
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
COUNTY JAIL [Wigtown] Wigtown County Jail
Wigtown County Jail
G. McHaffie Esq. Rresident
J. McHaffie Esq. resident
020 [Situation] on the South Side of the Town about 5 chains S.S.W. [South South west] of Subscription School.
A Small but Substantial Stone building. there is another County Jail at Stranraer called "Stranraer County Jail"hence the name here "Wigtown County Jail"
GAS WORKS [Wigtown] Wigtown Gas Works (erected 1846)
Wigtown Gas Works (erected 1846)
G. McHaffie Esq. resident
Sign on Building
020 [Situation] at the junction of Low Vennel & Lochaw Croft Lane
A Small Building with one Gasometer, with a good substantial walk around-
STEAM COMPANY'S WAREHOUSE Steam Company's Warehouse
Steam Company's Warehouse
G. Mc Haffie Esq. resident.
Sign on Building
020 [Situation] at the South end of Acre Place in Agnew Crescent
A Large building in a rather delapidated condition, used now as stable -

Continued entries/extra info

Parish of Wigton --Town of Wigtown -- [Page] 15

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