OS1/35/71/1 |
[Page] 1
Parish of Stoneykirk
Plan 27B
Names of objects -- Page
Ardwell Bay -- 9
Ardwell Point -- 16
Ardwell House -- 20
Ardwell Inn -- 22
Ardwell Bridge -- 22
Ardwell Moat -- 21
Black Slunk -- 4
Black Cave -- 5
Back Drug -- 16
Barr Hill -- 11
Bar Hill -- 15
Barhill -- 15
Barrhill Plantation -- 17
Barbae Plantation -- 19
Base Hole -- 28
Blind Hooies -- 31
Bandoleer Slunk -- 31
Carrickalig -- 4
Crowberry Rock -- 4
Corncravy Hill -- 10
Cairnhandy -- 13
Chapel Rossan Bay -- 21
Craigantyre -- 27
Craig Lermot Hill -- 28
Castle Point -- 29
Carrickglassen -- 31
Drumboy -- 11
Drummantrae Plantation -- 23
Drummantrae Hill -- 24
Drummantrae Bay -- 25
Drummantrae -- 25
Doon Hill -- 27
Doon Castle -- 29
Dun Isle -- 32
Drumbeddan Moss -- 35
Drumbreddan -- 35
Ersbal's Cave -- 5
Ford Stone -- 8
Fort Hill -- 34
Galloway Port -- 8
Grennan Hill -- 34
Hole Stone Bay -- 3
Hole Stone -- 3
Horney -- 9
High Ardwell -- 10
High Barbae -- 19
Hermon Hill -- 21
Hackle Rock -- 30
Hole of Grennan -- 33
High Drumbawn -- 37
Iron Slunk -- 32
Isles of Killaser -- 23
Killaser Burn -- 12
Kirnaughty Corner -- 13
Killaser Castle (in Ruins) -- 16
Killaser Hill -- 34
Knockynocking -- 36 |
OS1/35/71/2 |
[Page] 2
Index Continued
Names of Objects -- Page
Long Point -- 7
Long Park Hill -- 14
Largie Hill -- 14
Low Barbae -- 19
Low Drumbawb -- 37
Mains of Ardwell -- 20
A Brae or Moat Planation -- 22
Murder Stone -- 24
Murder Planation -- 24
Mary Wilsons Slunk -- 27
Partan Point -- 7
Port Gaver -- 33
Red Isle -- 7
Red Cave -- 8
Ringvinachan -- 25
Salt Pans -- 7
Sheep Hanks -- 8
Stinking Bight -- 9
Soundly Hill -- 10
Sheep Park Hill -- 14
Slunk of Doon -- 30
South Ardwell -- 32
Step Craig -- 33
Slewdown -- 35
Taylors Hill -- 12
Tor Hill -- 12
Tor Hill Plantation -- 13
The Hooies -- 30
The Marl Pond -- 17
Caughy Stone -- 18 |
OS1/35/71/3 |
Hoole Stone
Hoole Stone |
David Adams
Peter Crawford |
027 |
I mile North of Ardwell Bay.
This name applies to a rock about 20ft. high & in a sloping position against a precipice on the Western shore of Stoneykirk close by the bottom of the precipice is a hole thro [through] the Rock Capable of letting Cattle pass through from which this name is derived & also Hole Stone Bay. |
OS1/35/71/3 |
Hole Stone Bay
Hole Stone Bay |
David Adams
P. Crawford |
027 |
On the Western coast of the Parish and 1 mile North of Ardwell Bay.
A small Creek or Gully on the western shpre of Stoney Kirk in which are rocks & boulders interspersed. It takes it name from a stone that is Adjacent Called the hole stone. At a short distance to the west of this Bay, is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. party "Ringinney West" |
OS1/35/71/3 |
[Page 3]
Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/4 |
Back Slunk
Back Slunk
Slunk |
David Adams
P. Crawford
A slough; a quagmire etc. Jamieson's Dict. [Dictionary] |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ mile North of Ardwell Bay.
This name applies to a small Creek situate near to the south of Carriechalig the entrance of which is rocky and not used as a landing place for vessels. It is well attended by fishermen in the Winter mornings for the purpose of gathering timber driven by the tide. |
OS1/35/71/4 |
Lag |
David Adams
Peter Crawford
(Gaelic) A rock, a cliff etc.
A hollow, a cave, den etc |
027 |
[Situation] On the Western coast of the Parish and ¾ mile North of Ardwell Bay.
A large perpendicular Rock used by Anglers as a fishing seat while fishing. Situate to the south of Hole Stone. |
OS1/35/71/4 |
Crawberry Rock
Crawberry Rock |
David Adams
Peter Crawford |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile North of Ardwell Bay.
A large rock about 30 ft. [feet] high situate near to the south of Back Slunk. the top of which appears to be flat and grassy on it grows Crowberrys from which it gets its name. |
OS1/35/71/4 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk
Crowberry. The name given in Moray to a berry which grows singly on a bright green plant.
The Vaccinium Myrtillus or Blueberry Bush. |
OS1/35/71/5 |
Black Cave
Black Cave
Cave Mafaddern |
David Adams
Peter Crawford
Andrew McDonald |
027 |
[Situation] 5/8 Mile North of Ardwell Bay.
A Cave in the western sea shore of Stoneykirk situate near to Saltpans it is in the face of a perpendicular the entrance is wide and extends in for a considerable distance until stoped by a wall which had been built by some of the farmers who had lived convenient to it from its dark appearance it gets the name Black Cave. |
OS1/35/71/5 |
Ersbal's Caves
Ersbal's Caves |
Andrew Mc Donald
Peter Crawford |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile North of Ardwell Bay.
This name applies to two Caves situate close to the East side of Crawberry Rock. These Caves extends only a short distance in the precipitous Rock. It is said a man named Ersbal (who committed murder) took shelter in this cave as a hiding place to evade the law hence the name. |
OS1/35/71/5 |
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Parish of StoneyKirk
Form 136
Page 50- Black Cave
49 - Ersbal's Caves
[Feint pencil Notes on page] - Convenient? |
OS1/35/71/6 |
Back Drug
Back Drug
Black jug
Back Drug
Back Drug |
David Adams
P. Crawford
Andrew McDonald
William Gibson Surveyor
Alexander Renny Teacher |
027 |
[Situation] 5/8 Mile North of Ardwell Bay
A small Creek or Guly situate close to Salt Pans persons who are in the habit of fishing in it observes it to have a great swell and also a [noise] from which it has its name. |
OS1/35/71/6 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/7 |
Red Isle
Red Isle |
David Adams
Peter Crawford |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile North of Ardwell Bay
This name applies to a Rock covered at high water but fordable at Low water it is a flat rugget rock the appearance of which is redish owing to the weed that grows on it hence the name. |
OS1/35/71/7 |
Parton Point
Parton Point |
David Adams
Peter Crawford |
027 |
½ Mile North of Ardwell Bay.
This name applies to a flat rugged rock situate close to Red Isle this rock is visible at high water mark and takes its name in consequence of shell fish called Partons caught here by fishermen. |
OS1/35/71/7 |
Long Point
Long Point |
David Adams
P. Crawford |
027 |
[Situation] ½ mile North of Ardwell Bay.
A point of rock situate close to the south of Partan Point it is covered at high water mark. |
OS1/35/71/7 |
Salt Pans
Salt Pans
Salt Pans
Salt Pans
Salt Pans |
David Adams
P Crawford
Ainslie's Map 1782
James Spier
William Shaw |
027 |
[Situation] 5/8 Mile North of Ardwell Bay.
This name applie to two small huts, inhabited by fishermen, they are on the farm of Low Ardwell; and take their name from their proximity to where Pans in which Salt was manufactured once stood. |
OS1/35/71/7 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk
Form 136
Page 52- Red Isle
52- Parton Point
52- Long Point
94- Salt Pans
Partan - Common Sea Crab Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson Scot. [Scottish[ Dictionary |
OS1/35/71/8 |
Galloway Port
Galloway Port |
Alexander Colm
Andrew McDonald |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile W by N. [West by North] of High Ardwell.
This name applie to a small portion of the Western Sea shore of Stoney River it is well known by the name Galloway Port it takes its name from a man the name of Galloway who had formerly lived convenient to it. |
OS1/35/71/8 |
Red Cave
Red Cave |
Peter Crawford
Andrew McDonald |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile NW [North West] of High Ardwell.
A cave in the face of a perpendicular Rock Situate to the South of Sheep Hank it is [inclosed] on the west by a small portion of arable land |
OS1/35/71/8 |
Sheep Hank
Sheep Hank
Sheep Hank |
David Adams
Peter Crawford
Andrew McDonald |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile North of Ardwell Bay.
A considerable rock situate to the South of Black Cave the East side slops to the base of the [prec--] shore. sheep are sometimes on it the name Hank is most probably a corrupted word for Haunt. |
OS1/35/71/8 |
Tord Stone
Tord Stone
Tord Stone
Tord Stone |
Peter Crawford
Andrew McDonald
William Gibson
Alexander Renny |
027 |
[Situation] 5/8 Mile NW [North West] of High Ardwell.
A black flat rock covered at high water situate near to Red Cave it cannot be ascertained how it got its name |
OS1/35/71/8 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/9 |
Ardwell Bay
Ardwell Bay
Ardwell Bay |
Thomas Kerr
Andrew McDowall
Ainslies Map 1789 |
027 |
[Situation] A Creek or inlet of the sea on the western shore of Stoneykirk which affords a good landing place for Vessels the only inconvenience it has is the want of a small Quay or Wharf this Bay is interspersed with Gravel & Sand free of rocks. on the North and South of it, is very rocky & precipitous. |
OS1/35/71/9 |
Horney |
Alexander McColm
Andrew McDonald
See Name List Plan 27A page 25
Rl. Engs. [Royal Engineers] Map 1819 |
027 |
[Situation] 3/8 Mile NW [North West] of High Ardwell.
A projecting piece of land rugged in appearance the West side is a sloping declivity - situate East of Stinking Bight. |
OS1/35/71/9 |
Stinking Bight
Stinking Bight
Stinking Bight
Stinking Bught
Stinking Bught
Stinking Bught
Stinking Bight |
Andrew McDoanld
Peter Crawford
Revd, [Reverend] John Lamb
Alexander McColm
David Adams
John McMillan High Ardwell
William Todd Drumore |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile West of High Ardwell
This name applies to a small portion of sea shore between rocks where sea weed is driven in by the tide, when left for any time it has a disagreeable smell hence the name |
OS1/35/71/9 |
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Parish of StoneyKirk
Bight - The inclination of a Bay etc. Dr Jamieson |
OS1/35/71/10 |
Concrevy Hill
Concrevy Hill
Concravie Hill
Concravie Hill |
William Webster
Thomas Kerr
William Gibson
Alexander Renny |
027 |
[Situation] 3/8 Mile North of High Ardwell
A hill of an oval shape on the farm of High Ardwell the soil of which is good arable land. |
OS1/35/71/10 |
High Ardwell
High Ardwell
High Ardwell
High Ardwell |
William Webster
Thomas Kerr
Proprietor Rent Roll
Ainslies Map 1782 |
027 |
[Situation] On the west side of the Parish near Ardwell Bay
Two farm houses and out houses all in good repair with a farm of land attached to each respectively occupied by Thomas Kerr & Andrew Milligan the property of Sir John McTaggart They are situate on each side of the road from Stoneykirk to Ardwell Bay |
OS1/35/71/10 |
Soundly Hill
Soundly Hill |
William Webster
Thomas Kerr |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile N by W [North by West] of High Ardwell
A considerable hill of a [moat] like shape on the farm of High Ardwell the surface of which is chiefly arable with the exception of a small portion of Heathy [pasture] |
OS1/35/71/10 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/11 |
Drumboy |
George McGill
Alexander Shaw |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile NE by N [North East North of High Ardwell
A low hill on the farm of High Ardwell the soil of which is arable land |
OS1/35/71/11 |
Knockcairnachan |
George McGill
Alexander Shaw
William Gibson
Alexander Renny |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile NE by E [North East by East] of High Ardwell
A low hill of a ridge like shape on the farm of Low Ardwell the soil of which is arable land. |
OS1/35/71/11 |
Barn Hill
Barn Hill |
George McGill
Alexander Shaw
William Webster
Thomas Kerr |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile N by E [North by East] of High Ardwell
A low hill on the farm of Low Ardwell the surface of which is arable land on it is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig [Trigononmetrical] party as Barnhill. |
OS1/35/71/11 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk
Drum (Gaelic) The ridge of a hill
Buidh (Gaelic) yellow etc. |
OS1/35/71/12 |
Killeser Burn
Killeser Burn
Killeser Burn
Killaser Burn
Killaser |
John Ferguson
George McGill
Alexander McMillan Blk. Smith [Blacksmith] Ardwell Inn
Symsons description of Galloway page 65
Ainslies Map 1782
Royal Engineers Map |
027 |
[Situation] West and South of Ardwell House
A small stream or Burn taking its rise in the moss of Knockcairnn[--] and running in a S. [South] Easterly direction forming the boundary between several farms to its influx with Luce Bay near Ardwell Inn |
OS1/35/71/12 |
Taylors Hill
Taylors Hill |
George McGill
John Burch |
027 |
[Situation] 1 Mile West of Ardwell House
A low hill of a ridge like shape on the farm of Low Ardwell the Soil of which is arable land |
OS1/35/71/12 |
Torr Hill
Torr Hill |
George McGill
John Burch |
027 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile West of Ardwell Hill
A high hill on the farm of Cairnhandie the soil of which is good arable land on the North East side of this hill is a plantation called Torr Planting. |
OS1/35/71/12 |
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Form 136
Page 63- Killaser Burn
57/ 64 - Taylor's Hill
64- Tor Hill
Parish of Stoneykirk
Hills of this description through England are invariably Spelt 'Tor'
and on Plan 9B Wigtownshire we have 'Tor of Craigach' Although the Gaelic mode
of spelling Hills of this description is Torr according to Macleod's Gaelic Dictionary
yet it is seldom that the English and Gaelic correspond.
Torr Hill
Listed on Plan
See N. [Name] Books 12 A
17 C
23 A pages |
OS1/35/71/13 |
Cairnhandy |
Thomas Fredrick
Proprietors Rent Roll
George McGill
Ainslis Map 1782
Royl. Engs. [Royal Engineers] Map |
027 |
[Situation] 5/8 Mile N by S [North by South] of Ardwell House
A commodious farm house two stories and out houses all slated and in good repair with a farm of 850 Ac [Acres] of good arable land. Occupied by Thomas Fredrick. The property of Sir John McTaggart of Ardwell. |
OS1/35/71/13 |
Kirnaughty Corner
Kirnaughty Corner |
Alexander Shaw
Robert Agnew |
027 |
[Situation] 5/8 Mile W by N [West by North] of Ardwell House
This name applies to an angle of the road which leads through part of the Ardwell Estate at the junction formed by the road leading from the farm house of Cairnhandie. It is said in former times that there had been a farm or division of land here which was called by this name, this angle of the road is the only object now known by the name. |
OS1/35/71/13 |
Torr Hill Planting
Torr Hill Planting |
George McGill
John Burch |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ mile West of Ardwell House
A long stripe of Plantation in the farm of Cairnhandie situate on the N.E. [North East] side of Torr Hill from which it has its name The wood is chiefly Fir. |
OS1/35/71/13 |
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Parish of Stoney Kirk
Torr Hill Plantation used on the plan - see note in page 12 |
OS1/35/71/14 |
Long Park Hill
Long Park Hill |
George McGill
John Ferguson |
027 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile SW by W [Southwest by West] of Ardwell House
A low hill of a moat like shape on the farm of Cairnhandie the soil of which is arable land. On part of this hill can be traced the remains of an Ancient Cairn which is now greatly demolished. - |
OS1/35/71/14 |
Sheep Park Hill
Sheep Park Hill |
George McGill
Alexander Shaw |
027 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile SW [Southwest] of Ardwell House
A low hill on the farm of Cairnhandie the soil of which is arable land. |
OS1/35/71/14 |
Largie Hill
Largie Hill |
John Ferguson
George McGill |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile SW by S [Southwest by South] of Ardwell House
A considerable hill on the farm of Cairnhandie the soil of which is arable land on it is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] party Largey |
OS1/35/71/14 |
[Page] 14
Form 136
Page 62- Long Park Hill
62- Sheep Park Hill
62- Largie Hill |
OS1/35/71/15 |
Barhill |
Robert Kelly
John Ferguson
Proprietors Rent Roll
Ainslies Map 1782 |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile S by W [South by West] of Ardwell House
A farm house one story high and outhouses in good repair with a farm of 60 acres of land attached part of which is moss the remainder good arable land Occupied by Robert Kelly The property of Sir John McTaggart of Ardwell |
OS1/35/71/15 |
Bar Hill
Bar Hill |
Robert Kelly
John Ferguson |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile S by W [South by West of Ardwell House
A low hill on the fam of Barhill the surface of which is arable land the farm house of the same name is situate close to the S.E. [South East] side of it. |
OS1/35/71/15 |
Barhill Planting
Barhill Planting |
Robert Kelly
John Ferguson |
027 |
On the N.W. [North West] side of Bar Hill & ½ mile SW [South West] of Ardwell House]
A long stripe of Plantation situate on the N. [North] West side of Barhill the wood consists of Ash, Oak & Firs. |
OS1/35/71/15 |
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Parish of Stoney Kirk
Bar hill used on Plan
Bar Hill Plantation used on Plan |
OS1/35/71/16 |
Ardwell Point
Ardwell Point
Ardwell Point
Ardwell Point |
John Spence
William Shaw
James McClelland
Ainslie's Map 1782 |
027 |
[Situation] S.W. [South West] of Ardwell Bay and ¾ mile S.W. [South West] of High Ardwell
A small Cape or promontory being a rocky eminence forming the Southern Headland of Ardwell Bay. it is well known to Mariners coasting along these shores, and is conspicuous on entering the North Channels from the South. |
OS1/35/71/16 |
Killeser Castle (in ruins)
Killeser Castle
Killeser Castle
Killeser Castle
Killaser ruins
Kaillaser ruins |
Sir John McTaggart M.P. [Member of Parliament]
John Ferguson
Dr. [Doctor] Agnew Drumantrae
Alexander McMillan BLK [Black] Smith Ardwell
Symons description of Galloway 65
Ainslies Map 1782
Royal Engs. [Engineers] Map |
027 |
[Situation] ½ SW [South West] of Ardwell House
This name applies to the ruins of an old Castle on the Ardwell Estate only the end wall & part of the side walls now remains, [a] former proprietor of this place Sir Godfrey McCulloch who was executed in Edinburgh for the shooting of one of Gordon Bushybeil (designed of Cardoness) Sir John McTaggart purchased this Estate in the year 1795 and has [given] the name Ardwell ever [since] the above year that it was purchased by the McTaggarts. |
OS1/35/71/16 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/17 |
Bones Plantation
Bones Plantation |
Alexander Shaw
George McGill |
027 |
[Situation] N.W. [North West] of Ardwell House
A considerable Plantation on the lands of Ardwell & situate close to the North sides of the road leading from Ardwell to Portpatrick the wood of which consists of Fir Ash & Oak. it is said a man the name of Bone Planted the first of it hence the name. |
OS1/35/71/17 |
The Marl Pond |
Lady McTaggart
John McTaggart Esqr. Ardwell |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile North of Ardwell House
A small pool of water |
OS1/35/71/17 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/18 |
Caughy Stone
Caughy Stone
Caughy Stone
Keachie Stone |
Map of Chapel Rossan Bay
John Malcolm
John Gibb
John Ainsley |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile East by South of Ardwell House
A remarkkable Rock near low water mark in Chapel Rossan Bay. It is entirely surrounded by water at Ebb Tide. |
OS1/35/71/18 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/19 |
Low Barbae
Low Barbae
Low Barbae
Low Barbae |
Robert Kelly
Samuel McColm
Dr. [Doctor] Agnew Drummantrae
Robert Gibb Fisher Ardwell |
027 |
[Situation] 5/8 mile North of Ardwell House
A low hill of a mound like shape on the mains of Ardwell the soil of which is arable land |
OS1/35/71/19 |
Barbae Hill
Barbae Hill
High Barbae
High Barbae
High Barbae
High Barbae |
Sir John McTaggart
John Ferguson
Robert Kelly
Samuel McColm
Dr. [Doctor] Agnew Drummantrae
Robert Gibb Fisher Ardwell |
027 |
[Situation] 5/8 mile N by W [North by West] of Ardwell House
A low hill of a mound like shape on the mains of Ardwell the soil of which is good arable land on it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by the Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party "Cottage farm" |
OS1/35/71/19 |
Barbae Planting
Barbae Planting |
Sir John McTaggart
John Ferguson |
027 |
[Situation] ½ mile N by W [North by West] of Ardwell House
A small plantation situate near to the South of Barbae hill the wood of which consists of beech Ash & Firs. |
OS1/35/71/19 |
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Parish of StoneyKirk |
OS1/35/71/19 |
I have omitted the spelling & Authorities of High Barbae from the entry for Low Barbae as the surveyor appears to indicate that this is an error and in keeping with the Field Book for the same names. |
OS1/35/71/20 |
Ardwell House
Ardwell House
Ardwall House
Ardwall |
Sir John McTaggart
John Ferguson
Ols Stat Acct. [Statistical Account] Vol 2 P. 54
Stat. Acct [Statistical Account] 1841
Royal Engineers Map
Ainslies Map 1782 |
027 |
[Situation] In the S.E. [South East] angle of the Parish and 5/8 Mile N.W. [North West of Chapel Rossan Bay.
