

[Page] 100
[Continued from page 99]

of Culkein has been a fortress of great
stength. The promontory is divided into
two portions by a chasm bridged over by a
neck of rock some 3 - 4ft. [feet] long, and about 5 ft. [feet]
deep and not more than 18” broad, a dangerous
looking passage. The outward portion to
which this bridge leads rises abruptly from the
shelving rocks below to a height of about 50 ft. [feet].
Its surface is about 50’ long x 20’ broad. At the
west or landward end for a distance of about
20 ft. [feet] there are considerable remains of building
which above the cliff to the N. [North] is still visible for
3 or 4 ft. [feet] thereafter there are only signs of a wall
running along the N. [North] side. About 40 ft. [feet] back
from the bridge the neck of the promontory
has been traversed by a wall of great strength
about 7’ thick faced outwardly with huge
blocks of stone - one on left of entrance being
3’ high 2’.10” across base & 2’ thick. The Entrance
has been at the S [South] end of the wall through a
passage 8 ft. [feet] long and apparently 3’.6”
wide. The W. [West] side is completely ruined.
The area enclosed within the wall is
roughly oval measuring about 40 ft. [feet] x 37 ft [feet].
Back to Stoer Smithy. Here while awaiting
the trap for Loch Inver I met Mr. MacIvor

[Continued on page 101]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson