OS1/35/57/1 |
Altogue Plantation |
3 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Altogue |
8 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Ardwell Mill |
26 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Altain |
27 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Altain Bridge |
27 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Altain Glen |
27 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Ballochalee Plantation |
6 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Ballochalee Glen |
7 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Ballochalee Bridge |
12 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Barbrae Plantation |
13 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Balgreggan Moat |
13 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Barnshangan Hill |
18 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Names of objects |
Page |
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Back Plantation |
21 |
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Cairn Hill |
4 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Names of objects |
Page |
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Culmore Tile Works |
14 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Clay Croft |
9 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Culgroat Burn |
9 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Culmore Bridge |
15 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Cairnweil Burn |
18 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Cairnweil Hill |
24 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Clayshant Burn |
16 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Drumfad Burn |
3 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Drummullin |
6 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Dalvadie |
7 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Drumdally |
21 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Eldrig |
5 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Eldrig Glen |
5 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Eldrig Burn |
5 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
East Cairnweil |
25 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Fey Plantation |
11 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Names of objects |
Page |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Free Church |
25 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Gaws Hill |
17 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Glaik Hill |
17 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Groosy Plantation |
23 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Groosy Glen |
24 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Hill Culgroat |
11 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Knockcravie Plantation |
15 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Knockalpin |
18 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Knockwar Hill |
4 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Kirkmagill |
19 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Kirkmagill Mill |
20 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Kirkmagill Church |
19 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Kennel Plantation |
21 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Low Three Mark |
4 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Low Culgroat |
11 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Luce Bay |
28 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Milmain Mill |
3 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Names of objects |
Page |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Moorpark |
17 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Molly's Grove |
20 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Mains of Balgreggan |
20 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Moorpark Plantation |
23 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Mull Hill |
26 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Shawn Hill |
8 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Sand Mill Burn |
12 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Moat Slap |
14 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Moat Slap Plantation |
14 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Sand Mill Bridge |
15 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Sands of Luce |
30 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Stairmount Plantation |
29 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Sandhead Bridge (Dry Arch) |
19 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Sandhead Bay |
29 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
Sand Mill [(Cairn)] |
16 |
OS1/35/57/1 |
For this Index page, the page numbers have been entered into the second column. The original page has four double columns - however the lines on each set do not match up, and so each column has here been entered following the previous instead of alongside. |
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FREE CHURCH [Balgreggan] |
022 |
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022 |
OS1/35/57/39 |
Dalvadie |
James Patterson, Farmer. Dalvadie via Stoney Kirk.
James Johnston, Three Mark via Stoney Kirk. |
022 |
A neat And Comodious Dwelling house 2 Storys high Slated with its colourful office houses Slated and in good repair. There is also a good garden in front with A farm of arable land atached Containing 140 acres Situated close to the West side of the old Road from Stoney Kirk to Drummore and is the property of Col. [Colonel] McDowall of Logan. |
OS1/35/57/39 |
Drummullen |
James Patterson, Farmer, Dalvadie via Stoney Kirk.
William Main, Two Mark via Stoney Kirk. |
022 |
Drummullen is A tolerable large Arable hill on the farm of Dalvadie the South East End of which is Plantation & falling very Steep to Ballochalee Glen this hill is oft times called Mill Hill & Some times Millers Hill. |
OS1/35/57/39 |
[page] 39
List of names collected by Private William Birkby 1st Examiner -- Parish of StoneyKirk
Plan 22.D trace 1
Object - Dalvadie - House & Farm
Object - Drummullen - Hill
[Signed] William Birkby
Private R S [Royal Sappers] & Miners
1st June 1847 |
OS1/35/57/40 |
Clay Croft |
William Marchal, Farmer, Clay Croft near StoneyKirk. Thomas Hunter, Post Master, StoneyKirk |
022 |
A Small Dwelling house And Out houses in midling repair. With a good garden & orchard. There is also a farm Containing 33 acres of Arable land atached This house is close to the W. [West] side of the Road from StoneyKirk To Drummore And is the property of Col. [Colonel] McDowall of Logan |
OS1/35/57/40 |
Shawn Hill |
James Patterson Dalvadie StoneyKirk
Andrew Milroy, farmer, Low Three Mark StoneyKirk |
022 |
A Small arable Ridge like hill on the farm of Dalvadie & Close to the East Side of the Road from StoneyKirk to Drummore. - |
OS1/35/57/40 |
[Page] 40
List of Names collected by Private William Birkby 1st Examiner
StoneyKirk Parish
Plan 1 22D - Trace No 1
Clay Croft - A House and Farm
Shawn Hill - A Hill
[Signed] William Birkby
Private RS&M [Royal Sappers and Miners]
1st June 1847 |
OS1/35/57/41 |
Low Culgroat
Low Culgroat |
Robert Hannay Low Culgroat, via, StoneyKirk.
Mathew Hunter, Upper Culgrpoat, Via Stoney Kirk.
Andrew McMaster, Sand Mill Farm, via, Sandhead. |
022 |
A large farm house and offices all in good repair a farm of land is attached in a good state of Cultivation, soil is light, is occupied by Robert Hannay, and is the property Col. [Colonel] McDowall Logan. |
OS1/35/57/41 |
High Culgroat
High Culgroat |
Mathew Hunter, High Culgroat, via StoneyKirk -
Andrew McMaster, Sand Mill Farm via Sandhead.
Robert Hannay, Low Culgroat, via Stoney Kirk. |
022 |
A good farm house, and offices adjacent all in good repair, to it is a farm attached, and is bounded on the north by Low Culgroat and on the South by the Mains of Balgreggan, it is light soil and occupied by Widow Smith, and is the property of Col. [Colonel] McDowall Logan. |
OS1/35/57/41 |
List of names collected by C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 2nd June 1847 -- Ist. Examiner -- [Page] 41
Stoney Kirk Parish -- Plan 22D trace 2
Object - Low Culgroat House
Object - High Culgroat House
[signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [civilian assistant] |
OS1/35/57/42 |
Clayshant Burn
Clayshant Burn
Clayshant Burn
Clayshant Burn |
Andrew McMaster, Samuel Cochran and John Stewart, [All] Farmers, [at] Sand Mill Farm via Sandhead.
Fergus McMaster, Farmer, Clayshant via Sandhead |
022 |
A considerable burn runs thro' [through] several farms. and passes thro [through] the village of Stoney Kirk. It takes Several names as it passes, till it joins on this trace and to its termination till it meets the Bay of Luce, it takes the name given. |
OS1/35/57/42 |
Clayshant Bridge
Clayshant Bridge
Clayshant Bridge
Clayshant Bridge |
Andrew McMaster, Samuel Cochran & John Stewart, [all] Farmers, [at] Sand Mill, Farm, via Sandhead.
Fergus McMaster, Clayshant Farm, via Sandhead. |
022 |
A Stone bridge, one arch, and built by the County, on the road leading from Glenluce to Drummore, and forms a boundary between the farms of Clayshant and Sand Mill and is the property of Patrick Maitland Esq. Balgreggan. |
OS1/35/57/42 |
List of names collected by C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 2nd June 1847 -- Ist Examiner
[page] 42
Parish of StoneyKirk --Plan 22D No of trace 2
Object - Clayshant Burn - burn
Object - Clashant Bridge - Bridge
[Signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/43 |
Ballochalee Bridge
Ballochalee Bridge |
James Patterson Farmer Dalvadie Via, Stoney Kirk
John McMicken Farmer Eldrick, via Stranraer |
022 |
This bridge is built of stone, by the County (one arch) and takes its name from a ravine of Glen which on the west side of Said is on the cross road which branches off the high road leading from Stranraer to Drummore and is the property of Patrick Maitland Esq. Balgreggan |
OS1/35/57/43 |
[Page] 43
List of names collected by C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 2nd June 1847 -- Iast Examiner
Parish of Stoney Kirk -- Plan 22D -- Trace 2
Object - Ballochalee Bridge - Bridge
Plan 22D Trace 2
[signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/44 |
Berbay Planting |
Hugh Stewart, Inn Keeper, Sandhead.
Mathew Hunter, High Culgroat (Via) Stoney Kirk. |
022 |
A small piece of mixed planting. Situated in the Centre of the portion described above, as part of the Mains of Balgreggan and is the property of Patrick Maitland Esqr. Balgreggan. |
OS1/35/57/44 |
[page] 44
Plan 22.D Trace 2 -- Parish of StoneyKirk
List of names collected by C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 2nd June 1847
Entry for Mains of Balgreggan scored out [on page 56]
Object -- Berbay Planting - Planting
[Signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/45 |
Balgreggan Moat
Balgreggan Moat
Balgreggan Moat |
Hugh Stewart, Inn Keeper at Sandhead Village, Sandhead.
Andrew McMaster, Farmer, Sandmill, via Sandhead.
Samuel Cochran, Farmer,Sandmill, via Sandhead.
John Stewart Miller, Sandmill, via Sandhead. |
022 |
This moat is 57 chains west of the road leading from Stranraer and Glenluce and at about 9 chains north of the Sandhead post office commonly called Moat Slap, - " It is of a conical form which is 460 feet in circumference and 60 feet in height with an excavation on its Summit and defended by Circular fosses"- See the statistical account of Wigtonshire by the ministers of the respective Parishes in the year 1841 on it is a ◬ Station called by Trig [Trigonometrical] party Moat and is the property of Patrick Maitland Esqr. Balgreggan. |
OS1/35/57/45 |
[page] 45
Plan 22.D Trace 2 -- Parish of StoneyKirk
List of names collected by C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 2nd June 1847 -- Ist Examiner
Object - Balgreggan Moat - Moat
[Signed] Thomas Jordan
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/46 |
Moat Slap
Moat Slap
Moat Slap
Moat Slap
Moat Slap
Moat Slap |
John Nelson, postmaster, Moat Slap Post [Office] . John Stewart, Miller, Sandmill via [Sandhead]
Hugh Stewart, Inn Keeper, Sandhead.
Samuel Cochran, & Andrew McMaster, Farmers, Sandmill, Sanhead.
Rental of Balgreggan Estate. |
022 |
A thatched house one Story high and about one chain south of the road leading to Balgreggan house and on the west side of the road leading from Stranraer and Glenluce to Drummore it is the post office of Sandhead now occupied by John Nelson and is the property of Patrick Maitland Esqr. Balgraggan The above is a post office Since the penny postage act came into operation it is Situated about 1/4 mile North of Sandhead Village and 1 chain South of the junctions of four Roads. |
OS1/35/57/46 |
[Page] 46
List of names collected by C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 2nd June 1847 -- 1st. Examiner
Plan 22.D trace 2 -- Parish of StoneyKirk
Object - Moat Slap - house
[Signed] Thomas Jordan
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/47 |
MoatSlap Planting |
David Campbell, Culmore via Stoney Kirk . John Nelson, Moat Slap Post Office.
John Stewart (Miller) Sandmill via Sandhead |
022 |
A Small Stripe of planting of mixed wood Situated between Balgreggan Moat and the junction of roads which is about 1 chain North of Moat Slap House |
OS1/35/57/47 |
Fay Planting |
Robert Hanny, Low Culgroat (via) Stoney Kirk.
Andrew McIntyre, Stoney Kirk. |
022 |
A Small plantation of Mixed wood Situated on the farm of Low Culgroat about 10 chains S.E. [South East] of the farm house and about 2 chains West of the road leading from Stoney Kirk to Sandhead. |
OS1/35/57/47 |
[Page] 47
List of names collected by Pri (Private) Peter Bracken R.S. & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 22.D Trace 2
Object- Moat Slap - Planting - Plantation
Object - Fay Planting - Plantation
[signed] Peter Bracken
Pt (Private) R S& M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
19/47 |
OS1/35/57/48 |
Knockcravie Planting |
Mathew Hunter, High Culgroat (via) Stone
David Campbell, Culmore via [StoneyKirk] |
022 |
A Small plantation of Mixed wood Situated on the S. E. [South East] Side of the farm of High Culgroat and about 1/4 of a mile North of Sandmill Bridge, on the N W [North West] Side of Said planting there is a Brickfield and on the S.E. [South East] side a Tile work. |
OS1/35/57/48 |
[Page] 48
List of names collected by Pt (Private) Peter Bracken R.S. &M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 22.D trace 2 -- Parish of StoneyKirk
Object - Knockcravie Planting - plantation
[Signed] Peter Bracken Pt (Private) R.S. & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
June 19 |
OS1/35/57/49 |
Sand Mill Burn
Sand Mill Burn
Sand Mill Burn |
Andrew McMaster Samuel Cochran and John Stewart Miller, [ all] Sand Mill Farm, via Sandhead. |
022 |
Runs west by East till it meets the low water at Luce Bay. It takes the name of Sandmill Burn from Ballochlee Bridge from said bridge to its rise it takes the name of the several farms which it runs thro' and its rise is at Kildonnan. |
OS1/35/57/49 |
Sand Mill Bridge
Sand Mill Bridge
Sand Mill Bridge |
Andrew McMaster, Samuel Cochran and John Stewart , [All] Sandmill Farm (via) Sandhead. |
022 |
A good Stone bridge, built by the County (one arch) the road from Stranraer and Glenluce, to Drummore crosses said and is on the property Patrick Maitland Esqr. Balgreggan. |
OS1/35/57/49 |
[Page] 49
1st Examiner
List of names collected by C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 2nd June 1847
Plan 22.D Trace 2 -- Parish of StoneyKirk
object - Sand Mill Burn - burn
object Sand Mill Bridge - bridge
[signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/50 |
Sand Mill
Sand Mill
Sand Mill |
Andrew McMaster, Samuel Cochran & John Stewart, [All] Sand Mill via Sandhead
Rental of Patrick Maitland's Estate Balgreggan. |
022 |
This farm is bounded on the east side by the Sea, on the west by the farm of High Culgroat, on the North West by the farm of Culmore, and on the North by the farm of Clayshant . A portion of it is arable, a large Mill dam is nearby in the Centre of it, and the remainder of it is rough pasture which is a rabbit warren, the soil of which is chiefly of a sandy nature. It is divided into 3 farms and occupied by Andrew McMaster, Samuel Cochran and John Stewart who holds the portion where the Corn mill is Situated, and is the property of Patrick Maitland Esqr. Balgreggan and on this farm is ◬ station Called by Trig [Trigonometrical] party Sand Mill as it is on the farm described. |
OS1/35/57/50 |
[page] 50 -- No 136 -- 1st Examiner
List of names collected by C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 2nd June 1847
Plan 22.D Trace 2 -- Parish of StoneyKirk
object - Sand Mill - farm
[Signed] Thomas Jordan |
OS1/35/57/51 |
Barnshangan Hill |
James McCracken Moorpark, Sandhead
Fergus McWilliam, Kirkmagill. |
022 |
a considerable hill at the farm of South Cairnwell the Soil is good arable land on its Summit is a Slight appearance of a Circle of one of the ancient cairns the the farmer while ploughing on this hill turned up earthen or urns with human bones half burned. |
OS1/35/57/51 |
Gaws Hill |
James McCracken Moorpark, Sandhead
Fergus McWilliam, Kirkmagill. |
A considerable hill on the farm of Auchentibbert and on the farm of Kirkmagill the Soil of which is good arable land and is bound on the NW [North West] by North by the Eldrig Burn |
OS1/35/57/51 |
Kirkmagill Corn Mill |
William Baird, Kirkmagill Mill, Sandhead.
Fergus McWilliam, Kirkmagill, Sandhead. |
022 |
A mill of a [unfair] description on the farms of Kirkmagill and is occupied by William Baird and is the property of
Col [Colonel] McDowall of Logan the said William Beard holds 3 acres of good arable land and dwelling house repair and slated. |
OS1/35/57/51 |
Corn Mill |
William Baird Kirkmagill Mill, Sanhead.
Fergus McWilliam, Kirkmagill, Sandhead. |
022 |
A mill of a [unfair] description on the farms of Kirkmagill and is occupied by William Baird and is the property of Col [Colonel] McDowall of Logan the said William Beard holds 3 acres of good arable land and dwelling house repair and slated. |
OS1/35/57/51 |
[page] 51
Plane 22.D Trace 3 -- Parish of StoneyKirk
List of names collected by P Connell Pt R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Object - Barshangan Hill -Hill
Object - Gaws Hill - Hill
Object - Thrashing Mill - Mill
Object - KirKmagill Corn Mill - Mill
[Signed] P. Connell 26 June 1 [8]47 |
OS1/35/57/52 |
Mollys Grove |
James McCulloch, Sandhead.
William Bruce, Sandhead.
James McCrackin, Moorpark, Sandhead. |
022 |
A small planting or clump of trees on the farm of Kirkmagill the timber is chiefly beech in the centre of Said planting is a portion of elevated ground Said to have been the old foundation of a church or Chapel, the inhabitants Says it was there Kirkmagill Kirk and Kirk yard, the graves are quite noticeable still and the foundations likewise they likewise say it was a Kirk of Ease it was about 6 chains West of the Mains of Balgreggan and 20 chains South West of Kirkmagill farm house. |
OS1/35/57/52 |
[Page] 52
Plan 22.D Trace 3 - Parish of Stoneykirk
List of names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Entry Threshing Mill Scored out
Object - Molly's Grove - Planting and site of old church.
[Signed] P Connell
Pt RS & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
26th June David Gibson Altogue Stoneykirk |
OS1/35/57/53 |
Moorpark |
Patrick Maitland Esq. Balgreggan Sandhead.
James McCrackan Moorpark, Sandhead. |
022 |
A Low slated house and Out buildings all Slated and in good repair. Occupied by James McCrackan and holding of area of 126 acres of good arable land and is the property of Patrick Maitland Esq. Balgreggan. - There are a number of Small houses along the Road occupied by labouring people the Road is leading from Sandhead. Rising with this Road is for the accommodation of the tenant belonging to Sir John McTaggart M.P. [Member of Parliament]. |
OS1/35/57/53 |
[page] 53
List of names collected by P. Connell Pt. (Private) R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners] -- Parish of StoneyKirk
Plan 22.D Trace 3
Object - Moorpark - House
[Signed] P. Connell
Pt. (Private) R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
June 26 th 1847 |
OS1/35/57/54 |
Kirkmagill |
Patrick Maitland Esqr., Balgreggan, Sandhead.
Fergus McWilliam, Kirkmagill, Sandhead. |
022 |
A low thatched farm house in bad repair holding a farm of 40 Acres of good arable land and is occupied by Fergus McWilliams and is the property of Patrick Maitland Esqr. there had been two farm houses on this farm but now one of them is in ruins and the farm held by the said Patrick Maitland Esqr. |
OS1/35/57/54 |
[Page] 54
List of names collected by P Connell Pt. (Private) RS&M (Royal Sappers &Miners)
Plan 22.D trace 3 -- Parish of Stoney Kirk
Object - Kirkmagill -- House
[Signed] P Connell Pt. RS & M [Private] Royal Sappers & Miners]
26th June [1847] |
OS1/35/57/55 |
Knockkelpin Hill |
James McCrackon, Moorpark Sandhead.
Fergus McWilliams, Kirkmagill, Sandhead. |
022 |
A low cultivated hill on the farm of Moorpark and is of a mound like Shape. It is about 22 chains South West of Moorpark farm house. - |
OS1/35/57/55 |
Glakehill Hill |
James McCrackon, Moorpark Sandhead.
Fergus McWilliams, Kirkmagill, Sandhead. |
022 |
A large arable hill On the farm of Auchintibbert on the West by South. It is bounded by the farm of the Glake hence takes the [from] On It is a trig [trigonometrical] station called by the Trig [Trigonometrical] party AughinKilbert. |
OS1/35/57/55 |
[Page] 55
List of names collected by P Connell Pt. [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 22.D Trace 3 -- Parish of Stoneykirk
(Object) Knockkelpin - Hill
[Signed] P Connell
Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
26th June 1847 |
OS1/35/57/56 |
Mains of Balgreggan |
James McCulloch, Sandhead.
Wiilliam Bruce, Sandhead Village. |
022 |
A farm yard and Out buildings All in good repair and Slated adjoining is a Saw mill and thrashing mill work by water the distance is about 60 links north of the out buildings stands the mill. The property of Patrick Maitland Esq. Balgreggan. |
OS1/35/57/56 |
[Page] 56
List of names collected by P. Connell Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Field Book 98 -- Parish of Stoney Kirk
Object - Mains of Balgeggan - Farm Yard and Buildings
[signed] P Connell
Pt. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers and Miners]
26th June 1847 |
OS1/35/57/57 |
Cairnweil Burn |
Cairnweil Burn |
David Taylor, Challoch via Stoney Kirk.
Lames McCrackin, Moorpark, Sandhead, |
Stoney Kirk |
A small burn or stream flowing from Float Loch forming the boundary between Glake farm and West Cairnweil after passing through those two farms it again forms the boundary between Moorpark and Cairnweil afterwards it forms the boundary between Altain Farm and Balgreggan and falls in to the Bay of Luce W. (west) by south 27 chains of Sandhead Village. |
OS1/35/57/59 |
Kennel Planting |
Kennel Planting |
Patrick Maitland Esq. Balgreggan By Sandhead.
James McCulloch, Labourer, Balgreggan via Sandhead. |
22 |
The name applies to a Planting the Wood of which Chiefly Consisting of Beech & Fir. It is on the Mains of Balgreggan and lies adjacent to Balgreggan Hos [House] and close to the Kennel. |
OS1/35/57/59 |
Drumdally Hill |
Drumdally Hill |
James McCulloch, Labourer, Balgreggan via Sandhead.
James Cruickshanks, Gardener, Balgreggan via Sandhead. |
22 |
A Small Arable Hill Situated a short distance East off Balgreggan Ho. [House]. The Field that this hill is in has been a Race [course] this 3 or 4 years past, but not a public one as there is none allowed to Run their Cattle on this Course but a few Farmers. The Races are held after the in Rig -- in Stranraer. It is on the Mains of Balgreggan. this is not held as a [race] |
OS1/35/57/59 |
[page] 59
List of names collected by John Callanan C & A [Civilian Assistant]
Plan 22D trace 4 -- Parish of Stoney Kirk
object - Kennel Planting - a planting
object - Drumdally Hill - a hill
[Signed] John Callanan C A. sst [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/60 |
Groosy Glen |
Groosy Glen |
Jas. (James) McCulloch, Labourer, Balgreggan by Sandhead.
Alex. McMatham, Sandhead |
22 |
A steep glen at the base of which runs a small stream or burn forming a portion of the boundary between the estates of Ardwell & Balgreggan. But not recognised by any particular name. The south end of this glen is planted d with wood consisting of ash, oak, fir. The north end is rocky growing over with brushwood and furze [gorse] and has a romatic appearance It lies between Balgraggan house & Cairnweil Hill. |
OS1/35/57/60 |
Back Planting |
Back Planting |
Patrick Maitland Esq. Balgreggan, by Sandhead.
John Aird, Gamekeeper, Balgreggan by Sandhead. |
22 |
A portion of wood which is situated at the side of Balgreggan House. It consists of beech. It is on the Mains of Balgreggan property of Patrick Maitland Esq[Esquire], Balgreggan. |
OS1/35/57/60 |
[page] 60
List of names collected by John Callaman C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Plan 22.D trace 4
parish of Stoney Kirk
Glen Groosy - a Glen
Glen Planting - a planting
[signed John Callaman C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/61 |
Groosy Planting
Groosy Planting |
Patrick Maitland Esqr. Balgreggan by Sandhead.
James McCulloch, (Labourer) Balgregganvia Sandhead |
22 |
A large Planting the Wood of which consists of Ash, Beech & Fir. It is On the Mains of Balgreggan and lies between Stairmount Planting and Sandhead Planting. |
OS1/35/57/61 |
Balgreggan House |
Balgreggan |
Patrick Maitland Esqr. Balgreggan by Sandhead.
John Aird, (Gamekeeper) Balgreggan by Sandhead. |
22 |
A Large and Commodious house 3 Storys high Slated and in good repair, but Seemingly of an old date. On the South gable or Side of this Ho. [House] is a sun dial which bares date 1730. There is Office Houses attached to this which are in good repair. Also a large Garden & a considerable Farm or demain of Arable Lands on which there is Several Plantations. It is the Property & Residence of Patrick Maitland Esq. of Freugh. |
OS1/35/57/61 |
[Page] 61
List of names collected by John Callaman C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Plan 22D Trace 4
Parish Stoneykirk
Groosy Planting - A Planting
Balgreggan - A House
[Signed] John Callanan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/62 |
Sandhead Planting |
Sandhead Planting |
Jas. McCulloch, Labourer, Balgreggan, via Sandhead.
Jas. Cruickshank, Gardener, Balgreggan via Sandhead. |
22 |
A long stripe of planting extending from north to south and west of the road which passed through Sandhead to Drummore it is elevated a considerable hight above the village of Sandhead. The wood consists chiefly of beech & ash. |
OS1/35/57/62 |
Altain Glen |
Altain Glen |
Patrick Maitland Esq., Balgreggan via Sandhead.
Alex. McMahan, Sandhead |
22 |
A deep glen at the base of which runs a small stream or burn. Not known by any particular name the glen is thinly planted on boath sides of the stream with young ash, oak, & fir. It is situated on the south side of the road from Drommore through Stranraer via Sandhead. |
OS1/35/57/62 |
Plan 22.D trace 4
parish of Stoney Kirk
List of names collected by John Callaman C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Sandhead Planting - a planting
Altain Glen - a glen
[signed] John Callaman
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/63 |
Moorpark Planting |
Moorpark Planting |
Patrick Maitland Esq. Balgreggan Ho. [House],
Via Stoney Kirk.
John Aird, Gamekeeper, Balgreggan, Via Stoney Kirk. |
22 |
A small strip of mixed wood which once belonged to Moorpark Farm but is now on the Mains of Balgreggan. It lies a short distance n.[north] west of Balgreggan Ho. [House]. |
OS1/35/57/63 |
Stairmount Planting |
Stairmount Planting |
Patrick Maitland Esq. Balgreggan Ho. [House],
Via Stoney Kirk.
John Aird, Gamekeeper, Balgreggan, Via Stoney Kirk. |
22 |
A small planting the boundary of which is nearly of a circular shape, the wood consists of beech. It is situated on a small in an arable field a few chains west of Balgreggan House and it is on the Mains of Balgreggan. |
OS1/35/57/63 |
plan 22.D trace 4
parish of Stoneykirk
list of names collected by John Callaman C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
Moorpark Planting - a planting
Stairmount Planting - a planting
[signed] JW. Callaman C.A. [Civilian Assistant} |
OS1/35/57/63 |
Unable to decipher the following word
" It is situated on a small ?????? in an arable field" |
OS1/35/57/64 |
Free Kirk |
Free Kirk |
Revd. [Reverend] Robt. [Robert] McNeil, Sandhead.
Jas. [James] McKenzie, School Master, Sandhead. |
22 |
A large stone edifice plain rectangular building built A.D.1043 and by subscription. The number of sittings is 600 and the average no of communicants is about 425. The site was granted by Mr. McTaggart by paying this feu rent. The ground including the Manse, school House. Site of church yd [yard] consists of about an acre. The Minister the Revd. [Reverend] Robt. [Robert] McNeil. This residence above mentioned, is a neat & handsome cottage two story high adjacent to it is the school house and school masters residence in connection with the church. It is a good stone building two story high & slated. The School Masters fees assisted from the fund appropriated to this endowment of the schools connected with the Free Church together with the scholars fees. The average number of scholars is about 86. The minister is paid out of the Scotland religous funds. |
OS1/35/57/64 |
Unable to decipher the word
"The site was granted by ???? Mr. McTaggart " |
OS1/35/57/64 |
[page] 64
List of names collected by [left blank thought to be John Callaman C.A.]
Plan 22.D trace 4
parish of Stoney Kirk
Free Kirk - a church
[signed] John Callaman C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/65 |
Mull Hill |
Mull Hill |
Alex. McMahan, Sandhead.
Samuel Corkran, Altain, By Sandhead.
Mr. Neilson, Moat Slap Post Office. |
22 |
A considerable hill on which there is a Trig. Station called by Trig Party "Mill Hill". It commands a pretty good view of the surrounding county & is situated on the farm of Kirkmabrick, a short distance S.E. [south east] off Ardwell Mill & adjacent to the Bay of Luce. |
OS1/35/57/65 |
East Cairnweil |
East Cairnweil |
Alex. Todd, East Cairnweil by Sandhead.
Samuel Cockran, Altain by Sandhead. |
22 |
The name applies to a farm Ho. [house]. One story high & slated , with a thrashing mill worked by water, and out offices attached, the whole of which are in good repair. The farm consists of about 185 acres of arable land. Situated between Cairnweil Mill & Ardwell Mill. Proprietor Sir J. McTaggart |
OS1/35/57/65 |
[page] 65
List of names collected by John Callaman C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Plan 22.D trace 4
parish of Stoney Kirk
Mull Hill - a hill
Eats Cairnwell - a Farm House
[signed] John Callaman C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/67 |
Cairnweil Hill |
Cairnweil Hill |
Alex. Todd, East Cairnweil, By Sandhead.
Alex. McMakan , Sandhead. |
22 |
A considerable hill on which there is a Trig. Station called by Trig Party "Cairn Wheel". It command a pretty good view of the surrounding county and is situated on the Farm of East Cairnweil a short distance N.W. [north west] of the farm house. |
OS1/35/57/67 |
Dry Arch |
Dry Arch |
John Neilson, Moat Slap Post Office.
Jas. McNeillie, Blacksmith, Sandhead. |
22 |
The name applies to an Arch Wheel which is built stone. It is situated on the road from Drummore to Stranraer and was built for the purpose of letting cattle pass and repass under the road, from one field to the other. It is a Co. Arch and on the Mains of Balgreggan. |
OS1/35/57/67 |
[page] 67
Names collected by J. Callaman C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Plan 22.D trace 4
Parish of Stoney Kirk
Cairnwell Hill - a Hill
Dry Arch - an arch
[Signed] John Callaman C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/69 |
Moat Slap [Post Office] |
Moat Slap [Post Office] |
22 |
For a description see the Orthography for Trace 2 Plan 22.D. |
OS1/35/57/69 |
Altain |
Altain |
Samuel Cockran, Altain via Sand-head.
Alex. McMarKan, Sandhead. |
The name applies to a Farm House One story high with out offices attached the whole of which are but in middling repair. The farm consists of about 50a [acres] a considerable portion of which is glens & sea beach. It is situated between Sandhead and Ardwell Mill - Proprietor Major Maitland - Balgreggan. |
OS1/35/57/69 |
[page] 69
List of names collected by J. Callaman C.Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Plan 22.D
Parish of Stoney Kirk
Moat Slap - a house
Altain - a farm house
[signed] John Callaman C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/71 |
Altain Bridge |
Altain Bridge |
Alex. McMakan, Sandhead.
Samuel Cockran, Altain by Sandhead. |
22 |
A small bridge with one arch Co. situated between Altain Glen and the Free Kirk. On the road from Drummore to Sandhead . A short distance S.E. [south east] of this bridge on the old road from Drummore to Sandhead is an old bridge not recognized by the any particular name. It is not a Co. Bridge and is now very seldom used on account of the road being changed higher up from the sea shore. The are both on the farm of Altain. |
OS1/35/57/71 |
Lint Mill |
Lint Mill
Described with Ardwell Mill forms 21. |
Alex. McMakan, Sandhead.
Samuel Cockran, Altain by Sandhead. |
22 |
A small thatched house or mill where flax is prepared for spinning. OIt is worked by water and is situated on sea shore a short distance north of Ardwell Mill. It is on the farm of Kirkmabrick. Proprietor Sir John McTaggart M.P. |
OS1/35/57/71 |
[page] 71
List of names collected by John Callaman C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Plan 22.D Trace 4
Parish of Stoney Kirk
Altain Bridge - a bridge
Lint Mill - a Mill
[signed] John Callaman C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/57/73 |
Ardwell Mill |
Ardwell Mill |
Thomas Birkmyre, Ardwell Mill via Sandhead.
Samuel Cockran, Altain by Sandhead. |
22 |
A large and extensive corn & flour mill two story high. Slated and in good repair. It is worked by water. There is a Farm House attached which is one story high, slated and in good repair. The farm consists of 13 a [acres] which is arable land. It is situated between the Free Kirk & Mull Hill. The proprietor Sir J. McTaggart. Occupied by Thos. Birkmyre, Ardwell. |
OS1/35/57/73 |
Sandhead |
Sandhead |
The street extends fromgreater portion of the inhanitants are [unable to decipher word appears to end in tists and could be artists] . The remainder are laboring men and fishermen. There is one public house. A north to south. The houses are all one story high and in general are but in middling repair. The[y] are nearly all slated. The school house which is not the parish school. |
OS1/35/57/73 |
Plan 22.D trace 4
parish of Stoney Kirk
List of names collected by John Callaman C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
Ardwell Mill - a mill
Sandhead - a village
The greater portion of the inhabitants are [unable to decipher word appears to end in tists could be artists] . |
OS1/35/57/75 |
Sandhead |
Sandhead |
Jas. McNeillie, Blacksmith, Sandhead.
Alex McMaKan, Sandhead. |
22 |
Which is not the Parish School. The Miss Maitlands of Balgreggan built it at their own expense. There's a Doctor and one Policeman in it. A Smithy in the south end of the village is a spout of spring water conveyed through a lead pipe from Sandhead Planting to the front of the street where it discharges itself & connects a very good spring - within a short distance of the shore at Sandhead it affords a harbour for small vessels importing lime coals and exporting grain to Liverpool. There is no dues paid at this port or landing place.
Sandhead is situated in a hollow and about 1/2 a mile east of Balgreggan. Proprietor Patrick Maitland Esq. [Esquire]
Balgreggan. |
OS1/35/57/75 |
[page] 75
Plan 22.D trace 4
parish of Stoney Kirk
List of names collected by John Callaman C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
Object Sandhead - Village |