
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Mid Gleniron
Mid Gleniron
Mid Gleniron
Mid Gleniron
Thomas Wallace
William McQuaker
George Guthrie Esqr.
George Mchaffie Esqr.
William Ross
017 [Situation] 3/4 mile NW [North West] of Gabsnout Bridge.
The three farms denominated as High Gleniron, Mid Gleniron and Gleniron Several, originally constituted one large moorland Farm, but now divided as above, Mid Gleniron has a good Farm House and office houses attached. It is the property of the Earl of Stair.
WATER OF LUCE Water of Luce
Water of Luce
River Luce
River Luce
George McHaffie Esqr.
See Plan 17 D
Thomas Williamson
Hugh Campbell
017 [Situation] Forms the Western Boundary of the Parish of New Luce.
This River runs in a southerly direction, forming part of the boundary between the Parishes of Old Luce & New Luce, when it enters the Parish of Old Luce and falls into the Sea at Luce Bay.
Loch Strand
Thomas Wallace
Archibald McKee
017 [Situation] On the East & West side of Garvilland Loch.
A small stream which rises in the Mosses of Garvilland farm and runs eastward for about 1/2 a mile when it falls into Garvilland Loch from thence it continues in the same direction until it passes under the road from Glenluce to Snap Inn. -

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 43
Parish of New Luce
Form 136 Page
65 - Mid Gleniron
67 - Water of Luce
64 - Loch Strand

"Strand" A rivulet. A gutter
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary

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