

[Page] 226
[Continued from page 225]

are obscure but on the E [East] the bank appears to pro:
:ject for about 6' beyond the opposite side making
it 11'.6" wide on the E. [East] side and about 5'.6 on the

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 5

On the hill above the birch wood abt. [about] 100 yds [yards] distant from it to the
E [East] of Morvich House is a circular enclosure
with an interior diameter of about 35'.6". The
banks are 4' across, the entrance to the NE [North East] - 4' wide
A number of small cairns lie around it - one
only 8' to the E. [East].
Towards the upper part of the hill about 1/2 m. [mile]
E. [East] of Morvich Ho. [House] is a ruined cairn in the
centre of which a very small cist is exposed
It is formed of flat sided stones. The longest axis
lies NE and SW. [North East and South West]. The SW [South West] end is ruined. The apparent
length has been about 2'.6" and the breadth 1'.5".
There are single slabs at the NE [North East] and N.W [North West] sides and
two on the S.E. [South East] side. The diameter of the cairn
has been about 31'. It is now quite low in
Some 50 yds [yards] to the S. [South] is another cairn the
circumference of which has been marked with
large boulders. The diameter has been about 25'.
An excavation has been made in the centre
and a built polygonal cist measuring about 2'.10"
either way has been exposed. The bottom of it

[Continued on page 227]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson