

[Page 119]
[continued from page 118]

its W. [West] end. 4'.6" Westward is the sixth
chamber 18'.6" long, and 4' wide. The
entrance is visible at 7'.6" from the E. [East] end
and is 3'.9" long x 2'.8" wide. Over the
entrance is an opening 1'.6" wide and 2'.6" long
to light the chamber. The interiors of
the broch and of the chambers (which are
all roofless) are full of debris. Around
the broch there are no signs of outworks,
nor are there any cairns visible in the
immediate vicinity.

[Margin] Unnoted.

On the left bank of the Frithe about
1 m. [mile] above Dalcharn and 200 yds. [yards] back
from the stream is a hut circle of simple
type entering from SE. [South East] the bank of which
is much eroded and overgrown with
heather. About 1 doz. [dozen] cairns lie near it.
About 100 yds. [yards] to the E. [East] is another also
entering from SE. [South East] in similar condition.
On the hill side about 3/4 m. [mile] W. [West] of
Dalcharn and about 1/4 m. [mile] above the
left bank of the Frithe is a cairn of
some 25' to 26' in diameter and about
4' in height overgrown with heather.
A glorious day but I felt a wreck
after my sleepless night. The

[continued on page 120]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson