

[Page 95]
[continued from page 94]

as the chamber at the E [East] end - (3' x 5'). It is
low and roofed with slabs - is built on both
sides and has one large slab at the back.
The main chamber has much building in its
construction the single slabs, one in each side,
being only 1'.10" and 2'.4" across at present
floor level. The lintel stone above the entrance
to the small W [West] chamber is 5' long and
like that at the entrance to the E [East] chamber is

[Margin] The greatest height is from 10' to 11'.

broken. The cairn is considerably dilapidated
and there are evidences of a building placed
against it at the W [West] end, where about 20' from
the outside of the cairn there are the remains of a regularly con:
:structed wall for a distance of about 10'.
Great numbers of small cairns lie to the
E [East] and there are remains of circular enclosures.
We bicycled down to Kildonan & got the train
home. Mr. Scott who was present at
the excavation of the cairn, says that the
chamber had been rifled previously and
that a piece of Iona pebble was found in
the passage from which he infers that
a viking coming from Iona had entered
it! This to my mind is very insufficient evidence!

[continued on page 96]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson