
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LOGAN MILLS (corn) Logan Mills
Logan Mills
Logan Mills
Logan Mills
Logan Mills
Mathew Kelton
Samuel Mathews
John Irvine
Proprietors Rent Roll
Royal Engrs. [Engineers] Map of 1819
031 [Situation] About 1 1/4 miles NE by E [North east by East] of Logan House. This name applies to two Mills one of which is a saw Mill the other a Corn Mill & both are driven by water which is supplied by drain from the Mosses of Logan . attached to the Saw Mill is a Joiners shed Chiefly for the use of Logan house and lands & [in the] Occupation of the Proprietor. Attached to the Corn Mill is a dwelling house & outhouses with with a farm containing about 30 Acres of good arable land Occupied by Mathew Kelton the Proprietor Col. [Colonel] McDowall of Logan

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Parish of Kirkmaiden -- [Page] 18
Form 136
page 68 - Logan Mills

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