A good plain built house 3 storeys high with a small Kitchen Garden attached and surrounded by a [--] demesne of ornamental ground [--] wooded. at a small distance from the house is a farm yard & offices commonly called the Mains of Ardwell with a large tract of land attached for farming purposes. This house [--] family residence of Sir John McTaggart. This house was built in 1702 at which time the family removed from Killersar Castle |
OS1/35/71/20 |
Mains of Ardwell
Mains of Ardwell |
Sir John McTaggart
John Ferguson |
027 |
[Situation] 10 Chains North of Ardwell House
A commodious dwelling house and out houses [including] threshing mill & a Saw Mill driven by water with a farm yard attached Sir John McTaggarts coach house is also attached. Occupied by John Ferguson Land Steward & Sir John McTaggart who is proprietor. |
OS1/35/71/20 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/21 |
Moat of Ardwell
Moat of Ardwell
Moat of Ardwell
Moat of Ardwell
Moat of Ardwell
Moat Hill |
Sir John McTaggart
William Paterson
David Wilson Ardwell Inn
Robert Gibb Fisher Ardwell
Alexander McMillan Blacksmith Ardwell
George Preston
Robert Agnew
Ainslies Map 1782 |
027 |
[Situation] ¼ Mile East of Ardwell House
A moat on the lands of Ardwell it has a gentle slope the summit of which is about 100 links in diameter and on it a Flag Staff it is said when erecting it there was turned up different kinds of earth & burned wood from a depth of 7 ft. this moat resembles Balreggan Moat in size and can be seen from it. This place is not known by any other name by the Country people nor the Moat of Ardwell or Ardwell Moat. |
OS1/35/71/21 |
Chapel Rosson Bay
Chapel Rosson Bay
Chapel Rossan Bay
Chapel Rossan Bay
Chapel Rossan Bay
Chapel Rosan Bay
Chapel Rossan Bay |
Sir John McTaggart
Hugh Henry
Rev. [Reverend] John Lamb Free Church Minister
Proprietors Rent Book
David Cameron Coast Officer Drumore
Ainslies Map 1782
Royal Engineers Map |
027 |
[Situation] On the west side of Luce Bay at the junction of the Parishes of Stoneykirk and Kirkmaiden
A small Creek or bay on the shore of Kirkmaiden & Stoneykirk this Creek is used as a landing place for fishing boats it is well known by fishermen. The most part of this Bay is in Kirkmaiden Parish. |
OS1/35/71/21 |
Hermon Hill
Hermon Hill |
Sir John McTaggart
William Neikle |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile South of Ardwell House
A low hill of a mound like shape on the lands of Ardwell the soil of which is good arable land |
OS1/35/71/21 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/22 |
Ardwell Bridge
Ardwell Bridge |
Sir John McTaggart
Hugh Henry |
027 |
[Situation] 3/8 Mile East of Ardwell House
A small Bridge with one arch over Killeser burn situate to the East side Ardwell Inn. It is a County Bridge |
OS1/35/71/22 |
Ardwell Inn
Ardwell Inn |
Sir John McTaggart
William Patterson |
027 |
[Situation] 3/8 Mile East of Ardwell House
A low house occupied as a Post Office on the road side leading from Drumore to Stranraer. Attached to the house is Stabling for horses and a small farm of [land] occupied by David Wilson The property of Sir John McTaggart. The houses are all one storey high & in good repair. |
OS1/35/71/22 |
Brae Planting
Brae Planting
Moat Planting
Moat Planting
Moat Planting
Moat Planting |
Sir John McTaggart
John Ferguson
Robert Agnew
Robert Kelly
Robert Gibb Fisher Ardwell
David Wilson Ardwell Inn |
027 |
[Situation] East of Ardwell House
A small plantation on the lands of Ardwell the wood of which consists of Ash, Oak & Fir on the west is a handsom moat on the [--] of which is a Flag Staff and a [--] view of the Bay of Luce off it This place is better known in the Country by Moat Planting. |
OS1/35/71/22 |
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Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/22 |
Some words lost in fold of book |
OS1/35/71/23 |
Drumantrae Planting
Drumantrae Planting
Drumantrae |
Sir John McTaggart
Hugh Henry
Ainslies Map 1782 |
027 |
[Situation] ½ mile N.E. of Ardwell House
A long narrow stripe of plantation on the farm of Drumantrae the wood of which consists of Ash Oak and Fir, with some beech.
The property of Sir John McTaggart |
OS1/35/71/23 |
The Isles of Killeser
The Isles of Killeser
Isles of Killaser |
Sir John McTaggart
Hugh Henry
Simsons description of Galloway page 65 Pel. 1823
Ainslies Map 1782 |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile East of Ardwell House
A considerable Strand or bay on the sea shore of the lands of Ardwell Sir John McTaggart says this place had been a harbour formerly where vessels of any Tonage might enter. Nothing remains of it now except a few bare stakes of wood & two elevations which marks the place that once were Islands or landing places they are now washed over by the tide. There is safe anchorage a short distance from land. |
OS1/35/71/23 |
[Page] 23
Parish of Stoneykirk
Druim (Gaelic) The ridge of a hill etc.
Traigh (Gaelic) The sea shore etc. |
OS1/35/71/24 |
Drumantrae Hill
Drumantrae Hill
Clay Hill |
Sit John McTaggart
Hugh Henry
George Preston |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile N by E [North by East] of Ardwell
A low hill on the farm of Drumantrae The soil of which is arable land on it is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig. party 'Drumintray' |
OS1/35/71/24 |
Murder Plantation
Murder Plantation |
Sir John McTaggart
William Neikle |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile NE [North East] of Ardwell House
A small plantation on the road side from Drumore to [Stran--] Containing about one acre of land. [-] of the family of the McDowalls of Logan had been murdered here hence the name. There is a stone about 4ft. long & 1½ in width in this plantation being flat on the ground having the word Murder cut out in it.
Col. [Colonel] McDowall of Logan got this small portion of land as a favour from Sir John McTaggart and since planted and walled in [--] |
OS1/35/71/24 |
Murder Stone |
Inscription on stone |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile NE [North East] of Ardwell House.
There is a stone about 4ft. long & 1½ in width in this plantation being flat on the ground having the word Murder cut out in it. |
OS1/35/71/24 |
[Page] 24
Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/25 |
Drumantrae |
Sir John McTaggart
Hugh Henry
Ainslies Map 1782 |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile N by E [North by East] of Ardwell House
A low thatched house in bad repair with out houses slated & in good repair attached is a farm of 60 acres of good arable land Occupied by Hugh Agnew M.P. [Member of Parliament] the property of Sir John McTaggart of Ardwell |
OS1/35/71/25 |
Drumantrae Bay
Drumantrae Bay |
Sir John McTaggart
Hugh Henry |
027 |
[Situation] On the East coast of the Parish and 1 Mile North of Chapel Rossan Bay.
A small Bay used as a landing place for small fishing boats in time of storm. Situate near to the East of Drumantrae |
OS1/35/71/25 |
Ringvinachan |
Robert Agnew
Robert Gibbs
William Gibson
Alexander Renny |
027 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile NE [Noth East] of Ardwell House
A point of land on the farm of Drumantrae situate near the west side of the Bay of Luce & between the Isles of Killeser & Drumantrae Bay. |
OS1/35/71/25 |
[Page] 25
Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/26 |
[Page] 26
Blank Page |
OS1/35/71/27 |
Craigantyre |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] South of Ardwell Bay and 5/8 Mile WSW [West South West of High Ardwell.
A considerable rock on the South side of Ardwell Bay part of which is covered at high water. |
OS1/35/71/27 |
Doon Hill
Doon Hill |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] South of Ardwell Bay and ¾ Mile S.W. [South West] of High Ardwell.
A hill on the lands of Ardwell the surface of which is arable land on it stood a fort formerly but now leveled down in consequence of the ploughing of the hill and no tract of now remains. |
OS1/35/71/27 |
Mark Wilson's Slunk
Mark Wilson's Slunk |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] S.W. [South West] of Ardwell Bay and ¾ Mile West by South of High Ardwell.
A small Creek situate close to Ardwell Bay not used as a landing place for vessels it takes its name from a vessel which had been wrecked here call Mary Wilson. |
OS1/35/71/27 |
[Page] 27
Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/28 |
Base Hole
Base Hole |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile S.W. [South West] of High Ardwell.
This name applies to a hole in the Base of Doon Hill it forms an entrance to a cave which [appears] to be in the face of the precipice it is visible to people when [--] past it. |
OS1/35/71/28 |
Craigdermot Hill
Craigdermot Hill |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] ½ ile SW [South West] of High Ardwell.
A hill nearly of a circular shape on the lands of Ardwell the land of which is partly arable & partly Heathy pasture on it is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by the Trig. [Trigonometrical Party] Craigdermot. |
OS1/35/71/28 |
[Page] 28
Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/29 |
Castle Point
Castle Point |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile SW [South West] of High Ardwell.
A Point of rock on which the Doon Castle stands and the part pointing towards the sea is very precipitous. |
OS1/35/71/29 |
Doon Castle
Doon Castle |
David Adams
William Cubbin |
027 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile SW [South West] of High Ardwell]
This name applies to the ruins of an old castle the foundation of which is on a rock and visible to be seen also it it [is] apparently of great thickness the passage from the land to it is very narrow and rugged and a road from the Doon hill to it can be traced for a short distance. Only the foundation of this Castle can be traced and in the centre is a considerable quantity of stones it is situate close to the sea shore and on the lands of Ardwell it is said it takes its name from the Doon Hill which is convenient to it. |
OS1/35/71/29 |
[Page] 29
Parish of Stoneykirk
Doon Castle - German Text |
OS1/35/71/30 |
Hackle Rock
Hackle Rock |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
3/8 Mile N by W [North by West] of South Ardwell
A rock or fishing seat where anglers sit while fishing situate south of the Hooies. |
OS1/35/71/30 |
Slunk of Doon
Slunk of Doon |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile SW [South West] of High Ardwell
A small creek on the shore of Ardwell and situate close to the Castle. the shore of which is very precipitous |
OS1/35/71/30 |
The Hooies
The Hooies
The Hooies
The Hooies |
David Adams
William McCubbin
William Gibson
Alexander Renny |
027 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile SW [South West] of High Ardwell]
This name applies to a small creek on the south side of Slunk of [the] doon the entrance of which is rocky & interspersed with [boulders] the North & South sides are very precipitous |
OS1/35/71/30 |
[Page] 30
Parish Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/31 |
Blind Hooies
Blind Hooies
Blind Hooies
Blind Hooies |
David Adams
William McCubbin
William Gibson
Alexander Renny |
027 |
[Situation] 25 Chains W.N.W [ West North West] of South Ardwell
A narrow Creek or Gully on the Sea Shore of Ardwell the shore of which is very precipitous fishers are in the habit of Angling here at high water. |
OS1/35/71/31 |
Bandilier Slunk
Bandilier Slunk |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] 25 Chains West of South Ardwell
A small Creek or Gully on the Sea Shore of Ardwell the shore of which is precipitous this place takes its name from a vessel called Bandilier which was wrecked here. This vessel was employed by the Crown for the Conveyance of troops etc. the crew nearly all perished and those that were picked up are interred in a small portion of flat grd. [ground] adjacent to this place under the precipice. |
OS1/35/71/31 |
Carrick Glasson
Carrick Glasson |
David Adams
William McCubbin
John Gibbs
William Gibson
Thomas Kerr |
027 |
[Situation] 25 chains West of South Ardwell
This name applies to a rock used as a fishing seat while angling a little to the south of this is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party Ardwell " Bead" |
OS1/35/71/31 |
[Page] 31
Parish of Stoneykirk
Bandoleers - Wooden cartridge boxes etc. |
OS1/35/71/32 |
South Ardwell
South Ardwell
South Ardwell |
David Adams
William McCubbins
Proprietor's Rent Roll |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile South by West of High Ardwell
A good farm house and out [offices] all Slated and in good repair a farm of about 160 acres of [land] attached the greater part of which is arable Occupied by John McGill. The property of Sir John McTaggart of Ardwell |
OS1/35/71/32 |
Iron Slunk
Iron Slunk |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] ¼ Mile SW [South West] of South Ardwell
A small Creek or Gully on the sea Shore of Ardwell it takes its name from a vessel loaded with Iron [which] had been wrecked at this place. |
OS1/35/71/32 |
Dun Isle
Dun Isle |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] ¼ Mile SW [South West] of South Ardwell
A large Rock between High & Low water mark in consequence of the tide dashing over it giving a blackish Colour Hence the name Dun Isle. |
OS1/35/71/32 |
[Page] 32
Parish of Stoneykirk
Form 136
Page 83 - South Ardwell
81- Iron Slunk
81- Dun Isle |
OS1/35/71/33 |
Step Craig
Step Craig |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] ¼ Mile SW [South West] of South Ardwell
A large rock used as a fishing Seat by fishermen while angling adjoining it is a small Gully over which the fisherman has to step hence the name 'Step' |
OS1/35/71/33 |
Hole of the Grennan
Hole of the Grennan
Hole of the Grennan
Hole of the Greenan |
David Adams
William McCubbin
William Gibson
Alexander Renny |
027 |
[Situation] ¼ Mile South of South Ardwell
A considerable deep Creek or Gully Situate close to the S.[South] West of Step Craig and a place where fishermen attend when Angling. It takes its name from Grennan Hill - which is a short distance to the west. |
OS1/35/71/33 |
Port Gower
Port Gower |
David Adams
William McCubbin |
027 |
[Situation] ¼ Mile South of South Ardwell
A small Creek the entrance of which is very rugged interspersed with boulders etc. and not used as a landing place for vessels nor even small fishing boats cannot enter in it with Safety. the person who give the information does not know how it got its name. |
OS1/35/71/33 |
[Page] 33
Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/34 |
Grennan Hill
Grennan Hill |
John McCaul
John McGill |
027 |
[Situation] 3/8 Mile SE [South East] of South Ardwell
A hill on the farm of Drumbreddan the Surface of which is arable land on it is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by the Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party 'Greennan' |
OS1/35/71/34 |
Kirk Holm Hill
Kirk Holm Hill
Kirkholm Hill
Kirkholm Hill |
John McCaul
William McCubbin
William Gibson
Thomas Kerr |
027 |
[Situation] 1/8 Mile South of Drumbreddan
A hill of an oval shape on the farm of Drumbreddan the surface of which is arable land. Tradition says that there was formerly a Kirk on it but no [tract] of it can be traced now. |
OS1/35/71/34 |
Fort Hill
Fort Hill |
John McCaul
William Cubbin |
027 |
[Situation] ¼ Mile East of Drumbreddan
A hill of an oval shape on the farm of Drumbreddan the soil of which is arable land. The Country people say that an [ancient] Fort could have been traced some years ago. It is now cultivated and [tract] of it is invisible. |
OS1/35/71/34 |
[Page] 34
Parish of Stoneykirk
Grianan (Gaelic) A Sunny Spot,
a Summerhouse; the peak of
a mountain; etc. |
OS1/35/71/35 |
Drumbreddan Moss
Drumbreddan Moss
Drumbreddan |
John McCaul
William McCubbin
Ainslies Map 1782
Royal Engineers Map |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile East of Drumbreddan
A considerable Moss on the farm of Drumbreddan the property of Sir John McTaggart of Ardwell |
OS1/35/71/35 |
Drumbreddan |
John McCaul
William McCubbin
Proprietors Rent Roll |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile East of Drumbreddan
A good farm house two Stories high and out houses including threshing mill all slated and in good repair with a farm of about 460 acres of good arable land attached, occupied by Alexander McFrederick. The property of Sir John McTaggart of Ardwell |
OS1/35/71/35 |
Slew Down
Slew Down
Slew Down |
Alexander Milroy
William Gibson
Peter Burns |
027 |
[Situation] ¼ Mile SW [South West] of Drumbreddan
A moderate Sized hill the Soil of which is arable. The base is of an oval Shape. Situate on the farm of Drumbreddan |
OS1/35/71/35 |
[Page] 35
Parish of Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/36 |
Knockynocking |
John McCaul
William McCubbin
John Gibb
William Gibson
Alexander Renny |
027 |
[Situation] ¼ Mile NW [North West] of Drumbreddan
A hill on the farm of Drumbreddan the soil of which is arable land Situate a little north of Drumbreddan house- |
OS1/35/71/36 |
[Page] 36
Parish of Stoneykirk
Form 136
Page 83- Knockynocking |
OS1/35/71/37 |
High Drumbawn
High Drumbawn |
Robert Kelly
William Harkness |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ mile E. by N. [East by North] of Drumbreddan
A Hill on the farm of Cairnhandy the soil of which is good arable land. |
OS1/35/71/37 |
Low Drumbawn
Low Drumbawn |
Robert Kelly
William Harkness |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ mile East of Drumbreddan
A low hill on the farm of Cairnhandy thhe soil of which is good arable land. |
OS1/35/71/37 |
[Page] 37
Parish of Stoneykirk
"The people of this
neighbourhood generally use the name of these Hills without the addition
of the word 'hill'
signed D. Hannay C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
This is not intelligible - If they would use the names without the word hill, what prevents them?
Drumbawn Hill 2 Remark 15 |
OS1/35/71/38 |
[Page] 38
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/71/40 |
[Page] 40
Blank |
OS1/35/71/41 |
Knockcappy |
William Harkness
John Aughterson
William Gibson
Alexander Renny |
027 |
[Situation] 3/8 Mile S by W [South by West] of Auchness
A hill of a moat like shape the soil of which is good arable land near the centre of this hill is a small stripe of Plantation the south part of this hill is on Auchness |
OS1/35/71/41 |
Knocknaver |
Robert Kelly
William Harkness |
027 |
5/8 Mile S by W [South by West] of Auchness
A low hill of a moat like shape on the Logan Demesere the soil of which is arable land On it is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by the Trig. Party Knockalby |
OS1/35/71/41 |
Moss Planting
Moss Planting |
William Harkness
John Aughterson |
027 |
[Situation] 25 chains SW [South West] of Auchness
A small Plantation on the farm of Auchness the wood of which is of a mixed description, probably from the moss it got its name. |
OS1/35/71/41 |
[Page] 41
Parish of Kirkmaiden |
OS1/35/71/42 |
Auchness Hill
Auchness Hill
Auchness Fay
Auchness Fay
Auchness Fay
Auchness Fay |
William Harkness
John Aughterson
Robert Kelly
Samuel Colm
Peter Lamb Auchness
Robert Gibb Fisher Ardwell |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile South of Auchness
A low hill of a moat like shape on the farm of Auchness the soil of which is good arable land. on it is a plantation not known by any particular name. |
OS1/35/71/42 |
Bleberry Planting
Bleberry Planting
Bleaberry Planting
Blaeberry Planting |
John Aughterson
William Harkness
Robert Kelly
John McMillan Ardwell |
027 |
[Situation] ¼ Mile South of Auchness
A plantation on the farm of Auchness the wood of which is Fir and [--] it derives its name from berrys [--] grows in it called by people of the Country Blaeberry (Blaeberry) is the proper mode of spelling this although the Country people does not spell it |
OS1/35/71/42 |
Knocktaggart |
William Harkness
John Aughterson
Robert Kelly |
027 |
[Situation] ½ Mile S by E [South by East] of Auchness
A low hill on the farm of Auchness of a moat like shape the soil which is good arable land. |
OS1/35/71/42 |
[Page] 42
Parish of Kirkmaiden
Achadh (Gaelic) A field etc.
Neas (Gaelic) An Isthmus, a headland etc
Blaeberry The Bilberry etc Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/35/71/43 |
Logan Wind Mill
Logan Wind Mill |
William Harkness
John Aughterson |
027 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile SE [South East] of Auchness
A round Tower formerly used as a Wind Mill situate near to the sea shore on Logan Estate This Tower is used as a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig. Party 'Logan Tower' |
OS1/35/71/43 |
Auchness |
William Harkness
John Aughterson
Proprietors Rent Roll
Ainslies Map
Roy. [Royal] Engineers Map |
027 |
[Situation] 5/8 Mile S by E [South by East] of Ardwell House
A commodious far house and out houses with a farm of 700 acres of good land attached. Occupied by David McCulloch Factor to Col. [Colonel] McDowall of Logan. This Farm is beautifully ornamented with Plantations of mixed wood. |
OS1/35/71/43 |
[Page] 43
Parish of Kirkmaiden |
OS1/35/71/44 |
Long Rigg
Long Rigg
Long riggs
Long Riggs |
William Harkness
John Aughterson
Proprietors Rent Roll
Ainslies Map 1782
Royal Engineers Map |
027 |
[Situation] 3/8 Mile ENE [East North East] of Auchness
A good farm house and out houses formerly occupied [as a farm] by itself, but now in Connec[tion] of Auchness farm & in the occupation of David McCulloch [Factor] to Col. [Colonel] McDowall which is proprietor. On this farm and [close] to the sea shore is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by the Trig. Party 'Longrigg' Longrigg House is occupied by workmen in the employment of David McCulloch Auchness. |
OS1/35/71/44 |
Sleepy Knowe
Sleepy Knowe |
Robert Kelly
Samuel McColm |
027 |
[Situation] 10 Chains N by W [North by West] of Auchness
A small Knowe or hill on the farm of Auchness, plated with Fir & Ash. It is well known by the name given. |
OS1/35/71/44 |
[Page] 44
Parish of Kirkmaiden |
OS1/35/71/45 |
Chapel Rosson
Chapel Rosson
Chapel Rossan
Chapel Rossan
Chapel Rossan
Chapel Rossan |
William Harkness
John Aughterson
Proprietors Rent Roll
Mr. Lamb Free Ch. [Church] Minister
David Cameron Coast Officer Drumore
Gazetteer of Scotland Vol 1 page 184 Published 1842 |
027 |
[Situation] 25 chains N by E [North by East] of Auchness
A small building of Ancient construction erected to commemorate the name of the place where in former times stood a church or Chapel called Chapel Rosson or the Chapel of the promontory. |
OS1/35/71/45 |
Chapel Rosson Bridge
Chapel Rosson Bridge
Chapel Rossan Bridge
Chapel Rossan Bridge
Chapel Rossan Bridge |
William Harkness
John Aughterson
Rev, [Reverend] Mr Lamb Free Church Min [Minister]
Proprietors Rent Roll
David Cameron Coast Officer Drumore
Gazetteer of Scotland Vol. [volume] 1 page 184 Published 1842 |
027 |
[Situation] 25 Chains N by E [North by East] of Auchness
A small stone Bridge with one arch over a small stream on the old road from Stoneykirk to Drumore. it is a County Bridge, it takes its name from Chapel Rosson As there is mention of an old Chapel having been here, where it stood is not known by the inhabitants. |
OS1/35/71/45 |
Rosson Knowes
Rosson Knowes
Rossan Knowes
Rossan Knowes
Rossan Knowes
Rossan Knowes |
William Harkness
John Aughterson
Rev. [Reverend] John Lamb Free Church Min. [Minister]
Proprietors Rent Roll
David Cameron Coast Officer Drumore
Gazetteer of Scotland Published 1842, Vol. [Volume] 1 page 184 |
027 |
A long range of hills on the farm of Auchness which is planted with wood this place is well known by Rosson Knowes the word Planting is not added to it. |
OS1/35/71/45 |
[Page] 45
Parish of Kirkmaiden
Ross (Gaelic) A promontory an Isthmus etc. arable land
An (Gaelic) A termination used as a diminutive |
OS1/35/71/46 |
[Page] 46
Blank Page |
OS1/35/71/47 |
Hole Stone Bay
Hole Stone Bay |
David Adams Saltpans Via Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford workman Low Ardwell Via Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford |
027 |
A small Bay or Creek in which are rocks and boulders interspersed. it takes its name from a stone that is adjacent called Hole stone. |
OS1/35/71/47 |
Hole Stone
Hole Stone |
David Adams Salt Pans via Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford Low Ardwell via Stoneykirk |
027 |
This name is applyed to a Rock, situated in a small Bay, it is about 20 feet high and in a sloping position against a precipice, close by the bottom of the precipice is a hole thro [through] the stone capable of letting cattle pass through, from which it is called by the name given and also the Bay above described. |
OS1/35/71/47 |
1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordon 4th August 1847
Thomas Jordon c.a. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/48 |
Carrickalig |
David Adams Salt Pans via Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford Workman Low Ardwell via Stoneykirk |
027 |
A large perpendicular rock used as a fishing seat on the East side of it is a narrow creek (Deep Water) and is also a perpendicular rock and a depth of about 25 feet. |
OS1/35/71/48 |
Back Slunk
Back Slunk |
David Adams Salt Pans via, Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford Workman Low Ardwell via Saltpans |
027 |
This name applies to a small creek, well known to they persons living convenient to said place, the entrance is rocky, its not a place where boats could venture in, but is a creek that is well attended in the winter mornings by they fishermen, for the purpose of getting timber that is drivin in by the tide. |
OS1/35/71/48 |
[Page] 48 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names collected by C. Ass. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 4th August 1847
[Signed] Thomas Jordan c.a. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/49 |
Crawberry Rock
Crawberry Rock
Cranberry Rock |
David Adams Salt Pans via, Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford, workman Low Ardwell via Stoneykirk
Alexander McColm High Ardwell Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A large rock about 30 feet high, the top appears to be aflat, having a grassy appearance, and on it grows these berries from which the rock takes its name. |
OS1/35/71/49 |
Ersbal's Caves
Ersbal's Caves |
Andrew McDonald Workman High Ardwell via Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford Workman Low Ardwell via, Stoneykirk |
027 |
These Caves are to the East of Crawberry Rock, the entrance into both is low, runs in a North Easterly direction for a short distance, it is said that a man of the name took refuge in these Caves. he had Committed a murder and to avoid the law, to this place he retreated for refuge. |
OS1/35/71/49 |
1st Examiner
[Page] 49
Plan 27B C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 4th August 1847
[Signed] Thomas Jordan c.a. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/50 |
Black Cave
Black CAve
Cave Mafaddeen |
David Adams Salt Pans Via Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford, workman, Low Ardwell via Stoneykirk
Andrew McDonald Workman High Ardwell via Stoneykirk |
027 |
Is East of Salt Pans in the face of a perpendicular Rock. the entrance is open and can pass in for a considerable distance until stoped by a wall that had been built by some of the farmers who had lived Convenient, it runs in a NorthEasterly direction. And from its dark appearance it gets the name of Black Cave.
An extensive Cave inside. |
OS1/35/71/50 |
1st Examiner
[Page] 50
Plan 27B List of Names collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan, 4th August 1847 |
OS1/35/71/51 |
Back Darg
Back Darg
Black Jug |
David Adams Salt Pans, Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford Workman Low Ardwell (via) Stoneykirk
Andrew McDonald Workman High Ardwell via Stoneykirk |
027 |
A small creek, which is observed by they persons who are in the habit of resorting it in the fishing season, to have a great swell of water, also is known to make a great noise, and from which it gets the name described From the rumbling noise this place makes 'Black Jug' seems most appropriate. |
OS1/35/71/51 |
1st Examiner
[Page] 51
Plan 27B C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan, 4th August 1847 |
OS1/35/71/52 |
Red Isle
Red Isle |
David Adams Salt Pans via Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford workman Low Ardwell via Stoneykirk |
027 |
This rock is covered at high water, but is accessible at low water. it is a flat rugged rock, having reddish appearance from the weed which grows on it, And from which appearance it has taken the name given. |
OS1/35/71/52 |
Parton Point
Parton Point |
David Adams Salt Pans (via) Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford Workman Low Ardwell (via) Stoneykirk |
027 |
This name is given to the place, in consequence of the Parton Shell fish is taken by they fishermen which is used as bate for their hook, it is seen at low water. and from thence to high water mark. |
OS1/35/71/52 |
Long Point
Long Point |
David Adams Salt Pans (via) Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford Workman Low Ardwell (via) Stoneykirk Ardwell |
027 |
Is situated South of the Red Isle and Parton Point and is not perceivable at high water |
OS1/35/71/52 |
[Page] 52
1st Examiner
Plan 27 B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 4th August 1847
[Signed] Thomas Jordan c.a. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/53 |
Sheep Hank
Sheep Hank
Sheep Hank |
David Adams Salt Pans via Stoneykirk
Peter Crawford, workman, Low Ardwell Stoneykirk
Andrew McDonald workman, High Ardwell Stoneykirk |
027 |
A considerable Rock, the high water flows to its base on the west side. On the Eastern side it slopes to the bas of a precipice. Sheep and Cattle generally rest on the top in consequence of such it takes the name of Sheep Hank. It is thought this name may have been corrupted from Sheep Haunt. however it is now called Sheep Hank in the locality. |
OS1/35/71/53 |
Red Cave
Red Cave |
Peter Crawford, workman, Low Ardwell
Andrew McDonald, workman, High Ardwell |
027 |
This Cave is in the face of a perpendicular Rock and has a small enclosure on west side. And is set under wheat. On trace at end of arrow in red. |
OS1/35/71/53 |
Ford Stone
Ford Stone |
Peter Crawford, workman, Low Ardwell
Andrew McDonald, workman, High Ardwell |
027 |
A black flat rock, covered at high water. what it gets the name given from, cannot be ascertained. |
OS1/35/71/53 |
1st Examiner
[Page] 53
Plan 27B Trace 1 List of names collected by C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 4th August 1847
Parish of Stoneykirk
Sheep Hank - A rock
Red Cave - A Cave
Ford Stone - A rock
[Signed] Thomas Jordan c.a. [civilian assistant] |
OS1/35/71/54 |
Galloway Port
Galloway Port |
Sandy Colm, Fisherman, High Ardwell
Andrew McDonald, Workman, High Ardwell |
027 |
This is a narrow Creek, where small fishing boats can be drawn from the land to the low water and is bounded on the S. [South] and North sides by rocks, it takes this name from a man named Galloway who lived near this place many years ago. |
OS1/35/71/54 |
Stinking Bight
Stinking Bight
Stinking Bught
Stinking Bught |
Andrew McDonald Workman High Ardwell
Peter Crawford, Workman, Low Ardwell
Alexander McColm High Ardwell
avid Adams Salt Pans Ardwell Inn |
027 |
This is a flat between the rocks where the weed is driven in by the tide, when left for any time it has a bad smell, and from which it takes the name given. |
OS1/35/71/54 |
Horny |
Sandy Colm, Fisherman High Ardwell
Andrew McDonald Workman, High Ardwell |
027 |
A projecting piece of land, rugged in appearance, and on the west side is a sloping declevity |
OS1/35/71/54 |
[Page] 54 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 4th August 1847 |
OS1/35/71/55 |
Ardwell Bay
Ardwell Bay |
Thomas Kerr, Farmer High Ardwell via Stoneykirk
Andrew McDonald Workman, High Ardwell via Stoneykirk |
027 |
A fine Commodious place for vessels to land, it is open and free of rock in the North side there are long rugged rocks, and on the South side of aloftier appearance.
