
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MAITLAND WOOD maitland mr mcadam burrnthouse.
rl engrs map 1819.
g mc haffie esq provost
020 A small wood on the farm of maitland.
RIVER CREE g mc haffie esq. provost.
mr w mcadam, brunthouse.
020 A wide & extensive channel in the wigtown bay, being a continuation of the river cree. which divides the counties of wigtown and kirk cudbright and ulimately falls into the sea at wigtown bay
WIGTOWN QUAY geo mchaffie esq. provost.
mr w mcadam brunthouse.
020 a small quay & landing place & harbour large vessels of almost any description is capable of harbouring here the countess of galloway steam shipgoes between here and liverpool-

Continued entries/extra info

does the cree change its channel- has it ever been known on the west of wigtown side of the bay ?

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joseph mc keown

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