

[Page 134]
[continued from page 133]

from the outside. Within the outer checks the
passage is 3'.10" wide. Its greatest height is 5'.8"
and the roofing remains almost complete only
two slabs being awanting. Behind the inner joint are bar holes at 22'.4" from present ground level. That on the W. [West] passes into the chamber to the S [South] of the stair. Two feet behind
the outer checks on 5'.11" from the outside on the
right of the passage is the entrance to a guard:
:chamber 2' wide and 3'.6" long & 3'.11" high. The chamber closely
resembles that at Kintradwell. It is oval, 8'.6"
long x 6'.4" wide and 9'.6" high. The roof is
entire except for an aperture in the apex
about 2' square. The diameter of the interior
is from 30'.6" to 31'. - 19' distant from the W. [West] side
of the doorway on the interior is the entrance to
a chamber and stair 3'.6" above the present
floor level, through a passage 6' long - 2'.10" wide
at the entrance and 3'.7" in the interior.
The stair rises to the right for 11'. 13 steps are
visible from 3'.3" to 2'.6" in length, 7"- 8" on the
tread and 4" to 5" high. To the left a narrow
passage 18' long and about 2'.6" wide leads
to a chamber about 7'.6" long and 4' wide at
the back, which is straight. Only a small
portion of the roof remains at the back of the
chamber which is 9' high above present floor
level. The steps described by Dr. [Doctor] Joass
as leading down to this chamber are now

[continued on page 135]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson