List of names as written | Various modes of spelling | Authorities for spelling | Situation | Description remarks |
CLAYSHANT BURN | Clayshant Burn Clayshant Burn Clayshant Burn Clayshant Burn |
Andrew McMaster, Samuel Cochran and John Stewart, [All] Farmers, [at] Sand Mill Farm via Sandhead. Fergus McMaster, Farmer, Clayshant via Sandhead |
022 | A considerable burn runs thro' [through] several farms. and passes thro [through] the village of Stoney Kirk. It takes Several names as it passes, till it joins on this trace and to its termination till it meets the Bay of Luce, it takes the name given. |
CLAYSHANT BRIDGE | Clayshant Bridge Clayshant Bridge Clayshant Bridge Clayshant Bridge |
Andrew McMaster, Samuel Cochran & John Stewart, [all] Farmers, [at] Sand Mill, Farm, via Sandhead. Fergus McMaster, Clayshant Farm, via Sandhead. |
022 | A Stone bridge, one arch, and built by the County, on the road leading from Glenluce to Drummore, and forms a boundary between the farms of Clayshant and Sand Mill and is the property of Patrick Maitland Esq. Balgreggan. |
Continued entries/extra info
List of names collected by C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Jordan 2nd June 1847 -- Ist Examiner[page] 42
Parish of StoneyKirk --Plan 22D No of trace 2
Object - Clayshant Burn - burn
Object - Clashant Bridge - Bridge
[Signed] Thomas Jordan C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
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Chr1smac -Moderator, John MacKay
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