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Parish of Penninghame
Plan 13 D.
Names of Objects -- Page
Back Moss -- 22
Baltersan Cross -- 15
Baltersan -- 33
Barbuchany -- 5
Barhill -- 5
Barraer Fell -- 7
Barhill Wood -- 17
Bar Hill -- 35
Bar Moor -- 34
Barnean -- 31
Barraer -- 32
Barbuckany (High) -- 27
Barbuchany (Nether) -- 27
Barbuchany (South) -- 36
Barwhirran -- 33
Black Park -- 30
Bishop Burn -- 35
Brishy Bridge Spaw -- 22
Brishy Bridge -- 25
Cairn Hill -- 11
Carsenstock -- 11
Carse of Bar -- 15
Cairn Hill -- 27
Carty Port (New Quay) -- 26
Carty Port (Old Quay) -- 26
Carty Bridge -- 21
Clary Height -- 4
Corvisel -- 5
Corvisel Well -- 6
Corvisel Wood -- 6
Corwar Hill -- 8
Coldside Hill -- 10
Craigonery -- 12
Craigmabranchie -- 18
Craigencrosh -- 21
Craigencloy Well -- 23
Craigenbuys -- 28
Culbrutton Hill -- 8
Carse Road -- 36
Culbratten -- 32
Dronan Hill -- 10
Drums of Bar -- 7
Drumlawantie -- 8
Drumgowan -- 14
Drumjin Wood -- 29
Drumtarlie -- 32
Fairy Well Trough -- 16
Fairy Well -- 15
Fairy Thorn -- 24
Foul Hole -- 13
Gate Craig -- 13
Gallows Hill -- 30
Ghost Howe Well -- 28
Ghost Knowe -- 34
Green Lane Burn -- 21
Hazley Green -- 31
High Baltersan -- 35
Inks -- 36
Barbuchany High -- 27
Knockbrex -- 11
Knockbrex Well -- 28
Knockamuddy Wood -- 30
Knockbuse T.P. [Turnpike] -- 26
Knockinderry -- 9
Kiln Hill -- 4
Kiln Strawn -- 23
Lady's Well -- 6
Lane Burn -- 25
Laigh Knockintowl -- 20
Liggat Check Cottage -- 19
Lochenaling -- 22
Mahermore Ford -- 23
Meadow Hill -- 9
Megs Craig -- 10
Melyhodd Thorn -- 24
Merton Burn -- 29
Carried over |
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Index Continued
Names of Objects -- Page
Merton Hall -- 31
Moat Knowe -- 19
More Knowe -- 19
Moss of Cree -- 14
Mulloch Hill -- 12
My Lords Well -- 7
Nether Bar -- 33
Old Wood -- 29
Pea Hill -- 9
Penninghame -- 3
Penninghame Old Kirk (Ruins of) and Manse -- 3
River Cree -- 17
Shakeabodie Rock -- 13
Shell Acre -- 25
Shinvalley Moss -- 20
St. Ninian's Well -- 18
St. Ninian's Creek -- 18
Stone Knowe -- 4
The White Hill -- 20
Upper Bar -- 34
White Hill -- 12
White Hill -- 16
Loop of Carsenaw -- 37 |
OS1/35/32/3 |
Clachan of Penninghame
Penninghame |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Session Book 1826
Revd. [Reverend] S. Richardson
Ainslie's Map 1782
Statistics Wigton 1841 |
013 |
[Situation] In the Southern Part of the Parish.
A small village (or as it is more commonly called in Scotland "a Clachan") from which the Parish derives its name. It contains at present only 6 small houses inhabited by Laborers the Ruins of the ancient Parish Church and Manse. The Grave Yard is still used as such. |
OS1/35/32/3 |
MANSE [Ruins of] |
Manse (Ruins of)
Manse (Ruins of) |
George McHaffie Esq.
Revd. [Reverend] S. Richardson
Ainslie's Map 1782 |
013 |
[Situation] In the Southern Part of the Parish.
"This was originally the Residence of the Bishops of Galloway" Statistics of Wigtonshire 1841 p [page] 173. See Name Sheet Plan 20 A page 4. |
OS1/35/32/3 |
Penninghame Old Kirk Ruins
Penninghame Old Kirk (Ruins of) |
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] In the Southern Part of the Parish.
"The ruins of the old parish church, and a burying ground are about 3 miles South of Newtonstewart, at the Clachan of Penninghame, which contains now but few houses this old Church was dedicated in honour of St. Ninian. There was at the church of Penninghame, a bell with the following inscriptions, in Saxon letters "Campana Sancti Niniani de Penigham M" from which the historian supposes that it had been dedicated in honour of the Saint A.D. [Anno Domini] 1000." Statistics Wigtonshire 1841 p [page] 176. The oldest monumental date in the Grave yard surrounding these Ruins is 1550. (a.b.) This part of the paragraph cannot refer to these Ruins (which according to other authorities was only built in the 15th Century) but to an older Church the Site of which is a short Distance to the S.W. [South West] of the ruins here noted. See Site of Penninghame Church & Burial Ground Plan 19.B. |
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[Plan] 13D
Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
83 Penninghame
83 Manse (Ruins of)
Penninghame Old Kirk
[Note] "The Word (Penninghame) appears in different forms - Penighame,
" Penyghame, and Penninghame, and in each form sometimes
" without the final e" Statistics Wigtonshire 1841 p. [page] 167 |
OS1/35/32/4 |
Stone Knowe
Stone Knowe |
Mr John McLean
Mr John Hewetson |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile NE [North East of the Ruins of Penninghame Old Kirk.
A small hill now planted with Fir Trees, took the name from the circumstance of a large Stone having once stood on its summit. It is on the farm of Baltersan. |
OS1/35/32/4 |
Kiln Hill
Kiln Hill
Kiln Hill |
Mr John McClean
Mr John Hewetson
Mr Alexander Broadfoot |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile NE [North East] of the Ruins of Penninghame Old Kirk.
A small enclosure of Wood also containing a Labourers Cottage and Quarry. |
OS1/35/32/4 |
Broom Cairn or Clary Height
Broom Cairn or Clary Height
Clary Height
Clary Height |
Mr John McLean
Mr John Hewetson
Miss Jane McCracken
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] In the S.E. [South East] part of the Parish South of Newtonstewart and on the Road from that Town to Wigton.
A hill planted with Fir Trees. a station point Called Park in Tree by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party The property of the Earl of Galloway |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
75 Stone Knowe
75 Kiln Hill
75 Clary Height
"Know" "Knowe" A little hill
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/5 |
Corrisel |
Capt. [Captain] McKerlie RN [Royal Navy]
William Dill Esqr.
George McHaffie Esq.
Ainslie's Map 1782
Statistics Wigton 1841 |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile SW [South West] of Newtonstewart.
A superior dwelling house with Offices etc, built of Stone. It is the residence and property of Capt. [Captain] McKerlie R.N. [Royal Navy] |
OS1/35/32/5 |
Barbuchany |
J. McHarg
Mr John McMillan Factor to the Earl of Galloway
George McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's Map 1782
William Dill Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1 Mile S.W. [South West] of Newtonstewart in the SE [South East] part of the parish.
A good dwelling house with Offices etc in good repair now attached to High Barbuchany also the name of a small cultivated hill on the same farm. |
OS1/35/32/5 |
Barrhill North |
William Dill Esqr.
George McHaffie Esq.
Mr J Ray |
013 |
[Situation] South of Newtonstewart and in the South East part of the Parish.
An Ordinary Farm house and Offices attached, with a farm of about 32 Acres attached It is the Property of the Earl of Galloway |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
52 Corvisel
43, 49, 77 Barbuchany
49 Barhill
[Note] "Barr" The top, the uppermost part of anything.
Gaelic Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/6 |
Corvisel Well
Corvisel Well |
Capt. [Captain] McKerlie RN [Royal Navy]
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile SW [South West] of Newtonstewart and near Corvisel House.-
A Spring Well (on the farm of Barhill) for the Supply of Corvisel House etc. The use of it granted by Lease to the Proprietor of Corvisel. - |
OS1/35/32/6 |
Lady's Well
Lady's Well |
Capt. [Captain] McKerlie R.N. [Royal Navy]
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile South of Newtonstewart.
An old spring well on the Road side from Newtonstewart to Wigton and about 3/4 Mile from Newtonstewart, said to have been opened at the request of a Lady Garlies, sometime in the 15th Century. |
OS1/35/32/6 |
Corvisel Wood
Corvisel Wood |
Mr Thomas Robinson
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile S [South] of Newtonstewart.
A small Wood composed of Beech, Elm, Ash etc The Property of the Earl of Galloway. |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
52 Corsivel Well
52 Lady's Well
51 Corvisel Wood |
OS1/35/32/7 |
My Lords Well
My Lords Well
My Lords Well
My Lords Well
My Lords Well |
Mr J. McHaig
Mr Andrew McQueen
Mr Robert Strogan
Mr Archibald Geddes
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile South of Newtonstewart.
A very old spring well on the right of the road from Newtonstewart to Wigton so called from the fact of a Lord Garlies having drank of its water, on a time when passing. |
OS1/35/32/7 |
Drums of Barr
Drums of Barr
Drums of Bar |
Mr Robert Strogan
H. McMuldroch
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 2 Miles South of Newtonstewart.
A tract of good land lying west of the White Carse of Barr, and east of the road from Newtonstewart to Wigton. It is at present comprised in two large fields. |
OS1/35/32/7 |
Baraer fell
Barraer Fell
Baraer Fell
Baraer Fell
Fell of Barrawr |
List of Properties 1842
George McHaffie Esqr.
Mr Robert McClymont
Robert Agnew
Ainslie's Map 1782 |
013 |
[Situation] 3 1/2 Miles West of Newtonstewart and South of Merton Hall. -
A considerable Rocky Hill on the farm of Barraer It Runs North & South. |
OS1/35/32/7 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
47 My Lords Well
48 Drums of Bar
53 Barraer Fell
[Notes] "Drum". A knoll, a ridge
applied to little hills, which rise as ridges
above the adjacent ground. Dr Jamieson's Dictionary
"Barr". The top, the uppermost part of any thing. Gaelic Dictionary.
"Reamhar" big, great thick, of great circumference.
Gaelic Dictionary. |
OS1/35/32/8 |
Drumlewante |
John Kevan
George McHaffie Esqr.
Alexander Forsyth
William McCracken |
013 |
[Situation] S.E. [South East] of the Road from Kirkcowan to Newtonstewart.
A small Arable hill on the farm of Barnean. - |
OS1/35/32/8 |
Corwar Hill
Corwar Hill
Corwar Hill
Corwarhill |
Alexander Forsyth
Archibald Forsyth
George McHaffie Esqr.
List of Properties 1842 |
013 |
[Situation] 1 mile South of Merton Hall.
A large arable hill on the farm of the same name. The property of J. Boyd Esqr. Merton Hall. It is also the name given to three farms having separate dwelling outhouses etc to each farm. |
OS1/35/32/8 |
Culbrattan Hill
Culbrattan Hill
Culbratten Hill |
Alexander Forsyth
William McCracken
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 2 Miles West of Newtonstewart.
A large arable Hill on the farm of Culbrattan.- |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
57 Drumlawantie
57; 79 Corwar Hill
57 Culbratten Hill |
OS1/35/32/9 |
Knockinderry |
John Douglas
Alexander Forsyth
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles South of Merton Hall.
A considerable hill on the farm of Barlochlan. |
OS1/35/32/9 |
Meadow Hill
Meadow Hill
Meadow Hill |
John Douglas
Alexander Forsyth
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 3 Miles S: [South] West of Newtonstewart 1 Mile South of Merton Hall.
A small arable hill on the Farm of Barraer. |
OS1/35/32/9 |
Pea Hill
Pea Hill
Pea Hill |
John Douglas
Alexander Forsyth
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile South of Merton Hall.
A very small hill on the Merton Demesne Farm. |
OS1/35/32/9 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
56 Knockinderry
56 Meadow Hill
56 Pea Hill
"Cnoc" A hill. Knoll, hillock
"an" a diminutive as "Cnocan" a little hill.
"Darach" An oak "
"Doire" A grove, an insulated clump of trees.
Gaelic Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/10 |
Megs Craig
Megs Craig |
John Douglas
J. McGarvey |
013 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles S.E. [South East] of Merton Hall.
A large Triangular Rock on the Farm of Barwhirran |
OS1/35/32/10 |
Dronan Hill
Dronan Hill
Dronan Hill |
William McCracken
Alexander McKie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles South of Merton Hall.
A small arable hill on the farm of Barraer. |
OS1/35/32/10 |
Coldside Hill
Coldside Hill
Coldside Hill |
J. McGarvey
Alexander Forsyth
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 2 miles S.E [South East] of Merton Hall.
A small arable hill (on which is the ruins of a house) on the farm of Barwhirran. - |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
55 Megs Craig
55 Dronan Hill
55 Coldside Hill
[Note] "Dronnan". The back.
Gaelic Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/11 |
Cairn Hill
Cairn Hill |
Mr Robert McClymont
Alexander Forsyth |
013 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 Miles South of Merton Hall.
A small arable hill on the farm of Barraer so called from an Old Cairn on its summit. - |
OS1/35/32/11 |
Carsenestock |
List of Properties
John McGill
James Carson
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
014 |
[Situation] In the S.E [South East] part of the Parish.
A Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station so called from being situated on or near to a Farm of that name. |
OS1/35/32/11 |
Knockbrex |
Map of the Property 1833
Thomas McClymont
George McHaffie Esq. (Factor to the estate) |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile NE [North East] of Merton Hall.
A considerable Farm House with convenient offices etc, and about 500 acres of Arable, Meadow, and Moss Land. The property of Coll. [Colonel] Stopford Blair. |
OS1/35/32/11 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
53 Cairn Hill
-- Carsenestock
78 Knockbrex
"Carse". Low and fertile land
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary
"Cnoc" A hill, a knoll "Breac" Spotted, speckled, chequered, pie-bald"
Gaelic Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/12 |
Craigonery |
William McCraen
Alexander Forsyth |
013 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile S.E [South East] of Merton Hall.
A dwelling house on the farm of Corwar hill with a small portion of Land attached. |
OS1/35/32/12 |
Mulloch Hill
Mulloch Hill
Mulloch Hill |
Robert Agnew
Robert McClymont
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 3 1/2 Miles West of Newtonstewart and 1/2 Mile South of Merton Hall.
A considerable Hill on the farm of Mulloch |
OS1/35/32/12 |
White hill
White hill
White hill |
Robert Agnew
Alexander Forsyth
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 4 mile S. [South] West of Newtonstewart and 1 3/4 miles South of Merton Hall.
A large arable Hill on the Farm of Barraer. |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
55 Craigonery
54 Mulloch Hill
54 White Hill
"Mullach" The top, summit, or upper extremity of any thing;
Gaelic Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/13 |
Foul Hole
Foul Hole
Foul Hole
Foul Hole |
Mr Robert Laird
Mr John Hewetson
Mr Robert Stroyan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile North of Penninghame Old Church.
A Portion of Waste Land or common at the intersection of two Roads viz. [namely] Whithorn to Glasgow and Glenluce to Carty Port. |
OS1/35/32/13 |
Gate Craig
Gate Craig
Gate Craig |
John McLean
Mr John Hewetson
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile N.E [North East] of Penninghame Old Church.
A small Rocky Hill on the Farm of Balterson |
OS1/35/32/13 |
Shakeabodie Rock
Shakeabodie Rock
Shakeabodie Rock
Shakeabodie Rock
Shakeabodie Rock |
Mr Robert Laird
Mr John Hewetson
Mr Robert Stroyan
Mr John McLean
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile North of Penninghame Old Church.
A. Rock The name of this Rock is supposed to have derived its name from a Legend connected with a place called the "Foul Hole". It appears that the Foul Hole has been notorious among the ignorant and superstitious as a place much frequented by Spectres, Witches, Warlocks etc which caused passers by to shake or tremble and from the proximity of the Rock to the above place it is supposed to have derived its name. |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
76 Foul Hole
72 Gate Craig
76 Shakeabodie Rock
"Foul" Wet; rainy
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/14 |
Cree Moss
Cree Moss
Mosses of Cree
Moss of Cree
Moss of Cree
Moss of Cree
Moss of Cree |
Mr John McClean
Mr J. Hewetson
Ainslie's Map 1782
Mr McKeand
James Carson
Statistics Wigton 1841
George McHaffie Esqr. |
014 |
[Situation] In the South East part of the Parish.
A large Moss extending from Carty Port, on the River Cree to Drove Park 1 1/2 miles from Wigton and from Balterson to Grange on Cree. |
OS1/35/32/14 |
Drumgowan |
Robert Laird
David McCulloch
John McConchie
J. McGarvey |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile West of Penninghame Old Church.
A small arable Hill called [Barfowma] by the Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party. |
OS1/35/32/14 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
71 Moss of Cree
73 Drumgowan
"Drum" A knoll a ridge. Applied to little hills which rise as ridges above the
adjacent ground - Gael [Gaelic] "Druim".
"Gowan" The generic name for daisy, Singly it denotes the mountain daisy.
"Gugan" A daisy. Gaelic.
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary. - |
OS1/35/32/14 |
An entry on this page for "Little Moss" is scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/15 |
Fairy Well |
Mr A. McQueen |
013 |
[Situation] 1 mile South of Newtonstewart on the West side of the road to Wigton.
A strong spring, now constructed to Supply Fairy Well Trough with Water. The Well and pipes are entirely covered. The Site only appearing. |
OS1/35/32/15 |
Baltersan Cross
Baltersan Cross |
Hugh McMuldroch
Ainslie's Map 1782
Statistics Wigton 1841
William Dill Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 2 Miles South of Newtonstewart 3/4 mile N.E [North East] of Penninghame Old Kirk.
The Intersection of the Roads. Newtonstewart to Wigton and Carty to Penninghame |
OS1/35/32/15 |
White Carse of Barr
Carse of Barr
Carse of Bar |
Robert Stroyan
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013; 014 |
[Situation] In the S.E [South East] part of the Parish.
A Peninsula tract of Land, formed by the Winding of the River Cree. - |
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Parish of Penninghame |
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White Hill |
Andrew McQueen |
013 |
[Situation] West of the Southern point of Barhill Wood.
A Rocky Hill on the Farm of Barr. - |
OS1/35/32/16 |
Tory Trough
Fairy Well Trough |
Andrew McQueen
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1 Mile South of Newtonstewart.
A large Stone Trough on the side of the Road from Newtonstewart to Wigton, Supplied with Water from Fairy Well. |
OS1/35/32/16 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
68 White Hill
65 Fairy Well Trough |
OS1/35/32/16 |
An entry on this page for "Little Moss" has been scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/17 |
Cree Water
River Cree
River Cree |
Andrew McQueen
Ainslies Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr.
John McMillan Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] The Eastern Boundary of the Parish.
A considerable River forming the eastern boundary of the Parish, also the Boundary between the Counties of Wigton & Kirkcudbright. The Tide flows to a point marked by the Makermore Ford. It is navigable for Vessels of about 50 Tons Burden to a Quay called Carty Port, above this the navigation of the River is rendered dangerous, if not altogether impeded from the course of the River through the loose sands composing its bed, being continually changing. |
OS1/35/32/17 |
Barrhill Wood
Barrhill Wood
Barrhill Wood
Barrhill Wood
Barhill Wood |
Mr. Andrew McQueen
Mr. J. McHarg
Mr. J. Ray
Mr. Robert Stroyan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1 mile South of Newtonstewart and near the River Cree.
An extensive wood embracing all the Plantations on Barrhill varying from 1 to 10 years growth. It is composed of both Fir and Forest Trees. - |
OS1/35/32/17 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
66 River Cree
48 Barhill Wood |
OS1/35/32/18 |
St. Tringan's Well
St. Ninian's Well |
Mr Archibald Geddies
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] West of Cart Port (old Quay) and East of the road from Newtonstewart to Wigton.
A considerable spring rises in the Drums of Barr, from which it runs a short distance, and falls into the River Cree at St. Tringans Creek. St. Tringan appears to be a corruption of St. Ninian, as in another part, the name has been corrupted to St. Ringan. |
OS1/35/32/18 |
St. Tringan's Creek
St. Ninian's Creek |
Mr Robert Stroyan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
014 |
[Situation] 10 Chains North of Carty Port (old Quay).
A very small Port on the River Cree, now nearly choked up with sand, the Stream from St. Ninian's Well falls into this creek. This name like to the above [St. Ninian's Well] is evidently a corruption from St. Ninian. |
OS1/35/32/18 |
Craigmabranchie |
Mr Robert Stroyan |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile South of Barhill Wood.
A Rocky enclosure on the South side of Barrhill |
OS1/35/32/18 |
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Parish of Penninghame
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63 St. Ninian's Well
63 St. Ninian's Creek
65 Craigmabranchie |
OS1/35/32/19 |
Ligetcheck or Cottage
Ligetcheck or Cottage
Claty Legget
Liget Check Cottage |
Mr John McClean
Mr John Hewatson
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] South of Newtonstewart and 1/4 Mile South of Balterson.
A small, neat, Labourers Cottage on the Road from Newtonstewart to Wigton. |
OS1/35/32/19 |
More Knowe
More Knowe |
Mr. John McLean
Mr. John Hewetson |
013 |
[Situation] near to and S.W [South West] of Baltersan Cross.
A small round hill on the farm of Baltersan, with some Firs planted on it. |
OS1/35/32/19 |
Moat Knowe
Moat Knowe
Moat Knowe |
Mr. John McLean
Mr. John Hewetson
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] Near to and S.W [South West] of Baltersan Cross.
A small circular plantation of Fir, on the farm of Balterson. |
OS1/35/32/19 |
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Parish of Penninghame
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72 Liggat Check Cottage
72 More Knowe
75 Moat Knowe
[Notes] - "Liggat" A gate so hung that it may shut of itself.
Anglo Saxon Leag campus and gat porta; q. "The gate of the field"
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary
"More" A heath.
"Know" Knowe" A little hill
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary. |
OS1/35/32/20 |
Laigh Knockietowl
Laigh Knockitowl
Laigh Knocktoll
Laigh Knocktoll |
Samuel McClure
George McHaffie Esqr.
N. McNish
William Dunn |
013 |
[Situation] 2 1/2 MIles West of Newtonstewart and North by West of Merton Hall.
A small cultivated hill on the farm of Cullach, bounded on the N [North] and E [East] by a small Fir Plantation |
OS1/35/32/20 |
The White Hill
The White Hill |
Thomas McClymont
Nathaniel McNish |
013 |
[Situation] West of Newtonstewart and N [North] by E [East] of Merton Hall.
A hill on the farm of Knockbrex the North and West part being planted. |
OS1/35/32/20 |
Shinvalley |
Thomas McClymont
William Kelly |
013 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 MIle West of Newtonstewart and N.W. [North West] of Merton Hall.
A Moss on the farm of Knockbrex. |
OS1/35/32/20 |
[Page] 20
Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
41 Laigh Knockitowl
[Note] "Laigh" - Low Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary.
"Cnoc" A hill, a knoll. #
"Toll" A hole; a hollow, a cavity etc "Gaelic Dictionary". |
OS1/35/32/21 |
Carty Bridge
Carty Bridge
Carty Bridge |
Archibald Geddies
John Agnew
George McHaffie Esqr. |
014 |
[Situation] In the South East part of the Parish.
A small Stone Bridge on the Low road from Newtonstewart to Wigton. This is a County Bridge, |
OS1/35/32/21 |
Green Lane burn
Greenlane Burn
Greenlane Burn
Greenlane Burn
Green Lane Burn |
Archibald Geddies
H McMuldroch
Archibald Geddies
John McLean
George McHaffie Esqr. |
014 |
[Situation] S.W. [South West] of Carty Port (New Quay) and North of the Moss of Cree.
A small stream from the Waters of the Moss of Cree or Cree Moss. |
OS1/35/32/21 |
Craigencrosh |
Robert Stroyan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] near to and S.E [South East] of Barhill Wood.
A large field so called from the remains of a dwelling house standing on it.- |
OS1/35/32/21 |
[Page] 21
Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
67 Carty Bridge
67 Green Lane Burn
64 Craigencrosh
"Lane" - A Brook of which the motion is so slow as to be scarcely perceptible
"Burn" - A rivulet a brook" Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary
"Creag" A rock, Gaelic
"an" diminutive
"Crois" A cross
Gaelic Dictionary
"Craig" A rock
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/22 |
Lochenaling |
Archibald Geddies
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] West of Carty Port (Old Quay) near the Road from Newtonstewart to Wigton.
A small Loch on the Barr Farm, now nearly reduced to a Swamp or [Morass] |
OS1/35/32/22 |
Back Moss |
Hugh McMuldroch |
013 |
[Situation] Near to and N.E. [North East] of Baltersan Cross.
A small Dwelling House with eight acres of Land attached on the road from Glenluce to Carty Port. |
OS1/35/32/22 |
Brushy Bridge Spaw
Brishy Bridge Spaw |
Hugh McMuldroch
George McHaffie Esq. |
014 |
[Situation] close to the Bridge of that name on the low Road from Newtonstewart to Wigton.
A small spaw well on the farm of Balterson. |
OS1/35/32/22 |
[Page] 22
Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
69 Lochenaling
69 Back Moss
67 Brishy Bridge Spaw
[Notes] "Loch" - A lake
"An" - a diminutive
"Ling" - A species of rush Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/23 |
Mahermore Ford
Mahermore Ford |
Mr Thomas Robinson
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile South of Newtonstewart and East of Corvisel.
An extensive Ford in the River Cree, extending from the Point in the River to where ordinary Tides flow, to that point to where the Spring Tides flow. |
OS1/35/32/23 |
Kiln Stream
Kiln Strawn |
Mr McHarg
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile South of Newtonstewart and east of Corvisel.
A small stream formed from the Waters of "Corvisel" and "Craigoncloy" Wells, and forms part of the Eastern Boundary of the Parish, also the Boundaries of Wigton & Kirkcudbright. |
OS1/35/32/23 |
Craigoncloy Well
Craigencloy Well |
Mr J McHarg
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 5 Chains West of the N.W. [North West] point of Barhill Wood.
An old spring Well on the North side of Barhill, and on the farm of Barbuchany. |
OS1/35/32/23 |
[Page] 23
Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
51 Mahermore Ford
51 Kiln Strawn
44 Craigencloy Well
"Mahers" A tract of low land of a marshy and moory nature, Gall. Enc. [Gallovidian Encyclopedia]
"More" Great, - Gaelic. Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary.
"Strand" "Strawn" A rivulet, A gutter
West of Scotland
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/24 |
Fairythorn |
Mr J McHarg |
013 |
[Situation] 5 Chains West of the N.W. [North West] point of Barhill Wood.
A Whitethorn Bush on the farm of Barbuchany and near the Craigoncloy Well, from the Roots of which the Water of the Well first Issues. - |
OS1/35/32/24 |
Melyhodd Thorn |
Mr Charles Fulton |
013 |
[Situation] 10 Chains N.E [North East] of Knockbrex Turnpike.
A large Whitethorn Bush on the road from Newtonstewart to Glenluce. Takes its name from some Houses which formerly stood here. - |
OS1/35/32/24 |
[Page] 24
Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
44 Fairy Thorn
43 Melyhodd Thorn |
OS1/35/32/24 |
An entry on this page for "Knockbrex Hill" has been scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/25 |
Lane Burn
Lane Burn |
Archibald Geddies
H. McMuldroch |
013 |
[Situation] In the Southern part of the parish and South of Brishy Bridge.
A small stream rising in the Moss of Cree and falls into the River Cree at Brishy Bridge. |
OS1/35/32/25 |
Brushy Bridge
Brushy Bridge
Brishy Bridge |
Archibald Geddies
John Agnew
George McHaffie Esq. |
013 |
[Situation] In the S.E [South East] part of the parish and S by E [South by East] of Carty Port (New Quay).
A small Stone Bridge on the low road from Newtonstewart to Wigton. This is a County Bridge. - |
OS1/35/32/25 |
Shell Acre
Shell Acre or Store Ground |
Robert Stroyan
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] At Carty Port (Old Quay).
An acre of Land allowed by the Earl of Galloway as a common chiefly for the use of Carty Port (Old Quay) |
OS1/35/32/25 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
70; 71 Lane Burn
70 Brishy Bridge
69 Shell Acre
[Notes] "Lane" A brook, of which the motion is so slow as to be scarcely perceptible
"Burn" Water, particularly that which is taken from a fountain or well - a rivulet
(Scottish Dictionary) |
OS1/35/32/26 |
Knockbrax Toll
Knockbrex Toll
Knockbrex Toll |
Written on the Toll House
George McHaffie Esqr.
Mr Thomas McClymont |
014 |
[Situation] 2 miles S.W [South West] of Newtonstewart.
Two Toll Gates at a junction of Roads, and on the Road from Newtonstewart to Portpatrick. |
OS1/35/32/26 |
Carty Port (New Quay)
Carty Port
New Port Carty |
Archibald Geddies
Ainslie's Map (1782)
George McHaffie Esqr. |
014 |
[Situation] 2 1/2 miles South of Newtonstewart.
A Quay, or Port on the Wigton side of the River Cree. Vessels of about 40 Tons Burden put in here, during the ordinary [Tides] It is the property of the Earl of Galloway - |
OS1/35/32/26 |
Carty Port (Old Quay)
Old Port Carty |
Archibald Geddies
George McHaffie Esqr. |
014 |
[Situation] 2 Miles South of Newtonstewart.
A Quay on the Wigtonshire side of the River Cree, now little used, except by light Boats. - |
OS1/35/32/26 |
[Page] 26
Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
78 Knockbrex T.P [Turn Pike]
62; 81 Carty Port (New Quay)
70 ; 81 Carty Port (Old Quay)
[Note] "Cnoc" - A hill, a knoll
"Breae" Spotted, speckled, chequered etc
Gaelic Dictionary. |
OS1/35/32/27 |
Cairn Hill
Cairn Hill |
Charles Fulton
George McHaffie Esq. |
013 |
[Situation] South W [West] of Newtonstewart and near Knockbrex Toll Gates.
A small Conical Hill so called from an old Cairn having been on its summit. The track of it only now remains. |
OS1/35/32/27 |
High Barbuchany
High Barbuchany |
Mr Dill
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile N.E. [North East] of Knockbrex Turnpike.
An ordinary Farm House, with convenient offices etc and about 60 acres of good arable Land attached. The property of the Earl of Galloway. - |
OS1/35/32/27 |
Barbuchany (Nether)
Barbuchany (Nether) |
William Dill Esq.
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile S.W. [South West] of Newtonstewart and N.W. [North West] of Barhill Wood.
An ordinary Farm House & Offices the Property of the Earl of Galloway, the Farm contains about 140 Acres of good Arable & Pasture Land. |
OS1/35/32/27 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
46 Cairn Hill
78 Barbuchany (High)
77 Barbuchany (Nether) |
OS1/35/32/28 |
Knockbrex Well
Knockbrex Well |
Mr William Robinson
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile North of Knockbrex (Turnpike.)
A mineral spring at one time much frequented for its medicinal properties. Regard for its water has for the last 20 years been gradually declining and is now but little used. |
OS1/35/32/28 |
Ghost Howe Well
Ghost Howe Well |
Thomas McClymont
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile S.W [South West] of Knockbrex Turnpike.
A large Well or Pool of Stagnant water. It has no visible outlet except after heavy rains and is seldom known to change its level. |
OS1/35/32/28 |
Craigenbuys |
Mr Thomas McClymont
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile South of Knockbrex Toll Gates.
A Rocky Hill called by the Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Knockbrack Quarry" |
OS1/35/32/28 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
45 Knockbrex Well
46 Ghost Howe Well
46 Craigenbuys
[Note] "Craig" A rock - Creag Gaelic -
"Buidhe" yellow, of a gold colour
"Gaelic Dictionary" |
OS1/35/32/29 |
Old Wood
Old Wood
Old Wood |
William Dunn
Archibald Forsythe
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] South east of Merton Hall.
A large wood or plantation of Forest Trees, on the east of and forming part of the ornamental Ground of Merton Hall. |
OS1/35/32/29 |
Drumjin Wood
Drumjin Wood |
William Dunn
Archibald Forsythe |
013 |
[Situation] North West of Merton Hall.
A part of the Ornamental plantation on the west side of Merton Hall. |
OS1/35/32/29 |
Merton Burn
Merton Burn
Merton Burn |
William Dunn
Archibald Forsythe
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] East of Merton Hall.
A small stream flowing from a pool at Knockamuddy Wood, passes thro' [through] the Fish Pond in Merton Hall Lawn and is the principal tributary of the Bishop Burn. - |
OS1/35/32/29 |
[Page] 29
Parish of Penninghame
[Note] "Druim" The ridge of a hill, a roof etc
"Fionn" White, fair, small, fine, pleasant
Gaelic Dictionary. |
OS1/35/32/30 |
Knockamuddy Wood
Knockamuddy Wood |
William Dunn
N. McNish |
013 |
[Situation] N.E [North East] of Merton Hall.
An old wood on the [Demesne] of Merton Hall chiefly composed of Forest [Trees] |
OS1/35/32/30 |
Gallows Hill
Gallows Hill
Gallows Hill |
William Dunn
N. McNish
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] East of Merton Hall.
A small hill on the [Demesne] of Merton Hall, also the name of a part of the ornamental plantations of the same Demesne. |
OS1/35/32/30 |
Black Park
Black Park
Black Park |
Nathaniel McNish
William Dunn
Archibald Forsythe |
013 |
[Situation] 1/3 mile north of Merton Hall.
An old farm house [with] convenient] out houses [and] about 55 acres of land [attached] The property of Coll. [Colonel] Stopford [Blair] |
OS1/35/32/30 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
42 Knockamuddy Wood
42 Gallows Hill
41 Black Park
[Note] "Cnoc" A hill, a knoll etc
"Moide" comp [comparative or compound] of Mor. "Mor", Great, large,lofty, etc, etc,
Gaelic Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/31 |
Merton Hall
Mairton Hall
Merton Hall
Merton Hall |
List of Properties 1842
Ainslie's Map 1782
Statistics Wigton 1841
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 3 Miles S.W. [South West] of Newtonstewart.
A Superior Mansion, with convenient out offices attached, and to which are annexed Garden orchard Pleasure Grounds etc. The property of E. Boyd Esqr. |
OS1/35/32/31 |
Barnean |
List of Properties 1842
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile S.W. [South West] of Merton Hall.
An ordinary farm house with convenient outhouses etc attached, and about 30 acres of Land. The Property of E. Boyd Esqr. |
OS1/35/32/31 |
Hazley Green
Hazlie Green
Hazley Green
Hazley Green
Hazley Green
Hazelly Green
Hazleygreen |
List of Properties 1842
Record of Session
Nathaniel McNish
Willaim Dunn
J. McSkimming
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] N.E [North East] of Merton Hall.
A small Cottage etc belonging to the Merton Hall Demesne. |
OS1/35/32/31 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
80 Merton Hall
80 Barnean
41; 80 Hazley Green
By a Charter of James III dated the 10th December 1477. Myreton, in the
Parish of Penninghame, was granted, to John Kennedy of Blairquhan.
and made a burgh of barony. It no longer exists: a gentlemans seat called Myreton Hall being built
where the Village stood. Hist [History] Galloway Vol [Volume] 1 P [Page] 413 (note) Caledonia Vol [Volume] III p [page] 409
In Wigtonshire the Mackies once held the Barony of Myrton which was from them called Myrton Mackie to distinguish it from Myrton MacCulloch
Myrton Mackie, passed to the Herises when it was distinguished by the name of Myrton Heris. Chalmers Caledonia Vol. [Volume] III p [page] 389
"Barr" - The top, The uppermost part of any thing;
"Eang" A point of land, a skirt, a nook, a corner, a small portion etc
"Gaelic Dictionary" |
OS1/35/32/32 |
Drumtarlie |
List of Properties 1842
William Dunn
N. McNish
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile S.E [South East] of Merton Hall.
A considerable dwelling house and outhouses partly surrounded with Fir Plantations, it has a few acres of Land attached. The Property of E. Boyd Esqr. also the name of a small hill north of the above house, with a Plantation crossing it, it also forms a part of the ornamental grounds of Merton Hall Demesne. - |
OS1/35/32/32 |
Culbratten |
List of Properties 1842
George McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's Map 1782 |
013 |
[Situation] 1 Mile S.E [South East of Merton Hall.
An ordinary farm house with Convenient outhouses etc attached, The property of Col. [Colonel] S. Blair. |
OS1/35/32/32 |
Barraur |
List of Properties 1842
George McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's Map 1782 |
013 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 Mile South of Merton Hall.
An ordinary farmhouse with convenient outhouses etc attached and about 300 acres of arble and Pasture Land. The property of Col. [Colonel] Stopford Blair. |
OS1/35/32/32 |
[Page] 32
Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
42; 79 Drumtarlie
79 Culbratten
79 Barraer
[Notes] "Cul" The back of any thing; the hinder part, not the front etc.
"Gaelic Dictionary"
"Barr" The top, the uppermost part of any thing
"Reamhar" - Big, great, thick, of great circumference.
Gaelic Dictionary" |
OS1/35/32/33 |
Barr Nether
Nether Barr
Nether Bar |
W Dill Esqr.
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] In the S.E [South East] part of the Parish and lying between the Barhill Wood and the River Cree.
A good farm house with convenient outhouses & attached, and a farm of about 300 acres of Land. The Property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/32/33 |
Barwhirran |
W. Dill Esqr.
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/3 Mile NW [North West] of the Ruins of Penninghame Old Kirk.
A good farm house and convenient outhouses attached, with a farm of about 600 acres of Land. The Property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/32/33 |
Balterson |
W Dill Esqr.
Statistics Wigton 1841
George Mchaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's Map 1782 |
013 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile east of the Ruins of Penninghame Old Kirk.
A good farm house with outhouses etc attached, to which there is a large farm. The property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/32/33 |
[Page] 33
Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
82 Nether Bar
83 Barwhirran
83 Baltersan |
OS1/35/32/34 |
Ghost Knowe
Ghost Knowe
Ghost Knowe
Ghost Knowe |
William Dunn
N. McNish
W. McClymont
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile east of Merton Hall.
A very small hill on the farm of Knockbrae so called from weal minded people supposing it to be frequented by Ghosts etc. from its contiguity to Gallows Hill. - |
OS1/35/32/34 |
Barr Upper
Upper Barr
Upper Bar |
Mr Stroyan
William Dill Esqr.
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile South by East of the Southern point of Barhill Wood.
A good farm house with convenient outhouses and about 430 acres of Land The Property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/32/34 |
Barr Moor
Bar Moor |
William Dill Esqr.
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/3 Mile West of Barhill Wood.
A rough and Mountainous farm of about 100 acres, with a good farm house and convenient outhouses attached The Property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/32/34 |
[Page] 34
Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
40 Ghost Knowe
81 Upper Barr
82 Bar Moor |
OS1/35/32/34 |
There appears to have been an additional pencil note on the foot of this page, but it is not legible enough to attempt transcription. |
OS1/35/32/35 |
High Baltersan
High Baltersan |
William Dill Esqr.
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile NW [North West] of Balterson and 1/2 Mile N.E [North East] of Penninghame Old Kirk.
A good dwelling house etc. Situated on the farm of Baltersan, at present occupied by the Earl of Galloway's Gamekeeper. |
OS1/35/32/35 |
Barr Hill
Barhill |
William Dill Esqr.
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] In the S.E [South East] part of the Parish and South of Newtonstewart.
A Hill extending about 1 1/2 miles from North to South and nearly 1 mile from East to West. The greater part of it is cultivated some portion of it is planted with Fir Trees, and a portion of its West Side is rough pasture Land. - |
OS1/35/32/35 |
Bishop Burn
Bishop Burn
Bishop Burn
Bishops Burn
Bishop Burn
Bishop Burn |
Mr. McGill
Gazetteer of Scotland
Statistics Wigton 1841
George McHaffie Esqr.
Symson's Description of Galloway 1684
Rev [Reverend] Robert Synnot
Mr J Rea |
013 |
[Situation] In the South-east part of the Parish and South of Merton Hall.
A considerable Stream being a continuation of the Merton Burn and from the Mains of Penninghame, forms the Boundary between the Parishes of Penninghame and Wigton, till it falls into the Bay of Wigton in the Solway Frith. - |
OS1/35/32/35 |
[Page] 35
Parish Penninghame
Form 136 Page
83 High Baltersan
82 Bar Hill
-- Bishop Burn |
OS1/35/32/36 |
Barbuchany (South)
Barbuchany (South)
Barbuchany (South)
Barbuchany (South) |
Mr McQueen
Mr Hannah
Mr McHarg
George McHaffie Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile West of the Southern end of Barhill Wood.
A farm house with offices etc attached and about 20 acres of Land, being part of the Farm of Barbuchany. The property of the Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/32/36 |
Carse Road
Carse Road
Carse Road |
Mr Robert Stroyan
Mr Archibald Geddes
Mr H McMuldroch |
013 |
[Situation] On the east side of the road from Newtonstewart to Wigtown.
A private Road leading through the Carse of Bar. - |
OS1/35/32/36 |
Inks |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary |
013 |
[Situation] In the River Cree.
That part of the low lands on the side of a River which is over-flowed by the sea in Spring Tides. They are covered by a short coarse grass. Peculiar to Galloway Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/35/32/36 |
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Parish of Penninghame
Form 136 Page
59 Barbuchany (South)
-- Carse Road
-- Inks |
OS1/35/32/37 |
Loop of Carsenaw
Loop of Carsenaw
Loop of Carsenaw |
Archibald Hughan
H Erskine
Thomas Stewart |
013 |
A large bend in the River Cree, enclosing a part of the farm of Carsenaw in the Parish of Minnigaff - Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. |
OS1/35/32/37 |
[Page] 37
Parish of Penninghame
[Note] "Loops" The winding
of a Stream Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary. |
OS1/35/32/38 |
[Page] 38
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/32/39 |
Old Wood |
William Dunn, Merton
Archibald Forsythe, Hasliegreen |
013 |
A Large wood on the E [East] of Merton Hall, chiefly Large Beech trees Some Ash Elm and Sycamore underwooded With Evergreens Deciduous Shrubs etc. |
OS1/35/32/39 |
Drumjin |
William Dunn, Merton
Archibald Forsythe, Hasliegreen |
013 |
A Long wood on the W. [West] of Merton Hall Composed of Ash oak Alder Beech Elm Larch Sycamore Scotch Fir [Deals] |
OS1/35/32/39 |
Merton Burn |
William Dunn, Merton
Archibald Forsythe, Hasliegreen |
013 |
A Light Stream flowing from a Small pool at Knockamuddy Wood, Enlarged by an old Fish pond in Merton Lawn Said to be the head of Bishops Burn |
OS1/35/32/39 |
[Page] 39
List of Names collected by Denny Kildoyle Final Examiner
Plan 13D Trace 1-- [Parish] Penninghame
Old Wood - Wood
Drumjin - Wood
Merton Burn - Stream
[Signed] D. Kildoyle CA [Civilian Assistant]
12 June 1846 |
OS1/35/32/40 |
Myreton +
Merton |
+ Gazetteer of Scotland 1841
*Record of Session Ph [Parish] of Penninghame
William Dunn, Steward Gardener etc [Merton]
Archibald Forsythe, Hasliegreen
N. McNish, Black Park |
013 |
A Large mound whereon the old Castle of Merton Stood The Moat is now within 3 or 4 feet of Level with the land The foundation is only traceable by the Different appearance of the grass etc in the oblong figure Shewn on trace. |
OS1/35/32/40 |
Ghost Knowe |
William Dunn, Merton
N. McNish, Black Park
Mr W. McClymont, Knockbrex etc. |
013 |
A very Small hill on KnocKbrex farm has taken the name, by Some foolish persons agreeing that Ghosts appeared there, being in the same field with Gallows Hill |
OS1/35/32/40 |
[Page] 40
Plan 13D List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 1
Merton - Site of Castle
Ghost Knowe - Hillock
[Note] *I rather think, that this Myrtoun
Castle, refers to another part of the
County, to wit, the Southern end of the
Parish of Mochrum,
I can find no account of any
Castle as stated above, there was
evidently a Gentleman's House at
this place but I do not think there was
any thing more. [Initialled] W.S.L [W S Loop]
[Signed] D. Kildoyle CA [Civilian Assistant]
12th June 18 [46] |
OS1/35/32/40A |
[Page] 40a
[Left hand side of letter]
OSO [Ordnance Survey Office ] -
16th June 1846 --
Supply the names
of the authorities for Ghost Knowe. --
This is not the
Myrton refered
to in the Gazetteer
of Scotland, but
do not take any trouble
about that, only supply
the authorities as above required.
By Order WS Loop
Secd Corpl [Second Corporal] RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners]
c/a [Civilian Assistant] Kilboyle
[Right hand side of letter - the reply ]
June 19th. 1846
I was wrong the Castle
of Merton is in Mochrum
Still Standing -
I had no hesitation in writing the word Castle,
it being termed so by
each of these authorities
given, living on the land
from their infancy their ages
will be about 50, 70, 75 years.
I think the authority [record] of
Session may Stand good
as thinking prisoners being removed from Castle ward
to Myrton, Ph [Parish] of Penninghame.
To Lieut [Lieutenant] W.D. Gosset Royal Engineers.
[Signed] D. Kildoyle |
OS1/35/32/41 |
Black Park |
Nathaniel McNish Black Park
William Dunn Merton
Archibald Forsythe Hasliegreen |
013 |
An old Farm House With outhouses and About 55 acres of arable land attached The property of Colonel S. Blair |
OS1/35/32/41 |
Knocktoll |
N. McNish Black Park
William Dunn Merton |
013 |
An Enclosure one of 5 fields forming an allotment of land Called Moorhead, Called Moorhead by trig [trigonometrical] party |
OS1/35/32/41 |
Hazleygreen |
Nathaniel McNish Black Park
William Dunn Merton
J. McSkimming Merton
*Record of Session Ph [Parish] of Penninghame |
013 |
A Small cottage lately built on the Ruins of the old house & written Hasliegreen |
OS1/35/32/41 |
[Page] 41
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 1
Black Park - House
Knocktoll - A Trig. Stn. [Trigonometrical Station]
Hazleygreen - House
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis KIldoyle CA [Civilian Assistant]
June 12th 1846 - |
OS1/35/32/41 |
Part of the entry for Hazleygreen has been scored through and not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/42 |
Knockamuddy |
William Dunn Land Steward Merton [Hall]
N. McNish Blackpark |
013 |
An old wood on Merton Composed of Beech Ash Alder and Scotch Fir. |
OS1/35/32/42 |
Gallows hill |
William Dunn Land Steward Merton Hall
N. McNish Blackpark |
013 |
A Small Hill on Merton Land Running N [North] to S [South] With an old mixed Wood of ash oak beech Sycamore Spruce and larch on it of the Same name Supposed to have taken the name About the year 1688 |
OS1/35/32/42 |
Drumtarlie |
William Dunn Land Steward Merton Hall
N. McNish Blackpark |
013 |
A Long hill on the land of Merton With a Wood Running across the top All not wooded is good Arable |
OS1/35/32/42 |
[Page] 42
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
Trace 1
Knockamuddy - Wood
Gallows hill - Hill
Drumtarlie - Hill
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
12 June 18 [46] |
OS1/35/32/43 |
Melyhodd Thorn |
Mr Charles Fulton Barbuchany |
013 |
A Large Whitethorn Bush, or tree, on the right of the road from N. [Newton] Stewart to Glenluce. Takes the name from old Houses formerly Standing Thereabout |
OS1/35/32/43 |
Barbuchany |
Mr J. McHarg. Barbuchany. |
013 |
A Small arable hill on the farm of High Barbuchany Written Barbuchenry By Trig [Trigonometrical] party |
OS1/35/32/43 |
[Page] 43
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
Trace 2
Melyhodd Thorn - A Bush
Barbuchany - Hill
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle CA [Civilian Assistant]
April 15th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/44 |
Craigoncloy Well |
Mr J. McHarg Barbuchany |
013 |
An old Spring Well on the north Side of Barr hill Nothing Known of its origin or former use it is now used by cattle and for the irrigation of an adjoining field |
OS1/35/32/44 |
Fairythorn |
Mr J. McHarg Barbuchany |
013 |
A Whitethorn Bush from amongst its Roots is the first visible issue of Craigoncloy well water then Spreads. Cause of Name not Known |
OS1/35/32/44 |
[Page] 44
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
Trace 2
Craigoncloy Well - Well
Fairythorn - Bush
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle CA [Civilian Assistant]
April 15th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/45 |
Knockbrex Well |
Mr William Robertson Knockbrex Toll |
013 |
A Notable spring of Spaw water Has been a place of great Resort. Regard for its water is gradually Declining for the last twenty years. Now little used. |
OS1/35/32/45 |
[Page] 45
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle C.A [Civilian Assistant] 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 2
Knockbrex Well - Well
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] April 15th 1846
D. Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/32/45 |
An entry on this page for "Knockbrex hill" has been scored through and endorsed "This is called "The White Hill" and is not transcribed. Also an entry for "Barrhill" has been scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/46 |
Ghost Howe Well |
Mr Thomas McClymont Knockbrex |
013 |
A Large well of Stagnant water No visible emission Except after heavy rain Its water is seldom Known to change its Mark |
OS1/35/32/46 |
Craigonbuys |
Mr T. McClymont Knockbrex |
013 |
A Rocky Hill called or written Knockbrack Quarry by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party |
OS1/35/32/46 |
Cairn Hill |
Charles Fulton Barbuchany |
013 |
A Small Conical Hill So Called from anold cairn on its Summit. Only track of Cairn Remaining, no Name Known for it |
OS1/35/32/46 |
[Page] 46
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 2
Ghost Howe Well - Well
Craigonbuys - Rocky Arable Hill
Cairn Hill - Hill
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/32/47 |
My Lords well |
Mr J. McHarg, Farmer, Barbuchany
Mr Andrew McQueen, Farmer, Barr Nether
Mr Robert Stroyan, Farmer, Barr
Archibald Geddes, Carty |
013 |
A very old Spring well on the right of the Road from N. [Newton] Stewart to Wigton About half a mile from N. [Newton] Stewart
On the Farm, Barr Nether got the name in consequence of Lord Garlies choosing its Water and Coming from his Carriage to Drink of it (once), when Riding by - No opinion as to the time it was opened, but Said to be very old - My Lords Well, The term generally used |
OS1/35/32/47 |
[Page] 47
List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner 20th April 1846
No. of Plan D
No. of Trace 3
[Trigonometrical Points]
Barrhill Inte
Barr hill No [North]
My Lords well - Well
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
CA. [Civilian Assistant] 1st May 1846 |
OS1/35/32/48 |
Barrhill Wood |
Mr Andrew McQueen Farmer Barr Nether
Mr J. McHarg Farmer [Barbuchany]
Mr J. Ray Farmer Barrhill
Mr Robert Stroyan Farmer Barr |
013 |
An Extensive young Wood Embracing all the plantations on Barrhill varying from 4 or 12 years growth Composed chiefly of Larch and Spruce Deals Some oak and Scotch Fir on the farm of Barr Nether |
OS1/35/32/48 |
Drums of Barr |
Mr Robert Stroyan Farmer Barr
H. McMuldroch, Back [Moss] |
013 |
Two Large fields all clean Good Land on Barr Farm |
OS1/35/32/48 |
[Page] 48
List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner 20th April 1846
No. of Plan 13D
Page 6
◬ [Trigonometrical Points]
Barhill [Int]
Bar hill [N North]
Bar hill [Inte]
Barrhill Wood - Wood
Drums of Barr - Two Fields
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle 1st May [1846] |
OS1/35/32/48 |
An entry on this page for "Leaverence" has been scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/49 |
Barbuchany |
James McHarg Barbuchany |
013 |
A Small Arable Hill on the northward Division of Barbuchany Farm - Written by Trig. [Trigonometrical] party Barbuchenry |
OS1/35/32/49 |
Barrhill North |
J. Ray, Barrhill North |
013 |
A Good Stone-Built House, Slated With Inferior Thatched outhouses the farm Contains 35 Acres all arable Tenanted by J. Ray The property of Earl of Galloway. |
OS1/35/32/49 |
Barbuchany |
J. McHarg High Barbuchany |
013 |
A good Dwelling with outhouses in good Repair. House and Farm now Attached to high Barbuchany held by J. McHarg |
OS1/35/32/49 |
[Page] 49
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2 Examiner
No. of Trace 3
Barbuchany - Hill
Barrhill North - House
Barbuchany - House
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
Apr [April] 13th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/50 |
[Page] 50
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/32/51 |
Mahermore Ford |
Mr Thomas Robinson Newtonstewart |
013 |
A Broad Ford passing from 9 to 12 Arches at Low Water. The upper End forming the High Water mark on the River Cree |
OS1/35/32/51 |
Corvisel Wood |
Mr Thomas Robinson N. [Newton] Stuart |
013 |
A Small Wood Composed of Beech Elm Ash. The property of the Earl of Galloway - |
OS1/35/32/51 |
Kiln Stream |
Mr J. McHarg Barbuchany East |
013 |
A Small Stream The Collective waters of Corvisel, and Craigoncloy Wells. Forming part of the Boundary Between the Shires of Kirkcudbright and Wigton |
OS1/35/32/51 |
[Page] 51
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 3
Mahermore Ford - Ford
Corvisel Wood - Wood
Kiln Stream - Stream
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle CA [Civilian Assistant]
April 13th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/52 |
Corvisel |
Capt. [Captain] J. McKerlie R.N. [Royal Navy] Corvisel [Newtonstewart] |
013 |
A Large Stone built House two Story high With outhouses all Slated and in good repair, With one Scotch Acre of Land Held Free by Lease for Ever Occupied by Capt. [Captain] J. McKerlie R.N. [Royal Navy] |
OS1/35/32/52 |
Corvisel Well |
Capt. [Captain] McKerlie R.N [Royal Navy] Corvisel [Newton Stewart] |
013 |
A Spring well on the Farm of Barhill, for the Supply of Corvisel House etc Granted for the term of Corvisel Lease |
OS1/35/32/52 |
Lady's Well |
Capt. [Captain] McKerlie R.N. [Royal Navy] Corvisel |
013 |
An old Spring well on the road Side from N. [Newton] Stewart to Wigton about 3/4 mile from N [Newton] Stewart Said to be opened at the request of Lady Garlies for the accommodation of her horses. about the middle of the 15th Century. |
OS1/35/32/52 |
[Page] 52
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 3
Corvisel - House etc
Corvisel Well - Spring well
Lady's Well - an old S [Spring] Well
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
Apr [April] 13th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/53 |
Baraer Fell |
Mr Robert McClymont Baraer
Robert Agnew Mulloch |
013 |
A Considerable Hill, Surface is R.R.H [Rocky Rough Heathy] pasture tho' [though] on the East Side it bears the Appearance of Sold [Solid] Rock About 1/2 a mile long Bearing N [North] to South on the Farm of Baraer 3 1/2 miles West of N [Newton] Stewart. |
OS1/35/32/53 |
Cairn Hill |
Mr Robert McClymont Barraer
Alexander Forsyth Corwarhill |
013 |
A Small Arable Hill on the Farm of Baraer. So Called from an old Cairn on the Summit |
OS1/35/32/53 |
[Page] 53
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
No. Of Trace 4
Baraer Fell - Hill
Cairn Hill - Hill
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] D. Kildoyle c/a [Civilian Assistant]
May 16th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/54 |
Mulloch Hill |
Robert Agnew Mulloch
Robert McClymont Barraer |
013 |
A considerable Hill on the farm of Mulloch Inclining in length from north to South about half a mile long Bounded 3 1/2 miles West of N. [Newton] Stewart on the South of Road to Glenluce Contains a large plantation or young Wood consisting of Scotch Fir, Larch Beech, Sycamore - etc |
OS1/35/32/54 |
White hill |
Robert Agnew
, Baraer
Alexander Forsythe Carwarhill |
013 |
A Large oval hill on the Farm, Baraer All clean Arable 4 miles west of N [Newton] Stewart 4 miles East of Kirkcowan |
OS1/35/32/54 |
[Page] 54
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
No. of Trace 4
Mulloch Hill - Hill
White hill - Hill
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
May 16th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/55 |
Megs Craig |
John Douglas Craiginery
J. McGarvey Barwhirran |
013 |
A large triangular Rock 8 or 9 feet perpendicular on the South Side on the Farm of Barwhirran |
OS1/35/32/55 |
Dronan Hill |
William McCracken Barnean
Alexander McKie Baraer |
013 |
A Small Arable Hill on the Farm of Baraer - |
OS1/35/32/55 |
Coldside Hill |
J. McGarvey Barwhirran
Alexander Forsythe Corwarhill |
013 |
A Small arable Hill. The Ruins of a house of the name on the north Side on Barwhirran Farm |
OS1/35/32/55 |
Craigonery |
William McCraun Barnaen
Alexander Forsythe Corwarhill |
013 |
Dwelling House on the Farm of Corwarhill. A Small portion of land Attached two old Thatched outhouses |
OS1/35/32/55 |
[Page] 55
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kldoyle Final Examiner
No. of Trace 4
Megs Craig - Rock
Dronan Hill - Hill
Coldside Hill - Hill
Craigonery - House
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle c/a [Civilian Assistant]
May 16th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/56 |
Knockinderry |
John Douglas Craigonery
Alexander Forsythe Corwarhill |
013 |
A Considerable hill on the farm of Barlochlan on the East of the Road from Bladnoch to Girvan. The Hill is all clean Arable Land.- |
OS1/35/32/56 |
Meadow Hill |
John Douglas Craigonery
Alexander Forsythe Carwarhill |
013 |
A Small arable hill on Baraer Farm 3 miles West of N [Newton] Stewart |
OS1/35/32/56 |
Pea Hill |
John Douglas Craigonery
Alexander Forsythe Corwarhill |
013 |
A very Small hill on Merton Demesne Scarcely appearing as a hill Although having the name Known in Country, it Rises abruptly at the Base all Round and flat on top. |
OS1/35/32/56 |
[Page] 56
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
No. of Trace 4
Knockinderry - Hill
Meadow Hill - Hill
Pea Hill - Hill
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
May 16th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/57 |
Corwar |
Alexander Forsythe Corwarhill
Archibald Forsythe Hasley green |
013 |
A Large Arable hill on the Farm of Corwarhill With young wood on it the wood consists of fir Spruce Larch an Beech The property of J. Boyd Esqr. Merton Hall |
OS1/35/32/57 |
Drumlewante |
Alexander Forsythe Corwarhill
William McCracken Barnean |
013 |
A Small Hill on the Farm of Barnean an oval Form. Clean Arable Land |
OS1/35/32/57 |
Culbrattan Hill |
Alexander Forsythe Corwarhill
William McCracken Barnaen |
013 |
A Large arable Hill on the farm of Culbrattan. 2 miles West of N. [Newton] Stewart |
OS1/35/32/57 |
[Page] 57
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
No. of Trace 4
Corwar - Hill
Drumlewante - Hill
Culbrattan Hill - Hill
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
May 16th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/58 |
[Page] 58
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/32/59 |
Barbuchany (South) |
A. McQueen Barr Nether
J. McHarg Barbuchany Nether
William Hannah Barbuchany |
013 |
A Good Farm House and outhouses, With a farm 100 Acres of Rough mountaneous Land attached the farm is Composed of part of Barr and part of Barbuchany farms The House being Built on Barbuchany Gives it the name This is accounted for as Barr Moor on Name Sheet N. 2[1] |
OS1/35/32/59 |
[Page] 59
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle Final Examiner
No. of Trace 5
[Object] House & Farm
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] May 22nd 1846
Dennis Kildoyle c/a [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/32/59 |
An entry on this page for "KIlbraden" has been scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/60 |
[Page] 60
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/32/61 |
White Carse of Barr |
Robert Stroyan Barr |
013 |
All good Arable. Extending from Drums of Bar through the Windings of River Cree - |
OS1/35/32/61 |
[Page] 61
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis KIldoyle 2nd Examiner
[Trace] 6
[Object] A portion of Land
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/32/61 |
An entry on this page for "Banks of Cree" has been scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/62 |
Baltersan Cross |
Hugh McMuldroch Back Moss |
013 |
The Intersection of the roads N. [Newton] Stewart to Wigton & Carty to Penninghame |
OS1/35/32/62 |
Carty Port (New Quay) |
Archibald Geddies Carty |
013 |
A New Harbour Constructed on the Wigtonshire Side of the River Cree by the Earl of Galloway in the year 1828 - Situate 2 1/2 miles from N. [Newton] Stewart 4 1/2 up the River - Boats of 40 Tons may put in with Safety on ordinary tides There are two Dwelling Houses, a Brick and Tile works at it. |
OS1/35/32/62 |
[Page] 62
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
[Trace] 6
Baltersan Cross - Cross roads
Cart Port (New Quay) - Port
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
CA. [Civilian Assistant] 27th [April 1846] |
OS1/35/32/63 |
St. Tringans Well |
Mr Archibald Geddies Carty |
013 |
A Considerable Spring. Rising in the Drums of Barr Runs a Short distance Empties itself into The river Cree in St. Tringans Creek |
OS1/35/32/63 |
St. Tringans Creek |
Mr Robert Stroyan Barr |
013 |
A very Small port on the River Cree now nearly choked with Sand, nothing appearing but a Stream from St. Tringans well Running on the Sand Note A Doubt whether the word Shd. [Should] be written St. Ninian - Cannot at present be Settled - - |
OS1/35/32/63 |
[Page] 63
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiiner
No. of Trace 6
St. Tringans Well - Well
St. Tringans Creek - Creek
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/32/64 |
Craigoncrosh |
Mr Robert Stroyan Barr |
013 |
A large field Interspersed With rocky Furze etc. named from the ruins of a Dwelling Standing on it |
OS1/35/32/64 |
Fairy well |
Mr A. McQueen Barr Nether |
013 |
A Strong Spring now Artificially Constructed to Supply Tory trough with water. Well and pipes are all underground The Site only appearing |
OS1/35/32/64 |
[Page] 64
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 6
Craigoncrosh - Field and Ruin
Fairy well - well
[Parish] Penninghame
Dennis Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/32/64 |
An entry on this page for "Kinharnie" has been scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/65 |
Tory Trough |
Andrew McQueen Barr Nether |
013 |
A Large Stone trough on the Side of Road from N. [Newton] Stewart to Wigtown. Supplied by water from fairy Well. |
OS1/35/32/65 |
Craigmabranchie |
Robert Stroyan Barr |
013 |
A Rocky Enclosure on the South Side of Barhill. Nearly overgrown with Furze |
OS1/35/32/65 |
[Page] 65
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 6
Tory Trough - Trough
Craigmabranchie - Field
[Parish] Penninghame |
OS1/35/32/65 |
An entry on this page for "Shakeabodie" has been scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/66 |
Cree |
Andrew McQueen Barr Nether |
013 |
A considerable River Rising on the Boundary Between Ayr and Kirkcudbright Shire Running Southward Forms the Boundary of Kirkcudbright for 22 miles. is Navigable 5 miles to old Carty port passess Boats 40 to 50 tons at Carty port the River changes its course monthly for one mile up. Thereby Rendered Unnavigable Works one [undershot] Corn mill at N. [Newton] Stewart |
OS1/35/32/66 |
[Page] 66
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle CA [Civilian Assistant] 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 6
Cree - River
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
CA [Civilian Assistant] 27th [April 1846] |
OS1/35/32/67 |
Brushy Bridge Spaw |
Hugh McMuldroch Back Moss |
014 |
A Small Spaw well on the farm of Baltersan, its water Supposed to be very good and much used. |
OS1/35/32/67 |
Carty Bridge |
Archibald Geddies Carty
John Agnew Newtonstewart |
014 |
A Small Stone Bridge one arch On the low Road from N. [Newton] Stewart to wigton |
OS1/35/32/67 |
Green Lane burn |
Archibald Geddies Carty |
014 |
A Small Stream comprised of Surface water off the moss of Cree.- |
OS1/35/32/67 |
[Page] 67
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 6
Brushy Bridge Spaw - well
Carty Bridge - Bridge
Green Lane burn - Stream
[Parish[ Penninghame
[Note Carty Bridge ] This Bridge was Built and is now repaired by the County [Initialled] W.S.L.
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] April 27th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/68 |
White Hill |
Andrew McQueen Barr Nether |
013 |
A Rocky arable hill on Barr has a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station Erected on it, if it has been used it will be white hill Station fixed on trace. |
OS1/35/32/68 |
[Page] 68
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle CA [Civilian Assistant] 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 6
[Object] White Hill - Hill
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 27th April [1846] |
OS1/35/32/68 |
Entries on this page for "Barr hill No.1" and "Little Moss" have been scored through and are not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/69 |
Shell Acre |
Robert Stroyan Barr |
014 |
one Acre of Land allowed as common By the Earl of Galloway, Chiefly for the use of old Carty port - |
OS1/35/32/69 |
Lochinaling |
Archibald Geddies |
013 |
A Small Loch on the Bar farm. Nearly Reduced to a Quagmire |
OS1/35/32/69 |
Back Moss |
Hugh McMuldroch Back Moss |
013 |
A Cotters Dwelling With Eight acres of Land attached Sublet off Baltersan Farm |
OS1/35/32/69 |
[Page] 69
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
N of Trace 6
Shell Acre - Quay
Lochinaling - Loch
Back Moss - House etc
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] April 27th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/69 |
"Shell Acre" is on adjoining map sheet 14. |
OS1/35/32/70 |
Carty Port (old Quay) |
Archibald Geddies Carty. |
014 |
an old harbour now Little used; unless by Light Boats or Wanting room at the New Quay there are Six Dwellings at it occupied by Labourers.- |
OS1/35/32/70 |
Lane Burn |
Archibald Geddies Carty |
014 |
Small Stream Rising in the moss of cree Crosses the road and falls into the River Cree at Brushy Bridge |
OS1/35/32/70 |
Brushy Bridge |
Archibald Geddies Carty
John Agnew Newtonstewart |
014 |
Small Stone Bridge one arch on the Road from N. [Newton] Stewart to wigton |
OS1/35/32/70 |
[Page] 70
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 6
Carty Port (old Quay) - Harbour
Lane Burn - Stream
Brushy Bridge - Bridge
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle
CA [Civilian Assistant]
April 27th [1846]
This Bridge was Built and
is now kept in repair by the County
[-WSL] |
OS1/35/32/71 |
Lane Burn |
H. McMuldroch Back Moss |
014 |
A Small Stream - the Drain water of Cree moss |
OS1/35/32/71 |
Cree Moss |
John McClean Balterson
Mr J. Hewteson Baltersan |
014 |
A considerable Bog. Extending from Carty Port on River Cree to Drove Park 1 1/2 miles from Wigton from Balterson to Grange on Cree 4 1/2 miles long 1 1/2 miles Broad. |
OS1/35/32/71 |
[Page] 71
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
Trace 7
Lane Burn - Stream
Cree Moss - Bog
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle CA [Civilian Assistant]
May 6th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/71 |
An entry on this page for "Little moss" is scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/72 |
Green lane Burn |
H McMuldroch Back Moss
Archibald Geddies Carty
John McClean Baltersan |
014 |
An ordinary Stream Composed of Surface Waters off Cree moss and the Water passed of By Baltersan Threshing Machine |
OS1/35/32/72 |
Gate Craig |
John McClean
Mr J. Hewetson Farmer Baltersan |
013 |
A Small Rocky Hill on the Farm of Balterson |
OS1/35/32/72 |
Liget check or Cottage |
Mr John McClean Balterson
Mr John Hewetson Balterson |
019 |
A neat Small House Lately Built on the road from N. [Newton] Stewart to wigton A Laborers Dwelling |
OS1/35/32/72 |
More Knowe |
John McClean Balterson
John Hewetson Balterson |
013 |
A Small Round Hillock now planted with fir and larch trees. |
OS1/35/32/72 |
[Page] 72
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle CA [Civilian Assistant] 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 7
Green lane Burn - Stream
Gate Craig - Rock
Liget Check or Cottage - House
More Knowe - Clump
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle |
OS1/35/32/73 |
Drumgowan |
Robert Laird Barwhirran |
013 |
A Small arable Hill Called Barfourna by Trig [Trigonometrical] party. |
OS1/35/32/73 |
[Page] 73
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 7
Drumgowan - Hill
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] May 6th 1846
Dennis Kildoyle
c/a [Civilian assistant] |
OS1/35/32/73 |
An entry on this page for "Barrhill N. 1" has been scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/74 |
Penninghame |
George McHaffie Esq Provost Wigton Wigton
The Handwriting of Revd [Reverend] S. Richardson, N. [Newton] Stewart
Extract from Session Book of the Parish of Penninghame for the yr [year] [18-] |
013 |
A Small village convenient to Penninghame old churchyard Consisting of 6 Houses occupied by Labourers A Ruin of the old manse of Penninghame The Site of the old Parish Church of Penninghame left Desolate Between the years 1775-80 nothing now - appearing but the foundation and two Quoins has a Burial Ground Still in use. The oldest monumental date appearing in it is AD [Anno Domini] 1550 - |
OS1/35/32/74 |
[Page] 74
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
[Trace] 7
[Object] Village
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] May 6th 1846
D. Kildoyle CA [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/32/75 |
Moat Knowe |
John McClean Baltersan
Mr John Hewetson Farmer Baltersan |
013 |
A Small Circular plantation of fir, Larch etc on Baltersan farm & High Baltersan Farm |
OS1/35/32/75 |
Stone Knowe |
Mr John McClean Balterson
Mr John Hewetson Farmer Balterson |
013 |
A Small hill now planted with fir and Larch took the name from a large Stone that stood on its Summit on Baltersan |
OS1/35/32/75 |
Kiln Hill |
Mr John McClean Baltersan
Mr John Hewetson Baltersan
Mr Alexander Broadfoot Kilnhill |
013 |
A Small wooded Enclosure containing a Laborers Dwelling and Quarry, on Baltersan |
OS1/35/32/75 |
Broom Cairn or Clary Height |
Mr John McClean Balterson
Mr John Hewetson Balterson |
013 |
A hill on which a Trigl Stn. [Trigonometrical Station] Stands Called Park in tree By Trig [Trigonometrical] Party, now wooded with Scotch Fir and Larch trees |
OS1/35/32/75 |
[Page] 75
List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 7
Moat Knowe - Plantation
Stone Knowe - Plantation
Kiln Hill - Plantation
Broom Cairn or Clary Height - young Wood
[Parish] Penninghame
[Signed] Dennis Kildoyle c/a [Civilian Assistant]
May 6th 1846 |
OS1/35/32/76 |
Foul Hole |
Mr Robert Laird Barwhirran
Mr John Hewetson Baltersan
Mr Robert Stroyan Barr |
013 |
A portion of waste land or common on the Intersection of the Roads Whithorn to Glasgow Glenluce to Carty Port - it was a marsh is now R. [Rough] Pasture on Barwhirran Farm |
OS1/35/32/76 |
Shakeabodie Rock |
Mr Robert Laird Barwhirran
Mr John Hewetson Balterson
Mr Robert Stroyan Barr
Mr John McClean Balterson |
013 |
A large Rock on the left of Road from Glenluce to Carty Port, it gives name to the 2 Adjoining Fields on the Barr Farm |
OS1/35/32/76 |
[Page] 76
Plan 13D -- List of Names collected by Dennis Kildoyle 2nd Examiner
No. of Trace 7
Foul Hole - Dried up marsh
Shakeabodie Rock - Rock
[Parish] Penninghame |
OS1/35/32/76 |
An entry on this page for "Drumgowan" is scored through and is not transcribed. |
OS1/35/32/77 |
Barbuchany |
Mr Dill Newtonstewart |
013 |
[Situation] About 1 mile West of N. [Newton] Stewart.
An ordinary Farm house and out houses part Slated and part Thatched and part in ruins The Farm contains about 140 acres of tillage land the property of the Earl of Galloway and is occupied by James McHarg. |
OS1/35/32/77 |
[Page] 77
Trace No. 2 Plan 13D
[Signed] Alexander Dean
Civil Asst [Civilian Assistant]
18th Novr [November] 44 [1844]
Exd [Examined] D. Kildoyle c/a [Civilian Assistant]
Exd {Examined]
D. Kildoyle c/a [civilian assistant] |
OS1/35/32/78 |
Knockbrex |
Map of the property dated 1833
Mr Thomas McClymont Knockbrex |
013 |
[Situation] About 2 miles W. [West] of N. [Newton] Stewart.
a considerable Farm House and [out] houses built of stone and roofed [with] Slate. The Farm contains [about] [500] acres of tillage meadow and bog Property of Colonel S. Blair occupied by Mr Thomas [Mcclymont] |
OS1/35/32/78 |
Knockbrax Toll
Knockbrex Toll |
Written on a board on the Toll house
Mr Thomas McClymont Knockbrex |
013 |
[Situation] About 2 miles W. [West] of N. [Newton] Stewart.
Two Toll Gates at a junction of Roads on the road leading from Newton Stewart to [Portpatrick] |
OS1/35/32/78 |
High Barbuchany |
Mr Dill Newtonstewart |
013 |
[Situation] About 2 miles W. [West] of N. [Newton] Stewart.
An ordinary Farm house and [out] houses and out houses and about 62 acres of good [Tillage] land. The property of the [Earl] of Galloway, occupied by Charles [Fulton] |
OS1/35/32/78 |
[Page] 78
Trace No. 2. Plan 13 D
Names Corrected by Dennis [Kildoyle]
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Apr [April] 15th
(Continued) |
OS1/35/32/79 |
Drumtarlie |
A List of Properties in Penningham [Penninghame] Ph. [Parish] Dated 1842 |
013 |
[Situation] in the S.W. [South West] of Penningham [Penninghame] Ph. [Parish].
A considerable dwelling house and out houses built of stone and roofed with blue slate, partly surrounded with fir Plantations, with a few acres of land attached the Property of J. Boyd Esqr. |
OS1/35/32/79 |
Corwarhill |
A list of Properties in Penninghame Ph [Paris] Dated 1842 |
013 |
[Situation] in the S.W. [South West] of Penningham [Penninghame] Ph. [Parish].
The Property of J. Boyd Esqr. is now in three farms having dwelling and out houses on each farm Built of Stone some of which are slated and some thatched with straw. |
OS1/35/32/79 |
Culbrattan |
A list of Properties in Penninghame Ph. [Parish] Dated 1842 |
013 |
[Situation] in the S.W. [South West] of Penningham [Penninghame] Ph. [Parish].
An ordinary Farm House and out houses Built of stone and slated occupied by Mr M. Geoch. The number of acres not Known. |
OS1/35/32/79 |
Barraer |
A list of Properties in Penninghame Ph. [Parish] Dated 1842 |
013 |
[Situation] in the S.W. [South West] of Penningham [Penninghame] Ph. [Parish].
An ordinary farm house and out house Built of stone and slated the farm contains about 300 acres of rough Pasture and Tillage land The property of Colonel Stockford, occupied by Mr McClymont. |
OS1/35/32/79 |
[Page] 79
Trace No.4 Plan 13.D.
[Signed] Alexander Dean c.a. [Civilian Assistant]
20th Decr [December] 1846 |
OS1/35/32/80 |
Hazley Green |
List of Tenants and Property in Penningham Parish - Dated 1842 |
013 |
[Situation] In the S.W. [South West] of Penningham Ph. [Parish].
Belongs to the Merton Hall [Estate] Consist of a few fields on [which] are built some out houses, [and] is Let yearly to the occupiers |
OS1/35/32/80 |
Merton Hall |
List of Tenants and Property in Penningham Parish - Dated 1842 |
013 |
[Situation] In the South West of Penninghame Parish.
A Superior Mansion with [out] houses built of stone and slated with Pleasure grounds and [orchard] having a good vegetable garden in shape of an octagon about 10 chains [N.W. North West] of the Hall. The property of J. Boyd The Hall is at present [unoccupied] |
OS1/35/32/80 |
Barnean |
List of Tenants and Property in Penningham Parish - Dated 1842 |
013 |
[Situation] In the South West of Penninghame Parish.
An ordinary farm house and [out] houses built of stone & slated and of about 30 acres, The property of J. Boyd Esqr. who resides in [London] |
OS1/35/32/80 |
[Page] 80
Trace No.1 Plan 13,D.
[Signed] Alexander Dean c.a. [Civilian Assistant]
21st Dec [December |
OS1/35/32/81 |
Barr Upper |
Mr Stroyan occupier
William Dill Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] In E. [East] of Parish of Penningham
A farm containing about 430 acre a good dwelling house and out houses built of stone and in good repair the property of the Earl of Galloway |
OS1/35/32/81 |
Carty |
Mr Stroyan occupier
William Dill Esqr. |
014 |
[Situation] In East of Parish of Penninghame.
Sometimes called Carty port, where Small vessels come to up the River Cree. There are several Small cottages at this place and Brick and tile works |
OS1/35/32/81 |
[Page] 81
Trace 6 Plan 13. D |
OS1/35/32/82 |
Barr Moor |
William Dill Esqr. Newtonstewart |
013 |
[Situation] about 1 1/2 mile S.W. [South West] from N. [Newton] Stewart.
a rough and Mountainous [Farm] containing about 100 acres of [land] having got new dwelling and out [houses] built on it lately the property of Earl of Galloway and occupied by William Hannah. |
OS1/35/32/82 |
Barr Hill |
William Dill Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] In the E. [East] of the Ph. [Parish] of Penningham
a hill extending about 1 1/2 mile [from] N. [North] to S. [South] and nearly one mile in [breadth] The greater part is cultivated with [large] Fir plantations and some rough ground on its west side |
OS1/35/32/82 |
Barr Nether |
William Dill Esqr. |
013 |
[Situation] In the E. [East] of the Ph. [Parish] of Penningham
A good Farm house and out [houses] built of stone and slated on the S. [South] [side] of the road leading from [Newtonstewart] to Wigton. The property of the Earl of Galloway. The farm contains about [300] acres |
OS1/35/32/82 |
[Page] 82
Trace No.5 Plan 13.D
Trace No.6 Plan 13.D.
(continued) |
OS1/35/32/83 |
Barwhirran |
William Dill Esqr Newtonstewart |
013 |
[Situation] Centre of the Ph. [Parish] of Penninghame.
A large and excellent farm of about 600 acres with dwelling and out houses the property of the Earl of Galloway |
OS1/35/32/83 |
Baltersan |
William Dill Esqr Newtonstewart |
013 |
[Situation] In the S. [South] of the Ph. [Parish] of Penningham [Penninghame].
A good farm house with out houses attached built of stone and Slated and a very large farm the Property of the Earl of Galloway occupied by Mr J. Hewetson. |
OS1/35/32/83 |
High Baltersan |
William Dill Esqr Newtonstewart |
013 |
[Situation] In the South of the Parish of Penninghame.
a good dwelling house and out houses Situate on the above farm and was formerly the farm house. it is now tenanted by the Earl of Galloways Game Keeper |
OS1/35/32/83 |
[Claghan] of Penningham |
Mr James Lindsay occupier |
013 |
[Situation] In the S [South] of the Ph. [Parish] of Penninghame.
a Farm house and out houses a farm of about 28 acres and a number of small cottage houses occupied by Labourers at this place is the [ruins] of old church and Burying place |
OS1/35/32/83 |
[Page] 83
Trace No.7 Plan 13D.
[Signed] A. Dean ca
[civilian assistant] 7th Dec [December] |
OS1/35/32/84 |
[Page] 84
Volume 32 OS/35/32
Plan 13 D
Names of Parishes
Parish of Penninghame |
OS1/35/32/84 |
O.S. date stamp Aug. 1891 |