Continued entries/extra info
[Page] 9AOSO [Ordnance Survey Office] Dumfries
24th July 1848
One Plan 26B Wigtownshire,
A Parish name
has been written
Sorby will you be
pleased to correct it
to Sorbie.
Sorbie -- Revd. [Reverend] Edward Sloan
Sorbie -- Alexander Hannay
Sorbie -- David McKie
Sorbie -- William McKeand
Sorbie -- Genl. [General] Map of Scotland
Sorbie -- Sinclairs Statl Acct [Statistical Account]
Sorbie -- Statistics 1841
Sorbie -- Chalmers Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3 p [ page] 427.-
Sorbie -- Simpson's Description 1684
Sorby -- Ainslie's Map of 1782
Sorby -- Rl. [Royal] Engineers May 1819
[Note] Corrected CH
[Signed] Captn. [Captain] Yolland [Signed] W Driscoll Gosset Lt. Rl. Engr. [Lieutenant Royal Engineers]
R.E. [Royal Engineers]
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Chr1smac -Moderator, Muriel Rousay
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