List of names as written | Various modes of spelling | Authorities for spelling | Situation | Description remarks |
MUNTLOCH WELL | Multnock Well Muntlock Well Muntlock Well Muntlock Well Muntluck Well Muntloch Muntloch Well |
William Todd John McGuffie Peter McGaw Alexander Jamison Simpson's description of Galloway Appx Hist. Galy. [Appendix History of Galloway] Vol [Volume] 2 p [page] 89 See Name List Plan 35 A George McHaffie Esqr. |
035 | [Situation] 20 chains N by E [North by East] of Auchneight (farm house) A Spring Well on the lands of Muntlock formerly much celebrated for its healing virtues the water of it was of a wine colour and is said to have had the taste of Allum. It was also much frequented by people from all parts of this Country , also from England & Ireland, At which time it was Kept in good repair with a cover and a lock on it. The water of it has been sold in Dumfries at the rate of 6d per Gill, It was proverbially for the Care of Wounds or Sores of any description by washing them with it also the red clay of this well was formerly taken away in great quantities and used by the people as a Pultice,. the Well now is in a state of great disrepair since it fell into disuse it is at present not larger than a man's Hat and also its particular water most have taken some other course as the present small quantity has no other taste than common water now used in the Country. |
Continued entries/extra info
[Page] 17Parish of Kirkmaiden
From 136
Page - 95- Muntloch Well
[Notes] See Note in page 19
on the Name "Muntlock"
"Moine" - A moss. a mossy place
"Loch" a lake etc.
In the appendix to the Histy Galy [History Galloway] Vol [Volume] 2. p [page] 89
"written by Symson in 1684. (it is stated) "that about a mile and a half from
"the parish Kirk, is a well called Muntluck well; it is in the midst of a little
"bog, to which well several persons have recourse to fetch water for such as
"are sick" - &c &c
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