

[Page] 102
[Continued from page 101]

[Margin] ?
the bay of Stoer. Its position is not a very
strong one to the landward side and its
outworks on that account are somewhat
exceptional. About 100 yds. [yards] distant are
the remains of a massive wall much ruined
crossing the uncultivated land to the E. [East]. The
land to the S. [South] being all cultivated the outworks
in that direction have been demolished.
At 40 ft. [feet] distant from the broch is another
wall built of great stones 2’ to 3’ ft. [feet] high
& very massive which leads from
either side of the entrance and evidently
swung round to enflank the building, on
the S. [South] the details are still evident. At the
turning it enclosed a bastion or mound of
stone and earth, about (?) 8’ across lined with
another wall on the inside of it. The thickness
of the outer wall is 6’ ft [feet] and the distance
between the stone uprights of the gateway
which is opposite the entrance is 6’.
The broch itself is in fairly good preservation
except on the seaward side where it has
been for a short distance almost demolished.
The interior is very full of debris and the
greatest height of wall showing above it
is only about 3 ft. [feet]. On the outside the wall

[Continued on page 103]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson