
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
PARLIAMENT SQUARE [Wigtown] Parliament Square
Parliament Square
George McHaffie Esqr.
John McHaffie Esqr. resident
020 [Situation] Centre of the Farm
A Small neat rectangular square with iron railings & where the Members of Parliament for the burgh are elected & other public business carried on.- On the west end & inside the railings is a beautiful granite column which is the market cross & close by it is an ancient & curious dial dated 1738 which formerly stood upon a pedestal about 8 ft high near to the centre of the square was made together with the market cross in 1816 at a cost of £350.-
NORTH HIGH STREET [Wigtown] North High Street
North High Street
George McHaffie Esqr.
John McHaffie Esqr. resident
020 [Situation] Centre of the Town
A long spacious Street well drained & macadamised. the houses are from two to three stories high & built of stone, on the South side is a large Bowling Green. the East end of which is a beautiful Dial at the west end a nice Summer House raised upon a green acclivity. the Green is enclosed by a stone wall & surrounded with Sycamore and beech trees the foliage of which gives a beautiful & pleasing appearance, It was made in 1810 at a cost of [450] including the making of the roads.- Previous to the erection of the Green & Parliament Sq. there was a Paved Causeway running from west port to the Parish church ( thro [through] the centre of Town) on each side of this were the Peat stacks & filth of every description.

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