OS1/35/43/1 |
[Page] 1
Parish of Old Luce
Plan 18 A
Barfad -- 17
Barhapple -- 16
Barhapple Loch -- 16
Barlae -- 9
Barlae Burn -- 20
Barlae Bridge -- 9
Barlae Hill -- 8
Barlae Moss -- 8
Barlae T.P. [Turnpike] -- 17
Barrel Hill -- 13
Black Hill -- 17
Black Hill -- 13
Black Hill -- 11
Blairderry Hill -- 7
Blairderry Moss -- 7
Bridge of Barlae Barn -- 20
Burnpark Moss -- 10
Cairn Top -- 20
Carscreugh Fell -- 3
Derwill -- 19
Derlochlin Hill -- 15
Derhagie Hill -- 15
Derniemore Hill -- 13
Derwhillan Hill -- 12
Dernafuel -- 19
Derlongan -- 18
Dergoals Moss -- 4
Dirskelpin -- 16
Dirskelpin Moss -- 3
Drumcarrick -- 12
Drumagibbin Hill -- 10
Drumnerly -- 14
Filbane Hill -- 5
Grace Hill -- 11
Grace Hill -- 10
Gracehill Moss -- 9
Grennan Moss -- 6
Grennan -- 4
High Dergoals -- 14
Kiln Hill -- 6
Knockbrake Hill -- 3
Knockglass -- 7
Knocknahay -- 7
Knockiedun -- 12
Knockiecore -- 13
Knockieshe -- 14
Knocketie Moss -- 21
Lannygore Burn -- 18
Lady Burn -- 5
Long Hill -- 15
Low Dugoals -- 14
Mark of Luce Moss -- 11
Mark Broom Moss -- 6
Mill Hill -- 6
Old Military Road -- 11
Old Bridge of Barlae -- 8
* Tanieroach Moss -- 10
Tarf Water -- 19
Toll Bridge -- 21
White Hill -- 5
* Soldiers Hill -- 3 |
OS1/35/43/2 |
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There are many names on this Plan where the syllable "Der" is
a prefix, and in one case is compounded as in Blairderry (See page 7), nearly all those
names having such prefixes as "Der or Dir" Mr McHaffie has changed to Dar
except in Dergoals Moss (See page 4) where the "e" is adopted in the prefix while
in page 14, the same name has been corrected to Dargoals, these names have
been submitted a second time to Mr McHaffie, and that Gentleman says that he
would prefer "Dar of Dir" - This disagrees with names previously given on other Plans
and as the majority of the local authorities prefer Der this (latter) has been adopted
with the exception of "Dirskelpin" where the name as given by Mr Guthrie the Factor
to the Estate has been adopted, and some other names which fall on Plan 18 C.
The Spelling the prefix "Der" agrees more generally with the usage both in Scotland and
Ireland, and the following note from Chalmers Caledonia Vol [Volume] 1 page 52, would seem to confirm
it. "Derry, several in Wigton, Ferry, in Perth, Derry in Forfar, Derrydu, in Elgin, Derry - meanoch & Derry-more forests
in Sutherland". "Dar in the British, and ancient Gaulish, signifies Oak, oakwood; plural Deri, so Dar,
"in the Cornish; plural Deru; Dair Irish, means Oak, and Doiré, a thicket, a grove, a wood.
" properly of Oaks; in several parts the word is pronounced Derrie: and Dirrie" |
OS1/35/43/2 |
Memorandum |
OS1/35/43/3 |
Carscreuch Fell
Carscreugh Fell
Carscreugh Fell
Carscreugh Fell |
See Name List 12.C
See Name List 11D
George McHaffie Esq. |
017; 018 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile W by N. [West by North] of Grennan (farm house).
For description See Name List. Plan 17 B |
OS1/35/43/3 |
Soldiers Hill
Soldiers Hill |
For spelling see Name List Plan 17 B
George McHaffie Esq. |
018 |
[Situation] on Carscreugh Fell & 1/2 mile W by N. [West by North] of Grennan (farm house).
For description See Name List Plan 17 B |
OS1/35/43/3 |
Knockbrake Hill
Knockbrake Hill |
James McCaa
John Green
Name List for Plan 12C
George McHaffie Esq. |
012; 018 |
[Situation] 1/8 mile north of Grennan.
A considerable Hill on the farm of Grennan; the Soil of which is arable Its Summit commands a good view of the Surrounding country |
OS1/35/43/3 |
Darskilpine Moss
Darskilpine Moss
Darskilpine Moss
Dirskelpin Moss
Dirskelpin Moss
Darskelpin Moss |
William Henderson
David Shearer
David Lauderdale
George Guthrie Esqr. Factor etc
Name List for Plan 18.C |
018 |
[Situation] S.E [South East] of Barhapple Loch.
A large tract of moss situate on the S.E. [South East] side of Darskelpine farm. |
OS1/35/43/3 |
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18A Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
[ ] Carscreugh Fell
[ ] Soldiers Hill
29 Knockbrake Hill
83 Dirskelpin Moss |
OS1/35/43/4 |
Grennan |
John Murchie
James McCaa
Ainslies map 1782
Royal Engineers map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] In the northern portion of the Parish of Old Luce & 1 3/8 miles NW by W [North West by West] of High Dergoals.
A good farm house, Slated, two Stories high, with Suitable outoffices attached, and a farm of 600 acres about 300 of which are arable the remainder bog & rough pasture occupied by John Murchie. The property of Dr. [Doctor] Hannah of Glasgow |
OS1/35/43/4 |
Drumnerly |
John Kennedy
Archibald Adair
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1/8 mile South of Grennan.
A Small hill of an oval Shape on the farm of Grennan the soil of which is arable |
OS1/35/43/4 |
Dergoals Moss
Dergoals Moss
Dergoals Moss
Dergoals Moss
Dergoals Moss
Dergoals Moss
Dergoals Moss |
Alexander Dugan
William Dalrymple
John McHarg
John McHaffie
Robert Milligan
William McGill
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile NW [North West] of Barhapple Loch.
An extensive irregular tract of moss, part of the farms of High & Low Dergoals, it extends nearly East and west near the latter side of it there are Some portions of arable ground interspersed |
OS1/35/43/4 |
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Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
27 -- Grennan
31 -- Drumnerly
77 -- Dergoals Moss |
OS1/35/43/5 |
White Hill
White Hill
White Hill |
James McGill
James Kennedy
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile S by E [South by East] of Grennan.
A Small hill of an oval Shape on the farm of Low Dergoals. On its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station of the same name |
OS1/35/43/5 |
Lady Burn
Lady Burn
Lady Burn
Lady Burn
Lady Burn
Lady Burn |
Michael Martin
Samuel Milroy
John Kennedy
Ainslies Map 1782
Royal Engrs [Engineers] map
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] Running in a S. [South] westerly direction & passing near the north side of Derwhillan Hill & forming the boundary between Several farms at length passes Glenluce & runs into the River Luce near the above village.
A considerable Stream which takes its rise in the farm of Low Dergoals (formed by two Small Streams) & running in a S. [South] westerly direction passing the farm of Low Dergoals Grace Hill etc at length passes Glenluce & runs into Luce River near Luce Bay |
OS1/35/43/5 |
Filbane Hill
Filbane Hill
Filbane Hill
Filbane Hill |
James McCaa
John Green
Name List 12 C
George McHaffie Esqr. |
012; 018 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile NE [North East] of Grennan (farm house).
A Small hill on the farm of Grennan, the Surface of which is arable Soil. |
OS1/35/43/5 |
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Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
30 -- White Hill
33 -- Lady Burn
29 -- Filbane Hill |
OS1/35/43/6 |
Mill Hill
Mill Hill |
Name List for Plan 12 C
George McHaffie Esqr. |
012 |
[Situation] one mile NE by E [North East by East] of Grennan (farm house).
For description and authority for spelling See Name List Plan 12 C |
OS1/35/43/6 |
Kiln Hill
Kiln Hill |
Name List for Plan 12 C
George McHaffie Esqr. |
012 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile NE [North East] by East of Grennan.
For description see Name for Plan 12 C |
OS1/35/43/6 |
Mark Broom Moss
Mark Broom Moss
Mark Broom Moss
Mark Broom Moss
Mark Broom Moss |
James McCaa
William Dalrymple
John McHaffie
Robert Milligan
John McHarg |
012; 018 |
[Situation] 1 mile E by N [East by North] of Grennan.
A tract of moss in the farm of Mark Broom Situate S.E. [South East] of Mill Hill. |
OS1/35/43/6 |
Grennan Moss
Grennan Moss
Grennan Moss
Grennan Moss
Grennan Moss
Grennan Moss |
John McHarg
John Kennedy
John McHaffie
Robert Milligan
D. Shearer
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile East of Grennan.
A considerable tract of moss part of the farm of Grennan |
OS1/35/43/6 |
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Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
[ ] Mill Hill
[ ] Kiln Hill
71 -- Mark Broom Moss
71 -- Grennan Moss |
OS1/35/43/7 |
Knockglass |
William Douglas
David Shearer
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile NNW [North North West] of Barlae & on the South Bank of Tarf Water.
A Small hill of an oblong Shape on the farm of Barlae |
OS1/35/43/7 |
Blairderry Hill
Blairderry Hill
Blairderry Hill |
William Dalrymple
John McHarg
Ainslies Map 1782
Royal Engrs [Engineers] map
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile NW by W [North West by West] of Barlae.
A considerable hill on the farm of Blairderry. The Surface of which is, part arable &, part rough pasture on its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station Called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Bergunnion" |
OS1/35/43/7 |
Knocknahay |
David Shearer
Charles Girvan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile NW by W [North West by West] of Barlae.
A Small hill Surrounded by moss on the farm of Barlae. |
OS1/35/43/7 |
Blairderry Moss
Blairderry Moss
Blairderry Moss
Blairderry Moss
Blairderry Moss
Blairderry Moss |
William Dalrymple
James McCaa
John McHaffie
Robert Milligan
David Shearer |
018 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles North of Barhapple Loch.
A large tract of moss part of the farm of Blairderry |
OS1/35/43/7 |
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Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
37 -- Knockglass
38 -- Blairderry Hill
37 -- Knocknahay
71 -- Blairderry Moss |
OS1/35/43/8 |
Old Bridge of Barlae
Old Bridge of Barlae
Old Bridge of Barlae |
Samuel Brady
David Milligan
George McHaffie Esq. |
018 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile north of Barlae (farm house).
A Stone bridge of two arches over the River Tarf on the old road leading from Glenluce to Newtonstewart. This bridge is now neglected as to [report] one of the arches is nearly fallen & can only be passed by foot [passengers] it was formerly a County bridge but is not now. |
OS1/35/43/8 |
Barlae Hill
Barlae Hill
Barlae Hill |
John Anderson
David Shearer
George McHaffie Esq. |
018 |
[Situation] At the north Side of Barlae (farm house).
A considerable hill of an oblong Shape on the [farm] of Barlae, the Soil of which is arable. |
OS1/35/43/8 |
Barlae Moss
Barlae Moss
Barlae Moss
Barlae Moss
Barlae Moss
Barlae Moss
Barlae Moss |
Alexander Nelson
David Shearer
William Dalrymple
John McHaffie
Robert Milligan
Henry McGill
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile WSW [West South West] of Barlae (Farm House).
A large tract of moss and moorland part of the farm of Barlae in this tract there are 3 hills forming nearly a north & south range the main road Newtonstewart to Glenluce passes thro [through] it |
OS1/35/43/8 |
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Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
39 -- Old Bridge of Barlae
41 -- Barlae Hill
73 -- Barlae Moss |
OS1/35/43/9 |
Barlae |
David Shearer
George McHaffie Esq.
Ainslies map 1782
Royal Engrs. [Engineers] map
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] In the NE [North East] Side of the Parish of Old Luce on the west side of Tarf water near Barlae Bridge.
A farm house one Story high Slated with suitable outoffices attached and a farm of 400 acres of which 87 acres are arable land, the remainder being moorland. Occupied by David Shearer. The property of Sir James Dalrymple Hay Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/35/43/9 |
Barlae Bridge
Barlae Bridge
Barlae Bridge
Barlae Bridge |
David Shearer
George McHaffie Esqr.
John Dugan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] At the SE [South East] side of Barlae (farm house).
A Stone bridge of one arch over the river Tarf on the coach road leading from Glenluce to Newtonstewart This is a County bridge |
OS1/35/43/9 |
Gracehill Moss
Gracehill Moss
Gracehill Moss
Gracehill Moss
Gracehill Moss
Gracehill Moss |
Michael Martin
James Kenedy
John McHaffie
Robert Milligan
William McGill
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles WNW [West North West] of Barhapple Loch.
A tract of moss comprising the whole of the farm of Gracehill except a hill which is situate about the central part of this moss |
OS1/35/43/9 |
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Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
69 -- Barlae
69 -- Barlae Bridge
75 -- Gracehill Moss |
OS1/35/43/10 |
Drumagibbin Hill
Drumagibbin Hill
Drumagibbin Hill |
John Green
Robert McGill
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile SSW [South South West] of Grennan (farm house).
A Small hill of an oblong shape on the farm of Cascreugh |
OS1/35/43/10 |
Grace Hill
Grace Hill
Grace Hill |
MIchael Martin
John Green
George McHaffie Esq. |
018 |
[Situation] About one mile South of Grennan & at the south side of a hill of the same name.
A Small hill on a farm of the Same name, the surface of which is part arable and part heathy pasture. The farm takes its name from this hill |
OS1/35/43/10 |
Burnpark Moss
Burnpark Moss
Burnpark Moss
Burnpark Moss
Burnpark Moss
Burnpark Moss
Burnpark Moss |
John Kennedy
James Kennedy
John McHaffie
Robert Milligan
William McGill
David Shearer
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 Miles W [West] of Barhapple Loch.
A considerable tract of moss part of the farm of Cascreugh there several pieces of Heathy and rocky pasture interspersed thro [through] this moss |
OS1/35/43/10 |
Tanieroach Moss
Tanieroach Moss
Tanieroach Moss
Tanieroach Moss
Tanieroach Moss |
Alexander Dougan
Robert Eccles
John McHaffie
David Shearer
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile NE [North East] of Barhapple Loch.
A small Strip of moss, part of the farm of Cairntop |
OS1/35/43/10 |
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Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
43 -- Drumagibbin Hill
47 -- Grace Hill
75 -- Burnpark Moss
77 -- Tanieroach Moss |
OS1/35/43/11 |
Gracehill |
Michael Martin
John Green
George McHaffie Esq. |
018 |
[Situation] About 1 1/4 miles South of Grennan.
A farm house & out houses with a farm of about 60 acres of land (generally moorland) yearly rent £23, occupied by Michael Martin. The property of the Earl of Stair. A hill which is part of the farm gave rise to the name |
OS1/35/43/11 |
Old Military Road
Old Military Road |
See Name List Plan 17B
George McHaffie Esq |
018 |
[Situation] Passing in an easterly direction through the Parish of Old Luce & leading from Glenluce to Newtonstewart.
For description see Name List Plan 17B |
OS1/35/43/11 |
Black Hill
Black Hill
Black Hill |
James McGill
James Milroy
George McHaffie Esq. |
018 |
[Situation] About 1 3/4 miles SSW [South South West] of Grennan.