The Bay is free of rock, having a good gravel bottom, the appearance to th high water mark is fine sand and its greatest want is a landing place, i.e. a quay or wharf were it furnished with this it afford a safe retreat for ships in stormy weather and a great accommodation to the country, it is about 9 miles south from Portpatrick and 3 north of Port Logan. |
OS1/35/71/55 |
[Page] 55 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 4th August 1847 |
OS1/35/71/56 |
Soundly Hill
Soundly Hill |
William Webster, Workman, Low Ardwell via Stoneykirk
Thomas Kerr Farmer High Ardwell via Stoneykirk |
027 |
A large hill apart of which is cultivated, the base of which is nearly Circular, the surface is good dry soil. part of which is on the farm of high Ardwell and part on Low Ardwell and is the property of Sir John McTaggart |
OS1/35/71/56 |
Corncrevy Hill
Corncrevy Hill |
William Webster, Workman Low Ardwell via Stoneykirk
Thomas Kerr, Farmer High Ardwell via Stoneykirk |
027 |
This hill is of an oval shape, the surface is good soil and in a good state of Cultivation, is on the farm of High Ardwell, and the property of Sir John McTaggart. |
OS1/35/71/56 |
[Page] 56 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 4th August 1847
Signed Thomas Jordan c.a. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/57 |
Barn Hill
Barn Hill |
William Webster
Workman Low Ardwell via Stoneykirk
Thomas Kerr, Farmer High Ardwell via Stoneykirk |
027 |
This hill is nearly of an oval shape, the surface of which is good dry soil, is in good state of Cultivation is on the farm of Low Ardwell, and the property of Sir John McTaggart |
OS1/35/71/57 |
Drumboy Hill |
See trace 2 and orthography for Description |
027 |
OS1/35/71/57 |
Knockcarnochan |
Knockcairnnahan |
See Trace 2 and Orthography for Description |
027 |
OS1/35/71/57 |
Taylors Hill |
See Trace 2 and orthography for Description |
027 |
OS1/35/71/57 |
[Page] 57 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 4th August 1847 |
OS1/35/71/58 |
High Ardwell
High Ardwell |
William Webster Workman Low Ardwell
Thomas Kerr Farmer High Ardwell |
027 |
Two house and office all in good repair, to is a farm attached to a considerable extent but is now divided into two, held by two persons Thomas Kerr and Andrew Milligan, and the property of Sir John McTaggart {at High Ardwell there are two farm houses and out house) one on either side of the road leading from Stoneykirk to Ardwell Bay. |
OS1/35/71/58 |
[Page] 58 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 4th August 1847
Signed Thomas Jordan c.a. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/59 |
Bones Planting |
Alexander Shaw Knockhandie Ardwell Inn
George McGill Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A long stripe of planting on the north side of the Road leading from Ardwe;; to Portpatrick abut one mile from the former it is said this planting took its name from a man who planted the first of the timber is composed chiefly of fir but mixed with Ash & Oak |
OS1/35/71/59 |
Barn Hill |
George McGill Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn
Alexander Shaw Knockhandie Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low hill on the farm of low Ardwell of good arable ground on is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig Party Barnhill |
OS1/35/71/59 |
Drumboy |
George McGill Low Ardwell
Alexander Shaw Knockhandie Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low arable hill on the farm of Ardwell of aridge like shape on the East side of Barnhill |
OS1/35/71/59 |
[Page] 59
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by |
OS1/35/71/60 |
Barhill |
Robert Kelly Barhill Ardwell Inn
John Fergusson Ardwell Cottage, Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low house slated and in good repair occupied by Robert Kelly and holding a farm of 60 acres of land part of which is moss the remainder good arable land. It is the property of Sir John McTaggart Ardwell. |
OS1/35/71/60 |
Barhill Planting |
Robert Kelly Barhill Ardwell Inn
John Fergusson Ardwell Cottage Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A long stripe of panting to the north side of Barhill and bounded on the north by Kilzar [Killaser] Burn the timber is composed of Fir Ash & Oak |
OS1/35/71/60 |
Bar Hill |
Robert Kelly Barhill Ardwell Inns
John Fergusson Ardwell Cottage Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low arable hill on the farm of Barhill the farm house stands the East side of said hill. on the road leading from Portlogan to Portpatrick. |
OS1/35/71/60 |
[Page] 60
Plan 27B P Cotmell Pt. RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/71/61 |
Kockcairnscahon |
George McGill Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn
Alexander Shaw Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low hill of a ridge like shape on the farm of Low ardwell this is Bounded on the N.W. [North West] by Drumboy. on this hill is a stack resembling that of an ancient cairn & uncultivated |
OS1/35/71/61 |
Cairnhandie |
Thomas Fredrick in Cairnhandie Ardwell Inn
George McGill Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A commodious dwelling house two story high and in good repair slated with suitable out building slated with a farm of 350 acres of good land Occupied by Thomas Fredrick and is the property of Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House. |
OS1/35/71/61 |
[Page] 61
Plan List of Names Collected by P Cotmell Pt. RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/71/62 |
Sheep Park Hill |
George McGill Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn
Alexander Shaw Low Ardwell Ardwll Inn |
027 |
A low arable hill of a mound like shape on the farm of Cairnhandie It is Bounded on East by Largie |
OS1/35/71/62 |
Largie Hill |
John Fergusson Cottage Farm Ardwell Inn
George McGill Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A considerable hill on the farm of Cairnhandie on it stands a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig. Party Largey. The hill is of a round like shape and is good arable soil. |
OS1/35/71/62 |
Long Park Hill |
John Fergusson Cottage Farm Ardwell Inn
George McGill Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low round arable hill of a mound like shape on the farm of Cairnhandy It is Bounded on the North by the Torr Hill on part of this hill can be traced the remain an ancient Cairn which is now greatly demolished. |
OS1/35/71/62 |
[Page] 62
Plan 27B
Signes P Cotmell
24th July 1847 |
OS1/35/71/63 |
Killeser Burn |
John Fergusson Steward at Ardwell Ardwell Inn
George McGill Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A small burn or stream taking its rise in the moss of Knockcairnnahon And forming the Boundary between Clochan More and Low Ardwell thence Running where it forms the Boundary between Cottage farm or mains of Ardwell and Barhill farm and fall into the Bay of Luce - near the Ardwell Inn. |
OS1/35/71/63 |
[Page] 63
Plan 27B
P Cotmill RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
24 July 1847 |
OS1/35/71/64 |
Taylors Hill |
George McGill Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn
John Burch Worker Cairnhandie Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low long arable hill of ridge like shape on the farm of Cairnhandie all of which is cultivated. |
OS1/35/71/64 |
Torr Hill |
George McGill Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn
John Burch Worker Cairnhandie Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A high Hill on the farm of Cairnhandie on the N. [North] East side is a planting called Torr planting the soil is good arable land and cultivated at present. |
OS1/35/71/64 |
[Page] 64
Plan 27P List of Names collected by. |
OS1/35/71/65 |
Killeser Castle in ruins |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
Mr Fergusson Ardwell Mains
Post Office Ardwell Inn |
027 |
The remains of an Old Castle on the Ardwell Estate Only the East wall and part of the side now remains the person who inhabited this Old Castle was Sir Godfrey McCulloch the original proprietor had hung in Edinburgh for shooting one of the Maxwell of Monreith, his daughter who married one of the Monreith Maxwells who was factor on the Estate of Killeser until 1795 when it was sold and has been since the property of Sir John McTaggart & got he Estate that It got the name ardwell |
OS1/35/71/65 |
Plan 27 Trace 2 List of Names collected by P Cotmill RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Note [South Ardwell]
Tho' [though] this house is on the
Ardwell Estate it is not
called south Ardwell. the
house & farm to which this
name applies lies more South
by West on same plan and is
occupied by John Gibb, I do not
find that there is any distictive
name for this house.
A. Dean c/a [civilian assistant] |
OS1/35/71/66 |
Kirnaughty Corner |
Alexander Shaw Low Ardwell Ardwell Inn
Robert Agnew Drumantrae Ardwell Inn |
027 |
This name applies to an angle of the road which leads through part of the Ardwell estate at the junction joined by the road leding from the farm house of Cairnhandie, It is said that in former days there was a farm or division of land here which was called by this name, this angle of the road is the only object now known by this name. It is bounded on the N.E. [North East] by a large Plantation |
OS1/35/71/66 |
[Page] 66
Plan 27B c.a. [Civilian Assistant] Alexander Dean 2nd Examiner
[signed] Alexander Dean c/a [Civilian Assistant]
20th Aug 1847 |
OS1/35/71/67 |
Brae Planting
Brae Planting
Moat Planting
Moat Planting |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
John Fergusson Steward Mains of Ardwell
Robert AGnew Drumantrae Ardwell Inn
Robert Kelly Barhill Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A small wood on the the Estate of Ardwell the wood is mixed with with Ash Oak and Fur On the West side is a beautiful Moat in the center of which Stands a flag staff off this mote there is a beautiful view of the Bay of Luce and the surrounding Hills |
OS1/35/71/67 |
Barbae Hill
High Barbae
High Barbae |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
John Fergusson Steward Mains of Ardwell
Robert Kelly Barhill Ardwell Inn
Samuel McColm Long Rigg Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low round hill of mound like shape on the mains of Ardwell the soil is good arable land part of which is cultivated on it stands a Trig ▲ [Trigonometrical Station] by trig. party called Cottage Farm |
OS1/35/71/67 |
High Barbae
Low Barbae
Low Barbae |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
John Fergusson Steward Mains of Ardwell
Robert Kelly Barhill Ardwell Mains
Samuel McColm Long Rigg Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low hill of the Mains of Ardwell of mound like shape the soil is good arable land
These two hills are called Barbae but the one being higher than the other gives rise to the distinction High & Low
The Trig▲ [Trigonometrical Station] is on the highest. |
OS1/35/71/67 |
[Page] 67
Plan 27B Trace 3 List of Names Collected by P Cotmill Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/71/68 |
Barbae Planting |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
John Fergusson Mains of Ardwell |
027 |
A small planting on the side of Barbae Hill the wodd is mixed wood with birch Ash & fir, It is of a curving shape. |
OS1/35/71/68 |
Drumantrae |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
John Fergusson Manis of Ardwell |
027 |
A low thatched house in bad repair with out buildings slated and in good repair holding a farm of 60 acres of good arable land and is occupied by Hugh Agnew M.D. [Medical Doctor] And is the property of Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House. |
OS1/35/71/68 |
Drumantrae Planting |
Sir John McTaggart
Hugh Henry Drumantrae Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A long planting about one hundred in width on the farm of Drumantrae the description of wood is Ash Oak and fur, with some birch mixed, and is on the Ardwell Estate. |
OS1/35/71/68 |
[Page] 68
Plan 27B Trace 3 |
OS1/35/71/69 |
Mains of Ardwell |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
John Ferdusson Steward Ardwell Inn Post Office |
027 |
A commodious dwelling house occupied by the Steward belonging to Ardwell adjacent is the Offices and the stabling and farm yard there is likewise a Saw mill threshing mill wrought by water, attached to said building. |
OS1/35/71/69 |
Ardwell House |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
John Fergusson Ardwell Inn
Steward Post Office |
027 |
A good plain built house the residence of Sir John McTaggart the house is three story high and slated the building in the plain style It was built in 1702 when the family removed from Killeser Castle to it. It is beautifully ornamented with ornamented grounds and young plantings on every side and is about 10 chains from the offices. |
OS1/35/71/69 |
[Page] 69
Plan 27B Trace 3 List of Names Collected By |
OS1/35/71/70 |
Herman Hill |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
William Miekle Worker Ardwell Inn Postown |
027 |
A low Hill of a mound like shape on the Ardwell Estate and is good arable pasture bounded on the north side by Killeser Burn |
OS1/35/71/70 |
Murder Planting |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
William Meikle Worker Ardwell Inn Postown |
027 |
A small planting containing about one acre of land where one of the family of McDowalls of Logan got murdered. There is a stone in said planting having the word murder cut on it the stone is about 4 feet long and one and one half in width (lying flat on the ground) as a favour Colonel McDowall got the privilage of the place from Sir John McTaggart and after a short time got it planted and walled in thence takes the Name murder planting. it is composed of mixed wood. |
OS1/35/71/70 |
[Page] 70
Plan 27B Trace 3 |
OS1/35/71/71 |
Drumantrae Hill
Drmantrae Hill
Clay Hill |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
Hugh Henry Drumantrae
George Preston Ardwell near Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low Hill on the farm of Drumantrae It is bounded one side by wood, on it stands a trig. [trigonometrical] station called by trig. [trigonometrical] party Drumantrae. |
OS1/35/71/71 |
Drumantrae Bay |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
Hugh Henry Drumantrae |
027 |
A small Bay or harbour for small fishing boats to put into in time of Storm and is well knowing by the fishers along the coast as the frequently put in there for shelter. |
OS1/35/71/71 |
Chapel Rosan Bay |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
Hugh Henry Drumantrae |
027 |
A small bay or harbour on the W. [West] side of the Bay of Luce this Name is well known by all the fisher men on the coast as Chapel Rossan Bay |
OS1/35/71/71 |
[Page] 71
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by P Cotmell Pt RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/71/72 |
The Isles of Killeser |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
Hugh Henry Drumantrae |
027 |
A large strand or bay on the W. [West] side of the Bay of Luce there is a safe Anchorage a dhort distance from the lands Sir John McTaggart States this place has been a harbour in former times where Ships of any tonnage migh come in Now nothing remains only some of the bare stakes of wood and two elevations which marks the place which once were Islands or landing places the are now washed over by the tide |
OS1/35/71/72 |
Arwell [Ardwell] Bridge |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
Hugh Henry Drumantrae |
027 |
A Small Bridge one arch Stone. It crosses Killeser Burn about 6 chains from the Ardwell Inn on the road leading from Stranra to Drummore and about 6 miles from the latter (it is a County Bridge) |
OS1/35/71/72 |
[Page] 72
Plan 27B P Cotmell Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/71/73 |
Ardwell Inn |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
William Paterson Ardwell Inn PostOffice |
027 |
A low House occupied as an Inn and Post Office on the road leading from Stranrar to Drummore distance from the former 11 miles and from the later 6 miles the house is in good repair one store high And Slated holding with said house a small quantity of land the house was erected in 1817 and since then occupied as an Inn fit to entertain men and horse Occupied at present by David Wilson and is the property of Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House. |
OS1/35/71/73 |
Ardwell Moat
Ardwell Moat |
Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
William Paterson Ardwell Inn Post Office
George Preston Ardwell Ardwell Inn
Robert Agnew Drumtrae Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A round moate on the Ardwell Estate of a mound Shape rising with a gentle slope, on the summit it is about 100 links in diameter on the top of said mount there stands a flag Staff.
It is said when erecting this flag staff there was dug up different kinds earth and burned wood from a depth of 7 feet. This moat resembles Balgreggan Moat in size and I believe can be seen from it.
Pt. [Private] Cotmell RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/71/73 |
[Page] 73
Plan 27B Trace 5 List of Names Collected by |
OS1/35/71/74 |
Ringvinachan |
Robert Agnew Drumantrae Ardwell
Robert Gibbs Long Rigg Ardwell |
027 |
A point of land on the west side of Luce bay on the farm of Drumantrae and between the Isles of Killerser and Drumantrae bay and about half a mile N [North] from Ardwell Bay |
OS1/35/71/74 |
[Page] 74
Plan 27B Alexander Dean 2nd Examiner
signed Alexander Dean C/A [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/75 |
Craigantyre |
David Adams Salt Pans by Moat Slap
William McCubbin High Ardwell by Moat Slap |
027 |
A considerable rocks (scattered) on the south side of Ardwell Bay. And part of which the high water flows over. |
OS1/35/71/75 |
Mary Wilsons Slunk
Mary Wilsons Slunk |
David Adams Salt Pans by Moat Slap
William McCubbin High Ardwell by Moat Slap |
027 |
This creek derives its name from a vessel which had been wrecked at Sd. [Said] it is a long narrow crekk, And at high water would admit of a small vessel to stick therein. |
OS1/35/71/75 |
1st Examiner
[Page] 75
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847
Trace 4 Ardwell Bay See adjoining trace for description |
OS1/35/71/76 |
Base Hole
Base Hole |
David Adams Salt Pans by Moat Slap
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell |
027 |
This is called as such, its an entrance at the base of Doon Hill to a cave that appears to be in the face of a precipice. and which is visible to persons when walking by the base of the hill |
OS1/35/71/76 |
Craigdermot Hill
Craigdermot Hill |
David Adams Salt Pans by Moat Slap
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardell |
027 |
Nearly circular at the base, the greater part of which is arable, on it is a [Trigonometrical] Station Called by the Trig. party Craigdermot, it is on the farm of South Ardwell And the property of Sir John McTaggart Ardwell |
OS1/35/71/76 |
[Page] 76 List of Names Collected by C.Ass. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847 1st Examiner
Plan 27B
[Signed] Thoams Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/77 |
Doon Castle
Doon Castle |
David Adams Salt Pans by Moat Slap
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell |
027 |
This Castle takes it's name from the Doon Hill. The foundation is visible, (it is a circle) apparently of great thickness, it is on a large rick. the passage from the land to where it stands is rugged and narrow, a road thro' [through] a part of the hill. Can be traced for a short distance which lead to Said, it is in ruin and levelled to the foundation, in the Centre is a considerable quantity of Stones, it is on the farm of South Ardwell, and on the the Estate of Ardwell the property of Sir John McTaggart. |
OS1/35/71/77 |
[Page] 77
1st Examiner
Plan 27B C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847
Parish Stoneykirk
Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/78 |
Castle Point
Castle Point |
David Adams Salt Pans by Moat Slap
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell |
027 |
This name applies to the Point of Rock, on which the Doon Castle stands, and the face of which is a steep precipice |
OS1/35/71/78 |
Slunk of the Doon
Slunk of the Doon |
David Adans Salt Pans by Moat Slap
William McCubbin Fisherman |
027 |
This Slunk takes its name from the hill which is north of it, the Castle bounds it on the west side, the appearance of the place is a deep precipice, is rugged in the entrance |
OS1/35/71/78 |
The Hooies
The Hooies |
David Adams Salt Pans by Moat Slap
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell |
027 |
This Creek is on the South side of Doon Hill, the entrance is rocky interspersed with boulders, the north and south side is a steep precipice, the East side is flat and admits of Care to be drawn to the water edge for to convey wreck therefrom |
OS1/35/71/78 |
[Page] 78 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847
Parish Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/79 |
Hackle Rock
Hackle Rock |
David Adams, via Moat Slap, Post Office
William McCubbin Fisherman, High Ardwell |
027 |
This name applies to a fishing Rock, the appearance is a steep precipice, and is south of the creek called the Hoonies |
OS1/35/71/79 |
Blind Hooies
Blind Hooies |
David Adams Salt Pans. via, Moat Slap Post Office
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell, Post Office |
027 |
A narrow creek, the appearance of which is a steep precipice, is used as a fishing seat at high water, and the land shews in a sloping manner till it meets Rocks that runs to the waters edge. |
OS1/35/71/79 |
[Page] 79 1st Examiner
Plan 27B C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847
Parish Stoneykirk
Hackle Rock - spelling doubtful |
OS1/35/71/80 |
Bandilier Slunk
Bandilier Slunk |
David Adams Salt Pans (via) Moat Slap
William McCubbin, Fisherman High Ardwell (via) Moat Slap, Post Office |
027 |
This Slunk has taken the name given, from a vessel which has been wrecked in or about the place, it was employed by the Crown for the Conveyance of troops, all nearly perished. adjacent to said, is a heugh, and at the base a flat, there the bodies of such as were picked up are deposited. |
OS1/35/71/80 |
Carricklasson |
David Adams Salt Pans, via Moat Slap, Post Office
William McCubbin. Fisherman High Ardwell
John Gibb South Ardwell, Ardwell |
027 |
This applyed to a fishing seat, it forms nearly square, and the face of which is nearly perpendicular |
OS1/35/71/80 |
[Page] 80 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names as Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847
Parish Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/71/81 |
Ardwell Head
Ardwell House |
David Adams Salt Pans, via, Moat Slap Post Office
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell, via Moat Slap Post Office |
027 |
Called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party on Trace Ardwell Bead.
