

[Page] 207
[Continued from page 206]

is overgrown with grass save a detached
mass of masonry lying to the S. [South] of it. The entrance
to the enceinte appears to have been from the S. [South].

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 14

The remains of a cairn at the E. [East] end of the
Harriet plantation are so slight as to be negligable.
It was very hot and the flies in these planta:
:tions most troublesome. Bicycling N' [North]ward for
a mile or two we reached Skelbo wood where
the O.S. [Ordnance Survey] marks numerous remains. The
wood has been recently replanted and
among the young spruce and larch trees
and heather up to ones knees it was
almost impossible to find the cairns &c.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 25

The Broch near the centre of the wood on
a slight knoll to the E. [East] of the path which
crosses the wood from N. to S. [North to South] on a situ:
:ation commanding a fine view of Loch
Fleet, and the adjacent shore. It is now
a structureless mass of ruins in great
measure overgrown with grass and planted
over with trees! Neither face of the wall
is visible. The diameter over all appears
to be about 60 ft. [feet]. At about 17' distant from
its base the broch has been surrounded
by a rampart or wall now entirely overgrown
Towards the NE. [North East] it has

[Continued on page 208]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson