

[Page] 48
[Continued from page 46]

[Opposite page - text inserted] At Longroft I was shown a number of arrow heads,
a flat bronze celt and a flanged one, a nice
flint adze abour 3 ins. [inches] long and a large black
flint scraper or knife all found near there. A
large bronze medieval pot on three feet with the
remains of an iron tripod was found in a glen
on the hillside behind the hillock.

ways similar to the Black dyke near Abbey
St. Bathans. A curious feature of this
camp is the berm on the S. [South] side against
the rampart produced by the conver:
:gence of the outer and middle ramparts near
the S.W. [South West] corner.

Hitloch at Longcroft
Close to Longcroft farm is a conical mound
about ? 50 ft. [feet] high. On the summit of it some
years ago were found a cist containing a
food vessel & burnt burial and also a cinerary
urn without a cist. The hillock is composed of
rock & has been entirely quarried away on
the W. [West] side. Round the remaining side about
30 feet below the summit passes a
flat terrace about 22 ft. [feet] broad. At the
base between the hill and the burn which
flows past two sides is a flat haugh. On
the West side are numerous indications
of foundations as if a considerable village
had existed here at one time. Has this
been a mote? It bears no particular
name. Mr. Dickenson entertained us to
tea & we got home about 6.30. I am
pleased to have got 2 fresh monuments.

12 Augt. 1908
My plans all upset by a letter from the
shooting tenant asking me to avoid Channelkirk camps
this week. Met the Schoolmaster at 9.30 & bicycled

[Continued on page 50]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson