[Page 140][continued from page 139]
widens to 3'.9". At 8'.6" inwards on the E. [East] side
of the passage has been the entrance to a guard
-chamber now completely ruined. The passage
though retaining the roofing slabs for 15'.6" of
its length is in a ruinous condition. The interior
diameter from N. to S. [North to South] is 34' and from E. [East] to
W. [West] opposite the entrance 26'.6" the wall on
the E. [East] side having been strengthened at
some period by some 9' of extra building. The
thickness of the wall on the S. [South] at base is about
13'.6" and on the W. [West] at base from 16' to 17' and
8' high - 14'.6". The greatest height of wall
visible in the interior is 6' and the average
height if cleared 8' or 9'; the greatest height
on the exterior is 9'. 18' S. [South] of the entrance
in the interior is the entrance to a passage 2'
wide and traceable inwards seemingly for 10' or
11'. There are no signs of a chamber connected
with it and the passage may be secondary.
An old wall runs Eastward from the broch
at its E. [East] side for about 40 yds. [yards] and passing
Northward returns to the structure forming a
large enclosure against it. This is probably
of later date.
[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 57.
On the W. [West] side of the Halladale at Bunahoun
on a slight elevation between the road to
[continued on page 141]
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson
Location information for this page.
Aberdeenshire County, Angus County, Argyll County, Ayrshire County, Banffshire County, Berwickshire County, Buteshire County, Caithness County, Clackmannanshire County, Cromarty County, Dumfriesshire County, Dunbartonshire County, East Lothian County, Fife County, Inverness-shire County, Kincardineshire County, Kinross-shire County, Kirkcudbrightshire County, Lanarkshire County, Midlothian County, Morayshire County, Nairnshire County, Orkney County, Peeblesshire County, Perthshire County, Renfrewshire County, Ross And Cromarty County, Roxburghshire County, Selkirkshire County, Shetland County, Stirlingshire County, Sutherland County, West Lothian County, Wigtownshire County