A large hill nearly of a conical shape, on the farm of Dervard on its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station |
OS1/35/43/11 |
Mark of Luce Moss
Mark of Luce Moss
Mark of Luce Moss
Mark of Luce Moss
Mark of Luce Moss |
Alexander Nelson
David Shearer
John McHaffie
Robert Milligan
J. Shearer |
018 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile South of Barlae Bridge.
A considerable tract of moss part of the farm of Mark of Luce |
OS1/35/43/11 |
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Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
45 -- Gracehill
[ ] -- Old Military Road
49 -- Black Hill
83 -- Mark of Luce Moss |
OS1/35/43/12 |
Knockiedum |
John Kennedy
James Kennedy
James Milroy |
018 |
[Situation] At the East Side of Black Hill.
A Small hill on the farm of Dervard, the Soil of which is arable. |
OS1/35/43/12 |
Derwhillan Hill
Derwhillan Hill
Darwhillan Hill |
James McGill
James Milroy
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles South of Grennan.
A considerable hill on the farm of Low Dergoals. The soil of which is generally [arable] |
OS1/35/43/12 |
Drumcarrick |
James McGill
Alexander Dougan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] About 1 3/4 miles SSE [South South East] of Grennan.
A considerable hill on the farm of Low Dergoals on it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station of the Same name |
OS1/35/43/12 |
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Parish of Old Luce
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49 -- Knockiedim
47 -- Derwhillan Hill
55 -- Drumcarrick |
OS1/35/43/13 |
Knockiecore |
Alexander Dougan
Robert McGill
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles SE [South East] of Grennan (farm house).
A considerable hill on the farm of High Dergoals the Soil of which is arable, on its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called "Cairn Top" by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party |
OS1/35/43/13 |
Barrel Hill
Barrel Hill
Barrel Hill |
Alexander Dougan
Charles Girvan
George McHaffie Esq. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles SE [South East] of Grennan.
A hill nearly of a conical Shape on the farm of High Dergoals the Soil of which is arable |
OS1/35/43/13 |
Derniemore Hill
Derniemore Hill
Darniemore Hill |
Alexander Dougan
Robert McGill
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] One mile SE by E [South East by East] of Grennan.
A Small hill on the farm of High Dergoals. |
OS1/35/43/13 |
Black Hill
Black Hill
Black Hill |
Alexander Dougan
William Dougan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] One mile SSE [South South East] of the farm house of Grennan.
A small hill the Soil of which is arable |
OS1/35/43/13 |
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Parish of Old Luce |
OS1/35/43/14 |
Low Dergoals
Low Dargoals
Laigh Dargoals
Laigh Dergoals
Low Dargoles
Low Dargoals |
See Name List for 18 C (article "Flow of Dergoals")
Robert McGie
George McHaffie Esqr.
Mr W. T. Saunders
George Guthrie Esqr.
Ainsles map 1782
Royal Engs. [Engineers] map |
018 |
[Situation] About 1 1/2 miles SSE [South South East] of Grennan.
A farm house & outhouses [in] good repair with a large [farm] [attached] occupied by Robert [McGie] The property of the Earl of [Stair] |
OS1/35/43/14 |
Knockieshe |
Alexander Dougan
Robert McGill
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 3/8 miles SE by S. [South East by South] of Grennan.
A Small hill of an oblong Shape on the farm of [Dergoals] the soil of which is arable. |
OS1/35/43/14 |
High Dergoal
High Dergoals
High Dergoals
High Dargoles or Cairntop
High Dargoals
High Dargoals
High Dardoles |
Alexander Dougan
James McGill
James Milroy
Ainslies map 1782
Royal Engrs [Engineers] map
George McHaffie Esqr.
Map of adjoining property 1829 |
018 |
[Situation] At the west Side of Knockieshe & about 1 3/8 miles SE by S [South East by South] of Grennan.
A good farm house & out houses in good repair with a large farm of rough ground attached; occupied by Alexander [Dougan] The property of the Earl of Stair |
OS1/35/43/14 |
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Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
36 -- Low Dergoals
54 -- Knockieshe
36 -- High Dergoals |
OS1/35/43/15 |
Derhagie Hill
Derhagie Hill
Derhagie Hill
Darhagie Hill |
Alexander Dougan
William Dougan
William Dalrymple
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles ESE. [East South East] of Grennan.
A considerable hill the soil of which is arable. situated on the farm of High Dergoals |
OS1/35/43/15 |
Long Hill
Long Hill
Long Hill
Long Hill |
James McGill
Alexander Douglas
Robert McGill
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles S by E [South by East] of Grennan.
A Small oblong hill on the farm of Low Dergoals |
OS1/35/43/15 |
Derlochlin Hill
Derlochlin Hill
Darlochlin Hill |
Andrew Haswell
William McKachie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles SE by S [South East by South] of Grennan.
A considerable hill nearly of a conical shape on the farm of High Dergoals. |
OS1/35/43/15 |
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Parish of Old Luce
[Form 136] Page
67 -- Derhagie Hill
55 -- Long Hill
56 -- Derlochlin Hill |
OS1/35/43/16 |
Barhapple Loch
Barhapple Loch
Barhapple Loch
Barhapple Loch |
William Henderson
William McKachie
Andrew Haswell
Royal Engrs. [Engineers] map
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles SE [South East] of Grennan.
A small loch in the farm of Derskelpin, about 1/4 mile N [North] of the farm house. |
OS1/35/43/16 |
Barhapple |
William Henderson
William McKachie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] At the East Side of Barhapple Loch.
A Small hill of an oval Shape on the farm of [Derskelpin] |
OS1/35/43/16 |
Darskelpine & Derskelpine
Dirskelpin |
George McHaffie Esqr,
William Henderson
William McKachie
Ainslies map 1782
Royal Engrs. [Engineers] map
John Dugan
W. T. Saunders
George Guthrie Esqr. Factor
See Name List Plan 18C article Dirskilpin Moss |
018 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles SW [South West] of Barlae and South of Barhapple Loch.
A moderated Sized farm house Slated, with outhouses the latter in bad repair with a farm of about 1000 acres 50 of which are arable the remainder moorland & moss. Occupied by William Henderson The property of the Earl of Stair - yearly rent £70- |
OS1/35/43/16 |
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Parish of Old Luce
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57 -- Barhapple Loch
56 -- Barhapple
59 -- Dirskelpin |
OS1/35/43/17 |
Black Hill
Black Hill
Black Hill |
David Shearer
Charles Girvin
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile W [West] of Barlae.
A Small hill on the farm of Barlae the soil of which is arable. |
OS1/35/43/17 |
Barlae Toll Bar
Barlae Toll Bar |
Alexander Crawford
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile SW by W [South West by West] of Barlae.
A Toll bar & house on the road leading from Glenluce to Newtonstewart |
OS1/35/43/17 |
Barfad |
John Anderson
Charles Girvan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 5/8 mile SW [South West] of Barlae.
A Small oblong hill on the farm of Barlae at the South Side of Barlae Toll Bar - on its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called "Toll Hill" by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party |
OS1/35/43/17 |
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Parish of Old Luce
[Form 136] Page
61 -- Black Hill
70 -- Barlae T.P. [Turn Pike]
61 -- Barfad |
OS1/35/43/18 |
Derlongan |
David Lauderdale
William Henderson
George McHaffie Esqr.
See Name List - Plan 18C |
018 |
[Situation] About one mile S by W. [South by West] of Barlae.
A Small oblong hill on the farm of Derskelpine |
OS1/35/43/18 |
Lannygore Burn
Lanie-gore Burn |
David Lauderdale
William McKachie
Charles Girvan
See Name List Plan 18 C
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] In the E [East] side of the Parish of Old Luce 1 mile East of Barhapple Loch.
