
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
John Brown
Richard Gibson
036 [Situation] 17 chains N by E [North by East] of Mull of Galloway Lighthouse
A rock used as a fishing seat by fishermen when Angling.
COCK'S COMB Cock's Comb
Cock's Comb
John Brown
Richard Gibson
036 [Situation] About 2 chains W by N [West by North] of Trencher
A rock which takes its name from its resemblance to a Cock's Comb.
John Brown
Richard Gibson
036 [Situation] 18 chains north of Mull of Galloway Lighthouse
A rock used as a seat by fishermen when Angling. The pronunciation of it is Bill Low.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 75 -- No 6
Parish of Kirkmaiden

Form 136
Page 161- Trencher
161 - Cock's Comb
162- Bileow

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Chr1smac -Moderator, Brenda Pollock

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