
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
THE ISLES OF KILLERSER The Isles of Killeser Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
Hugh Henry Drumantrae
027 A large strand or bay on the W. [West] side of the Bay of Luce there is a safe Anchorage a dhort distance from the lands Sir John McTaggart States this place has been a harbour in former times where Ships of any tonnage migh come in Now nothing remains only some of the bare stakes of wood and two elevations which marks the place which once were Islands or landing places the are now washed over by the tide
ARDWELL BRIDGE Arwell [Ardwell] Bridge Sir John McTaggart Ardwell House
Hugh Henry Drumantrae
027 A Small Bridge one arch Stone. It crosses Killeser Burn about 6 chains from the Ardwell Inn on the road leading from Stranra to Drummore and about 6 miles from the latter (it is a County Bridge)

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Plan 27B P Cotmell Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]

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