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[Continued from page 109]

at highest is about 6 ft. [feet] high. It has been much
pulled about on the top.
The motor with Donald, whom I found an interested
assistant, picked me up near Lyne Bridge.

Loch Borrolan. No. 1
About 1/4 m. [mile] from the N.W. [North West] end of Loch Borrolan
between the road and the loch at the landward
end of a point which projects into the latter is
a circular cairn totally demolished on the E. [East]
side. It has had a diameter of about 60 ft. [feet].
At 19’ in from the E. [East] side are two large slabs
facing each other 4’.10” apart and 7’ further W. [West]
are two low partition stones of a chamber
with their ends facing each other 2’.6” apart
7’ E. [East] of the partition slabs two slabs just visible
above the ground probably mark the E. [East] end
of the chamber. The greatest height of the
remaining portion of the cairn is 7 ft. [feet].

Loch Borrolan No II [2].
About 1/2 m. [mile] N.W. [North West] of Aultnacealgach Hotel
on the slope of the hill about 100 ft. [feet] above the
Loch is a cairn which has been very completely
excavated. It has a diameter of 44’. 16 ft. [feet]
in from the edge on W.N.W. [West North West] and E.S.E. [East South East] along which
the major axis lies, is the edge of chamber,
about 10 ft. [feet] long 6’.3” broad at centre. It is
polygonal formed by six large slabs & the
interspaces filled with building except between

[Continued on page 111]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson