
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CHAPEL [Chapel Outon] Site of Chapel
Site of Chapel
John Broadfoot
John Hannay
030 [Situation] About 16 chains SW [South West] of Gallows Outon.
The site of an old chapel which has been long Since demolished, there is no trace of it now discernable, therefore the Site of the foundation or identical spot occupied by the building cannot with accuracy be Shown, persons long residing in the locality have pointed out as near as possible where indications of a building was discerned & also that of graves.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 21
Parish of Whithorn

Form 136 Page 43 Chapel (Site of)

'Octoun Chapel, which stood on
the lands of Octoun, about a Mile and a half
North from the Town of Whithorn. (P.) The name is now Aughton;
(? Outon) and the place, where the Chapel stood is called Chapel Aughton.

P - M.S. Rental Book, 1562. Chalmers Caledonia Vol 3 page 430
The 'Site of this Chapel' is not Known in the locality by
any particular Name. All tradition and remembrance
of it being lost.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

DANIALSAN, Muriel Rousay

  Location information for this page.