
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
SHERIFF'S LAND Sheriff's Land
Sheriff's Land
Robert Dunsmore Cults, Garliestown
William Blain Auldbrick Whithorn
John Broadfoot Merchant Whithorn
030 A large tract of good cultivated land comprising the farms of Cults, Brownhill, Cruggleton, Baltier, Kevands & Palmallat, in the parish of Sorbie, and Auldbrick in the parish of Whithorn. It is the property of Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet] of Lochnaw, Mr. Blain of Auldbrick informs me that this land was granted to the Sheriff of Wigtownshire by one of the Kings of Scotland It is Still Known in the Country as Sheriff's Land it is considered to have formed the parish of 'Cruggleton' before that parish was done away with.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 41
List of Names collected by Alexander Dean C/A [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 30 C Trace 4
Parishes of Sorbie & Whithorn

Sheriff's Land - Tract of land

[Signed] Alexander Dean C/A [Civilian Assistant]
14 August 1848

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