A considerable Stream taking its rise in a loch in the farm of Darskelpine & [running] in a north easterly direction [between] the farms of Darskelpine & Anaglish & becomes the boundary of the farm Mark of Luce & thence crossing [the] road from Glenluce to Wigtown & then runs thro [through] farm Mark of Luce & takes the name of that farm from the above road untill its confluence with the river Tarf |
OS1/35/43/18 |
[Page] 18
Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
62 -- Derlongan
65 -- Lannygore Burn |
OS1/35/43/19 |
Darniefoil |
David Lauderdale
Alexander Nelson
See Name List 18C
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] About one mile SSE [South South East] of Barlae.
A Small hill nearly of an oval Shape, on the farm of analeaglish. on this hill is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called "Dernyshole" by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party |
OS1/35/43/19 |
Darweel |
Alexander Nelson
Charles Girvan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] About 3/8 mile SSE [South South East] of Barlae.
A Small hill on the farm of Mark of Luce. The Soil of which is arable. |
OS1/35/43/19 |
Tarf Water
Tarf Water |
For authority of Spelling see Name List for Plan 12 C.
George McHaffie Esq |
018 |
[Situation] Running in a Southern direction from the Boundary of Ayrshire & forming the boundary between the Parish of Kirkcowan & that of the Parishes of New Luce & old Luce & running into the River Bladenoch at the SE [South East] side of Kirkcowan Ph. [Parish].
For description See Name List Plan 12 C. |
OS1/35/43/19 |
[Page] 19
Parish of Old Luce
Form 136
Page 63- Dernafuel
62- Derwill
Tarf Water
Dair (Irish) oak. Pronounced nearly like the English sound Der
Maol Bald, Bare, without foliage etc. |
OS1/35/43/20 |
Cairn Top
Cairn Top
Cairn Top
Cairn Top
Cairn Top
Cairn Top or East Dergoals
Cairn Top or East Dergoals
Cairn Top |
Alexander Dougan
William Cumming
Robert Eccles
David Milligan
John Kevin
Robert Haswell
Andrew Haswell
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 12 Chains NE [North East] of Barhapple Loch on the Road from Glenluce to Newton Stewart.
A well constructed farm house which is also occupied as public house having a Small farm [attached] chiefly moorland Occupied by Andrew Haswell. The property of the Earl of Stair. It is well Known to Travellers by the name Cairntop |
OS1/35/43/20 |
Barlae Burn
Barlae Burn
Barlae Burn |
David Shearer
Robert Milligan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 mile NE [North East] of Barhapple Loch.
A Small Stream rising near the junction of the farms of Barlae Blairderry & High Dergoals and runs in a S. [South] Easterly direction thro [through] Barlae Farm & runs into the river Tarf about 6 chains South of Barlae Bridge |
OS1/35/43/20 |
Bridge of Barlae Burn
Bridge of Barlae Burn
Bridge of Barlae Burn |
David Shearer
Robert Milligan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 7 Chains SW [South West] of Barlae (Farm House).
A Small Stone bridge of one arch over Barlae Burn. It is a County Bridge. - |
OS1/35/43/20 |
[Page] 20
Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
81 -- Cairn Top
85 -- Barlae Burn
85 -- Bridge of Barlae Burn |
OS1/35/43/21 |
Toll Bridge
Toll Bridge
Toll Bridge |
Robert Eccles Sen [Senior]
Robert Eccles junr [junior]
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile S.W [South West] of Barlae (Farm House).
A Stone bridge of two small arches. Situate on the farm of Barlae. It is a county Bridge |
OS1/35/43/21 |
Knocketie Moss
Knocketie Moss
Knocketie Moss
Knocketie Moss
Knocketie Moss
Knocketie Moss
Knocketie Moss
Knocketie Moss |
John Dougan
Alexander Nelson
John McHaffie
Robert Milligan
William McGill
David Shearer
John McHarg
George McHaffie Esq. |
018 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles East of Barhapple Loch.
A considerable tract of moss on the farm of Anaboglish it takes its name from a hill adjacent called Knocketie. |
OS1/35/43/21 |
[Page] 21
Parish of Old Luce
Form 136 Page
86 -- Toll Bridge
86 -- Knocketie Moss |
OS1/35/43/22 |
[Page] 22
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/22A |
[Page] 22a
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/23 |
[Page] 23
Parish of Kirkcowan
Plan 18
Barmore -- 23
Barlae -- 24
Barmore Moss -- 25
Barmore -- 24
Blairnagobber -- 25
Drumwhirry -- 23
Knocklyoch Hill -- 25
The Long Hill -- 23
The Old Toll -- 24 |
OS1/35/43/23A |
The Long Hill
The Long Hill |
See Name List for Plan 12 C
George McHaffie Esqr. |
012; 018 |
[Situation] 1 mile North of Barlae Bridge.
For description see Name List Plan 12 C. |
OS1/35/43/23A |
Drumwherry |
William Dalrymple
George McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslies map 1782
Royal Engrs. [Engineers] map |
018 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile N by W [North by West] of the farm house of Barlae.
A Small farm house in good repair with outhouses and garden attached, and a farm consisting chiefly of rough ground. The property of Capt. [Captain] Hamilton. |
OS1/35/43/23A |
Barmare |
George McHaffie Esqr.
John Dugan
Ainslies map 1782
Royal Engrs. [Engineers] map |
018 |
[Situation] About 1/2 mile NNE [North North East] of Barlae.
A farm house & outhouses in good repair with garden attached and a large farm consisting chiefly of rough land. The property of Capt. [Captain] Hamilton |
OS1/35/43/23A |
[Page] 23 A
Parish of Kirkcowan
[Form 136] Page
[ ] -- The Long Hill
25 -- Drumwhirry
25 -- Barmore |
OS1/35/43/24 |
The Old Toll
The Old Toll
The Old Toll |
David Shearer
John Anderson
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1/8 mile NE [North East] of Barlae.
A low thatched cottage at which a Toll bar was formerly Kept |
OS1/35/43/24 |
Barmore Hill
Barmore Hill
Barmore Hill |
John Anderson
John Dougan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] About 3/8 mile NE [North East] of Barlae.
A considerable hill on the farm of Barmore. It is near of a conical shape. The soil of which is generally arable. on its Summit is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station [called] by trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Clover Hill" |
OS1/35/43/24 |
Barbae |
John Anderson
John Dougan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] About 5/8 mile N by E [North by East] of Barlae.
A Small hill of an oval Shape on the farm of [Barmore] the soil of which is arable |
OS1/35/43/24 |
[Page] 24
Parish of Kirkcowan
Form 136 Page
67 -- The Old Toll
67 -- Barmore
67 -- Barbae |
OS1/35/43/25 |
Knocklyoch Hill
Knocklyoch Hill |
See Name List for Plan 12C
George McHaffie Esq |
012 |
[Situation] About 1 mile North of Barlae.
For description see Name List Plan 12 C. |
OS1/35/43/25 |
Blairnagobber |
{See Name List for Plan 12 C}
George McHaffie Esqr. |
012; 018 |
[Situation] About one mile NNE [North North East] of Barlae (farm house).
For description see Name List Plan 12C. |
OS1/35/43/25 |
Barmore Moss
Barmore Moss
Barmore Moss |
John Dougan
Alexander Nelson
George McHaffie Esqr. |
018 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile East by South of Barlae Bridge.
A Considerable tract of moss on the farm of Barmore |
OS1/35/43/25 |
[Page] 25
Parish of Kirkcowan |
OS1/35/43/26 |
[Page] 26
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/43/27 |
Grennan |
Mr John Murchie, Tenant, Grennan, Glenluce
James McCaa Farmer, Mark Broom |
018 |
Substantial farm house, two storeys high slated and built of Stone, having excellent out offices attached to it. The farm Contains 600 acres; 300 of which are arable, the remainder is bog and rough pasture. It is the property of Doctor Hannah, Surgeon, Glasgow. |
OS1/35/43/27 |
[Page] 27
List of Names Collected by Civil Assistant John Madagan 1st Examiner
Field Book Plan A No. of Tracing No. 1
Grennan -- a farm house
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] John Madagan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
5th Sept [September] 1845 |
OS1/35/43/28 |
[Page] 28
List of Names Collected by
[Page is otherwise blank] |
OS1/35/43/29 |
Knockbrake |
James McCaa Farmer Mark Broom by Glenluce
John Green Laborer Kirkcowan |
012; 018 |
A considerable hill from which there is a good view of the Surrounding country it is a flat topd [topped] hill of generally arable Soil and Situated in the Farm of the Grennan the property Miner Hanney of Glasgow |
OS1/35/43/29 |
Filbane Hill |
James McCaa Mark Broom by Glenluce
John Green Kirkcowan |
012; 018 |
A Small cultivated hill Situated on the Farm of the Grennan |
OS1/35/43/29 |
[Page] 29
Plan 18 A List of Names collected by Pri [Private] Peter Bracken
Trace 1
Knockbrake -- Hill
Filbane Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter Bracken
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
4th Jany [January] 1845 |
OS1/35/43/30 |
018 |
White Hill |
James McGill Merchant Glenluce
James Kennedy Merchant Kirkcowan |
A Small cultivated Hill of an oval Shape Surround by moorland Situated in the North part of the Farm of Low Dergoals on the Summit of the hill there is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called Whitehill |
OS1/35/43/30 |
[Page] 30
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Pri [Private] Peter Bracken
Trace 1
White Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter Bracken
Pri [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners
4th Jan [January] 1845 |
OS1/35/43/31 |
018 |
Drumnerly |
John Kennedy Kiltersan by Kirkcowan
Archibald Adair Kirkcowan |
A Small cultivated hill of an oval Shape Situated about the center [centre] of the Farm of the Grennan about 10 chains South of the Farm House |
OS1/35/43/31 |
[Page] 31
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Peter Bracken Pri [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 1
[Object] Drumnerly -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter Bracken
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
4 Jany [January] 1845 |
OS1/35/43/32 |
[Page] 32
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/33 |
018 |
Lady Burn |
Michael Martin Farmer Gracehill by Glenluce
James Milroy Labourer Glenluce
John Kennedy Kiltersan by KirKcowan |
A considerable Stream commencing its name at the meeting of two Small Streams in the Farm of Low Dergoals from whence it runs in an S. [South] Westerly direction, for a Short distance it runs thro [through] the farm of Low Dergoals it then becomes the Boundary between L. [Low] Dergoals and Gracehill after which it Seperates the Cascreugh and Low Dergoals and runs thro [through] the Farm of Dervard Still Keeping and [and] S. [South] Westerly direction until it falls into the Buay of Luce |
OS1/35/43/33 |
[Page] 33
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Private Peter BracKen
Trace 4
[Object] Lady Burn -- Stream
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
4th Jany [January] 1848 |
OS1/35/43/34 |
[Page] 34
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/35 |
018 |
Barmore |
John Dugan, Farmer, Barmore by Kirkcowan
Captn. [Captain] Hamilton, Craighlaw
John Anderson, Farmer, Mull |
A Dewelling House Out Houses in good Repair. There is a good garden & a large Rough Farm atatched The Property of Capt. [Captain] Hamilton of Craiglaw |
OS1/35/43/35 |
018 |
Drumwherrie |
William Dalrumple, Farmer, Blairderry by Glenluce
William Douglas, Drumwhirrie |
A Small Cottage in good Repair, with out House & Garden There is also a Farm of Rough Land atatched the Property of Captain Hamilton of Craiglaw |
OS1/35/43/35 |
[Page] 35
[Plan] 18. A Trace 2 -- List of Names collected by Pt. [Private] William BirKby RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]. 1st Examiner
Plan A No. of Tracing 2
Barmore -- House & Farm
Drumwherrie -- House & Farm
[Parish] Kirkcowan
[Signed] William BirKby,
Private RS [Royal Sappers] & Miners
23rd Augt [August] 1845 |
OS1/35/43/36 |
018 |
High Dergoal
High Dergoals |
Alexander Dougan, Farmer, High Dergoal or Carn Top by [Glenluce]
James McGill, Merchant, Glenluce
James Milroy, Laborer Glenluce |
A good Commodious Dewelling House & Out houses in good Repair. There Is a large farm of Rough Land atatched. The property of Lord Stair |
OS1/35/43/36 |
018 |
Low Dergoals |
Robert McGiee, Low [Dergoals] By Glenluce
James McGill, Glenluce
James Milroy, Glenluce |
A Dwelling House & out Houses in good Repair & a Large Farm of Rough Land atatched The [property] of Lord Stair. |
OS1/35/43/36 |
[Page] 36
Plan 18 A Trace 4 -- List of Names collected by Private William BirKby RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners) 1st Examiner
No. of Plan 18A
No of Trace 4
High Dergoals -- House & Farm
Low Dergoals -- House & Farm
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] William BirKby [Private]
RS [Royal Sappers] & Miners
30th Augt [August] 1845 |
OS1/35/43/37 |
018 |
Knockglass |
William Douglas (Caretaker) Drumwherrie
David Shearer, Farmer, Barbae |
A Small oblong hill of arable Soil Situated between a large moss and the River Tarff on the farm Barlae the property of Sir James Hay of Dunraggat |
OS1/35/43/37 |
018 |
Knocknahay |
David Shearer, Farmer, Barlae
Charles Girvan, Laborer Barlae |
A Small cultivated hill Surrounded by moss Situated on the farm of Barlae about 311 chains NW [North West] of the Farm House |
OS1/35/43/37 |
[Page] 37
Plan 18A -- List of Names collected by Private Peter BracKen RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 3
KnocKglass -- Hill
KnocKnahay -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter Bracken
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
8th Novr. [November] 1847 |
OS1/35/43/38 |
018 |
Blairderry Hill |
William Dalrymple, Farmer, Blairderry
John McHarg, Kirkcowan |
A cosiderable Hill of rather an oval Shape it is part arable and part rough pasture and Surrounded with moor land it is Situated on the South Side of the farm of Blairderry the property of S [Sir] James Hay of Dunraggat There is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station on the Summit of the above hill called Bergunnion |
OS1/35/43/38 |
[Page] 38
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Peter BracKen Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 3
Blairderry Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter Bracken RS [Royal Sappers & Miners]
8th Novr [November] 1847 |
OS1/35/43/39 |
018 |
Old Bridge of Barlae |
Samuel Brady, Weaver, Kirkcowan
David Milligan, Shoemaker, Kirkcowan |
A Stone built Bridge two arches one of which is nearly down it can only be crossed by foot people it built over the river Tarff where the old road from N. [Newton] Stewart to Glenluce crosses it between the farms of Barmore and Barlae it is Supposed to have been built by the Co. [County] but is not Kept in repair the arch that is nearly down was over the River it was to carry away flood |
OS1/35/43/39 |
[Page] 39
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Private Peter BracKen
Trace 3
[Object] Old Bridge of Barlae -- Bridge
[Parish] Kirkcowan and Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
21st Decr. [December] 1847 |
OS1/35/43/40 |
[Page] 40
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/41 |
018 |
Barlae Hill |
John Anderson, Mull by Kirkcowan
David Shearer, Farmer, Barlae by KirKcowan |
A considerable Hill of an oblong Shape it arable Soil it Situated of the farm of Barlae adjacent to the farm House on the NW [North West] Side on the property of Sir James Hay of Dunraggat. Occupier David Shearer |
OS1/35/43/41 |
[Page] 41
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen
Trace 3
Barlae Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pri [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
8th Nov. [November] 1847 |
OS1/35/43/42 |
[Page] 42
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/43 |
018 |
Drumagibbin Hill |
John Green, Kirkcowan
Robert McGill, Low Dergoals |
A Small oblong Shaped Hill of heathy Land in the Farm of the Cascreugh it is Surrounded by Moor land |
OS1/35/43/43 |
[Page] 43
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen
Trace 4
Drumagibbin Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter Bracken
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
2nd Decr [December] 1847 |
OS1/35/43/44 |
[Page] 44
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/45 |
018 |
Gracehill |
Michael Martin, Farmer, Gracehill by Glenluce
John Green, Laborer Kirkcowan |
A Stone built house Slated one Story High and in good repair with an out house in bad repair there is attached to it a Farm of about 60 acres of Land (generally moorland) at 23£ rent it is Occupied by Michael Martin proprietor Lord Stair Stair. It is Said the Farm has taken it name from in it called Grace Hill it belonged to the Cascreugh Farm |
OS1/35/43/45 |
[Page] 45
Plan 18A List of Names collected by Private Peter Bracken
Trace 4
Gracehill - House
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter Bracken
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
2nd Decr [December] 1847 |
OS1/35/43/46 |
[Page] 46
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/47 |
018 |
Grace Hill |
Michael Martin, Farmer, Gracehill by Glenluce
John Green, Laborer [Labourer], Kirkcowan |
A Small Hill part of which is arable and part heathy it is Situated on the farm of Gracehill, it is Said that farm has taken its name from the Hill |
OS1/35/43/47 |
018 |
Derwhillan Hill |
James McGill, Merchant, Glenluce
James Milroy, Laborer Glenluce |
A considerable Hill Soil generally arable Situated on the East Side of the farm of Low Dergoals and 3 miles from Glenluce |
OS1/35/43/47 |
[Page] 47
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Peter BracKen Pri [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 4
Grace Hill -- Hill
Derwhillan Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter Bracken
Pri [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
2nd Decr [December] 1847
4th Jany [January] 1848 |
OS1/35/43/48 |
[Page] 48
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/49 |
018 |
Black Hill |
James McGill, Merchant, Glenluce
James Milroy, Laborer Glenluce |
A large cultivated hill of rather conical Shape when viewed at a distance is Situated on the farm of Dervard on the Summit Stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called Black Hill |
OS1/35/43/49 |
018 |
Knockiedum |
John Kennedy Dealer in Sheep, Kiltersan by Kirkcowan
James Kennedy Kirkcowan
James Milroy Glenluce |
A Small arable Hill oval topd. [topped] it is Situated on the East Side of the Farm of Dervard |
OS1/35/43/49 |
[Page] 49
Plan 18, -- A List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen
[Trace] 4
Black Hill -- Hill
Knockiedum -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
4th Jany [January] 1848 |
OS1/35/43/50 |
[Page] 50
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/51 |
018 |
Barrel Hill |
Alexander Dougan Farmer High Dergoals by Glenluce
Charles Girvan Barlae by Glenluce |
A round hill with rather a conical top the Soil is arable generally it is Situated about the Centre of the farm of High Dergoals the property of Lord Stair of Culhorn |
OS1/35/43/51 |
018 |
Derhaggie Hill |
Alexander Dougan, Farmer High Dergoals by Glenluce
William Dougan High Dergoals by Glenluce
William Dalrymple Farmer Blairderry by Glenluce |
A considerable Hill or arable land flat on the top is Surrounded by moor Land and is Situated about the East Side of the Farm of High Dergoals |
OS1/35/43/51 |
[Page] 51
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Peter BracKen Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 5
Barrel Hill -- Hill
Derhaggie Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter Bracken
19th Octr [October] 1847 |
OS1/35/43/52 |
[Page] 52
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/53 |
018 |
Derniemore Hill |
Alexander Dougan Farmer High Dergoals by Glenluce
Robert McGill Farmer Low Dergoals |
A Small oblong hill of cultivated land Soil Surrounded with it is Situated on the N [North] Side of the Farm of High Dergoals the Property of Lord Stair of Culhirn |
OS1/35/43/53 |
018 |
Black Hill |
Alexander Dougan Farmer High Dergoals by Glenluce
William Dougan High Dergoals by Glenluce |
A Small hill of cultivated land Surrounded by moor Land |
OS1/35/43/53 |
[Page] 53
Plan 18A -- List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen
Trace 5
Derniemore Hill -- Hill
Black Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
19th October 1847 |
OS1/35/43/54 |
018 |
Knockieshe |
Alexander Dougan Farmer High Dergoals by Glenluce
Robert McGill Farmer Low Dergoals by Glenluce |
A Small oblong hill of arable Soil Situated on the farm of H [High] Dergoals about two chains East of the Farm House it is on the property of Lord Stair of Culhorn |
OS1/35/43/54 |
018 |
Knockiecore |
Alexander Dougan High [Dergoals]
Robert McGill Low [Dergoals] |
A considerable round topd [topped] hill of arable Soil it has a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit called Cairn Top it is Situated about the center of the farm of High Dergoals the property of Lord Stair of Culhorn by Stranraer |
OS1/35/43/54 |
[Page] 54
Plan 18A List of Names collected by Pri [Private] Peter Bracken
Trace 5
Knockieshe -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter [Bracken]
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
19th October [1847] |
OS1/35/43/55 |
018 |
Drumcarrick |
James McGill, Merchant, Glenluce
Alexander Dougan, High Dergoals by Glenluce |
A considerable Hill of generally arable Soil Situated on the South Side of Low Dergoals the property of Lord Stair, on its Summit there is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called Drumcarrick |
OS1/35/43/55 |
018 |
Long Hill |
James McGill, Merchant, Glenluce
Alexander Dougan, High Dergoals by Glenluce
Robert McGill, Low Dergoals |
A Small oblong Shaped Hill of arable Soil on the Farm of Low Dergoals a few chains South of the Farm House |
OS1/35/43/55 |
[Page] 55
Plan 18A List of Names collected by Private Peter BracKen
[Trace] 6
Drumcarick -- Hill
Long Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
4th Jany [January] 1848 |
OS1/35/43/56 |
018 |
Barhapple |
William Henderson, Farmer, Darskilpine by Glenluce
William McKeachie, Darskilpine by Glenluce |
A Small hill of arable Soil of an oval Shape Situated on the Fram [Farm] of Darskilpine the property of Lord Stair |
OS1/35/43/56 |
018 |
Derlochlin Hill |
Andrew Haswell, Inn Keeper, High Dergoals by Glenluce
William McKeachie, Darskilpine by Glenluce |
A considerable hill of rather a Conical top and round Base Soil generally arable it is Situated on the Farm of High Dergoals the property of Lord Stair of Culhorn |
OS1/35/43/56 |
[Page] 56
Plan 18A List of Name [Names] collected by Pri [Private] Peter Bracken
Trace 6
Barhapple -- Hill
Derlochlin Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter [BracKen]
Pte [Private] RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners]
2nd Decr [December] 18-- |
OS1/35/43/57 |
018 |
Barhapple Loch |
William Henderson, Farmer, Darskilpine
William McKeachie, Darskilpine
Andrew Haswell, High Dergoals |
A Small Loch in the farm of Darskilpine about 1/8 of a mile North of the farm house and about 1/2 mile S [South] of the Coach road from Newton Stewart to Glenluce |
OS1/35/43/57 |
[Page] 57
Plan 18A List of Names collected by Pri [Private] Peter BracKen 1st Examiner
Trace 6
[Object] Loch
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pri [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Septr [September] 6th /45 [1845] |
OS1/35/43/58 |
[Page] 58
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/59 |
018 |
Darskilpine |
William Henderson, Farmer, Darskilpine
William McKeachie, Darskilpine |
A moderate Sized farm house, Slated, with offices in bad repair, is Situated about one eight of a mile South of a Small Loch called Barshapple Loch. A farm of about 1000 a [acres] of moorland & moss about 50 a [acres] of the Same cultivated, rent 70£ pr [per] anum and is the property of Lord Stair of Colhorn near Stranraer |
OS1/35/43/59 |
[Page] 59
[Plan] 18A List of Names collected by Pri [Private] Peter BracKen 1st Examiner
Trace 6
[Object] A house
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pri [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Sept [September] 6th /45 [1845] |
OS1/35/43/60 |
[Page] 60
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/61 |
018 |
Barfad |
John Anderson, Farmer, Mull by Kirkcowan
Charles Girvan, Laborer, Barlae by Glenluce |
A Small oblong hill Soil generally arable at the North end of it is Barlae Tollbar, it is Situated on the farm of Barlae on the Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl [Trigonometrical] party Toll Hill |
OS1/35/43/61 |
018 |
Black Hill |
David Shearer, Farmer, Barlae by Glenluce
Charles Girvan, Barlae by Glenluce |
A small arable Hill Situated on the farm of Barlae the property of Sir James Hay of Dunraggat by Glenluce |
OS1/35/43/61 |
[Page] 61
Plan 18 A List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen
Trace 7
Barfad -- Hill
Black Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pri [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Oct [October] 2nd 1847 |
OS1/35/43/62 |
018 |
Derwill |
Alexander Nelson, Kirkcowan
Charles Girvan, Laborer, Barlae by [Glenluce] |
A Small arable hill on the Farm of the Mark of Luce it extends from the road from Glenluce to Wigtown into a large moss |
OS1/35/43/62 |
018 |
Derlongan |
David Lauderdale, Farmer, Anabaglish by [Kirkcowan]
William Henderson, Farmer, Darskilpine by Glenluce |
A Small oblong Shape Hill partly arable and partly heathy it [surround] by moor Land it is Situated in the Farm of DarsKilpine |
OS1/35/43/62 |
[Page] 62
Plan 18A List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter Bracken
Trace 7
Derwill -- Hill
Derlongan -- Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter [BracKen]
Pte [Private] RS [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Octobr [October] 2nd [1847] |
OS1/35/43/63 |
018 |
Derniephoil |
David Lauderdale, Farmer, Anabaglish by Kirkcowan
Alexander Nelson, Farmer, Kirkcowan |
A Small hill much of an oval Shape generally arable it Surrounded by moorland and on the farm of Anabaglish |
OS1/35/43/63 |
[Page] 63
Plan 18 A List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen
Trace 7
[Object] Hill
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
2nd Octr [October] 1847 |
OS1/35/43/64 |
[Page] 64
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/65 |
018 |
Lanie Gore |
David Lauderdale, Farmer, Anabaglish by Kircowan
William McKeachie, Farmer, Darskilpine by Glenluce
Charles Girvan, Laborer, Barlae by Glenluce |
A considerable Stream taking its rise from a Lough in the farm of DarsKilpine it runs from thence in a N [North] Easterly direction between the farms of Derskepin and Anabaglish after parting with Darskilpine farm it becomes the By [Boundary] between the Mark of Luce and Anabaglish for a considerable distance until it crosses the the road from Glenluce to Wigtown where it runs thru [through] the farm of the Mark of Luce and takes the name of the Mark of Luce Burn from the last mentioned road until it runs into the River Tarff The Loch from which runs is called Lochnaglare |
OS1/35/43/65 |
[Page] 65
List of Names collected by Pri [Private] Peter Bracken
[Trace] 7
[Object] Stream
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pri [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
2nd Octr [October] 1847 |
OS1/35/43/66 |
[Page] 66
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/67 |
018 |
Barlae |
John Anderson, Farmer, Mull by Kirkcowan
John Dougan, Farmer, Barmore by Kirkcowan |
A Small arable hill of an Oval Shape Situated on the Farm of Barmore the property of Captn [Captain] Hamilton of Crighlaw by Kirkcowan |
OS1/35/43/67 |
018 |
Barmore Hill |
John Anderson, Barmore by Kirkcowan
Captn. [Captain] Hamilton, Craighlaw |
A considerable hill much of a round base and Conical Top the Soil is generally arable There is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station on it Summit called by Trigl [Trigonometrical] party Clover hill it is situated on the Farm of Barmore it is thought that the farm has taken its name from Said hill |
OS1/35/43/67 |
[Page] 67
Plan 18 A List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen
Trace 3
Barlae -- Hill
Barmore Hill -- Hill
[Parish] Kirkcowan
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
8th Novr [November] 1847 |
OS1/35/43/68 |
[Page] 68
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/69 |
018 |
The Old Toll |
David Shearer, Farmer, Barlae, kirkcowan
John Anderson, Farmer, Mull by Kirkcowan |
A low thatched Cottage house at which formerly a Toll-Bar was Kept |
OS1/35/43/69 |
018 |
Barlae Bridge |
Mr David Shearer, Farmer, Barlae, Kirkcowan
John Dougan, Farmer, Barmore |
A Stone Bridge of one arch over the River Tarff on the Coach road from Glenluce to Newtonstewart. The River Tarff being Parish boundary |
OS1/35/43/69 |
018 |
Barlae |
Mr David Shearer, Farmer, Barlae, Kirkcowan
John Anderson, Farmer, Mull, Kirkcowan |
A farm house, slated, one storey high and built of Stone with suitable out offices The farm contains about 400 acres of which 87 are arable; the remainder is moor. The property of Sir James Dalrymple Hay of Dunragget. |
OS1/35/43/69 |
[Page] 69
Plan 18A List of Names collected by Civil Assistant John Madagan 1st Examiner
Trace No. 5
The Old Toll -- A house
Barlae Bridge -- A bridge
Barlae -- A house
The Old Toll -- Kirkcowan
Barlae Bridge -- Kirkcowan and Old Luce
Barlae -- Old Luce
[Signed] John Madagan c.a. [Civilian Assistant]
27th Aug [August] 1845 |
OS1/35/43/70 |
018 |
Barlae Toll Bar |
Andrew Crawford, Barlae Toll Bar, [Glenluce]
John Anderson, Farmer, Mull by Kirkcowan |
The house is one storey high, slated and built of stone |
OS1/35/43/70 |
[Page] 70
Plan 18A List of Names collected by Civil Assistant John Madagan
Trace No. 5
[Object] A Toll Bar
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] John Madagan
27th Augt [August 1845] |
OS1/35/43/71 |
Mark Broom Moss |
James McCord, Mark Broom via Glenluce
William Dalrymple, Blairderry (Via) Glenluce |
012; 018 |
A tract of moss in the farm of Mark Broom Situated South and East of a hill called Mill hill |
OS1/35/43/71 |
Grennan Moss |
John McHarg, Kirkcowan
John Kennedy, Kiltersan (via) Kirkcowan |
018 |
A considerable tract of Moss Situated on the Side of the Grennan Farm |
OS1/35/43/71 |
Blairderry Moss |
William Dalrymple, Blairderry by Glenluce
James McCaa, Mark Broom (via) Glenluce |
018 |
A larg tract of moss in the farm of Blairderry which Comprises the greater part of the latter farm about the center of Said moss is a piece of Rocky ground and a hill of arable Land called Blairderry hill. |
OS1/35/43/71 |
[Page] 71
Plan 18 A List of Names collected by Private Peter BracKen RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 2
Mark Broom Moss -- Moss
Grennan Moss -- Moss
Blairderry Moss -- Moss
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
16th March 1848 |
OS1/35/43/72 |
[Page] 72
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/73 |
Barlae Moss |
Alexander Nelson, Kirkcowan
David Shearer, Barlae (via) Kirkcowan
William Dalrymple, Blairderry (via) Glenluce |
018 |
A large tract of Moss and Moorland in the farm of Barlae there are three arable hills in this tract forming nearly a North and South range; the Coach road from N. [Newton] Stewart to Glenluce also passes thro. [through] Said Moss |
OS1/35/43/73 |
Blairderry Moss |
018 |
See name Sheet for Trace No. 2 |
OS1/35/43/73 |
[Page] 73
Plan 18 A -- List of names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 3
Barlae Moss -- Moss
Blairderry Moss -- Moss
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
16th March 1848 |
OS1/35/43/74 |
[Page] 74
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/75 |
Gracehill Moss |
Michael Martin, Gracehill (via) Glenluce
James Kennedy, Kirkcowan |
018 |
A Small tract of Moss comprising the whole of the farm of Gracehill except a hill called Grace Hill which is about the center of Said Moss |
OS1/35/43/75 |
Burnpark Moss |
John Kennedy, Kiltersan (via) Kirkcowan
James Kennedy, Kirkcowan |
018 |
A considerable piece of moss Situated on the South East Side of the farm of Cascreugh there are Several pieces of heathy & Rocky pasture interspersed thro. [through] this moss |
OS1/35/43/75 |
Dergoals Moss |
018 |
See Orthography Sheet for Trace No. 5 |
OS1/35/43/75 |
[Page] 75
Plan 18A -- List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 4
Gracehill Moss -- Moss
Burnpark Moss -- Moss
Dergoals Moss -- Moss
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
16th March 1848 |
OS1/35/43/76 |
[Page] 76
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/77 |
Dergoals Moss |
Alexander Dougan, High Dergoals (via) Glenluce
William Dalrymple, Blairdery [Blairderry] (via) Glenluce
John McHarg, Kirkcowan |
018 |
A long rang of moss extending across the North Side of the farms of High and Low Dergoals from a hill called Derhagie to Whitehill its range is nearly Easterly and Westerly, near the West end of Said moss there is a few piecs of arable land and near the Center of it is a Small hill called Derniemore |
OS1/35/43/77 |
[Page] 77
Plan 18.A -- List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 5
[Object] Moss
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
16th March 1848 |
OS1/35/43/78 |
[Page] 78
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/79 |
Tanieroach Moss |
Alexander Dougan, Farmer, High Dergoals via Glenluce
Robert Eccles, High Dergoals via Glenluce |
018 |
A Small Stripe of moss in the farm of Cairn Top |
OS1/35/43/79 |
Darskilpine Moss |
018 |
See Orthography Sheet of Trace No. 7 |
OS1/35/43/79 |
[Page] 79
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Pte [Private] P. BracKen RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 6
Tanieroach Moss -- Moss
Darskilpine Moss -- Moss
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
27th March 1848 |
OS1/35/43/80 |
[Page] 80
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/81 |
Cairn Top
Cairn Top
Cairn Top
Cairn Top or East Dergoals
Cairn Top or East Dergoals
Cairn Top
Cairn Top |
Alexander Dougan, Farmer, High Dergoals
William Cumming, Kirkcowan
Robert Eccles, High Dergoals (via) Glenluce
Robert Haswell, Cairn Top (via) Glenluce
Andrew Haswell, Farmer, Cairn Top (via) Glenluce
David Milligan, Kirkcowan
John Kevan, Kirkcowan |
018 |
A well built Stone wall house with out houses in good repair and a Small farm of Generally moor land attached it which has been taken from the farm of High Dergoals there appears to be no decided Reason for Calling it Cairn Top (except from High Dergoals being by Some called that name) Mr Guthries the Factor in his address calls it Dergoals Several, altho' [although] the people generally are applying Cairn Top to High Dergoals, it is enterd in the Lease as High Dergoals and is the proper name, but the above mentioned House being a Public House is well Known to travellers as Cairn Top, it is Occupied by Andrew Haswell and is the property of Lord Stair |
OS1/35/43/81 |
[Page] 81
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Pte [Private] Peter BracKen RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 6
[Object] Houses
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
27th March 1848 |
OS1/35/43/82 |
[Page] 82
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/83 |
Mark of Luce Moss |
Alexander Nelson, Kirkcowan
David Shearer, Barlae (via) Kirkcowan |
018 |
A considerable tract of moss Situated on the N.W. [North West] Side of the Mark of Luce farm |
OS1/35/43/83 |
Darskilpine Moss |
William Henderson, Darskilpine via Glenluce
David Shearer, Barlae (via) Kirkcowan
David Lauderdale, Annabaglish (via) Kirkcowan |
018 |
A large tract of moss Situated on the South East Side of DarsKilpine farm |
OS1/35/43/83 |
Barlae Moss |
018 |
See Orthography Sheet for Trace No. 2 |
OS1/35/43/83 |
[Page] 83
Plan 18.A -- List of Names collected by Pte. [Private] Peter Bracken R.S&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 7
Mark of Luce Moss -- Moss
Darskilpine Moss -- Moss
Barlae Moss -- Moss
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
16th March 1848 |
OS1/35/43/84 |
[Page] 84
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/43/85 |
Barlae Burn |
David Shearer, Farmer, Barlae by Glenluce
Robert Milligan, Kirkcowan |
018 |
A Small Stream rising near the Junction of the farms of Barlae, Blairderry and High Dergoals and runs in a South Easterly direction thro [through] Barlae Farm Crossing the road from N [Newton] Stewart to Glenluce and falls into the River Tarf about 6 chains South of Barlae Bridge |
OS1/35/43/85 |
Bridge of Barlae Burn |
David Shearer, Barlae by Glenluce
Robert Milligan, Kirkcowan |
018 |
A Small Stone built Bridge one arch built and Kept by the County road Commissioners it Situated between the farms of Barlae and Mark of Luce |
OS1/35/43/85 |
[Page] 85
Plan 18 A List of Names collected by Pte [Private] P. Bracken RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
[Trace] 7
Barlae Burn -- Stream
Bridge of Barlae Burn -- Bridge
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
28th March 1848 |
OS1/35/43/86 |
Toll Bridge |
Robert Eccles, High Dergoals via Glenluce
Robert Eccles Junior, High Dergoals via Glenluce |
018 |
A Stone Bridge (built by County) with two very Small arches this Bridge is not well Known as Toll Bridge it is given the name by road makers it is situated on the farm of Barlae |
OS1/35/43/86 |
Barmore Moss |
John Dougan, Barmore by [Kirkcowan]
Alexander Nelson, Kirkcowan |
018 |
A considerable piece of moss Situated on the farm of Barmore |
OS1/35/43/86 |
Knockelie Moss |
David Lauderdale Annabaglish by Kirkcowan
Alexander Nelson, Farmer, Kirkcowan |
018 |
A considerable Moss on the North Side of the farm of Annabaglish it takes its name from name from an adjacent hill called Knocketie |
OS1/35/43/86 |
[Page] 86
Plan 18. A. -- List of Names collected by Pte. [Private] Peter BracKen R.S&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
[Trace] 7
Toll Bridge -- Bridge
Barmore Moss -- Moss
Knocketie Moss -- Moss
Toll Bridge -- Old Luce
Barmore Moss -- Kirkcowan
Knockelie Moss -- Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
27th March
[Signed] W Driscoll Gosset Lt [Lieutenant] RE [Royal Engineers]
25 May 1848 |
OS1/35/43/87 |
[Page] 87
[Volume] 43
Plan 18A
Names of Parishes -- Page
Parish of Old Luce -- 1
Parish of Kirkcowan -- 23 |