

[Page 8]
[continued from page 7]

The walls of this structure have been very thick
and the chambers appear to be in the heart of them.
Flanking what appears to be the chamber at the E [East] side
is a triangular foundation
about 10' x 14'.
The position occupied by this inner building
forms a passage between it and the wall of the
circle on the S. [South] 2' wide at the entrance and
5' wide 15' inwards. The walls of the main
circle have been about 5' wide around the
circumference and 6'.6" thick on either side
of the entrance which has been about 2' wide
lined with stone.
Some 30 yds [yards] NNW. [North North West] of this last circle is a long
low cairn formed in three
portions not in alignment.

[Sketch inserted here]

The first portion 15' in length
lies E & W [East & West] the centre portion
18' in length E.SE & W.N.W [East South East & West North West]
and the last part 18' in length
E and W [East and West]. The breadth throughout
is about 9' and the greatest elevation from
2' to 2'.6". A small round cairn of the
ordinary type lies about 6' distant at its E. [East]
end. There is no cultivated or reclaimed
croft land anywhere near nor any sign

[continued on page 9]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson