
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Broad Wall
Hugh McCormick
John McHarrie
William Todd
James Shaw
036 [situation] 1 mile NW. by N. [North West by North] of Mull (farm house)
A Small farm house & out houses in bad repair with only 5 acres of Land attached. It is a sublet off the farm of East Multknock *Tradition speaks on an old Castle or building having formerly Stood here, but the site of which cannot be seen now. & from [which] it is supposed Broad Wall got its name.-
Auchie Glen
James Harris
Hugh McCormick
036 [situation] Extending Southward from Broadwall to Cairngaan Glen
A considerable Glen or ravine --- 2 Chains wide the sides of which is very precipitous & covered with Furze. It takes its name from a field on the North End of the [glen] called Auchie

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 26
Parish of Kirkmaiden
Form 136
Page - 105 - Broad Wall
- 105- Auchie Glen
[note] "Achadh" a field, a plain, a meadow. Gaelic Dictionary

*Note, The present Broawall is a superstructure
the original Walls of which are very broad
at the base, but there is no other reason for
thinking that a Castle has ever stood here, nor
is it credited by any respectable Authority.
Signed T mechan pe. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]

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