

[Page 137]
[continued from page 136]

shallow weem-like structure noted
by Dr. [Doctor] Joass 8' in diameter at top and with
well-built wall is visible about 80 yds. [yards] to
the SE [South East] of the entrance. The walling around
it is now almost entirely obscured by
grass. The trench running NE [North East] from
it is still apparent and is also visible
running towards the bank of the Carril
burn on the SW. [South West].
26th Sept. [September]. Sunday. Notes all morning
and bicycled back to Carril with J. [Jocelyn] in
the afternoon for further details which
I omitted to get yesterday. I am longing
for a rest but unless I am prepared to
stay several weeks longer I cannot take it.
27th Sept. [September]. Train to Forsinard where we were
met by the motor from Melvich.

[Margin] Unnoted

About 1 1/2 from Forsinard lodge NE. [North East] to the
N. [North] of a pony track which leads from the right
bank of the Halladale river Eastwards is a group of
small cairns extending along the hill
side at a distance of about 1/2 to 3/4 from the
river for about 1/4 m. [mile]. They are somewhat
larger and more stony than the usual
type. One near the S. [South] end of the group
lying with longest axis ENE. and WSW. [East North East and West South West]

[continued on page 138]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Jane F Jamieson