
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
FELL END Fell End Alexander Forsyth Kildarragh by Kirkcowan
Mr J. Milligan Barskeoch
012 A farm of about 700 acres of moorlands the farmhouse which formerly Stood thereon is now in Ruins, it is the property of Captn. [Captain] Hamilton of Craiglaw

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 21
List of Names collected by Pri [Private] Peter Bracken RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st Examiner
Plan 12D No. of Fd. [Field] Tracing 2 -- [Parish] Kirkcowan

Fell End - Farm

[Signed] Peter Bracken
Pri [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Augt. [August] 23rd /45 [1845]

Exd [Examined] Robert Barker
Corpl [Corporal] RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners]
3rd Sept. [September] 1845

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