

[Page] 119
[Continued from page 118]

To the S. [South] of the road to Auchness about 150 yds. [yards]
W. [West] of where it leaves the main road S. [South] from Lairg
are 2 hut circles, the Westmost one is small
about 23 ft. [feet] across, the other overgrown with
heath measures about 28 ft. [feet] Int. dia. [Interior diameter]
Between the last circle and the main road
to Bonar Bridge is a small group of cairns
most of which have been demolished. One
close to the road about 100 yds. [yards] S. [South] of the crossing
is from 1 1/2’ to 2’ high and measures 20’ x 13’.
About 350 yds. [yards] S [South] of the cross roads on the
W. [West] side of the road are the remains of a
hut circle of the usual form but smaller
in size measuring internally 18’ x 24’. Ent. [Entrance]
to S.E. [South East] walls much broken down.
In its vicinity is a group of cairns about
12 in number mostly circular with dia. [diameter] of
about 14 ft. [feet]. Towards the S.E. [South East] end of the
group is an unusually shaped one resembling
two round cairns joined by a
neck. The whole length of the cairn is
24’. The expansions at either end 10’ long
the neck about 4’. The S.E. [South East] end 14’ across
the waist 8’ and the N.W. [North West] 13’. There is a
marked concavity on the W. [West] in the centre not so

[Continued on page 120]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson