

[Page 130]
[continued from page 129]

exterior. Elsewhere unmeasurable. Some 13'.6" along
the inner face of the wall to the Southwards
is the entrance to the stair through a passage
about 3' in length (width unobtainable.) There
has been no chamber adjoining the stair
which rises directly from the end of the passage
to the right. Four steps are visible 2' long
and 9" broad. It has been
a dull misty day. I took photos of the
semicircular setting of standing stones by
the roadside and also of the broch at
Eldrable but fear they will be overexposed
as I gave them the exposure recommended
by Mr. Turnbull for such conditions of weather, viz. 1 sec. [second] 6/8 stop.
whereas the Wellcome calculator works out the
exposure at 1/2 sec. [second]. with 1/8 stop.
22nd Sept. [September]. Took S. [Sandy] back to school at Cargilfield
A wearisome journey from 6.6 a.m. to 5.15 p.m.
23rd Sept. [September]. In Edinburgh.
24th Sept. [September]. Returned to Brora. Dull misty weather.
25th Sept. [September]. Bicycled in forenoon to Loth Glen. A
foggy day. The Broch is situated on the
E [East] side of the glen on low lying ground between
the base of the hill and the river about
1 m. [mile] above the road bridge at Lothbeg. It
occupies a strategic position in a narrow

[continued on page 131]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson