 8'.6" inwards on the E. [East] side
of the passage has been the entrance to a guard
-chamber now completely ruined. The passage
though retaining the roofing slabs for 15'.6" of
its length is in a ruinous condition. The interior
diameter from N. to S. [North to South] is 34' and from E. [East] to
W. [West] opposite the entrance 26'.6" the wall on
the E. [East] side having been strengthened at
some period by some 9' of extra building. The
thickness of the wall on the S. [South] at base is about
13'.6" and on the W. [West] at base from 16' to 17' and
8' high - 14'.6". The greatest height of wall
visible in the interior is 6' and the average
height if cleared 8' or 9'; the greatest height
on the exterior is 9'. 18' S. [South] of the entrance
in the interior is the entrance to a passage 2'
wide and traceable inwards seemingly for 10' or
11'. There are no signs of a chamber connected
with it and the passage may be secondary.
An old wall runs Eastward from the broch
at its E. [East] side for about 40 yds. [yards] and passing
Northward returns to the structure forming a
large enclosure against it. This is probably
of later date.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 57.

On the W. [West] side of the Halladale at Bunahoun
on a slight elevation between the road to

[continued on page 141]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson