
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
KIRVENNIE HILL kirvenny hill
g mchaffie esq provost.
mr w mcadam brunthouse.
ainslie's map 1782.
r engrs map 1819.
020 a very high hill commanding an extensive view from its summit. the cumberland hills can be seen distinctly from this hill clear days without the use of telescopethere is a trig.(drawing of triangle) on its summit called after this name ( by trig canty)-
PHILIP HILL philip hill g mc haffie esq provost.
mr w mc adam brunthouse
020 A rather high and prominent hill on the summit is a plantation, primarilly consisting of firs.-
WINDY HILL g mc haffie esq provost. 020 A rather extensive hill there is an old quarry on its summit-

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joseph mc keown

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