

[Page 11]
[continued from page 10]

belongs to the class which are usually formed
of stone though in this case the bank is of stone
and earth or probably turf, while the con:
:struction in the interior appears to have been
of stone. The construction is circular
with an interior diameter of 43', and
entrance from the SE. [South East]. The encircling bank
is about 8' in thickness broadening from 26' to 28'
towards the entrance where it is 15' thick on
the S [South] side and about 18' on the E. [East]. The
width of the entrance passage at the inner end
is about 2'.6" and expands gradually outwards.
The interior has been divided into two main
compartments by a wall, of which the
foundation remains, running from the E [East] side
of the entrance with a slight curve towards
the N. [North] about 8' in thickness except at its northern
end where it seems to thicken against the wall
of the circle. On its outer, or W. [West] face, near the
centre are two recesses, that nearest the entrance
measuring about 4' in length by 1'.8" in depth
and the next, which is adjacent, about 2'.6" x 1'.8".
There appears to be a passage curving through
this wall at about 12' from where it joins the main
bank. The area enclosed is an irregular oval
measuring 20' in length by 13'.6" in breadth.

[continued on page 12]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson