OS1/35/52/1 |
Parish of Wigtown
Plan 20B
Names of Objects -- Page
Town of Wigtown
Acre Place -- 11
Agnew Crescent -- 10
Ball Green -- 5
Botany Bay -- 6
British Linen Company -- 9
Bank -- 9
Church Lane -- 4
Croft-an-Reigh -- 5
County Jail -- 15
Custom House -- 16
Duncan Cottage -- 3
Edinburgh & Glasgow Bank -- 16
Free Church -- 10
Gas Works -- 15
High Vennel -- 7
Kilquhirn Cottage -- 10
Lochan Croft -- 3
Lochan Croft Lane -- 3
Lovers Walk -- 4
Low Vennel -- 9
North High Street -- 8
Orchardton Place -- 11
Parish Church formerly Church of St. Machute -- 5
Parish School -- 4
Parliament Square -- 8
Post Office -- 16
Secession Church -- 6
Steam Company's Warehouse -- 15
South High Street -- 11
Town House -- 9
Town Head -- 7
Subscription School -- 12
West Port (site of) -- 7
Wigtown -- 13
Wigtown Castle-- 13
Windy Hill -- 6
Parish of Wigtown
Barbadoes Villa -- 50
Bishop Burn -- 45
Bladenoch -- 48
Borrowmoss -- 55
Borrowmoss Bridge -- 54
Borrowmoss Burn -- 44
Borrowmoss -- 46
Broadfield -- 44
Brunthouse -- 49
Chapelton Croft -- 54
Common Moss Road -- 41
Cotland Croft - [ ] |
OS1/35/52/2 |
Index Continued
Name of Objects -- Page
Culquhirk Bridge -- 40
Culquhirk -- 44
Culquhirk Hill -- 55
Drove Park -- 43
East Kirkland -- 41
Fordbank -- 48
Gallow Hill --52
Kirkland Hill -- 41
Kirvennie Hill -- 51
Lovers Walk -- 41
Low Cotland -- 52
Maitland -- 49
Maitland Hill -- 52
Maitland Wood -- 56
Mains of Glenturk -- 43
Monk Hill -- 43
Philip Hill -- 51
River Bladenoch -- 47
River Cree -- 56
St. Ninians Bridge -- 45
St. Ninians Well -- 43
Starch Manufactory -- 48
Trammond Ford -- 55
Vicars Acres -- 53
West Kirkland -- 46
Wigtown Bay -- 50
Wigtown Quay -- 56
Windy Hill -- 51
Wigtown Sands -- 53 |
OS1/35/52/3 |
Duncan Cottage
Duncan Cottage |
Mrs Mc Donald
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
[Situation] 10 chs [chains] N. [North] of Wigtown & 2 chs. [chains] W. [West] of the road leading to Newtonstewart
A neat stone building in good repair having a Garden & two acres of land attached, the property of Mrs McDonald |
OS1/35/52/3 |
Lochan Croft
Lochan Croft |
James McHaffie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
[Situation] on the N. [North] side of Wigtown
A small triangular Field is which is erecting a Parish Schoolhouse. |
OS1/35/52/3 |
Lochan Croft Lane
Lochan Croft Lane |
James McHaffie George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
[Situation] On the N. [North] of Wigtown
A Lane on the South side of which are Several Small Cottages.- |
OS1/35/52/3 |
Parish of Wigton & Town of Wigtown -- [Page] 3
Form 136
page 17- Duncan Cottage
17 - Lochan Croft
17 - Lochan Croft Lane |
OS1/35/52/4 |
Wigtown Parish School
Parish School |
Mr. Maxwell McMaster.
George McHaffie Esqe. |
020 |
[Situation] N. [North] Corner of Lochans Croft & N. [North] of Wigtown See page 3 .-
A large stone building now in progress of erecting. Commenced in May 1845 |
OS1/35/52/4 |
Lovers Walk
Lovers Walk |
Mr. John McHaffie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
[Situation] N. E. [North East] end of the Town of Wigtown
An old road leading from Wigtown Parish Church to the Newtown Stewart & [Wigtown] Road .- |
OS1/35/52/4 |
CHURCH LANE [Wigtown] |
Church Lane
Church Lane |
Mr. John McHaffie
George McHaffie Esq. |
020 |
[Situation] NE [North East] of Wigtown
A Short lane running N N W. [North North West] & on the west side of the church Yards, at its extremity are a couple of Cottages |
OS1/35/52/4 |
Parish of Wigton -- Town of Wigtown -- [Page] 4
Form 136
Page 18- Wigtown Parish School
18 - Lovers Walk
18 - Church Lane |
OS1/35/52/5 |
Ball Green
Ball Green
Ball Green |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Mr. McMaster resident |
020 |
[Situation] at the N. E. [North East] end of Wigtown and contiguous to the Parish Church.-
Four Small indifferent cottages on on the west side of Wigtown &
Creetown Road. |
OS1/35/52/5 |
CROFT-AN-REIGH [Wigtown] |
Croft-angree or Croft Angry
Croft Anreach
Croft -an - Reigh
Croft-an-Reich |
George McHaffie Esqr.
This informant could not Spell.
John McHaffie Esqr.
Act 2 & 3 Wthn [within] 4th- Capt. 5th
Scottish Reform Act |
020 |
[Situation] at the N. E. [North East] end of Wigtown and contiguous to the Parish Church.-
A long and indifferent Cottage with a Field attached which was formerly an orchard at the S. [South] end of the Cottage there is a whinstone Quarry. - |
OS1/35/52/5 |
Parish Church
[Church of St. Marchute ] |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Chalmers Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3 page 424 .- |
020 |
[Situation] N. E. [North East] end of the Town of Wigtown.
The Parish church of wigtown Consecrated to St Machute a St. of British origin who died AD 554,- The Church was partly rebuilt in 1730 & completely (unknown) about 1770. see Chalmers Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3 page 424.5. It has three galleries viz E. W & N [East West & North] (sittings 660) & is now somewhat dilapidated. the Earl of Galloway is now Patron of the church & titular of the teinds.- |
OS1/35/52/5 |
Parish of Wigtown -- & Town of wigtown -- [Page] 5
Form 136
Page 19 - Ball Green
19 - Croft Angry
20- Parish Church
"riegh " A King the Kings croft.
Gaelic Dictionary
The church of St Machute.
in Wigton, with its pertinents were granted
to the Prior and Canons of Whithorn.by Edward Brus
the Lord of Galloway. Chalmers Caledonia vol [volume] 3 p [page] 424
This must have been in the 13th Century
[Initialed] WSL |
OS1/35/52/6 |
Windy Hill
Windy Hill |
George McHaffie Esqr.
John McHaffie Esqr. resident |
020 |
[Situation] N. W. [North West] & contiguous to Wigtown
A hill much exposed on its summit is an old Quarry of whinstone. |
OS1/35/52/6 |
Secession Church
Secession Church |
George McHaffie Esqr.
John McHaffie Esqr. resident |
020 |
[Situation] At the west Entrance of Wigtown
An united Secession Church in the Burgh of Wigtown now erecting at a cost of about £948 & "belonging to a congregation established in 1748" Top Stal Hisl. Gazr [Topographical Statistical Historical Gazetteer of [ Scotland] page 810. The old church was pulled down in March 1845 having stood for 95 years . the new church is now building upon of the old one. there is built a gallery on the S. E [South East] & West sides of the new church. This Church together with the whole of Wigtown is built with stone.- |
OS1/35/52/6 |
Botany Bay
Botany Bay
Botany Bay |
George McHaffie Esqr.
John McHaffie Esqr. resident |
020 |
[Situation] N W. [North West] side of Wigtown
A back lane of Wigtown on its S. [South] side is a Brewery the remr. [remainder] of the same side are cottages. built of stone. |
OS1/35/52/6 |
[Page] 6 -- Parish of Wigtown & Town of Wigtown
Form 136
Page 20 - Windy Hill
21 - Secession Church
21 - Botany Bay |
OS1/35/52/7 |
HIGH VENNEL [Wigtown] |
High Vennel
High Vennel |
George McHaffie Esqr.
A Map of Wigtown. |
020 |
[Situation] N. [North] side of Wigtown
A lane branching off & running N. [North] from High Street & leads to Newtonstewart, the houses average from 1 to 2 stories high the lane is macadamised & drained. - |
OS1/35/52/7 |
TOWN HEAD [Wigtown] |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Mr. Mcmaster resident. |
020 |
[Situation] West Entrance of Wigtown]
This forms a part of the main Street the houses are generally 2 stories high & built with stone. - |
OS1/35/52/7 |
west Port.
West Port. |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Mr. Mcmaster resident. |
020 |
[Situation] at the S. [South] end of high Vennel & extending S. [South] across High Street.
In former times the west Gate of the Town stood here the houses were built across the street the Vehicles etc. passing under a low arch. - |
OS1/35/52/7 |
Parish & Town of Wigtown -- [Page] 7
Form 136
Page 21- High Vennel
22 - Town Head
22- West Port
[Note] Venal Vinell. an alley, a lane.
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary.
[West Port] Is not written on 6 inch - and is Old English on 5 feet-
should it not be in German Text - with authority
in favour of the name in person also if the [thing] named
being an Antiquity- Its not in A Statistical History
of Scotland |
OS1/35/52/8 |
Parliament Square
Parliament Square |
George McHaffie Esqr.
John McHaffie Esqr. resident |
020 |
[Situation] Centre of the Farm
A Small neat rectangular square with iron railings & where the Members of Parliament for the burgh are elected & other public business carried on.- On the west end & inside the railings is a beautiful granite column which is the market cross & close by it is an ancient & curious dial dated 1738 which formerly stood upon a pedestal about 8 ft high near to the centre of the square was made together with the market cross in 1816 at a cost of £350.- |
OS1/35/52/8 |
North High Street
North High Street |
George McHaffie Esqr.
John McHaffie Esqr. resident |
020 |
[Situation] Centre of the Town
A long spacious Street well drained & macadamised. the houses are from two to three stories high & built of stone, on the South side is a large Bowling Green. the East end of which is a beautiful Dial at the west end a nice Summer House raised upon a green acclivity. the Green is enclosed by a stone wall & surrounded with Sycamore and beech trees the foliage of which gives a beautiful & pleasing appearance, It was made in 1810 at a cost of [450] including the making of the roads.- Previous to the erection of the Green & Parliament Sq. there was a Paved Causeway running from west port to the Parish church ( thro [through] the centre of Town) on each side of this were the Peat stacks & filth of every description. |
OS1/35/52/9 |
LOW VENNEL [Wigtown] |
Laigh Vennel
Low Vennal |
Mr. James McHaffie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
[Situation] N. [North] of High Street Wigtown
A Short narrow Street branching off High Street
ending at Lochan Croft Lane. In it are several Cottages built of stone & are from 1-2 stories high. |
OS1/35/52/9 |
TOWN HOUSE [Wigtown] |
Town Hall
Town House |
Mr. William Carson.
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
[Situation] Centre of Wigtown
A large stone building with Tower & Spire erected by the magistrates of the Burgh of wigtown in 1777. on the 2nd floor is the Town Hall. & underneath is the Gaol. The Parish School is it present held here 'till such time as the new one now erecting is ready for occupation. - |
OS1/35/52/9 |
British Linen Companys Bank
British Linen Companys Bank |
Mr. Black
over the Door. |
020 |
[Situation] at the East end of wigtown
A fine stone building in excellent repair erected by Mr. Black (in 1831.) who is now agent to the Properties " The British Linen Company" to whom Mr. Black sold it. There is a garden and pleasure ground attached.- |
OS1/35/52/9 |
Parish & Town of Wigtown -- [Page] 9
Form 136
Page 23 - Low Vennel
24- Town Hall
25- British Linen Bank
A new Gaol and Schoolhouse
is now in course of erection
10th May 1847 [Initialed] W S L |
OS1/35/52/10 |
FREE CHURCH [Wigtown] |
Free Church
Free Church |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Mr. Wiliam McMaster resident. |
020 |
[Situation] SE [South East] extremity of wigtown.
A neat stone building erected about 2 years since, sitting about 360 or 380 - no gallery.- |
OS1/35/52/10 |
Kilquhirn Cottage
Kilquharn Cottage |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Plan of wigtown. - |
020 |
[Situation] S. [South] Extremity of wigtown.
A neat Cottage 2 stories high at S. [South] end of Agnew Crescent. - |
OS1/35/52/10 |
Agnew Crescent
Agnew Crescent |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Corner Board. |
020 |
[Situation] west end of High Street .-
The South entrance into Wigtown, the street is macadamized the houses are built of stone from 1 to 2 stories in height.- |
OS1/35/52/10 |
[Page] 10-- Parish & Town of Wigtown
Form 136
Page 27 - Free Church
27 - Kilquhirn Cottage
27 - Agnew Crescent |
OS1/35/52/11 |
South High Street
South High Street |
George McHaffie Esqr.
James McHaffie Esqr. resident. |
020 |
[Situation] Centre of the Town of Wigtown
This together with North High Street form the main part of the Town, in it is the Queens Arms, the Post Office, & the Commercial Inn the Queens Arms is the principal Inn in the Town.- |
OS1/35/52/11 |
ACRE PLACE [Wigtown] |
Acre Place
Acre Place |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Corner Board. |
020 |
[Situation] South of Agnew Crescent.-
Four new Cottages two stories high & built of stone .- |
OS1/35/52/11 |
Orchardton Place
Orcharton Place |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Mr. McMaster resident |
020 |
[Situation] E. [East] and contiguous to Agnew Crescent .-
A neat Cottage of two stories high with small Garden attached |
OS1/35/52/11 |
[Page] 11 -- Parish & Town of Wigtown
Form 136
Page 28 - South High Street
28- Acre Place
28- Orchardton Place |
OS1/35/52/12 |
Subscription School
Subscription School |
William Dickson.
G. McHaffie Esqr.
Mr. McMaster resident |
020 |
[Situation] SE [South East] of Wigtown .-
A neat stone building erected in 1844 by subscription, There is a fine yard in front which joins the new road to the Harbour,- The number of Scholars in attendance daily are from 80 to 90 of which there are 60 males the remainder females.- |
OS1/35/52/12 |
[Page] 12 -- Parish & Town of Wigtown
Form 136
Page 29- Subscription School
Entry for New Road to the Harbour is scored through - No Name |
OS1/35/52/13 |
Wigton Castle
Wigton Castle |
Chalmers Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3 p. [page] 371.
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
[Situation] S [South] of Wigtown & Contiguous to Wigton Bay.-
Whether this castle gave rise to the Town of Wigtown or not is a matter of conjecture but certain it is that it figured in the reign of Edward the 1st & at the time of of the Competition between Baliol & Comyn as a Royal castle for "after the Competition was decided, Edward "by his mandate, of the 18th November 1292," directed it to be delivered (with two others) to John Baliol, as the Scottish King" Chalmers Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3 page 371.-
The only remains now to be seen is a little rubbish & a part of the fosse which is about 9 ft deep, the Bladenoch river is said to have run closely by its Southern extremity. - |
OS1/35/52/13 |
Wigtown |
Sheriffs Clerks office.
Town Clerks office.
Co [County] & Road clerks office.
Lieutenancy clerks office.
Kirk Session.
Post office.
Custom House.
Stamp office.
Justice of Peace clerks Office.
Bank of Scotland & British Linen Co. [Company]
Top. Statl. & Histl. Gazr. [Topographical & Statistical & historical Gazetteer] of Scotland p. 811
Chalmers Caledonia Vol. [Volume] 3. p. 349
George McHaffie Esqr.
It is spelt by all inhabitants of Wigton in contradistinction to Wigton in Cumberland
Old Latin Historical Atlas of Scotland -. 1662.
Act . Parl:[ Parliament] 2d .3d Guil IV
Symson's Description of Galloway - 1684.
ainslie's maps 1782, 1796 & 1821.
Statistics - 1841.
Histy [History] of Galloway 1841.
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] Map 1819 |
020 |
[Situation] Near the N. [North] extremity of Wigton Bay & E. [East] of Wigtownshire
A Royal Burgh governed by a provost, two bailies and a treasurer & 14 councillors it unites with Stranraer Whithorn & New Galloway in sending a member to Parliament, .- & is situated upon a hill but altho' [although] there is liberty to hold a market here yet there is none held.- |
OS1/35/52/13 |
Parish & Town of Wigtown -- [Page] 13
Form 136
Page 31 - Wigton Castle
32- Town of Wigtown
"Wigtown castle was certainly
built in the 12th century."
Chalmers Caledonia
Vol [Volume] 3 p [page] 356
In the correspondence
relative to the name Wigton
or wigtown.
Major Genl. [General] Colby was pleased to
make the following remark.
" As the Law courts and Public
" offices appear still to retain the
"W"; we have no sufficient
"authority for omitting it on the
"Plans. Wigtown, was no doubt
"the original name.-
Intld [Initialed]
J.C. 4th July 1846
The name of Wigton is supposed
to be compounded of Saxon words
Wic Village Ton Hill denoting
local situation of the Town .- |
OS1/35/52/14 |
[Page] 14
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/52/15 |
COUNTY JAIL [Wigtown] |
Wigtown County Jail
Wigtown County Jail |
G. McHaffie Esq. Rresident
J. McHaffie Esq. resident |
020 |
[Situation] on the South Side of the Town about 5 chains S.S.W. [South South west] of Subscription School.
A Small but Substantial Stone building. there is another County Jail at Stranraer called "Stranraer County Jail"hence the name here "Wigtown County Jail" |
OS1/35/52/15 |
GAS WORKS [Wigtown] |
Wigtown Gas Works (erected 1846)
Wigtown Gas Works (erected 1846) |
G. McHaffie Esq. resident
Sign on Building |
020 |
[Situation] at the junction of Low Vennel & Lochaw Croft Lane
A Small Building with one Gasometer, with a good substantial walk around- |
OS1/35/52/15 |
Steam Company's Warehouse
Steam Company's Warehouse |
G. Mc Haffie Esq. resident.
Sign on Building |
020 |
[Situation] at the South end of Acre Place in Agnew Crescent
A Large building in a rather delapidated condition, used now as stable - |
OS1/35/52/15 |
Parish of Wigton --Town of Wigtown -- [Page] 15 |
OS1/35/52/16 |
Edinburgh & Glasgow Bank
Edinburgh & Glasgow Bank |
T. Murray Agent. local
Sign on Plate. |
020 |
[Situation] in the western extremity of High St. close to The West Port" .-
This was formerly a Public House now converted into a Bank |
OS1/35/52/16 |
CUSTOM HOUSE [Wigtown] |
Custom House
Custom House |
Mr. McMaster. resident
Sign on House |
020 |
[Situation] on the East Side of Agnew Crescent 2 chains South of North Street, and Town Head-
A Small House used for several by the office of the Customs - |
OS1/35/52/16 |
POST OFFICE [Wigtown] |
Post Office
Post Office |
G. McHaffie Esqr.
Sign on House. |
020 |
A Small House in the Centre of Town adjacent to the Principal Inn--- |
OS1/35/52/16 |
[Page] 16 -- Parish of Wigtown -- Town of Wigtown
Form 136
Page 35 - Edinburgh & Glasgow Bank
35- Custom house
37 - Post Office |
OS1/35/52/17 |
Duncan Cottage |
Mrs McDonald Duncan cottage wigtown |
020 |
A neat Stone building in good repair having a arden and two acres of land attached and is occupied by the proprietress Mrs McDonnald |
OS1/35/52/17 |
Lochan Croft |
Mr. John McHaffie Esqr. Provost of Wigtown |
020 |
A Small Triangular field on the north side of wigtown and in which is erecting a new Parish School house |
OS1/35/52/17 |
Lochan Croft Lane |
Mr. John McHaffie Esqr. Provost of Wigtown
George Mchaffie Esqr. |
020 |
This lane is adjoining the above field and in it are a number cottages - all of which are on its South Side |
OS1/35/52/17 |
Plan 20 B -- List of Names collected by John Thompson c.a. [civilian assistant] 1st. Examiner -- [Page] 17
Trace 1 & 2 -- [Parish] wigtown
Duncan cottage - House
Lochan croft - Field
Lochan croft Lane - Lane
Examined Robert Barlow
Capt. R S & M [Captain Royal Sappers & Miners]
[Signed] John Thompson c.a. [civilian assistant]
June 4th. 1845 |
OS1/35/52/18 |
Wigtown Parish School
Parish School |
Mr. Maxwell McMaster Schoolmaster wigtown
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
A large Stone building in progress of erection and is intended for a Parish School |
OS1/35/52/18 |
Lovers Walk
Lovers Walk |
Mr. John McHaffie High Street wigtown
George McHaffie Esqr. Provost of Wigtown |
020 |
An old road leading from wigtown church to the Newtonstewart & wigtown road |
OS1/35/52/18 |
Plan 20 B -- List of Names collected by John Thompson c.a. [civilian assistant] 1st. Examiner -- [Page] 18
Trace 1 & 2 -- [Parish] wigtown
Wigtown Parish School - School ho [house]
Lovers Walk - old road
June 4th. 1845
[Signed] John Thompson
c.a. [civilian assistant] |
OS1/35/52/19 |
Church Lane |
George McHaffie Esqr. Provost wigtown |
020 |
A Short lane running N.N. W. [North North West] from the west side of Ch. [Church] Yards. |
OS1/35/52/19 |
Ball Green |
George McHaffie Esqr. Provost wigtown |
020 |
Four Small & indifferent Cottages on the west side of the wigton & Creetown Roads. |
OS1/35/52/19 |
Croft Angry |
George McHaffie Esqr. Provost wigtown |
020 |
a long and indifferent Cottage with a field attached to which was formerly an orchard at the S. [South] end of the house is a whinstone Quarry.- |
OS1/35/52/19 |
Plan 20 B -- List of Names collected by Corpl. [Corporal] Robert Barlow R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner -- [Page] 19
Trace 3 -- [Parish] Wigtown
Church Lane - Lane
Ball Green - a few Cottages
Croft Angry - Cottage & Field
[Signed] Robert Barlow
Corpl. R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
7th. June 1845 |
OS1/35/52/20 |
Parish Church |
George McHaffie Esqr. Provost Wigtown |
020 |
The Parish Church of wigtown consecrated to St. Machule (previous to the reformation) a St. of British origin who Died AD> 554 See Chalmers Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3 p. [page] 424 The Earl of Galloway is now Patron of the Ch. [Church] & titular of the teinds it was mostly rebuilt in 1730 & completelyrepaired about 1770. see Chalmers Cal. [Caledonia] vol. [volume] 3. p. [page] 425.- It is now somewhat dilapidated.- It has three galleries Viz the E. [East] W. [West] & North. - sittings 660 |
OS1/35/52/20 |
Windy Hill |
George McHaffie Esqr. Provost Wigtown |
020 |
A Hill much expanded. on its summit is an old Quarry of whinstone.- |
OS1/35/52/20 |
Plan 20 B -- List of Names collected by Corpl. [Corporal] Robert Barlow 1st. Examiner -- [Page] 20
Trace 3 -- [Parish] Wigtown
Parish Church -Church
Windy Hill - Hill
[Signed] Robert Barlow
Corpl. R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
5th. June 1845 |
OS1/35/52/21 |
Secession Church |
George McHaffie Esqr. Provost of wigtown |
020 |
An United Secession Chapel in the burgh of Wigton now erecting at a cost of about £948 and "belonging to a congregation established in 1748" Top Stat & His Gaz. [Topographical Statistics & Historical Gazetteer] of Scotland page 818 The old Church was pulled down in march 1845 having stood for 95 years the new church is building upon the site of the old one- |
OS1/35/52/21 |
Botany Bay |
George McHaffie Esqr. Provost of wigtown |
020 |
A back lane on the N. [North] side of wigtown on its S. [South] side is a Brewery.- |
OS1/35/52/21 |
High Vennel |
George McHaffie Esqr. Provost of wigtown |
020 |
a lane branching off & running N [North] from High Street the houses average from one to two stories in height the lane is macadamized & drained.- |
OS1/35/52/21 |
Plan 20 B -- List of Names collected by Corpl. [Corporal] Robert Barlow R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner -- [Page] 21
Trace 5 -- [Parish] Wigtown
Secession Church - a Building
Botany Bay - Lane
High Vennel - Lane
[Signed] Robert Barlow
Corpl. R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
5th. June 1845 |
OS1/35/52/22 |
Town Head |
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
THe West Entrance of the Town of wigtown the houses are generally 2 stories high & built of stone.- |
OS1/35/52/22 |
West Port |
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
Formerly the West Gate of the Town stood here the houses were built across the Street. the Vehicles etc. passing under an archway .- |
OS1/35/52/22 |
Parliament Square |
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
A Small rectangular Square where the Members of Parliament for the burgh are elected & other public business is carried on. - On the west end is a beautiful granite column which is the market Cross & close by it is an ancient Dial dated 1738 which formerly stood near to the Gaol. The square was made together with the market cross in 1816 at a cost of £350. |
OS1/35/52/22 |
Plan 20 B -- List of Names collected by Corpl. [Corporal] Robert Barlow R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner -- [Page] 22
Trace 5 -- [Parish] Wigtown
Town Head - Street
West Port -
Parliament Square
[Signed] Robert Barlow
Corpl. R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
5th. June 1845 |
OS1/35/52/23 |
Laigh Vennel
Low Vennel |
Mr. John McHaffie High Street wigtown
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
A short narrow street branching off high street and ending at Lochan croft Dam. In it are several cottages built of stone and are from one to two Stories High |
OS1/35/52/23 |
North High Street |
Mr. John McHaffie High Street wigtown
George McHaffie Esqr. |
020 |
A long spacious street well drained and macadamised The houses are from two to three Stories high, built of stone and on the South Side of it is a large Bowling Green enclosed by a stone walk inside of which Surrounding the green are fine large trees of sycamore & Beech |
OS1/35/52/23 |
Plan 20 B -- List of Names collected by John Thompson ca [civilian assistant] 1st. Examiner -- [Page] 23
Trace 6 -- [Parish] wigtown
Laigh Vennel - Street
North High Street - Street
Robert Barlow
Corpl. R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
June 4th. 1845
[Signed] John Thomson
c.a [civilian assistant] |
OS1/35/52/34 |
[page] 34
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/52/38 |
[Page] 38
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/52/39 |
[Page] 39
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/52/40 |
geo mchaffie esq.
mr wm mcadam. |
020 |
A small cottage on the roadside leading from wigtown to kirkcowan the property of the erl of galloway. |
OS1/35/52/40 |
geo mchaffie esq.
mr w mcadam |
020 |
A small stone bridge of one aech on the road from wigtown to newton stewart. |
OS1/35/52/41 |
geo mchaffie (provost)
mr w mcadam (brunthouse) |
020 |
A straight road branching off the road that leads from wigtoen to newton stewart, for sbout3/4 2 of a mile |
OS1/35/52/41 |
kirkland . |
ainslie's map 1782.
r. eng map 1819
richard mc caul farmer resident at burrowmoss.
geow mc haffie esq. |
020 |
An ordinary farm house having offices close by. built of stone a farm of about 100 acres of good dry land the property of the earl of galloway of galloway house now occupied by mr james stewart farmer. |
OS1/35/52/41 |
geo mc haffie(provost).
mr w mcmaster(brunthouse) |
020 |
A portion of land east and west side of lovers walk.
all arable was principally church property, hence the name kirk land hill |
OS1/35/52/41 |
george mchaffie (provost)
mr mcadam (brunthouse) |
020 |
A bye road leading from the parish kirk. to the old road from wigtown to newton stewart, about 1/3 of a mile in extent. |
OS1/35/52/42 |
geo mc haffie (provost)
mr w mcadam (brunthouse) |
020 |
A taking that name from monks holding that portion in former time now the property of georgr mc haffie. of wigtownportion of land convenient to the town of wigtown. |
OS1/35/52/42 |
thomas jordan c.a. 28th march 1845 |
OS1/35/52/43 |
john stewart farmer and occupier of said land. geo mchaffie esq.
(provost) |
020 |
A low thatched house with three houses attached. the propertyof the earl of galloway, of galloway house, now occupied by john stewart who holds a farm of 32 acres of dry land and is arable. |
OS1/35/52/43 |
john mc clelland farmer.
geo mc haffie esq.
ainslie's map 1782
rl eng map 1819. |
020 |
Agood farm house with out offices attached. built of stone. the property of stair stewart (glasserton) now occupied by jofn mc clelland who ho;ds a farm of 225 acres of land 200 acres of said being dry land & that remainder being clay soil: there is a brig called after this name |
OS1/35/52/43 |
g mc haffieesq.
jas stewart (drove park) |
020 |
A well on the side of the road from wigton to newton stewart this is a cementable? well & ancient tradition says that st ninian partook of the refreshment at the well, it is supposed he was the first person who introducedchristianity to the county |
OS1/35/52/44 |
borrow moss burn |
richard mccaul resident farmer at borrowmoss farm.
gmchaffie provost.
lee name list plan 20. |
020 |
A considerable burn . runs nearly at the centre of the parish of wigtown emptis itself into the cree. |
OS1/35/52/44 |
high and low broadfield |
james carson farmer resident at broadfield.
g nchaffie esq provost.
ainslie's map 1782.
r engrs map 1819. |
020 |
Agood farm house built of stone, offices adjacent. the property of the earl of galloway of galloway house now occupied by james carson who holds a farm of 118 acres of land dry. the greater part of which is arable. |
OS1/35/52/44 |
culuhirk |
primrose kennedy wilson. (innkeeper at wigtown),
g mchaffie provost.
r engrs map 1819. |
020 |
Good farm houses having ? cottages adjacent with a farm of 73 scotch acres. the property of the earl of galloway of galloway house now in the possession of primrose kennedy wilson. the land is of a dry nature. |
OS1/35/52/45 |
george mchaffie provost.
mr w mcadam.
lee name list plan 20.
rl engr. map 18109. |
020 |
A considerable stream andjoins the borrow moss burn, a great portion of which is tidal and emties itself into the river cree.- |
OS1/35/52/45 |
g mchaffie (provost.)
james stewart (drove park.) |
020 |
A stone bridge of one arch replaced by the county of wigtown |
OS1/35/52/46 |
West Kirkland
West Kirkland
West Kirkland |
John Wilson farmer and occupier of same.
G. McHaffie provost
Rl. Engrs, [Royal Engineers] Map 1819. |
020 |
[Situation] East of Culquhat about 20 chains & 14 chains N.W. [North West] of East Kirkland
A low thatched farm house having good Stabling and other out houses adjacent. the property of the Earl of Galloway of Galloway House now occupied by Mr John Wilson who holds 153 acres of land [the] greater part of which is arable and dry hard Soil. |
OS1/35/52/46 |
Borrow Moss
Borrow Moss |
Richard McCaul Son of Anthony McCaul.
G McHaffie Esqr. Provost.
Ainslie map 1782.
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] Map 1819. |
020 |
A farm house and offices adjacent all in good repair and built of Stone. the property of the Earl of Galloway of Galloway House, now occupied by Anthony McCaul who [holds] 317 acres -1 rood -0 perches of good strong [dry] land. and the greater part is arable |
OS1/35/52/46 |
[Page] 46 -- Plan 20 B - Trace No. 11
page 62 - Kirkland
65 - Borrowmoss House
[Signed] Thomas Jordan c.a [civilian assistant]
28th. March 1845 |
OS1/35/52/47 |
River Bladnoch
River Bladenoch
River Bladenoch
River Bladenoch
Bladenoch River
Bladenoch Water
River Bladenoch |
Mr. W. McAdam
Mr. James Caird (Farmer)
G. McHaffie Esqr. (Provost)
Royal Engr. [Engineers] Map 1819.
Ainslie's map 1782.
See Name List Plan 13c. |
020 |
[Situation] South & East of the town of wigtown & South of Bladenoch Village
A Considerable River at the South of wigtown and empties itself into the river Cree at Low water.
this River is navigable for vessels of 40 or 60 tons Burden, it is nearly Fordable in various places at Low water- Parish By [Boundary] is its Centre- |
OS1/35/52/47 |
Plan 20B Trace 3 -- [Page] 47
Form 136
Page 74- River Bladenoch
Entry for Baldoon Mains is scored through .
[Signed] Thomas Jordan C. A [Civilian Assistant]
5 April 1845 |
OS1/35/52/48 |
Fordbank |
George McClelland resides at Wigtown.
G. McHaffie (Provost) |
020 |
[Situation] South west of the Town of Wigton, on the main road from Bladnoch to newtonstewart nearly 1/2 mile North of bladnoch, immediately South, is a large Starch manufactory-
A house 2 stories high and built of stone the property of Mr [Charles] Mc Clelland, also small out houses [and] pleasure garden attached. |
OS1/35/52/48 |
Starch Manufactory
Starch Manufactory |
George McClelland resides at Wigtown. G. McHaffie (Provost) |
020 |
[Situation] immediately South of fordbank & nearly 1/2 mile N. [North] of Bladnoch Village
A considerable building 2 stories high and built of stone and 40 persons gets Constant [work] and been the property of George McClelland. |
OS1/35/52/48 |
Bladenoch Bridge.
Bladenoch |
Rl. Engrs [Royal Engineers] Map 1819.
Ainslie's Map 1782.
Mr. W. McAdam
Mr. George McClelland of wigtown
G McHaffie Esqr. (Provost).
See the name of the River in page 47 |
020 |
[Situation] about 1 mile South west of the Town of Wigtown
A small village about one [mile] South west of the Town of [Wigtown] and the road to Garlistown & adjacent to the river Bladenoch the population is Small and labouring class.are employed at [the] distillery that is adjacent. |
OS1/35/52/48 |
[Page] 48 -- Plan 20 B Trace 3
Thomas Jordan C.a [Civilian Assistant]
5th. April 1845 |
OS1/35/52/49 |
mr willm. mcadam occupier of said house and land.
g mchaffiewsq provost.
mr w mcadam resident. |
020 |
A neat cottage adjacent to the toen of wigtown. havig out houses and 77 A of land attached. the property of mr william mc adam who occupies same |
OS1/35/52/49 |
mr james muir farmer.
g mc haffie esq provost.
r. engrs map 1819. |
020 |
A farm house with offices adjacent all in good repair the property of the earl of galloway of galloway house, now occupied by mr james muir farmer. who holds a farm of land containing 200 of good arable land. |
OS1/35/52/50 |
mr william mcadam.
g mc haffie esq provost. |
020 |
A neat house built of stone of 2 stories high. built by .? mc guffie who occupies said on the property of the earl of galloway |
OS1/35/52/50 |
wigton bay |
ainslie's map 1782.
g mc haffie esq provost.
mr w mcadam.
(brunthouse) |
020 |
Alarge bay and very extensive spring tides the whole is covered to the banks. & at low water there are nearly two channels ?. the rivers cree and bladnoch meeting each other
a great portion of this bay is arable? to be claimed by the earl of galloway, who has formed abutments? to prevent the tides |
OS1/35/52/50 |
wigton bay |
ainslie's map 1782. g mc haffie esq provost. mr w mcadam. (brunthouse) |
042; 048; 049 |
Alarge bay and very extensive spring tides the whole is covered to the banks. & at low water there are nearly two channels ?. the rivers cree and bladnoch meeting each other a great portion of this bay is arable? to be claimed by the earl of galloway, who has formed abutments? to prevent the tides |
OS1/35/52/51 |
kirvenny hill
kirvennie. |
g mchaffie esq provost.
mr w mcadam brunthouse.
ainslie's map 1782.
r engrs map 1819. |
020 |
a very high hill commanding an extensive view from its summit. the cumberland hills can be seen distinctly from this hill clear days without the use of telescopethere is a trig.(drawing of triangle) on its summit called after this name ( by trig canty)- |
OS1/35/52/51 |
philip hill |
g mc haffie esq provost.
mr w mc adam brunthouse |
020 |
A rather high and prominent hill on the summit is a plantation, primarilly consisting of firs.- |
OS1/35/52/51 |
g mc haffie esq provost. |
020 |
A rather extensive hill there is an old quarry on its summit- |
OS1/35/52/52 |
g mchaffie esq provost.
mr w mcadam brunthouse. |
020 |
asmall but high hill, and criminals were formerly excecuted on this hill ,hence it is called "gallows hill."- |
OS1/35/52/52 |
catland |
g mc haffie esq provost.
mr mc adam.
ainslie's map 1782. |
020 |
Another prominent hill of arable land in the occupation of the brewer of wigtown. |
OS1/35/52/52 |
maitland |
g mc haffie esq. provost.
mr w mcadam. brunthouse.
r engnrs map 1819. |
020 |
a high hill on the farm of maitland there is a plantation at the S.E.called mautland wood- |
OS1/35/52/53 |
g mchaffie esq provost.
mr w mcadam brunthouse. |
020 |
four fields of arable land called vicars acres, so called in consequence of having been church property. |
OS1/35/52/53 |
geo mchaffie esq.
jas ross wigtown. |
020 |
A large sand bed at the mouth of the river cree. lying north of the river bladnoch and from the high water mark to the low water mark of the estuary of the cree. |
OS1/35/52/54 |
g mchaffie esq provost.
mr w mcadam brunthouse.
A stonee bridge with one arch over borrow moss burn, upkeep by the county of wigtown- |
020 |
OS1/35/52/54 |
g mc haffie provost.
mr w mcadam brunthouse. |
020 |
a low thatched house with out buildings attached & a small portion of land adjacent- |
OS1/35/52/54 |
seee copy of mr mchaffie's note attached to page 30 (intld) |
OS1/35/52/55 |
g mc haffie esq. provost
mr w mcadam. brunthouse. see name list plan 20 A. |
020 |
a large heathy moss |
OS1/35/52/55 |
g mchaffie esq. provost.
mr w. mc adam brunthouse.
r eng map 1819. |
020 |
a high arable hill on the farm of culquhirk- |
OS1/35/52/55 |
tramping ford. |
old map of wigtown act parl.t 2&3 gul willim IV.
burgh book of wigtown--
geo mchaffie esq. wm carson town clerk. |
020 |
the name of a cross roads between low cotland and windy hill it appears to have taken its name from the cicumstance of a wash house being near and where the operation of washing clothes there is performed by "tramping" of them with the feet in water. |
OS1/35/52/55 |
mr mc haffie makes the following remark on the name borrowmoss. the borrowmoss is a considerable farm the property of the earl of galloway with a large bog or moss adjoining. it was the property of the burgh of wigtown but was fewed away 200 or 300 years ago. it pays the burgh a few duty or ground rent and is the royalty and the burgesses have a right reserved to cut peat in the bog in the name of borrowmoss. |
OS1/35/52/56 |
maitland |
mr mcadam burrnthouse.
rl engrs map 1819.
g mc haffie esq provost |
020 |
A small wood on the farm of maitland. |
OS1/35/52/56 |
g mc haffie esq. provost.
mr w mcadam, brunthouse. |
020 |
A wide & extensive channel in the wigtown bay, being a continuation of the river cree. which divides the counties of wigtown and kirk cudbright and ulimately falls into the sea at wigtown bay |
OS1/35/52/56 |
geo mchaffie esq. provost.
mr w mcadam brunthouse. |
020 |
a small quay & landing place & harbour large vessels of almost any description is capable of harbouring here the countess of galloway steam shipgoes between here and liverpool- |
OS1/35/52/56 |
does the cree change its channel- has it ever been known on the west of wigtown side of the bay ? |
OS1/35/52/77 |
Craig Hill
Craig Hill |
G McHaffie Esq.
Mr W. McAdam. |
020 |
[Situation] The South base is tangible to Baldoon Farm House South of Bladnoch Village & River Bladnoch
A high hill portion of which is plantation, on the farm of Baldoon Mains. |
OS1/35/52/77 |
Lane Burn
Crook Burn
Lane Burn
Lane Burn |
G. McHaffie Esqr. (Provost)
Mr. W. McAdam (Brunthouse)
Rl. Engrs[Royal Engineers ] Map 1819.
Ainslie's Map 1782. |
020 |
[Situation] South of the River Bladnoch, & extends t the extreme South of Plan 30B & runs through Plan 26 A
A considerable stream running in very irregular directions,empties itself into the River Bladnoch- |
OS1/35/52/77 |
Baldoon Sands
Baldoon Sands
Baldoon Sands
Baldoon Sands |
John Cowan
George Greenshields.
John McGuffie.
George McHaffie Esq. |
020 |
[Situation] on the East side of the Parish and South of the River Bladnoch
An extensive Sand Bank on the west side of Wigtown Bay. extending from the Bladnoch River on the North to Innerwell Point on the South.- |
OS1/35/52/77 |
Parish of Kirkinner -- [Page] 77
Form 136
Page 80-- Craig Hill
81-- Crook Burn
Baldoon Sands |
OS1/35/52/78 |
baldoon |
g mchaffie esq. provost.
r engrs map 1819. |
020 |
A high hill on the farm of baldoon mains,there is a trig on its summit called after the name of the hill- |
OS1/35/52/78 |
baldoon |
mr g mchuffie esq. provost.
mr w mcadam brunthouse.
r engrs. map 1819.
ainslie's map 1782. |
020 |
A good stone house with out buildings attached together with cottage houses the propery of the earl of galloway, this is a very extensive farm, an old castle stood here, some of the walls still remaining- |
OS1/35/52/78 |
g mchaffie esq provost.
mr w mcadam brunthouse. |
020 |
A very small harbour or creck sufficient for containing one vessel which is goodaccomodation for bladnoch distillery-- |
OS1/35/52/78 |
The old casle of baldoon has now become celebrated in romance:- an incident that occured within its walls having furnished Sir Walter Scott with the tragic subject which he has brought into the tale of the bride of lammermoor (see page 88) .statistical aut. 1841 p 16.
the family of Dunbar of baldoon was founded in the beginning of the16th century.
which family after passing through many generations are now merged in that of selkirk who in 1793 sold the estate of baldoon to the earl of galloway. |
OS1/35/52/79 |
G mchaffie esq.
mr w mc adam. |
020 |
This ancient pile appears to have been a rectangular building of some strength a portion of walls which are now standing are three feet in thickness built with shell lime. until about 20 years ago it was used as the farm house but a new house having been erected. the old one was left to moulder away. according to a printed paper which i have been favored it is dated Castle Douglas 13th march 1841. it is said to have been built by archibald dunbar first laird of baldoon , about the year 1500 .20, brother to gavin dunbar prior of St Martins priory whithorn, 1514 afterwards |
OS1/35/52/82 |
innes irvine.
charles rogan. |
020 |
A large thorn tree growing near the shore a short distance above high water mark |
OS1/35/52/82 |
james irvine.
charles rogan. |
020 |
A small thatched house used for preserving ice during the year. the property of mr james irvine fisher of creetown. |
OS1/35/52/83 |
Clauchloudoun Bridge |
James Irvine
James Halliday |
020 |
[Situation] 21 Chains S.W. [South West] from Creetown Church
A Small Stone bridge of one arch crossing Clauchloudoun Burn. |
OS1/35/52/83 |
Clauchloudoun Burn |
James Irvine
David Halliday |
020 |
[Situation] Passing under Clauchloudoun Bridge about 1/8 mile South off Creetown
A Small burn which rises in Parkwell Wood and runs into Wauk Mill Burn within the flood MarK. |
OS1/35/52/83 |
Moneypool Burn
Moneypool Burn
Moneypool Burn |
A. Campbell
Patrick Rogan
Ainslies Map (1820) |
020 |
{situation] Rising in Drummore Farm & running S.W. [South West] to its influx with the Water of Cree near the Village of Creetown
A considerable Stream or burn having its rise on the farm of Drumore and running in a S.W. [South West] direction to its influx with the Water of Cree near Creetown Village |
OS1/35/52/83 |
[Page] 83 -- Parish of Kirkmabreck
Form 136
Page - Clauchloudoun Bridge
- Clauchloudoun Burn
- Moneypool Burn |
OS1/35/52/84 |
james irvine.
james kevin. |
020 |
Part of the river cree, a place of shelter for boats |
OS1/35/52/84 |
james grierson.
james irvine. |
020 |
A number of wooden stakes with nets attached for catching salmon on the estate of cassen carrie.- |
OS1/35/52/84 |
james irvine.
charles rogan. |
020 |
A part of the river cree which is fordable at low water during spring tides |
OS1/35/52/85 |
james grierson.
elax mc qu.
james irvine.
hlae? |
020 |
A headland or point at the end of a small quay or harbour adjoining the E side of wigtown bay in which place small vessels are loaded with granite from kirkmabreck quarry-- |
OS1/35/52/86 |
Kirkbride Burn
Kirkbride Burn |
James Grierson.
James Irvine. |
020 |
[Situation] Runs into Wigtown Bay at High water mark about 3/4 mile SE [South East] from KirKbride Scar
A Small burn which runs into Wigtown Bay at a short distance South of Hollin Bank.- |
OS1/35/52/86 |
Parish of KirkmabrecK -- [Page] 86
Hollin Bank & Kirkbride Bridge - scored out |
OS1/35/52/87 |
james irvine.
james grierson. |
020 |
A small bank consisting of boulders situated near low water mark |
OS1/35/52/87 |
james irvine.
james grierson. |
020 |
A pole used as a beacon to guide vessels or boats of the fishing which are situated near this place. this pole is used as a trig station. |
OS1/35/52/87 |
042; 020 |
OS1/35/52/90 |
52 -- OS1 /35/52 -- [Page] 90
Plan 20 B.
Names of Parishes --- Page
Wigtown----------------------------------------1. 1
Kirkmabrek (Kirkcudbrightshire)------------ 76 |