Described with Carrick Caper in forms 21 |
OS1/35/71/81 |
Iron Slunk
Iron Slunk |
David Adam Salt Pans (via) Moat Slap P. [Post] Office
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell, (via) Moat Slap Post Office |
027 |
This name is given to this Slunk, from a vessel which has been wrecked at the place, and laden with Iron |
OS1/35/71/81 |
Dun Isle
Dun Isle |
Davids Adams Salt Pans, via, Moat Slap P. [Post] Office
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell, Post Office |
027 |
A large Rock, between high and low water mark, it has a blackish appearance from the surge of sea beating over it. for which reason they persons visiting the shore calls it the Dun Isle. |
OS1/35/71/81 |
[Page] 81 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847
Parish Stoneykirk
[signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/82 |
Step Craig
Step Craig |
David Adams Salt Pans Moat Slap
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell |
027 |
A name given to a large Rock where fishermen are in the habit of sitting on to fish, it is divided by a narrow creek that those persons must have to give a long stride across to make a landing, for which it is Called the Step Craig. |
OS1/35/71/82 |
Hole of the Grennan
Hole of the Grennan |
David Adams Salt Pans Moat Slap
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell |
027 |
This hole is of a considerable depth. it is a place where fishermen attends at the fishing it is not far distant from the Grennan Hill, and from which it takes the name as given. |
OS1/35/71/82 |
[Page] 82 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names as Collected by C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847 |
OS1/35/71/83 |
South Ardwell
South Ardwell |
John McCaul Workman Drumbreddan (via) Ardwell Inn
John Gibb Farmer South Ardwell via Moat Slap |
027 |
A good house and offices, one story high slated and in good repair. To it is a farm of about 160 acres, the greater part is arable, occupied by John Gibb Farmer and is the property of Sir John McTaggart Ardwell. |
OS1/35/71/83 |
Knocky nocking
Knocky nocking
Knockynocking |
John McCaul workman Drumbreddan (via) Ardwell
William McCubbin High Ardwell via, Moat Slap
John Gibb South Ardwell Ardwell Inn |
027 |
The base of which is an oval shape, is in a good state of Cultivation, is on the farm of Drumbreddan, and the property of Sir John McTaggart Ardwell |
OS1/35/71/83 |
[Page] 83 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847
Parish Stoneykirk
[Signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/84 |
Port Gower
Port Gower |
David Adams Salp Pans via Moat Slap
William McCubbin Fisherman High Ardwell via Moat Slap |
027 |
A small Creek, the entrance very rugged, and from the low to the high water mark boulders, small boats Can not pass farther in than the low water mark and very seldom the like occurs, they persons whom has given the information Can not tell why it has got such a name. |
OS1/35/71/84 |
Grennan Hill
Grennan Hill |
John McCaul Workman Drumbreddan, via, Ardwell Inn
John Gibb Farmer South Ardwell by Moat Slap |
027 |
A good pastur hill, the bas of which form nearly a half Circle, in Consequence of the precipices that are on the S. [South] And west Side, It is on the farm of Drumbreddan and the property of Sir John McTaggart. |
OS1/35/71/84 |
[Page] 84 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847
Parish Stoneykirk
[Signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/85 |
Drumbreddan |
John McCaul Workman Drumbreddan via Ardwell Inn
William McCubbin High Ardwell via Moat Slap |
027 |
A good farm house, two stories high, adjacent are office houses all in good repair. To it a farm of about 460 Acres is attached of good land occupied by Alexander McFrederick. And is the property of Sir John McTaggart Ardwell |
OS1/35/71/85 |
Kirk Home Hill
Kirk Home Hill |
John McCaul Workman Drumbreddan via Ardwell Inn
William McCubbin High Ardwell by Moat Slap |
027 |
This hill is nearly of an oval shape at the base, the summit of which, is nearly the form of a sugar loaf, It is in a good state of Cultivation, on it is said that a Kirk was once on it bu Cannot be traced now, it is on the farm of Drumbreddan, and on the estate of Sir John McTaggarts Ardwell |
OS1/35/71/85 |
1st Examiner
[Page] 85
Plan 27B List on Names Collected by C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847
Parish Stoneykirk
[Signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/86 |
Fort Hill
Fort Hill |
John McCaul Workman Drumbreddan by Ardwell
William McCubbin High Ardwell by Moat Slap |
027 |
This hill is of an oval shape at its base, all good Clay. the whole of it is an a state of Cultivation, is on the farm of Drumbreddan and the property of Sir John McTaggart Ardwell. It is said that an ancient fort might be traced on this hill some years ago. it is now Cultivated and the track of it quite invisible. |
OS1/35/71/86 |
Drumbreddan Moss
Drumbreddan Moss |
John McCaul Workman Drumbreddan by Ardwell
William McCubbin High Ardwell by Moat Slap |
027 |
A considerable Moss on the farm of Drumbreddan, and on the Estate of Ardwell. the property of Sir John McTaggart |
OS1/35/71/86 |
[Page] 86 1st Examiner
Plan 27 B List of Names Collected by C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 20th August 1847
Parish Stoneykirk
Largie Hill see adjoining trace for the description
Sheep Park Hill see adjoining trace for the description
[Signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/71/87 |
Low Drumbawn Hill
Low Drumbawn Hill |
Robert Kelly Barhil
William Harkness (Ardwell Inn) Logan Post Town |
027 |
A low hill on the farm of Cairnhandy the Soil is good arable land. |
OS1/35/71/87 |
High Drumbawn Hill
High Drumbawn Hill |
Robert Kelly Barhil
William Harkness (Ardwell Inn) Logan Post Town |
027 |
A round hill on the farm of Cairnhandy and is of Mound like Shape the soil is good arable land Bound on one side by Laregie hill |
OS1/35/71/87 |
Knocknavar |
Robert Kelly Barhil
William Harkness (Ardwell Inn) Logan Post Town |
027 |
Low hill of mound like Shape on the Logon Demesne the soil is arable land on it stands a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by the Trig party Knockcably the name Knockcably given by the Trig party |
OS1/35/71/87 |
[Page] 87
Plan 27B Trace 5 List of Names Collected by P Connell
Parish Stoneykirk
[Signed] P Connell Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
August 13th 1847 |
OS1/35/71/88 |
Knockcappy |
William Harkness Port Logan
John Oughterson Port Logan |
027 |
Around hill of amound like Shape the soil is good arable land and about the Centre is a small portion of planting. It is likewise Surround by [wood] on all sides but the South it is on the Auchness farm. |
OS1/35/71/88 |
Auchness Hill
Auchness Hill |
William Harkness Port Logan
John Oughterson Port Logan
Robert Kelly Barhill Ardwell Inn
Samuel McColm Chapel Rossan Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low hill of A mound like Shape on the Auchness farm the soil is good arable land Cultivated on the summit is a circular planting not known by ant name. |
OS1/35/71/88 |
Sleepy Knowe |
William Harkness Port Logan
John Oughterson Port Logan |
027 |
Around Knowe or hill on the farm of the Auchness it is planted with fir and ash and is well known by the inhabitants by the name Sleepy Knowe. |
OS1/35/71/88 |
[Page] 88 1st Examiner
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by P Connell
Parish Kirkmaiden
[Signed] P Connell Pt RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
13th August 1847
Auchness Hill - This hill is called Auchness fay by all the Country people as far as I could ascertain A.D. |
OS1/35/71/89 |
Auchness |
William Harkness Port Logan
John Oughterson Port Logan |
027 |
A comodious dwelling house And Out buildings with a farm of about 700 acres of good land Occupied by Mr. McCulloch Factor to Mr. McDowall the farm is beautifully Ornamented with Plantings of Every description. |
OS1/35/71/89 |
Logan Wind Mill
Logan Wind Mill |
William Harkness Port Logan
John Oughterson Port Logan |
027 |
around tower formerly used as a wind mill on it there was a trig [Trigonometical] station called by trig party Logan Tower by the inhabitants call it Logan Wind Mill. It is on the Logan Estate |
OS1/35/71/89 |
[Page] 89
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by P Connell Pt. RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish Kirkmaiden
[Signed] P Connell Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
13th August 1847 |
OS1/35/71/90 |
Long Rigg
Long Rigg |
William Harkness Logan Post Town
John Auchterson Logan Post town |
027 |
A good farm house and out offices over the farm house of long Rigg It is now occupied by four different person works at Auchness And the farm of long Rigg is now occupied by Mr. McCulloch factor to General McDowall Logan on this farm there is trig [trigonometrical] station called by the trig Party Long Rigg and is about 9 chains from Sea Shore on the edge of a planting. |
OS1/35/71/90 |
Rossan Knowes
Rossan Knowes |
William Harkness Logan Post Town
John Auchterson Logan Post Town |
027 |
A long range of hills on the Auchness farm which is planted now and is called Rossan Knowes the word planting is not used by the inhabitants when speaking of the place as the Say Rossan Knowes. |
OS1/35/71/90 |
[Page] 90
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by P. Connell Pt RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish Kirkmaiden
Chapel Rossan Bay described on the adjoining Trace and Same Plan.
[Signed] P. Connell Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
13 August 1847 |
OS1/35/71/91 |
Knocktaggart |
William Harkness Port Logan
John Aughterson Port Logan
Robert Kelly Barhill Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A low hill on the farm of Auchness the soil is good the hill is of amound like Shape it lies on the East side of the road leading from Stoneykirk to Drummore and 3 miles from the latter. |
OS1/35/71/91 |
Moss Planting
Moss Planting |
William Harkness Port Logan
John Aughterson Port Logan |
027 |
A smal planting on the Auchness farm the timber is of a mixed description and is Statted that it is from the moss it has got this awning to it been bounded one side by the moss. |
OS1/35/71/91 |
Bleberry Planting
Bleberry Planting
Bleaberry Planting |
William Harkness Port Logan
John Aughterson Port Logan
Robert Kell Barhill Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A planting on the Auchness Called by the inhabitants by this name Bleberry Planting this name has derived form berry that grow on the wood the description of wood is fir and ash. |
OS1/35/71/91 |
[Page] 91
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by P Connell
Parish Kirkmaiden
[Signed] P Connell Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
August 13th 1847 |
OS1/35/71/92 |
Chapel Rosson Bridge
Chapel Rosson Bridge |
William Harkness Logan town
John Auchterson Logan [?] |
027 |
A small Bridge Stone one Arch on the Old Road leading from Stonykirk to drumore. This Bridge is a county bridge and it taks its name from Chapel Rosson as there is mention of an old Chapel been here but there is no account to be got from the Enhabitants as to where t stood. |
OS1/35/71/92 |
Chapel Rosson
Chapel Rosson |
William Harkness Logan town
John Auchterson Logan ? |
27 |
A small madren building Of Antgue Contrustion erected As a porters lodge or to Commemorate the name of a place where in Old times stood a Kirk or Chapel Call Chapel Rosson or the the Chapel of the promontory |
OS1/35/71/92 |
[Page] 92
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by P Connell Pt RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish Kirkmaiden
[Signed] P. Connell Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
August 13th 1847 |
OS1/35/71/93 |
Keachie Stone
Caughy Stone
Caughy Stone |
John Aimsley Garthland Cottage Corner House
John Malcolm Stranraer
John Gibb Ardwell, Ardwell Inn |
027 |
A Rock in Capel Rossan Bay situate near low water it is about 3½ feet in height having a rounded appearance at a distance, and it is supposed to be granite. near this place the boundary between the Parishes of Soney Kirk and Kirkmaiden join Luce Bay and probably at this rock. |
OS1/35/71/93 |
[Page] 93
Civil Assistant Alexander Dean
Plan 27B
Parish Kirkmaiden
Alexander Dean C/A [Civilian Assistant]
28 Dec 1847 |
OS1/35/71/94 |
Salt Pans |
David Adams Salt Pans
James Spence Low Ardwell
William Shaw Low Ardwell |
027 |
This name applies to two small huts in a thorough state of decay & inhabited by fisherman they is on the farm of Low Ardwell & take their name from their proximity to where a pan in which salt was manufactures once stood |
OS1/35/71/94 |
[Page] 94
Plan 27B List of Names Collected by John Mechan Pte RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish Stoneykirk
[Signed] 10th Febuary 1848
John Mechan
Pte. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/71/95 |
[Page] 95
Blank Page |
OS1/35/71/96 |
Ardwell Point |
James Spence Low Ardwell
William Shaw Low Ardwell
James McClelland W. [West] Ringuinnea
Ainslies Map |
027 |
A tolerable sized rocky promontory which forms the southern head of Ardwell Bay it is well known to mariners coasting along those shores, from its looming conspicuously at their entering the channel from the south. it takes its name from its being on Ardwell Estate. |
OS1/35/71/96 |
[Page] 96
List of Names as Collected by John Mechan Pte. RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish Stoneykirk
[Signed] W Driscoll Gosset
Lt. R.E, [Lieutenant Royal Engineers]
[Signed] 16 Febuary 1848
John Mechan Pte. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/71/97 |
71- OS1/35/71
Plan 27B
Names of Parishes -- Page
Stoneykirk -- 1
Kirkmaiden -- 39 |
OS1/35/71/97 |
O.S date stamp for 14 Aug [18]91 |