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[Continued from page 249]

up a steep slope from the NE. [North East]. Within the interior
on the N [North] of it is a depression which appears to be round apparently lined
with stone measuring about 12' x 8' and on
the opposite side are indications of another. The
width of the entrance is indefinite and there
is much vegetation in its vicinity which obscures
the details. At the W [West] end of the inner enclosure
is a natural bastion and at the base of this
lies a large mass of wall vitrified throughout.
At the highest point on the S. [South] side of the outer
rampart a partially vitrified stone projects
and on removing portions of the turf in its
immediate vicinity quantities of charcoal
came to light. The rock of the hill is a reddish
mecaceous schist. Towards the S. [South] there
appears to have been another entrance of less
importance. The ramparts are much
overgrown with turf.
After descending from the dun, I parted com:
:pany with Macdonald and set off towards
Bonar Bridge to meet Donald Mackenzie. I
found him waiting for me at the W. [West] end of
the Swordale wood.
About 300 yds. [yards] S. [South] of Ordan farm within the
Swordale wood and opposite the SE [South East] corner
of the arable land is a hut circle much

[Continued on page 251]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson