
name variants sources situation remarks notes
LADY BURN Lady Burn Michael Martin Farmer Gracehill by Glenluce
James Milroy Labourer Glenluce
John Kennedy Kiltersan by KirKcowan
018 A considerable Stream commencing its name at the meeting of two Small Streams in the Farm of Low Dergoals from whence it runs in an S. [South] Westerly direction, for a Short distance it runs thro [through] the farm of Low Dergoals it then becomes the Boundary between L. [Low] Dergoals and Gracehill after which it Seperates the Cascreugh and Low Dergoals and runs thro [through] the Farm of Dervard Still Keeping and [and] S. [South] Westerly direction until it falls into the Buay of Luce

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 33
Plan 18 A -- List of Names collected by Private Peter BracKen
Trace 4
[Object] Lady Burn -- Stream
[Parish] Old Luce
[Signed] Peter BracKen
Pte [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
4th Jany [January] 1848

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