OS1/35/48/1 |
[Page] 1
Parish of Penninghame
Plan 19B
Names of Objects -- Page
Auld Hill -- 13
Bar Faulds -- 12
Barlauchlin -- 9
Barlauchlin Bridge -- 8
Barraer Fell -- 8
Bartrostan -- 9
Bartrostan Moss -- 14
Barvennan -- 9
Barvennan Moss -- 11
Bell Knowe -- 3
Bennan Hill -- 13
Bishop Burn -- 15
Bishop Hill -- 7
Cairn Hill -- 14
Causeway End -- 10
Causeway End Bridge -- 4
Clary Height -- 17
Coldside Hill -- 7
Drumgowan -- 4
Drumwhirns -- 15
Kiln Hill -- 14
Kindee Hill -- 17
Knockinderry -- 17
Knockcuddie -- 8
Little Molland -- 11
Loudon Hill -- 12
Loudon School -- 12
Mains of Penninghame -- 10
Mill Hill -- 15
Molland Hill -- 13
Park of Clary -- 10
Penninghame Hall -- 5
Mill of Penninghame -- 4
Rolland Hill -- 13
Smiths Croft -- 3
[Signed] W Driscoll Gosset
Lt RE [Lieutenant Royal Engineers ]
18/3/47 [1847] |
OS1/35/48/2 |
[Page] 2
[Blank Page] |
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Bell Knowe
Bell Knowe
Bell Knowe
Bell Knowe |
Rev. [Reverend] R Synnot
Mr John McConchie.
Mr. J. Rea
George McHaffie Esq. |
019 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile North of the Mains of Penninghame
A small pyramidal hill. when James IV. passed through Penninghame on 7th March 1506.7 on a pilgrimage to Whithorn, he gave at the Clauchan of Penninghame a donation of 9S.4g [9 shillings and four groats ] to a man that bore St. Ninians bell. From that circumstance the author of Caledonia concludes that it was a hand bell. That conjecture is almost confirmed by another circumstance. Very near to the ruins of the Old Church is a small Knoll, still denominated the "Bell Knowe" on that eminence, it seems most probable the man stood and rang the bell at the fixed hours. Statistical Account of Wigtownshire 1841 page 176. |
OS1/35/48/3 |
Smiths Croft
Smiths Croft
Smiths croft
Smiths Croft
Smiths Croft |
Rev [Reverend] A Synnott.
Roman Catholic Clergyman.
Mr Turnbull
Ainslie's Map 1782.
Statistical Acct. [Account] 1841.
George McHaffie Esq. |
019 |
[Situation] 1 Mile S.E. [South East] of the Mains of Penninghame
This at present is merely a small enclosure, but of whatever importance it might have once been in the parish of Penninghame, it is now difficult to determine.- |
OS1/35/48/3 |
[Page] 3 -- Parish of Penninghame
"The Rev. [Reverend] A Synnott. states it as being the site of the secondary
dwelling place of the Bishop of Galloway, and that it was destroyed about 1560.
"The Rev. [Reverend] D McLeod St. Columba, Glasgow considers that the name( Penninghame) is Gaelic, and made up of two words ,
"signifying either the land for grazing young cattle , or the penny land ( the lot or portion) of the smith. That view
"of the derivation of the name is supported by the circumstance of a pendicle of land , denominated the Smiths Croft,
" lying within a short distance of the ruins of the old church . ( Took its name no doubt from the Occupier being a Smith)
Statistical Account of Wigton 1841 p 167. |
OS1/35/48/4 |
Drumgowan |
Robert Laird
David McCulloch
John McConchie
J McGarvey
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile West of Penninghame
old church
A small arable Hill upon the farm of Barwhirran called Barfourna by the Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party. |
OS1/35/48/4 |
Penninghame Mill
Penninghame Mil
Penninghame Mill |
William McConchie.
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile South of Mains of Penninghame
A Small Corn mill on the Farm of Mains of Penninghame. It is supplied with Water Power from the Barlauchlin and Bishop's Burn's and is the Property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/48/4 |
Causeway End Bridge |
Mr. F Turnbull
J. Rea
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 Miles S. E. [South East] of the Mains of Penninghame
A County Bridge of one arch, built of Stone over the Bishop Burn on the Road from Newtonstewart to Wigtown. |
OS1/35/48/4 |
[Page] 4 -- Parish of Penninghame
Form 136
Page 30, 44 -- Drumgowan
37- Penninghame Mill
37- Causeway End Bridge
"Drum" . a Knoll, a ridge applied to little hills which rise as ridges above the adjacent ground.
"Gowan "The generic name for daisy. Singly it denotes the mountain daisy.
"Gugan" A Daisy - Gaelic.-
Dr [Doctor] Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary.
Causeway. a paved Causeway from the Bridge to the
Hard land existed till 1808 when it was
removed and the present gravel road
made. it was probably paved when the
Bishop of Galloway lived at Clary. G.M. |
OS1/35/48/5 |
Penninghame Castle (Site of)
Penninghame Hall (Site of) |
Mr. J. Ray
Mr. J.McConchie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile S.E. [South East] of the Mains of Penninghame
A small Knowe or Hillock on the Farm of Mains of Penninghame Supposed to mark the spot where once stood the Hall of Penninghame The only traces now remaining are a small oblong Hollow.(which is supposed to mark the foundation) and on the old Road or Avenue up to it.There is no account extant as to the date of its erection, or what it really was. it is said to have been finally destroyed about 50 years ago, and the materials used in the building of the Mains Farm House. It is known in the country by the name of Howe Ha', which according to Dr [Doctor] Jamieson signifies "Hollow Hall" |
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Form 136
Page 42- Penninghame Hall (Site of)
Anciently the Seat of Gordon of
Penninghame, the progenitor of
The Viscount of Kenmore |
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[Page] 6-- Parish of Penninghame
Form 136
page 43- Site of Penninghame old Kirk - entry scored out on page
On further Inquiry it has
been found that there is
no authority for this Supposed
Site of old Kirk etc
W S Loop Sec Corpl [Second Corporal]
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
15 July 1847.
[Note] Do you suppose the above to be correct, I find no mention made of it by
by Simpson and as he wrote his description in 1604. it is rather strange that he makes
no mention or even alludes to the removal of the Church to where the ruins are at.
George McHaffie Wigtown.
I possess no information on the Subject- & the above Speculation
seems all conjecture and Speculation . G.Mc.H .- |
OS1/35/48/7 |
Bishop Hill
Bishop Hill
Bishop Hill
Bishop Hill |
Mr. D. McCulloch
Mr. A Donnan
Mr. W Bede
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile West of the Mains of Penninghame
A small arable hill on the farm of Barvennan. |
OS1/35/48/7 |
Coldside Hill
Coldside Hill
Coldside Hill |
Alexander Forsyth
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
3/4 Mile NW [North West] of the Mains of Penninghame
A small arable hill (on which is the ruins of a house) on the farm of Barwhirran |
OS1/35/48/7 |
[Page] 7 [Plan] 19B -- Parish of Penninghame
Form 136
page 30- Bishop Hill
Coldside Hill
Entry for Drumgowan is scored out |
OS1/35/48/8 |
KnocKcuddie |
Mr. William Reid
Mr. A Nevin
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile S W [South West] of Barvennan Farm House
A small arable hill on the farm of Bartrostan |
OS1/35/48/8 |
Baraer Fell
Barraer Fell
Baraer Fell
Baraer Fell
Baraer Fell
of Barrawr |
List of Properties 1842
George McHaffie Esqr.
Mr. W. McClymont
D. McCulloch
William Bede
Ainslies Map 1782. |
019;013 |
[Situation] 1 Mile N W [North West] of Barvennan Farm House
A considerable rocky hill, on the farm of Barraer, Runs North & South- |
OS1/35/48/8 |
Barlauchlin Bridge
Barlauchlin Bridge
Barlauchlin Bridge |
Mr. D. McCulloch
James McConchie
List of Properties
Ainslie's Map 1782.
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile N W [North West] of Mains of Penninghame
A County Bridge of one Arch, built with ston, over the Bishop Burn, and on the road from Kirkcowan to Carty Port. - |
OS1/35/48/8 |
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Form 136
Page 33 -- Knockcuddy
33-- Baraer Fell
31 -- Barlauchlin Bridge
"Cuddie" An abbreviation of the name Cuthbert, it is also applied as
the name of an Ash.
Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary. |
OS1/35/48/9 |
Barlauchlin |
List of Properties
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] In the Southern part of the Parish & 1 Mile M W [North West] of the Mains of Penninghame
An ordinary farm house and out houses with a farm of about 300 acres of arable and pasture land the property of Colonel Stopford Blair. |
OS1/35/48/9 |
Barvennan |
List of Properties
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile South of Barlauchlin Farm House
A large farm house and out houses with a farm of about 500 acres of arable and pasture land the property of the Earl of Stair. |
OS1/35/48/9 |
Bartrostan |
List of Properties
Mr. William Reid
Mr. A. Nevin
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 3/4 Miles S. W. [South West] of Barvennan Farm House
An ordinary farm house and out houses a small farm attached. |
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[Page] 9 -- Parish of Penninghame
Form 136
Page 50 - Barlauchlin
50- Barvennan
50 - Bartrostan |
OS1/35/48/10 |
Mains of Penninghame
Mains of Penninghame |
William Dill Esqr.
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] In the Southern part of the Parish
A good farm house with out houses etc. and about 300 acres of Arable Land the property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/48/10 |
Park of Clary |
Mr. J. Rae
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile East of the Mains of Penninghame
A Good farm house and out houses, having an extensive farm of arable and pasture land attached, the Property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/48/10 |
Causeway end
Causeway- End |
List of Properties
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1 Mile S. E [South East] of the Mains of Penninghame
A Village containing a Public house, Smithy, some cottages and a farm house. with a farm of about 50 acres of arable land the property of the Earl of Galloway. |
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[Page] 10 -- Parish of Penninghame
Form 136
Page 49- Mains of Penninghame
49 - Park
49 - Causeway- End
"Mains" - The farm attached to a Mansion House
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary
A paved Causeway from the Bridge to the Hard land existed in
1808 when it was removed and the present gravel road made.
It was probably paved when the Bishop of Galloway lived at [Clary.] "Int. G.McH |
OS1/35/48/11 |
Barvennan Moss
Barvennan Moss
Barvennan Moss
Barvennan Moss |
Mr. D. McCulloch
Mr. William Bede
Mr. Adam Nevin
List of Properties
George McHaffie Esq. |
019 |
[Situated] 1 1/2 miles West of the Mains of Penninghame
A large Moss on the farm of Barvennan. |
OS1/35/48/11 |
Little Mulland
Little Mulland
Little Mulland
Little Molland |
Mr. D. McCulloch Mr. William Bede Mr. Adam Nevin List of Properties George McHaffie Esq. |
019 |
[Situation] 1/3 Mile South of Barvennan Farm House
A small arable hill on the farm of Barvennan. |
OS1/35/48/11 |
Big Mulland
Big Mulland
Big Mulland
Mulland Hill |
Mr. D. McCulloch Mr. William Bede Mr. Adam Nevin List of Properties George McHaffie Esq. |
019 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile South of Barvennan Farm House
A large arable hill on the farm of Barvennan |
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Parish of Penninghame -- [Page] 11
Form 136
Page 34 - Barvennnan moss
34 - Molland Hill
34- Little Molland |
OS1/35/48/12 |
Loudon School
Loudon School
Loudon School |
Allan Carswell
J: Ray
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile East by South of the Mains of Penninghame
A school House erected in the year 1830 by public subscription. the average number of scholars attending school is 70.
The Earl of Galloway allows 10£ a year for the education of from 6 to 10 poor boys. It appears that not only the common rudiments of English education but even the higher branches including Geography, English Grammar, Mathematics. together with the French and Latin Languages are taught.
the rate of charges average from 2s/6d to 7s/6d per Quarter according to the branch or branches of education taught It is erected on a hill called Louden Hill |
OS1/35/48/12 |
Loudon Hill
Loudon Hill |
Ainslie's Map 1782.
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile East by South of the Mains of Penninghame
[The school] is erected on a hill called Loudon Hill. |
OS1/35/48/12 |
Barr Falls
Barr Falls
Barr Falls
Barr Faulds |
Mr. D. McCulloch
Mr. William Bede
Mr. Adam Nevin
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] West of Barvennan Moss.
A considerable arable hill on the Farm of Barvennan, it appears to have been called Bar Faulds from the circumstance of a Sheep Fold being on the North end of it. It is now corrupted to bar Falls. - |
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Form 136
Page 36- Loudon School
Loudon Hills
34- Bar Faulds |
OS1/35/48/13 |
Bennan Hill
Bennan Hill
Bennan Hill
Bennan Hill |
Mr. D McCulloch
Mr. A Donnan
Mr. William Bede
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] on the East side of Barvennan Farm House
An arable hill on the farm of Barvennan. |
OS1/35/48/13 |
Auld Hill
Auld Hill
Auld Hill
Auld Hill |
Mr. D McCulloch
Mr. A Donnan
Mr. William Bede George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile N W [North West] of Barvennan Farm
An arable hill on the farm of Barvennan, thickly tufted with heath on the north side. - |
OS1/35/48/13 |
Rolland Hill
Rolland Hill
Rolland Hill |
Mr. D McCulloch
Mr. William Bede George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile West of Mains of Penninghame
A large arable hill on the farm of Barlauchlin.- |
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Form 136
Page 30- Bennan Hill
30- Auld Hill
29- Rolland Hill
"Ald. Auld" - - Old. Jamieson's Dictionary |
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Kiln Hill
Kiln Hill
Kiln Hill |
D. McCulloch William Bede George McHaffie ESqr. |
019 |
[Situation] North of Barvennan Farm House
A large arable hill on the farm of Barvennan. |
OS1/35/48/14 |
Cairn Hill
Cairn Hill
Cairn Hill
Cairn Hill |
D. McCulloch
William Bede
William McClymont
George McHaffie ESqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile East of Barraer Fell
A small arable hill on the farm of Barraer, on the summit of which is a large stone of about 2 1/2 feet high. nothing remarkable known of it. on the South side of this hill is the remains of a Square Pyramid or Cairn, and from which the hill is supposed to have derived its name, nothing known as to its origin. |
OS1/35/48/14 |
Bartrostan Moss
Bartrostan Moss
Bartrostan Moss |
Mr. John Ross
Mr. James Ross
George McHaffie ESqr. |
019 |
[Situation] near the Southern Boundary of the Parish
A division of moss belonging to the Farm of Bartrostan. |
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Form 136
Page 29 - Kiln Hill
29- Cairn Hill
40- Bartrostan Moss |
OS1/35/48/15 |
Bishop Burn
Bishop Burn
Bishop Burn
Bishops Bourn
Bishop Burn
Bishop Burn |
Mr McGill
Gazetteer of Scotland
Statistics Wigton 1841
George McHaffie Esq.
Symons description of Galloway - 1684
Revd. [Reverend] R Synnot
Mr. J Rea |
019 |
[Situation] In the Southern part of the Parish
A considerable stream being a continuation of the Merton Burn and from the Mains of Penninghame, forms the Boundary between the Parishes of Penninghame and Wigton, till it falls into the Bay of Wigtown on the Solway Frith. |
OS1/35/48/15 |
Mill Hill
Mill Hill |
D: McCulloch
William McConchie |
019 |
[Situation] ¼Mile South of the Mains of Penninghame
An arable hill near the Mill of Penninghame. |
OS1/35/48/15 |
[Page] 19 B -- Parish of Penninghame
Form 136
Page 31; 35 Bishopburn
Mill Hill |
OS1/35/48/16 |
[Page] 16 -- Parish of Penninghame
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/48/17 |
Kindee Hill
Kindee Hill
Kindee Hill |
John Ross
John Gifford
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile SW [South West] of Black Park Moss. & near the S. E. [South East] boundary of the Parish
A large arable hill on the farm of Grange the property of the Earl of Stair.-
A ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] on this Hill called "Grange" by the Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party. - |
OS1/35/48/17 |
Knockinderry |
John Douglas
Alexander Forsyth
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 Miles N W. [North West] of the Mains of Penninghame
A considerable hill on the farm of Barlochlan. |
OS1/35/48/17 |
Broom Cairn or Clary Height
Broom Cairn or Clary Height
Clary Height |
Mr. John McLean
Mr. John Heweston
Miss Jane McCracken
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1 Mile East of the Mains of Penninghame
A hill planted with fir trees . A ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] on it called "Parkin tree" by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party. The property of the Earl of Galloway. |
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[Page] 19B -- Parish of Penninghame
Form 136
Page 40 - Kindee Hill
36- Clary Height |
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[Page] 18
[Blank Page] |
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[Page] 19
Parish of Wigtown
Plan 19B
Names of Objects -- Page
Auchleand -- 21
Balmeg or Torhousemiur -- 28
Black Hill -- 23
Blackpark -- 22
Blackpark Hill -- 27
Blackpark Moss -- 27
Carsgowan -- 21
Cawvis Hill -- 24
Dove Park -- 25
Drumfeatherin -- 23
Drumlane Hill -- 24
Knockronie -- 28
Knockskeog -- 22
Old Hill -- 25
White Hill -- 23
Wood Fell -- 22
Wood Flow -- 24
Wood of Auchleand -- 21 |
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[Page] 20
[Blank Page] |
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Wood of Auchleand
Wood of Auchleand |
Mr. Ferguson
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] In the Northern part of the Parish & 3/4 Mile South of the Mains of Penninghame
An ordinary farm house and out houses, with considerable farm of arable and course pasture land the property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/48/21 |
Auchleand |
Mr. William Scott
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile S.W. [South West] of Causeway End Bridge
An ordinary farm house and out houses, the farm contains about 400 acres, the property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/48/21 |
Carsgowan |
Mr. McKeand
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile South of Causeway End Bridge
A good farm house and out houses attached. Situate on the road from Wigton to Newton Stewart, the farm contains about 200 acres, the Property of Mr . Stewart. |
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[Page] 21 - Parish of Wigtown
Form 136
Page 49- Wood of Auchleand
51- Auchleand
51- Carsgowan |
OS1/35/48/22 |
Blackpark |
Mr. James Ross
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] In the North West of the Parish -
A good farm house and out houses attached, with a farm of about 200 acres of mountainous land, the property of the Earl of Stair. |
OS1/35/48/22 |
Knockskeog |
Alexander McClymont
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] In the North West part of the Parish
An ordinary farm house with a farm of about 45 acres of rough Pasture and arable land. the property of Colonel Mc Haffie. Torhouse moor. This is one of the principal divisions of Torhouse moor. - |
OS1/35/48/22 |
Wood fell
Wood fell
Wood fell |
J. Ferguson
William Scott
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] In the Northern part of the Parish & 1 1/4 Miles West of Causeway End Bridge
A large, rough, Rocky, Heathy Hill on the farm of Wood of Auchleand. |
OS1/35/48/22 |
[Page] 22 - Parish of Wigtown
Form 136
Page 52- Blackpark
52- KnocksKeog
38- Wood Fell
"cnoc " - a little hill.
"Sgeach" - full of Bushes or thorns
Gaelic Dictionary.
"Fell" - A wild & rocky hill; High land only fit for pasture.
Dr. [Doctor] Jamiesons Dictionary. |
OS1/35/48/23 |
White Hill
White Hill
White Hill |
Samuel Scott
J. Ferguson
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1 mile West of causeway End Bridge
A large Arable hill on the farm of Wood of Auchleand.- |
OS1/35/48/23 |
Black Hill
Black Hill
Black Hill |
Samuel Scot
J Whyte
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles S.W. [South West] of Causeway End Bridge
A small arable hill, now in pasture, and thinly tufted with Heath. on the farm of Auchleand. |
OS1/35/48/23 |
Drumfeatherin |
John McClymont
James McClymont
James Ross
John Ross
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 Miles West of Causeway End Bridge
A small arable hill having a small house on its south side. It is situate on the Farm of "Wood of Auchleand" |
OS1/35/48/23 |
[Page] 23
Parish of Wigtown
Form 136
Page 47- White Hill
47- Black Hill
46- Drumfeatherin |
OS1/35/48/24 |
Wood Flow
Wood Flow
Wood Flow |
J. Fergusson
William Scott
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile West of Causeway End Bridge
A large Moss on the farm of Wood of Auchleand. |
OS1/35/48/24 |
Cawvis Hill
Cawvis Hill
Cawvis Hill |
William Scott
John Murdoch
Mr. McKeand |
019 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile S W [South West] of Causeway End Bridge
A small arable hill on the farm of Auchleand. |
OS1/35/48/24 |
Drumlane Hill
Drumlane Hill
Drumlane Hill
Drumlane Hill |
William Scott
John Murdoch
Mr. McKeand
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1 Mile S. W. [South West] of Causeway End Bridge
A long arable hill on the farm of Auchleand. |
OS1/35/48/24 |
[Page] 24 -- Parish of Wigtown
Form 136
Page 38 - Wood Flow
47 - Cawvis Hill
47 - Drumlane Hill
"Flow. Flowe" - A watery moss, a Morass.
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary. |
OS1/35/48/25 |
Drove Park
Drove Park
Drovepark |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Mr. McMaster
Mr. McKeand
Mr. John Stewart |
019 |
[Situation] 2 1/2 Miles North of Newtownstewart Road. & 3/4 Miles South of causeway End Bridge
A low flat arable hill so called from the circumstance of Droves of Cattle being collected on it for the English Market . |
OS1/35/48/25 |
Old Hill
Old Hill
Old Hill |
Mr. McKeand
Mr. McMaster
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile South of Causewayend Wood and on the road from Wigtown to Newton Stewart-
A small flat arable hill on the farm of Carsegowan. |
OS1/35/48/25 |
[Page] 25-- Parish of Wigtown
Form 136
Page |
OS1/35/48/26 |
[Page] 26
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/48/27 |
Blackpark Hill
Blackpark Hill
Blackpark Hill
Blackpark Hill
Blackpark Hill |
John McClymont
James McClymont
James Ross
John Ross
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] In the NW [North West] part of the Parish
A small arable hill on the farm of Blackpark. |
OS1/35/48/27 |
Blackpark Moss
Blackpark Moss
Blackpark Moss
Blackpark Moss
Blackpark Moss |
John McClymont James McClymont James Ross
John Ross
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] In the NW [North West] part of the Parish
A division of Moss belonging to the farm of Blackpark .- The property of the Earl of Stair. |
OS1/35/48/27 |
KnocksKeog |
J. McClymont
John Ross
James Ross
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] In the NW [North West] part of the Parish
A small arable hill on the farm of that name. - |
OS1/35/48/27 |
[Page] 27
Form 136
Page 46- Blackpark Hill
46- Blackpark Moss
45- KnocKskeog |
OS1/35/48/28 |
Knockronie |
John McClymont James McClymont John Ross
James Ross
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situated] On the East side of Blackpark Moss
A small arable hill on the farm of Torhouse muir. |
OS1/35/48/28 |
Torhouse Moor
Torhouse Moor
Torhouse Moor
Balmeg alias Torhousemuir |
John McClymont
James McClymont
John Ross
James Ross
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] In the N . E [North East] part of the Parish
A large tract of moorland subdivided into several small farms from 20 to 450 Acres each, of which Leases are granted for 21 years for the purpose of affording means for reclamation and improvement.-
The property of Coll. [Colonel] McHaffie of Torhousemuir. |
OS1/35/48/28 |
[Page] 28 -- Parish of Penninghame
Form 136
Page 45- Knockronie
45- Balmeg or Torhousemuir
"Ronie "- Covered with runs or Sheets of Ice.
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary
Tor House Moor written on plan 19B
by order of Captn [Captain] Yolland - See Remark Sheet [intialled W.C.] |
OS1/35/48/29 |
Rolland Hill |
D McCulloch Farmer Barlochand
Mr. William Bede Farmer Barvinnan |
019 |
A large Arable hill on the farm of Barlochland |
OS1/35/48/29 |
Kiln Hill |
D McCulloch Farmer Barlochland
Mr. William Bede Farmer Barvinnan |
019 |
A large Arable hill on the farm Barvennan |
OS1/35/48/29 |
Cairn Hill |
D McCulloch Barlochland
Mr. William Bede Barvinnan
Mr. William McClymont Barraer |
013 |
A long Arable hill on the farm of Baraer has a large Greet Hone About 2 1/2 foot high on the Summit it appears to be of Long Standing yet nothing remarkable Known of it. |
OS1/35/48/29 |
Cairn |
D McCulloch Barlochland
Mr. William Bede Barvinnan
Mr. William McClymont Barraer |
013 |
A large pile of Stones on the South Side of Cairnhill on Barraer farm part of it has been torn away for farm use. it appears to have been a Square Pyramid on a horizontal base. No tradition for it in the Neighbourhood from the appearance of it may be Called an Ancient Relic |
OS1/35/48/29 |
[Page] 29 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by D Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 1 -- Parish of Penninghame
Rolland Hill - Hill
Kiln Hill - Hill
Cairn Hill - Hill
Cairn - Stones
[Signed] D Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
3rd. July [1846] |
OS1/35/48/30 |
Bishop Hill |
Mr D McCulloch Farmer Barlochan
Mr. A. Donnan Baillie Penningham
Mr. W Bede Farmer Barvennan |
019 |
A Small arable hill on the farm of Barvennan |
OS1/35/48/30 |
Drumgowan |
Mr D McCulloch Farmer Barlochan
Mr. A. Donnan Baillie Penningham
Mr. W Bede Farmer Barvennan |
013 |
An arable hill on the farm of Barwhirran named by the Trig [Trigonometrical] party - |
OS1/35/48/30 |
Bennan Hill |
Mr D McCulloch Farmer Barlochan
Mr. A. Donnan Baillie Penningham
Mr. W Bede Farmer Barvennan |
019 |
A Considerable arable hill on the farm of Barvennan. |
OS1/35/48/30 |
Auld Hill |
Mr D McCulloch Farmer Barlochan
Mr. A. Donnan Baillie Penningham
Mr. W Bede Farmer Barvennan |
019 |
An arable hill on the farm of Barvennan Thickly covered with Heath on the north Side. |
OS1/35/48/30 |
[Page] 30-- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 1 -- Parish of Penninghame
Bishop Hill - Hill
Drumgowan - Hill
Bennan Hill - Hill
Auld hill - Hill
Entry for Coldside is scored through
[Signed] D Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 3rd. July [1846] |
OS1/35/48/31 |
Barlauchlin Bridge |
D. McCulloch Barlauchlin
John McConchie Mains of Penninghame |
013 |
A Small Stone bridge one Arch on the road from Kirkcowan to Carty port . crossing Bishop Burn built and repaired By the County |
OS1/35/48/31 |
Bishopburn |
D. McCulloch Barlauchlin
John McConchie Mains of Penninghame
A. Donnan Penningham Mill |
019 |
A Large Stream rising at Mortonhall is the Boundary Between the farms of Barraer and Corwarhill Barlauchlin and Barwhirran . runs through mains of Penninghame then becomes the Boundary Between the Phs. [Parishes] History and Penningham to the Sea at Borrow moss |
OS1/35/48/31 |
[Page] 31 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
Trace 1 -- Parish of Penninghame
Barlauchline Bridge - Bridge
Bishopburn - Stream
Cairn - Stones
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
3rd. July [1846] |
OS1/35/48/32 |
[Page ] 32
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/48/33 |
Knockcuddy |
William Reid Bartrostan
Mr. A. Nevin Mark of Shanatan |
019 |
A Small arable hill on the farm of Bartrostan |
OS1/35/48/33 |
Baraer Fell |
Mr. William McClymont Baraer
D. McCulloch Barlochland
William Bede Barvennan |
013 ; 019 |
A. Considerable Hill on the farm of Baraer . Runs North to South The surface is R .R. H [Rough Rocky Heathy] Pasture |
OS1/35/48/33 |
[Page] 33-- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by D Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 1 -- Parish of Penninghame
Knockcuddy - Hill
Baraer Fell - Hill
Entry for Bartrostan is scored through
[Signed] D Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
3rd. July [1846] |
OS1/35/48/34 |
Barr Falls |
Mr. D McCulloch Barlochland
Mr. William Bede Barvennan
Mr. Adam Nevin Farmer Mark of [Shanaton] |
019 |
A. Considerable Arable hill on The farm of Barvennan it takes the name from the old Sheepfold on the north End it is now changed to falls but was Written Barr Faulds |
OS1/35/48/34 |
Barvennan Moss |
Mr. D McCulloch Barlochland
Mr. William Bede Barvennan
Mr. Adam Nevin Farmer Mark of [Shananton] |
019 |
A large bog on the farm of Barvennan |
OS1/35/48/34 |
Big Mulland |
Mr. D McCulloch Barlochland
Mr. William Bede Barvennan
Mr. Adam Nevin Farmer Mark of [Shananton] |
019 |
A large Arable hill on the farm of Barvennan |
OS1/35/48/34 |
Little Mulland |
Mr. D McCulloch Barlochland
Mr. William Bede Barvennan
Mr. Adam Nevin Farmer Mark of [Shananton] |
019 |
A Small arable on the farm of Barvennan |
OS1/35/48/34 |
[Page] 34-- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle C A. [Civilian Assistant] 2nd Examiner
Trace 1 -- Parish of Penninghame
Barr Falls - Hill
Barvennan Moss - Bog
Big Mulland - Hill
Little Mulland - Hill
[Signed] D Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 3rd. July [1846] |
OS1/35/48/35 |
Bishop Burn |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Synnot N. [Newton] Stewart
Mr. J. Rea ParK |
019 |
A considerable Stream Rising [Rising] in Knockamuddy wood on Merton Demesne forms the Boundary between the parishes Penninghame and Wigton, from the Mains of penninghame to the Sea at Burrow moss It took the name by being (at an early period) the Boundary Between the primary and Secondary Bishopricks of Galloway - It is also Said to take the name from the Bishop of Whithorn Encamping an army on the Brink of it for 14 days at burrow moss. waiting for Low water on the ford of cree to meet a contending army in the psh [parish] of KirKmabreck |
OS1/35/48/35 |
[Page] 35 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 2 -- Parish of Penninghame
Bishop Burn - Stream
[Signed] D Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
June 6th. 1846 |
OS1/35/48/36 |
Loudon |
Allan Carswell Schoolmaster, Loudon
J. Ray Park |
019 |
A School house erected in 1830 By Public Subscription the E. [Earl] Galloway allows 10£ per Annum to the teacher for the free Tuition of 6 to 10 Scholars Built on a Small Farm Called Loudon Hill, now attached to park farm |
OS1/35/48/36 |
Clary Height |
J. Heweteson Baltersan |
019 |
A Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station Called park in tree by trig [trigonometrical] party In a plantation Consisting of Larch Spruce and Scotch fir Deals- |
OS1/35/48/36 |
[Page] 36 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 2 -- Parish of Penninghame
Loudon - House
Clary Height - Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
June 9th. 1846 |
OS1/35/48/37 |
Penninghame |
D. McCulloch Barlauchlin
William McCronchie Mains of Penninghame |
019 |
A Small Corn mill On the mains - farm The property of E [Earl] of Galloway Worked by the water of Barlauchlin and Bishop Burn - wholly adopted to grinding oats and Barley.- |
OS1/35/48/37 |
Causewayend |
Mr. S. Turnbull Clary
J. Rea Park |
019 |
A Good Stone Bridge One arch on the road from N. [Newton] Stewart to Wigton over Bishop Burn .- A County Bridge Built etc. etc. |
OS1/35/48/37 |
[Page] 37 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 2 -- Parish of Penninghame
Penninghame - Mill
Causeway End - Bridge
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] June 9th. 1846 |
OS1/35/48/38 |
Wood fell |
J. Ferguson Wood
William Scott Auchleand |
019 |
A Large Rough Rocky heathy Hill On the farm of wood of Auchleand - Running in length from North to South |
OS1/35/48/38 |
Wood flow |
J. Ferguson Wood
William Scott Auchleand |
019 |
A Large peat moss on the farm of wood of Auchleand |
OS1/35/48/38 |
[Page] 38 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
Trace 2 -- Parish of Wigton
Wood fell - Hill
Wood flow - moss
Entry for Penninghame Dam is scored through
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
June 9th. 1846 |
OS1/35/48/39 |
[Page] 39
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/48/40 |
Bartrostan |
James Ross Blackpark
John Ross Blackpark |
019 |
A trig Stn. [Trigonometrical Station] on the farm of Bartrostan Called Bartrasna By Trigl [trigonometrical] Party |
OS1/35/48/40 |
Kindee Hill |
John Ross Black park
John Gifford Grange |
019 |
A large hill on the farm of Grange The property of E. [Earl] Stair. the hill is all arable . has a trigl Stn. [trigonometrical Station] On it Called grange By trig. [trigonometrical] party |
OS1/35/48/40 |
[Page] 40 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 3 -- Parish of Penninghame
Bartrostan - Trig Stn. [trigonometrical Station]
Kindle - Hill
Entry for Bartrostan moss is scored through
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
10th. June 1846 |
OS1/35/48/41 |
Smiths Croft |
Revd. [Reverend] R Sinnott N. [Newton] Stewart
Mr. S. Turnbull Castle Cary |
019 |
In part An indifferent Boundary. Enclosing the site of the Secondary Dwelling place of the Revd. [Reverend] Alexander Gordon Bishop of Galloway It was Brought to Desolation By his Apostacy About the year 1560 the old. Ash trees Around the Garden helps to Mark the Spot on the farm of causeway End the property of the E. [Earl] Galloway |
OS1/35/48/41 |
[Page] 41-- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 2 -- Parish of Penninghame
Smiths Croft - Site of Dwelling
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
5th. June 1846 |
OS1/35/48/42 |
019 |
A Small misshapen Hillock on the farm of Mains of Penninghame whereon the castle of Penninghame Stood There are but very Small traces of it Remaining A Sort of oblong hollow marks the foundation The old Road or Avenue up to it is the only visible object to it no Account of the Date of Erection. it had been wholly Destroyed About 50 years ago to build the mains farm house with the then Remaining Stones. it is vulgarly Known by the name . Howe Haa. understood as hollow hall |
OS1/35/48/42 |
[Page] 42-- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 2 -- Parish of Penninghame
Penninghame Castle - Site
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
5th. June 1846 |
OS1/35/48/43 |
[Page] 43 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 2 -- Parish of Penninghame
Entry for Site of Church and Burial place has been scored through
D. Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
5th. June 1846 |
OS1/35/48/44 |
Drumgowan |
David McCulloch Barlauchlin
John McConchie Mains of Penninghame
J. McGarvey Barwhirran |
013 |
A Small arable hill on the farm of Barwhirran having a trigl. [trigonometrical] Stn. [Station] is Called Barfourna by Trig. [Trigonometrical] party- |
OS1/35/48/44 |
Bell Knowe |
Revd. [Reverend] R. Synnot P.P. [Parish Priest]
Mr. John McConchie Farmer mains of Penninghame
Mr. J. Rea Farmer Park |
019 |
A Small pyramidal hill. inside the Supported Boundary of the old Chapel Ground of Penninghame . Supposed to be the place whereon the Warning or Prayer Bell was rung. and Lastly used for Such in the middle of the 17th. Century to Announce the passing by of King James IV to the Shrine of St. Ninian in Whithorn |
OS1/35/48/44 |
[Page] 44 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd. Examiner
Trace 2 -- Parish of Penninghame
Drumgowan - Hill
Bell Knowe - Small hill
D. Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
5th. June 1846 |
OS1/35/48/45 |
Knockskeogh |
J. McClymont BarsKeogh
James McClymont BarsKeogh
Mr. J. Ross Balckparks
Mr. James Ross Blackpark |
019 |
A Small arable hill on the farm of Torhousemoor on The property of Colonel Mchaffie Torhouse moor |
OS1/35/48/45 |
Knockcronie |
J. McClymont BarsKeogh
James McClymont BarsKeogh
Mr. J. Ross Balckparks
Mr. James Ross Blackpark |
019 |
A Small arable hill on Torhousemoor |
OS1/35/48/45 |
Torhouse Moor |
J. McClymont BarsKeogh
James McClymont BarsKeogh
Mr. J. Ross Balckparks
Mr. James Ross Blackpark |
019 |
A Large farm of moor land Composed of Several Subdominating or Petty farms Let to the occupiers for a period of twenty one years. at low rents to Encourage or forward the Reclammation of that barren portion the Divisions varys from 20 to 45 Acres The property of Colonel Mchaffie Torhouse |
OS1/35/48/45 |
[Page] 45-- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd. Examiner
Trace 3 -- Parish of Wigton
Knockskeogh - Hill
Knockcronie - Hill
Torhouse Moor - Farm
10th. June 1846
D. Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/48/46 |
Drumfeatherin |
John McClymont Knockskeog
James McClymont Knockskeog
James Ross Blackpark
John Ross Blackpark |
019 |
A Small arable hill with a house on the South Side on the farm of Wood of Auchland |
OS1/35/48/46 |
Black Park Hill |
John McClymont Knockskeog
James McClymont Knockskeog
James Ross Blackpark
John Ross Blackpark |
019 |
A Small arable hill on the farm of Black Park |
OS1/35/48/46 |
Black Park Moss |
John McClymont Knockskeog
James McClymont Knockskeog
James Ross Blackpark
John Ross Blackpark |
019 |
A Division of Peat moss that Belongs to the farm of Black park the Property of the E [Earl] of Stair Culhoran |
OS1/35/48/46 |
[Page] 46 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd. Examiner
Trace 2 -- Parish of Penninghame
Drumfeatherin - Hill
Black park hill - Hill
Black Park moss - Bog
D. Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
July 10th. 1846 |
OS1/35/48/47 |
Cawvis |
William Scott Aughleand
John Murdoch Cairn house
Mr. Mc Keand Carsgowan |
019 |
A Small arable hill on the farm of Auchleand |
OS1/35/48/47 |
Drumlane |
William Scott Aughleand
John Murdoch Cairn house
Mr. Mc Keand Carsgowan |
019 |
A Long arable hill on the farm of Auchleand |
OS1/35/48/47 |
White Hill |
Samuel Scott Auchleand
J. Ferguson Wood of Auchleand
etc |
019 |
A large arable hill on the farm of Wood of Auchleand |
OS1/35/48/47 |
S.Scott . Auchleand
J. Whyte Mosside |
019 |
A Small arable Hill noe in pasture and thinly tufted with heath, On the farm of Auchleand |
OS1/35/48/47 |
[Page] 47 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd. Examiner
Trace 4 -- Parish of Wigton
Cawvis - Hill
Drumlane - Hill
White Hill - Hill
Black Hill - Hill
Dennis Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
9th. June 1846 |
OS1/35/48/48 |
[Page] 48
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/48/49 |
List of Properties in Penninghame furnished by William Dill Esqr. |
019 |
A good farm house and out house built of stone and white washed. the farm contains about 300 acres of arable land the property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/48/49 |
Mr J. Rae occupier |
019 |
A good farm house and out house built of stone and roofed with slate having an extension farm of tillage and pasture land attached the property of the Earl of Galloway |
OS1/35/48/49 |
List of Properties |
019 |
at this place there is a public house, & Smithy a farm house and out house with some cottages, the farm contains about 47 acres of tillage land in the Earl of Galloway estate |
OS1/35/48/49 |
Mr. Ferguson |
019 |
An ordinary farm house and out house with a considerable farm of tillage and coarse pasture land the property of the Earl of Galloway |
OS1/35/48/49 |
[Page] 49 -- Plan 19B -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd. Examiner
Trace 2 -- Parish of Penninghame
[Pencil Note] Drumwhirns
A. Dean
C.a. [civilian assistant]
7th. Jany [January] 45 [1845] |
OS1/35/48/50 |
013 |
OS1/35/48/50 |
019 |
OS1/35/48/50 |
019 |
OS1/35/48/51 |
019 |
OS1/35/48/51 |
019 |
OS1/35/48/52 |
019 |
OS1/35/48/52 |
019 |
OS1/35/48/53 |
[Page] 53 [Volume] 48 -- OS1/35/48
Plan 19B
Names of Parishes -- Page
Penninghame -- 1
Wigtown -- 19 |