
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BORROWMOSS BURN borrow moss burn richard mccaul resident farmer at borrowmoss farm.
gmchaffie provost.
lee name list plan 20.
020 A considerable burn . runs nearly at the centre of the parish of wigtown emptis itself into the cree.
BROADFIELD high and low broadfield james carson farmer resident at broadfield.
g nchaffie esq provost.
ainslie's map 1782.
r engrs map 1819.
020 Agood farm house built of stone, offices adjacent. the property of the earl of galloway of galloway house now occupied by james carson who holds a farm of 118 acres of land dry. the greater part of which is arable.
CULQUHIRK culuhirk primrose kennedy wilson. (innkeeper at wigtown),
g mchaffie provost.
r engrs map 1819.
020 Good farm houses having ? cottages adjacent with a farm of 73 scotch acres. the property of the earl of galloway of galloway house now in the possession of primrose kennedy wilson. the land is of a dry nature.

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joseph mc keown

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