

[Page 13]
[continued from page 12]

In the remaining portion of the interior of the
circle abutting on the W [West] side has been a
small enclosure measuring about 10' from N to S [North to South]
by 11' from E to W [East to West] surrounded by a wall some
4' in thickness. Adjoining the circle
on the S [South] is another circular enclosure
with an interior diameter of 34' and banks
about 8' thick, connected by a bank, about
5' wide, now much worn away,
with a
horse-shoe shaped enclosure 42' in depth
& 46' between its extremities at the open end
which is situated towards the N. [North] of the main circle
15' distant from it and facing NE. [North East]. The
connecting bank seems to form the side of
a passage towards the smaller circle 8'
wide at its termination. On the opposite
or E. [East] side of the main enclosure a
similar low bank runs parallel with the
wall at about 8' to 10' distant from the
N [North] towards the entrance but fades away before
it junctions with the main wall. From
the S. [South] of the smaller circle a line of large
boulders runs in a S [South] Easterly direction probably
the base of an old enclosing wall. This

[continued on page 14]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson