OS1/35/17/1 |
Parish of Kirkcolm
Plan 10A
Names of Objects -- Page
Boat Bank Cot -- 3
Blackcroft -- 8
Clay Hill Plantation -- 3
Clendry Hill -- 3
Cairn Connelll (Site of) -- 4
Cairn Connell Hill -- 4
Clendry -- 5
Church Street -- 8
Corsewall Burn -- 9
Dikefoot -- 5
High Salquharie Brun -- 10
High Salquharie -- 10
Kirkland -- 5
Kilmorie Chapel (Site of) -- 11
Kirkcolm -- 7
Kirkcolm CHurch (Site of) -- 9
Kerronrae -- 6
Loch Ryan -- 12
Manse -- 4
Mahaar -- 3
Marian Port -- 12
Nettle Row -- 8
Old Church yard -- 9
St Marys Croft -- 11
The Wig -- 11
Tunnocks Bridge -- 9
The Scar -- 6
Wig Sands -- 11
See Page 12 for Index to Inch Parish
W. Driscoll Gosset
LT R.Engrs [Lieutenant Royal Engineers]
28.7. [18] 47 |
OS1/35/17/2 |
[Page] 2
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/17/3 |
Mahaar |
Robert Kerr
John McHaffie
William Black Esqr. Stranraer
McNeil Caird Esqr.
D. Guthrie Esqr.
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile West of Kirkcolm Church
A Small farm house slated with outoffices in good repair with a farm of 50 acres of good arable land attached occupied by Robert Kerr |
OS1/35/17/3 |
Clayhill Planting
Clayhill Planting
Clayhill Plantation
Clayhill Plantation |
Thomas Watson
John McHaffie
See Name List
Plan 5 A
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/3 Mile West of Kirkcolm Village
A long narrow Strip of Planting on the lands of Corswall consisting Fir & Ash. |
OS1/35/17/3 |
Boat Bank Cot
Boat Bank Cot |
David Guthrie Esqr.
Admiralty Chart of Loch Ryan 1839 |
009 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile N by E [North by East] of Kirkcolm village
A Small Cottage and garden in Corsewall Shore, the property of James Moor Esqr -Corsewall House Kirkcolm |
OS1/35/17/3 |
Clandrey Hill
Clandrey Hill
Clendry Hill |
James Robertson
Robert [McCanion]
Ainslie's Map 1782
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
Admiralty Chart of Loch Ryan 1839
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile South of Kirkcolm Village
A large hill near the South Side of Kirkcolm village on which is a trig [trigonometrical] Station called "Clendrie" The Soil is arable Situate on the farms of Clendrie & Martlaugh |
OS1/35/17/3 |
[Page] 3
Plan 10A -- [on Map 009]
Parish of Kirkcolm
Form 136
Page 31 - Mahaar
32 - Clayhill Planting
Boat Bank Cot
31/44 - Clandrey Hill
[Note] See the Name Clendry in page 5. |
OS1/35/17/4 |
Cairn Connell (Site of)
Cairn Connal (Site of)
Cairn Connell
Cairn Connell
Cairn Connal or Cairn Connell |
Robert Kerr
James Robertson
Alexander McNeill Caird Esqr.
William McMeikan
Samuel McEwen
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile S.W. [South West] of Kirkcolm Village
A track of an old Cairn Said to be constructed to the memory of a man named Connell who was [put] to death on or near this spot or as some would have it was found [dead] at this place. On the site of the Cairn stands a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party "Clandrie" after the farm on which it Stands. |
OS1/35/17/4 |
Cairn Connell Hill
Cairn Connell Hill
Cairn Connal Hill
Cairn Connell or Cairn Connal Hill |
James Robertson
Robert Kerr
A McNeill Caird Esqr
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 Mile SW [South West] of Kirkcolm Village
A large hill adjoining Clendrie Hill on the west side on which is the track or remains of an Old Cairn (described above) and on the site of it is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called 'Clandrie' by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party |
OS1/35/17/4 |
MANSE [parish church] |
Manse |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Hyslop
David Guthrie Esqr.
George McHaffie Esqr.
Archibald McDowal |
009 |
[Situation] S.E [South East] of the Village of Kirkcolm
A good Stone built Building the residence of the Minister of the established Church, with a glebe of about 10 Acres attached. |
OS1/35/17/4 |
[Page] 4
Parish of Kirkcolm
Form 136
Page 40- Cairn Connell
31/39 - Cairn Connell Hill
Manse |
OS1/35/17/4 |
[on Map 009] |
OS1/35/17/5 |
Clendry |
Admiralty Chart 1839
John McHaffie
Thomas Robertson
Ainslie's Map 1782
William Black Esqr. Stranraer
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr.
Factor to the Proprietor |
009 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile South of Kirkcolm Village
A good farm house with out offices Slated and in good repair with a farm of 200 acres attached The property of Sir A: Agnew Bart. [Baronet] |
OS1/35/17/5 |
Dikefoot |
James Robertson
Robert McCamon
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile S by E [South by East] of Kirkcolm Village
A Small thatched house close to the Shore of Loch Ryan on the east Side of the road leading from Kirkcolm to Stranraer |
OS1/35/17/5 |
Kirkland of Kirkcolm |
Robert McCamon
John McCrae
George McHaffie Esqr. Factor to the Proprietor |
009 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile S E [South East] of Kirkcolm Village
A considerable tract of arable land adjoining Loch Ryan and bounded on the west side by the road leading from Kirkcolm to Stranraer On the South Side of it Stands a trig [trigonometrical] Station of the Same name it forms a point of land of which "The Scar" is a continuation this point is called Kirkcolm Point on the admiralty Chart published 1841 but it is not Known in the vicinity by that name The property of Sir A. Agnew Bart [Baronet] |
OS1/35/17/5 |
[Page] 5
[Parish] Kirkcolm
Form 136
Page 31 - Clandrey
33 - Dikefoot
34 - Kirkland |
OS1/35/17/5 |
[on Map 009] |
OS1/35/17/6 |
Loch Ryan Scar
Loch Ryan Scar
The Scar
The Scar
The Scar
The Scar |
Robert McCamon
James Robertson
Adminalty Chart 1841
Ainslie's Map 1782
Rl. Engrs [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] From 1 Mile to 1 1/2 Miles SE [South East] of Kirkcolm Village
A high bank extending from [the] land a considerable distance into [Loch] Ryan it consists of accumulation of Sand & gravel apparently drifted together by the action of the tide it is remarKable for its large [oyster] bed producing oysters of a Superb quality which is generally sent to Glasgow and other [markets] Sir Alexander Wallace of Cairn Ryan [has] by Royal Charter an exclusive right [to] the oysters of this bank & of Loch Ryan in general He charges £20 per annum for the oyster of this sand bank. On [its] extreme point is a trig. [trigonometrical] Station. |
OS1/35/17/6 |
Kerronrae |
Robert McCamon
John McCrae
Admiralty Chart 1841
William Black Esqr. Stranraer
George McHaffie Esqr. Factor to the proprietor |
009 |
[Situation] 10 Chains South of Kirkcolm Village
A good farm house with out offices Slated and in good repair with a farm attached of 200 acres of good arable land. occupied by Robert McCamon The property of Sir A Agnew Bart [Baronet] of Lochnaw. |
OS1/35/17/6 |
[Page] 6
Parish of Kirkcolm
Form 136
Page 34 - The Scar
33 - Kerranrae |
OS1/35/17/7 |
Kirkcolm |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Hyslop
David Guthrie Esqr. Stranraer
Admiralty Chart 1841
Archibald McDowal Kirkcolm
Statistical acct. [account] 1839 Page 120
Statistical acct. [account] 1839 page 114
Ainslie's Map 1782
Rl Engrs [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
Rl Engrs [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] On the Eastern Side of the Parish near the Shore of Loch Ryan
A Small village pleasantly Situated on a rising ground Sheltered on the north Side from the cold winds of the Sea by high lands & plantations around Corswall House. the houses are Some two Stories high but generally one storey the working people are chiefly fishermen and Sailors the parish church is at the West side of the village a good stone building built in 1824 & capable of accommodating 600 of a Congretion [congregation] it is without a tower but ornamented with buttresses. at the S.E [South East] Side of the village is the Manse a good house two Stories high with garden etc. attached and a Glebe consisting of about 10 aces of good land & on the north side is the lands of Corswall well improved with plantations & ornamental ground in which is situated the old church yard with the site or remains of the old church. The population of the village is upwards of 400 in it are 3 public houses 4 or 5 small provision Shops also a post office This village is frequently called "Stewarton" by the country people also "Newton of Kirkcolm" |
OS1/35/17/7 |
CHURCH [parish] |
Parish Church
Parish Church
Parish Church
Parish Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Hyslop
D. Guthrie Esqr.
Archibald McDowal
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] On the west side of the Village of Kirkcolm
The Church is at the west side of the Village of Kirkcolm it is a good Stone Building, built in 1824, and capable of accommodating 600 persons. The Plan of the Building will admit of three Galleries being erected which will accomodate about 300 more. |
OS1/35/17/7 |
[Page] 7
Parish of Kirkcolm
Form 136
page [37] - Kirkcolm
Parish Church
Kirkcolm parish obtained its name,
from the Church, which was dedicated to St Columba;
and hence called Kirk-colm.
Chalmers Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3 p [page] 443. |
OS1/35/17/7 |
[on Map 009] |
OS1/35/17/8 |
CHURCH STREET [Kirkcolm] |
Church Street
Church Street |
John McCrae
John McHaffie |
009 |
[Situation] On the west side of the Village of Kirkcolm
Part of the road leading from the village of Kirkcolm passing parish Church from which it took the name the church yard wall [bounds] a part of the north side of it there is but 1 house here occupied by a fisherman |
OS1/35/17/8 |
NETTLE ROW [Kirkcolm] |
Nettle Row
Nettle Row |
John McCrae
John McHaffie |
009 |
[Situation] The South East end of the Village of Kirkcolm
Part of the village of [Kirkcolm] consisting of 2 ranges of cottages on the west side of the road [leading] into the village from Stranraer [they] are occupied by labourers chiefly the property of J. C Moore Esqr of Corswall. |
OS1/35/17/8 |
Black Croft
Black Croft
Black Croft |
William McDowal
Robert Campbell
William Black Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] Near to and South of the Village of Kirkcolm
A Small labourer's Cottage Slated & in good repair and about 2 1/2 acres of land the land is occupied by J. Nielson Nettle Row |
OS1/35/17/8 |
[Page] 8
Parish of Kirkcolm
Form 136
Page 35 - Church Street
36 - Nettle Row
37 - Black Croft |
OS1/35/17/8 |
[on Map 009] |
OS1/35/17/9 |
Tunnock's Bridge
Tunnock's Bridge
Tunnock's Bridge |
John McCrae
Robert McCamon
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile East of Kirkcolm Village
A Stone bridge of one arch over the Corswall Burn on the road leading from Corsewall to the Shore It is not a county bridge About 1/4 mile N.E. [North East] of this bridge is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called "Corswall Shore" by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party it being on the Corswall estate |
OS1/35/17/9 |
Corswall Burn
Corswall Burn
Corsewall Burn
Corsewall Burn |
Robert McCamon
John McCrae
George McHaffie Esqr.
See Name List Plan 5A p. [page] 13. |
009 |
[Situation] On the East side of Kirkcolm Village
A Small burn running in an easterly direction passing through lands of Corswall at the north side of the village of Kirkcolm & forming in part the boundary of the Demesne of Corswall on the South Side |
OS1/35/17/9 |
OLD CHURCH YARD [Kirkcolm] |
Old Church Yard
Old church yard
Old church yard |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Thomas Watson
John McHaffie |
009 |
[Situation] 10 Chains NE [North East] of the Village of Kirkcolm
This is the old church yard in which is the remains of the Old Parish church which at present consists of little more than the foundation of a Side wall being only one foot over the surface the remainder of the Site of the building can scarcly be traced the church yard is still used by some families as a burying ground. |
OS1/35/17/9 |
009 |
This was originally the Parish Church dedicated to St Columba hence the name Kirkcolm. |
OS1/35/17/9 |
[Page] 9
Parish of Kirkcolm
Form 136
Page 38 - Tunnock's Bridge
38 - Corsewall Burn
32 - Old church yard
From the Chapel of "Kilmorie" which was destroyed at the reformation, a Stone was brought
which when the late Parish Church of Kirkcolm was repaired, 118 years ago, was placed as a lintel over
its west door. In 1821 when that Church was pulled down this Stone was left in the Church yard. *
* It has since been removed to the garden of Mr Moore at Corsewall.
It is of Gray whinstone, carved on one side with armorial bearings, in so rude and primitive a
style, that the figures can only be conjectured. - There is the appearance of a shield, on
which an Animal is sculptured, surrounded by a cornucopia. A large cross, with some
resemblance to the maltese cross, surmounts the shield on the lower part of which there appears
to be two supporters, one resembling a fish the other a serpent. On the other side of the stone is a figure
whose Arms are extended
on a Cross, and beneath
it another figure with the scarcely discernable
appearance of an Animal
by its side.
Statistical Acct. [Account] 1841 page 111 |
OS1/35/17/10 |
High Salchrie Burn
High Salchrie Burn
High Salquharie Burn |
Thomas Robertson
John McCrea
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 Miles South of the Village of Kirkcolm
A Small Stream or burn rising on the farm] of Clendrie & forming a part of the boundary between the above [farm] and that of High Salchrie & [runs] in a circuitous course round the [South] side of Clendrie Hill round into [Loch] Ryan North side of High [Salchrie] farm house |
OS1/35/17/10 |
High Salchrie or Glenside
High Salchrie or Glenside
High Saughrie
High Salquhary
Glenside or High Salchrie
High Salquhary
High Salquharie |
Thomas Robertson
James McMeiken
Ainslie's Map 1782
Admiralty Chart 1841
Proprietors List of Names - supplied by George McHaffie Esqr.
Rl. Engrs [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 Miles S by E [South by East] of the Village of Kirkcolm.
A large farm house 2 Stories with suitable outoffices in good repair with a farm attached of [about] 117 acres of good arable land. Occupied by Thomas Robertson On this farm is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station of the same name & near the [East] side of the farm house is another called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "High Salchrie Shore it being on the Shore of this farm. |
OS1/35/17/10 |
[Page] 10
Parish of Kirkcolm
Form 136
Page 41 - High Salquharie Burn
43 - High Salquharie |
OS1/35/17/10 |
[on Map 009] |
OS1/35/17/11 |
St. Mary's Croft
St. Mary's Croft
St. Mary's Croft
Croft McMechan
Croft McMechan
St. Mary's Croft
Mackmakin |
David Gibson Esqr.
James McMeikan
James Robertson
Admiralty Chart 1841
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's Map 1782 |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 Miles South by East of Kirkcolm Village
A farm house and outhouses Slated and in good repair & a Small tract of land of about 5 acres occupied by the proprietor James McMeikan This Small freehold was given as free gift by Sir Stair Agnew of Lochnaw to an Ancestor of the present proprietor James McMeikan On near this ground tradition Says was an ancient Chapel but this site of it Cannot now be traced
Has been in possession of a Race of McMeikans for Several Centuries - See Symson's Galloway app. [appendix] to History of Galloway |
OS1/35/17/11 |
[Supposed Site] |
See Statistical Acct. [Account] 1841 page 111
See Chalmer's Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3. page 443 |
009 |
In Symson's description of Galloway written in 1684. See Appx. [Appendix] Hist. [History] Galloway Vol [Volume] 3 p [page] 84 it is stated. In this parish also about a mile & half from the Kirk, in the way bewtwixt it and Stranraer, there was of old a Chapel called Killemoris, but now wholly ruinous, within a little croft, -- possessed by a Countryman, John McMechan -- he and his predecessours having enjoyed the same for several generations, etc. etc. |
OS1/35/17/11 |
The Wig
The Wg
the Wig
The Wig
The Wig |
William McDowal
Admiralty Chart 1841
Chalmers Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3 Page 350
Ainslie's map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 Mile S E [South East] of Kirkcolm Village
A Considerable Creek or bay formed by the ridge of the Scar on the west Side of Loch Ryan where coasting vessels & coal boats &c. Sometimes anchor it is naturally a handsome Small bay but Shallow therefore large vessels cannot anchor in it |
OS1/35/17/11 |
Wig Sands
Wig Sands
Wig Sands
Wig Sands |
William McDowal
Robert Campbell
Admiralty Chart 1841
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile S E [South East] of Kirkcolm Village
A tract of Sand along the northern shore of The Wig |
OS1/35/17/11 |
[Page] 11
Parish of Kirkcolm
Form 136
Page [32] - St. Mary's Croft
[34] - The Wig
33 - Wig Sands |
OS1/35/17/11 |
[on Map 009] |
OS1/35/17/12 |
Loch Ryan
Loch Ryan
Loch Ryan
Loch Ryan
Loch Ryan
Lochryan |
Thomas Robertson
James Robertson
Chalmer's Caledonia vol. [volume] 3 Page 407
Statistical acct. [account] 1839 Acct. [Account] Inch Ph. [Parish]
Admiralty Chart 1841
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] On the East side of the Parish
A large bay forming a natural harbour with Commodious accomodation & good anchorage for vessels of heavy tonnage "It is situated at [what] may be considered entrance of the Firth of Clyde being about 60 miles South-west of Greenock 40 miles South South-east of Campbelton 52 South-east of the North channel opening into the western Ocean and 40 miles north-east of the entrance of Belfast Loch. At its entrance it is about 3 miles across from E [East] to W [West], with from 4 to 5 fathoms of water which gradually deepens to 7 or 8 as you proceed up. The loch lies North & South and is between 8 and 9 miles long from the entrance to the town of Stranraer situated at the head of it its breadth varies from 2 to 5 miles" Statistical acct. [account] of Scotland 1839 No [Number] 21 Page 81 |
OS1/35/17/12 |
Marian Port
Marian Port
Marian Port |
Archibald McDowal
John Peery
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 Mile S by E [South by East] of the Village of Kirkcolm
A small creek or port of the large Bay of The Wig, on the western shore of Loch Ryan Boats of light tonnage enter here and discharge their cargoes generally composed of Coal and Lime and from which Agricultural produce is sometimes exported. |
OS1/35/17/12 |
[Page] 12
Parish of Kirkcolm
Form 136
Page 33/41 - Loch Ryan
85 - Marian Port |
OS1/35/17/13 |
[Page] 13
Parish of Inch
Plan 10A
Names of objects -- Page
Bankhead -- 22
Beoch Hill -- 24
Beoch -- 28
Beoch Burn -- 29
Cairnbeg Hill -- 17
Cairn Ryan -- 17
Cairn Ryan Hill -- 16
Cairn Point -- 16
Cairn Ryan T.P [Turn Pike] -- 19
Clady House Burn -- 19
Clady House -- 21
Clady House Bridge -- 22
Castle LaricK -- 25
Craiglochan -- 29
Drummuckloch -- 25
Drummuckloch -- 23
Deils Dike -- 27
Fell of Craigcaffie -- 29
Free church -- 18
High Croach -- 20
High Clady House -- 21
Horse Park -- 23
Low Croach -- 21
Loch Ryan Light House - 15
Leffnoll Bridge -- 26
Leffnoll -- 26
Leffnoll -- 26
Meadowpark -- 25
Round Tower -- 15
Rosebank -- 23
Several Moor -- 24
Several Burn -- 24
Strandmain -- 22
School House -- 18
Tripolarrich -- 28
The Gables -- 20
Several Hill -- 30
Drummuckloch Bridge -- 30
Strandmain Bridge -- 30 |
OS1/35/17/14 |
[Page] 14
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/17/15 |
Loch Ryan Lighthouse
Loch Ryan Lighthouse
Loch Ryan Light House |
William Hunter
William McDowal Kirkcolm
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] On the East Coast of Loch Ryan and 1/4 Mile NW [North West] of the Village of Cairn Ryan
A light house consisting of a circular Stone building the foundation was laid in 1843 and at that time intended to be only a beacon light but afterwards completed as a lighthouse under the direction of the Commissioners of the northern lighthouses it stands on a low point or headland projecting into Loch Ryan it has been first lighted on the 3rd March 1847 the light is Stationary of natural color and stands about 30 feet above the level of high water |
OS1/35/17/15 |
Round Tower
Round Tower
Round Tower |
William Hunter
Revd. [Reverend] Archibald McCrearie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 7 Chains East of Loch Ryan Light House and about the same distance NW [North West] of Cairn Ryan Village
A Small [circueular] Stone tower near the north end of the village of Cairn Ryan on the lands of Loch Ryan House adjoining of the wall of the west side of those lands constructed for ornament & for supporting a flag staff its height is about 12 feet it was sometimes Called the Pulpit from the circumstance that it was used as a platform or Stand for preaching on Sundays during fine weather by the parish minister before the chapel of ease was erected at Cairn Ryan this was for the Convenience of person who could not attend the parish church |
OS1/35/17/15 |
[Page] 15
Parish of Inch
49 - Loch Ryan Lighthouse
Round Tower |
OS1/35/17/16 |
Cairn Ryan Point
Cairn Ryan Point
Cairn Point
Cairn Point
Cairn Point
Cairnpoint |
William Hunter
Revd. [Reverend] A. McCrearie
Admiralty Chart 1841
Ainslie's Map 1782
Rl. Engrs [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile NW [North West] of the Village of Cairn Ryan
A low point or headland [consisting] of Shingle projecting into Loch [Ryan] On this headland is lately erected Loch Ryan Lighthouse (see description in another page) On this point is [also] a Trigl. [Trigonomentrical] Station Called by Trig [Trigonomentrical] [Party] "Cairn Ryan" The road from [Stranraer] to Ballentrae passes this way |
OS1/35/17/16 |
Cairn Ryan Hill
Cairn Ryan Hill
Cairn Ryan Hill
Cairn Ryan Hill
Cairn-ryan Hill |
William Hunter
Revd. [Reverend] Archibald McCrearie
Genl [General] Sir Alexander Wallace
See Name List Plan 5 A
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile N E [North East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan
A large hill near the [East] Side of Cairn Ryan village [very] Steep & rocky on the western Side the Soill in general is rough [with] heath & Furze On the west side of the hill is a slate quarry [of] rather inferior description the quarry is not now worked the Slate is [soft] & of a blue color |
OS1/35/17/16 |
[Page] 16
Parish of Inch
Form 136
Page 47 - Cairn Ryan Point
57 - Cairn Ryan Hill |
OS1/35/17/17 |
Cairnbeg Hill
Cairnbeg Hill
Cairnbeg Hill |
William Hunter
Robert Moat
See Name List Plan 5 A |
010 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile East of the Village of Cairn Ryan
A hill or tract of high moorland ground on the farm of High Croach adjoining Cairn Ryan Hill on the west Side it is Steep & rocky on the east Side it terminates in a table land or tract of moorland |
OS1/35/17/17 |
Cairn Ryan
Cairn Ryan
Cairn Ryan
Cairnryan |
Genl. [General] Sir A. Wallace
Revd. [Reverend] Archibald McCrearie
William Hunter
Adminalty Chart 1841
Ainslie's Map 1782
Rl Engrs [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] In the North Western part of the Parish and on the East Shore of Loch Ryan
A Small village Situate on the line of road from Stranraer to Ballintrae & the property of Sir Alexander Wallace of Loch Ryan House The population at present is 144 The working people are Chiefly fishermen and agricultural labourers In the village is a coast guards Station a post office a chapel of ease is within 3/4 of a mile from the place here is also Free church built in 1844-5 also a School house. A charter has been granted for holding fairs at this place but for want of encouragement this has fallen into disuse. The ancient name of this place was "Machryskeog" but Since 1792 the popular name is Cairn Ryan |
OS1/35/17/17 |
[Page] 17
Parish of Inch
Cairnbeg Hill
Cairn Ryan |
OS1/35/17/18 |
SCHOOL HOUSE [Cairn Ryan] |
Cairn Ryan School House
Cairn Ryan School House
Cairn Ryan School House |
Revd. [Reverend] Archibald McCrearie
William Hunter
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] In the Northern end of the Village of Cairn Ryan
A Small neat house built [by] Sir Alexander Wallace for a School House for the convenience of the children of his tenantry at present there is no school held for want of an efficient teacher |
OS1/35/17/18 |
FREE CHURCH [Cairn Ryan] |
Cairn Ryan Free Church
Cairn Ryan Free Church
Cairn Ryan Free Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Archibald McCrearie
James Cairns
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] In the Village of Cairn Ryan
A Small neat Stone building Capable of accomadating 284 [persons] built in 1844-5 by Subscription and a Small grant from the Free Church building fund average [number] of the Congregation is about [120] Communicants about 75 an [Ordained] Minister is chosen by the Congregation & Sanctioned by the presbytery by permission of the general assembly The Salary of the minister depends [upon] the Sum subscribed by the congregation [&] to the Sustentation fund 3 times this [sum] being returned from the fund as Salary for the minister |
OS1/35/17/18 |
[Page] 18
Parish of Inch
Form 136
Page 53 - Cairn Ryan School House
55 - Cairn Ryan Free Church |
OS1/35/17/19 |
Cairn Ryan Toll Bar
Cairn Ryan Toll Bar
Tollbar Cairnryan |
William Hunter
Revd. [Reverend] A McCrearie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile S by E [South by East] of Cairn Ryan Village
A Toll Bar near the South side of the village of Cairn Ryan on the road from Stranraer to Ballintrae the present Collector is William Hunter who occupies a Small farm house here with offices and about 4 acres of land This toll bar is liable to be changed to some other part of this road to suit the convenience of the next person who may be collector this farm house & farm was formerly & is sometime yet called Strand House |
OS1/35/17/19 |
Cladey House Burn
Cladey House Burn
Clady House Burn
Clady House Burn
Clady House Burn
Clady House |
William Hunter
Revd. [Reverend] Archibald McCrearie
George McHaffie Esqr.
See Name List Plan 5 A
Ainslie's Map 1782 |
010 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile S E [South East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan
A Small Stream formed by a Collection of Surface waters from moorlands running in a S. western [South western] direction and & encreased by several small streams at length becomes of considerable width & forming the boundary in part between the farms of Low & High Croach and also that of High & Low Claddy House and runs into Loch Ryan. |
OS1/35/17/19 |
[Page] 19
Parish of Inch
[56] - Cairn Ryan Toll Bar
59 - Clady House Burn |
OS1/35/17/20 |
High Croach
High Croach
High Croach |
William Murray
William Hunter
Ainslie's map of 1782
Rl. Engrs [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile East of the Village of Cairn Ryan
A large farm house with [some] office house in good repair [built] about since with a farm [attached] of about 1000 acres half of [which] is arable the remainder moor[land] occupied by William Murray. The property of Sir Alexander Wallace |
OS1/35/17/20 |
The Gables
The Gables
The Gables |
William Hunter
William Murray
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile East of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
This name applies to the [trace] or remains of three houses [but none] of which is at present remaining [The] place was once the mansion house [of ] a former proprietor of part of [the] estate now attached to Loch Ryan [belonging] to Sir Alexander Wallace |
OS1/35/17/20 |
[Page] 20
Parish of Inch
Form 136
Page 62 - High Croach
65 - The Gables |
OS1/35/17/21 |
High Cladey House
High Cladey House
Cloddy House
Clady House
Cloddy House
High Clady House |
William Hunter
Revd. [Reverend] A. McCrearie
Rl. Engrs [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
Ainslie's Map 1782
Admiralty Chart of Loch Ryan 1839
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile S E [South East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan
A Small thatched farm house and office houses all in good repair with a farm of about 10 acres nearly all arable. The property of Sr Alexander Wallace. |
OS1/35/17/21 |
Low Croach
Low Croach
Low Croach |
William Hunter
William Murray
Ainslie's Map 1782
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile SE by S [South East by South] of the Village of Cairn Ryan
A Small farm house and outoffice in good repair with a farm attached of good arable land consisting of 30 acres occupied by John Fulton. The property of Sir Alexander Wallace |
OS1/35/17/21 |
Cladey House
Cladey House
Cloddy House
Clady House
Clady House |
William Hunter
Revd. [Reverend] A. McCrearie
Admiralty Chart 1841
Ainslie's Map 1782
William Black Esqr. Stranraer
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile SE by S [South East by South] of the Village of Cairn Ryan
A Small farm house and office houses in good repair with a farm attached of about 20 acres of good fertile land this farm house is situate on the road Side leading from Stranraer to Ballintrae This place is the property of Sir Alexander Wallace |
OS1/35/17/21 |
[Page] 21
Parish of Inch
High Cladey House
Low Croach
[61] - Cladey House
Note, The Affix, "House" to this name
is not to be taken in the sense that is generally
understood as applicable to a Mansion, but as applying to a house
built near the Shore, hence the name "Clady" from "Cladach" a beach.
"Cladach" A shore, beach, erc.
Gaelic Dictionary |
OS1/35/17/22 |
Cladey House Bridge
Cladey House Bridge
Clady House
Clady House Bridge |
William Hunter
Rev [Reverend] A. McCrearie
See page 21
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile South East by South of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A Small Stone bridge of one [arch] over "Cladey House Burn" [on] the road leading from Stranraer [to] Ballintrae near the farm [house] of Clady House it is built [and] Kept in repair by the County |
OS1/35/17/22 |
Strandmain |
William Patterson
John Kerr
Robert Moat
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile S.E [South East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A Small neat cottage in good repair with garden [attached] on the lands of Clady House. [The] property of Sir Alexander [Wallace] |
OS1/35/17/22 |
Bankhead |
Revd [Reverend] A McCrearie
William Peebles
William Hunter
William Black Esq
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 1 Mile SE [South East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A Small neat farm [house] with Suitable offices all [slated] and in good repair with a farm attached of 184 acres of good [arable] land, occupied by William Peebles. The property of the Earl of Stair |
OS1/35/17/22 |
[Page] 22
Parish of Inch
Form 136 Page 61 70 67 |
OS1/35/17/23 |
Rose Bank
Rose Bank
Rose Bank
Rosebank |
William Peebles
William Hunter
Revd [Reverend] A McCrearie
Admiralty Chart
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 1 Mile S by E [South by East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A Small farm house or cottage & some outhouses with about 5 acres of land attached being a Sublet off the farm of Bankhead occupied by James McKenzie |
OS1/35/17/23 |
Horse Park
Horse Park
Horse Park |
William Hunter
Revd [Reverend] A McCrearie
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 1 Mile S by E [South by east] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
This name applies to a field of arable land on the farm of Bankhead it is walled in. This field is pointed out as being the site of a barrack ground used by Marshal Stair who Kept a corps of cavalry at his own expense |
OS1/35/17/23 |
Drummuckloch Hill
Drummuckloch Hill
Drummuckloch hill |
William Hunter
Rev [Reverend] A. McCrearie
Admiralty Chart 1841
Rl Engrs [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
Ainslie's Map 1792
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile South of Several Moor and 1 Mile S.E [South East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A large hill on a farm of the Same name extending in a direction north & South it is very Steep on the western side, the soil chiefly rocky with heath the land is occupied by John McCreadie. The property of the Earl of Stair, on this hill is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called "Drummuckloch" |
OS1/35/17/23 |
[Page] 23
Parish of Inch
"Drum" A hill "Muc" swine "Loch" a lake - Gaelic Dictionary
i.e. The Hill of the Swine Lake |
OS1/35/17/24 |
Beoch Hill
Beoch Hill
Beoch Hill
Beach Hill
Beoch Hill
Beoch Hill
Beoch Hill |
William Hunter
William Gibson
Revd [Reverend] A McCrearie
Alexander McKenzie
Rl Engs [Royal Engineers] map 1819
Ainslie's map 1792
See name List Plan 10 B
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 1 mile South of Several Moor & 2 miles S.E [South East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A large hill on the farm of [Beoch] the base is nearly of an oval shape [on the ] ancient boundary called The Deils [Dike] it appears Can be partly traced across [the] southern part of this hill on this hill [are] two Trig. [Trigonometrical] Stations one called "Beoch" [the] other "Beoch Contl" |
OS1/35/17/24 |
Several Burn
Several Burn
Several Burn
Several Burn |
William Peebles
William Hunter
See Name List Plan 10 B
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles SE [South East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A Small Stream collected from t [the] surface of the moors & in its course inc [increased ?] by Several Small rivulets chiefly from Sev [Several] Moor & running in a South westerly d [direction] falls into Loch Ryan |
OS1/35/17/24 |
Several Moor
Several Moor
Several Moor
Several Moor
Several Moor |
William Peebles
William Hunter
William Gibson
George McHaffie Esq
See Name List Plan 10 B |
010 |
[Situation] 1 Mile E by S [East by South] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A large tract of moorland atta [attached] to the farm of Beoch [--] occupied by John Creadie. The prop [property] of the Earl of Stair |
OS1/35/17/24 |
[Page] 24
Parish of Inch
Form 136
page 71, 75 - Beoch Hill
73, 75 - Several Burn
64 - Several Moor |
OS1/35/17/24 |
Contl may be [Continental] |
OS1/35/17/25 |
Meadowpark |
John McCreadie
John Crindle
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 Miles South by East of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A labourer's cottage which was formerly occupied as farm house with a Small farm attached situated on the farm of Drummuckloch near this house on the west side is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station called after the name of the house "Meadowpark" |
OS1/35/17/25 |
Drummuckloch |
John McCreadie
William Gibson
Admiralty Chart 1841
William Black Esq Stranraer
Ainslie's map 1819
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers]
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 Miles S.S.E [South South East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A good farm house & suitable outhouses including thrashing Mill and a farm attached of about 500 acres a large tract of which is moorland occupied by John McCreadie. The property of the Earl of Stair |
OS1/35/17/25 |
Castle Larick
Castle Larick
Castle Larick |
John McCreadie
James McCaig
George McHaffie Esq |
010 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 Miles SE [South East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
This name applies to a hillock Situate on the East side of Drummuckloch Hill on the farm of Drummuckloch Tradition says that a Castle Stood at this place at some former period in the process of ploughing, bricks used in building also muscles shells etc were found near this Spot |
OS1/35/17/25 |
[Page] 25
Parish of Inch
Form 136
Page [77] - Meadowpark
[80] - Drummockloch
[78] - Castle Larick |
OS1/35/17/26 |
Leffnoll Bridge
Leffnoll Bridge
Leffnoll Bridge |
John Crindle
John McCreadie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 Miles South by East of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A Stone bridge of one arch over Several Burn on the road from Stranraer to Cairn it is on the [farm] of Leffnoll it is a County Bridge |
OS1/35/17/26 |
Leffnoll |
John Crindle
John McCreadie
Admiralty Chart 1841
Ainslie's map 1782
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 Miles South by East of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A good farm house & Suitable offices in good repair with a Considerable farm of arable land attached occupied by John Crindle. The property of the Earl of Stair |
OS1/35/17/26 |
Leffnoll Point
Leffnoll Point
Lochnoll Point
Leffnoll Point |
John Crindle
John McCreadie
Admiralty Chart 1841
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 2 1/4 Miles S by E [South by East] of the Village of Cairn Ryan.
A point of land on the farm of Leffnoll projecting a little into [Loch] Ryan on which Stands a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station of the Same name |
OS1/35/17/26 |
[Page] 26
Parish of Inch
Form 136 Page
Page 79 - Leffnoll Bridge
79 - Leffnoll
78 - Leffnoll Point |
OS1/35/17/27 |
Deils Dike
Deils Dike
Deils Dike
Devil's Dyke
Deil's Dike |
John Crindle
John McCreadie
Statistical Acct [Account] 1839 Page 232
Chalmer's Caledonia Vol. [Volume] 3 P. [Page] 237
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile North and North West of Craigcaffie Fell.
An ancient rampart the track or remains of which Can now with difficulty be traced It consisted of a Strong dyke or wall eight feet broad and extended through Galloway a distance of about 53 miles commencing at Loch Ryan in the farm of Beoch and ending at Solway Firth nearly opposite Bowness in Cumberland where the great wall of Adrian Commenced It was in some places built of stone in other places of stone & clay etc At some parts of its course it is Called the "Roman Dyke" & in Kells parish in Kirkcudbright it is called the "Auld Head Dyke of Scotland" there is no authentic record extant to show by what people it was constructed or what purpose. There was a dyke or rampart Similar to this in the East of England which is called in like manner the Devils Dyke & was in the middle ages called Rech Dyke or Giants Dyke - see Camdens Brittanica also Palgreaves History of the Anglo Saxons Page 42 the latter dyke was built in the time of the Saxon Kingdoms by the East Anglians it runs thro [through] part of Suffolk - For further description of the Deil's Dyke See Chalmer's Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3 Page 237 also Statistical acct. [account] of Scot. [Scotland] 1839 V [Volume] 21 Page 232 |
OS1/35/17/27 |
[Page] 27
Parish of Inch |
OS1/35/17/28 |
Tripolarrich |
John McCreadie
James McCaig |
010 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile NE [North East] of Beoch.
A Small Shepherds cottage [with] Small garden attached Situate [on] the farm of Beoch |
OS1/35/17/28 |
Beoch |
William Gibson
John McCreadie
William Black Esq. Stranraer
Rl Engrs [Royal Engineers] map 1819
Ainslie's Map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
010 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile E by S [East by South] of Leffnoll Bridge.
A large farm house & [Suitable] out offices including threshing [machine] all in good repair and a farm [atttached] of about 1300 acres about 380 of which is good arable land [occupied] by William Gibson. The property of [the] Earl of Stair |
OS1/35/17/28 |
[Page] 28
Parish of Inch
Form 136 Page
83 - Tripolarrich
80 - Beoch |
OS1/35/17/28 |
Some words of Description are partly lost in the tight binding of right margin. |
OS1/35/17/29 |
Beoch Burn
Beoch Burn
Beoch Burn
Beoch Burn |
John McCreadie
William Gibson
See Name List Plan 10 B
George McHaffie Esqr |
010 |
[Situation] South and SE [South East] of Beoch.
A Considerable Stream or burn running in a S [South] westerly direction through the farm of Beoch runs into Loch Ryan |
OS1/35/17/29 |
Craigcaffie Fell
Craigcaffie Fell
Fell of Craigcaffie
Fell of Craigcaffie or Craigcaffie Fell |
James McCaig
William Gibson
See name List Plan 10 B & D
George McHaffie Esqr |
010 |
[Situation] 1 Mile E by S [East by South] of Leffnoll Bridge.
A large hill on the farm of Craigcaffie on it is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station written Craigcaffy by Trigl [Trigonometrical] Party |
OS1/35/17/29 |
Craiglochan |
James McCaig
John Crindle
George McHaffie Esqr |
010 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile South of Beoch.
A Small pool on the farm of Beoch it is only a lodge for water during rainy weather it being quite dry in Summer or in dry weather.- |
OS1/35/17/29 |
[Page] 29
Parish of Inch
"Craig " a rock
"Lochan" - a small lake
Gaelic Dictionary |
OS1/35/17/30 |
Several Hill |
See Name List of 10 B page 5 |
010 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 Miles East of Cairn Ryan.
A heathy hill on the Farm of Drummuckloch. On the summit of which is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station called Croach. |
OS1/35/17/30 |
Drummuckloch Bridge
Drummuckloch Bridge |
George McHaffie Esqr
Andrew Murray Road Surveyor |
010 |
[Situation] 4 1/4 miles from Stranraer on the East side of Loch Ryan.
A Small Bridge of one Arch on the Road from Stranraer by the Eastern Shore of Loch Ryan to Ballantrae in Ayrshire This is a County Bridge |
OS1/35/17/30 |
Strandmain Bridge
Strandmain Bridge |
George McHaffie Esqr
Andrew Murray |
010 |
[Situation] 5 Miles from Stranraer on the East side of Loch Ryan.
A Small Bridge of one Arch on the Road from Stranraer by the Eastern shore of Loch Ryan to Ballantrae in Ayrshire This is a County Bridge.- |
OS1/35/17/30 |
[Page] 30
Parish of Inch
Form 136 Page |
OS1/35/17/31 |
Maher |
Robert Kerr Kirkcolm
John McHaffie Kirkcolm (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A low Slated farm house with Out Offices in good repair and 50 acres of good arable land, tenanted by Robert Kerr |
OS1/35/17/31 |
Clandrey |
Thomas Robertson Kirkcolm (via) Stranraer
Robert Kerr Kirkcolm via Stranraer |
009 |
A good farm house Slated with Offices Slated and in good repair with a farm of 200 acres attached |
OS1/35/17/31 |
Clandrey Hill |
James Robertson Kirkcolm
Robert McCammon (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A considerable Hill one mile west of Kirkcolm on this Stands a trig [trigonometrical] Station |
OS1/35/17/31 |
Cairn Connell Hill |
James Robertson Kirkcolm
Robert McCammon Kirkholm (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A considerable High hill S & E [South & East] of Kirkcolm taking its name of a ancient cairn which is on the top of Said hill |
OS1/35/17/31 |
Ancient Cairn |
Robert Kerr Kirkcolm (via) Stranraer
James Robertson |
009 |
Ancient Cairn Said to have been Erect to the memory of a man named Connell who was Executed where the Site of pile Stands on Cairn Connell Hill |
OS1/35/17/31 |
[Page] 31
Plan 10A
List of Names collected by P Connell Pte R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
[Trace] 1
[Parish] Kirkcolm
Maher - House & Farm
Clandrey - House & farm
Clandrey Hill - Hill
Cairn Connell Hill - Hill
Ancient Cairn - Cairn
[Signed] P Connell
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
January 21st / 47 [1847] |
OS1/35/17/32 |
Clayhill Planting |
Thomas Watson Kirkcolm via Stranraer
John McHaffie Kirkcolm via Stranraer
John McCrae |
009 |
A [mixed] plantation Fir and Ash and is on the Corsewall Estate has 30 chains South of Kirkcolm Village |
OS1/35/17/32 |
Old Church yard
Site of Old Church
Parish Church |
John McCrae Kirkcolm (via) Stranraer
John McHaffie Kirkcolm
John Pearie [Manse] (via) Stranraer
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Hastings Kirkcolm (via) Stranraer |
009 |
Site of Old parish Church now having only the Side wall which is only one feet in high- And the ruins of the remainder Can scarcely be traced on the Ground- on a Stone taken from the Said old church there is a [inscription] how barely ledgeable to this [affect] that in 1703 this Church was built by the Earl of Galloway this church was built in 1824 in the gothic Stile with [buttress] and is capable of accomodate 250 persons with Seats- |
OS1/35/17/32 |
[Page] 32 -- Plan 10A Trace 1 -- List of Names collected by P Connell Pte R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] -- [Parish of] KirKcolm
Clayhill Planting - Planting
Parish Church - Church
[Signed] P Connell
Pt R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
January |
OS1/35/17/33 |
MANSE [Kirkcolm] |
Manse |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Heaslip Parish Minister Kirkcolm (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A Large Slated house two Story High Slated |
OS1/35/17/33 |
GLEBE [Kirkcolm] |
Glebe |
Rev [Reverend] Mr Heaslip, Kirkcolm
Mr Robert McCammon |
009 |
This Glebe Contains about two acres occupied by the Revd [Reverend] Mr Heaslip |
OS1/35/17/33 |
Dikefoot |
James Robertson, Kirkcolm (via) Stranraer
Robert McCammon, Kirkcolm (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A low House tached [thatched] one mile West of Kirkcolm on the Road to Stranraer |
OS1/35/17/33 |
Kerranrae |
Robert McCammon, Kirkcolm |
009 |
A good farm House Slated and in good repair with out offices Slated and in good repair attached to Said there is a farm of 200 A [Acres] of land |
OS1/35/17/33 |
Loch Ryan |
James Robertson, Kirkcolm
Robert McCammon |
009 |
A large loch noted for Its fishery |
OS1/35/17/33 |
Wig Sands
Wig Sands
Wig Sands |
William McDowal, Kirkcolm
Robert Campbell, Kirkcolm
Admiralty Chart 1824 |
009 |
A tract of Sand along the Shore on the northern part of The Wig |
OS1/35/17/33 |
[Page] 33
Plan 10 A Trace 1 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt [Private] RS [Royal Sappers] & Miners -- Parish of Kirkcolm
Manse - Manse
Glebe Trace - Glebeland
Dikefoot - a house
Kerranrae - House
Loch Ryan - Loch
Wig Sands - tract of Sand
[Signed] P Connell
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
June 29th 1847 |
OS1/35/17/34 |
Loch Ryan Scar |
Robert McCammon, Kirkcolm
James Robertson, Kirkcolm (via) [Stranraer] |
009; 010 |
A point of Gravel & sand land that Runs out in loch Ryan on this Point Stands a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station |
OS1/35/17/34 |
Kirkland |
Robert McCammon, Kirkcolm
John McCrae, Kirkcolm |
009 |
A portion of land Bounded on one Side by the Road from Kirkcolm to Stranraer distance 1/2 mile from the former There Stands a trig [trigonometrical] Station on the East Side of this tract of land |
OS1/35/17/34 |
The Wig
The Wig
The Wig |
William McDowal, Kirkcolm
Admiralty Chart 1841
Chalmers Caledonia vol. [volume] 3 Page |
009 |
A Considerable Creek or Bay on the west of Loch Ryan near the South Side of the village of Kirkcolm where coasting vessels of light tonnage Sometimes Shelter being a place of tolerable good anchorage it is naturally handsome basin but Shallow formed on one side by the Scar & on the other side by the main land |
OS1/35/17/34 |
[Page] 34
Plan 10 A Trace 1 -- List of Names Collected by P Connell Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] -- [Parish] Kirkcolm
Loch Ryan Scar -- Loch Ryan Scar
Kirkland -- Kirkland
The Wig -- A Bay or Creek
[Signed] P Connell
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Janr [January] 29th |
OS1/35/17/35 |
CHURCH STREET [Kirkcolm] |
Church Street |
John McCrae, Kirkcolm via Stranraer
John McHaffie, Kirkcolm |
009 |
Part of the Road leading from the Village of KirKcolm Passing the Church from which it took Its name, the 4 Chain Scale, dose not extend as far as the Church there but one house here Occupied by a fisher the Church Yard Bounds part Of the north Side Of It - |
OS1/35/17/35 |
[Page] 35
Plan 10 A -- List of Names collected by P Connell RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] -- [Parish] Kirkcolm
Church Street - Street
[Signed] P Connell
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
January 4th /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/17/36 |
Nettle Row |
John McCrae, Kirkcolm via [Stranraer]
John McHaffie, Kirkcolm via Stranraer |
009 |
Part of the village Of Kirkcolm Consisting of 2 Ranges of Cottages on the W. [West] Side of the Road leading into the village from Stranraer they are occupied by Labours, the property Of J.C Moor Esqr Corswall - |
OS1/35/17/36 |
[Page] 36
Plan 10 -- A List of Names collected by Patrick Connell Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] -- [Parish] Kirkcolm
Nettle Row -- Nettle Row
[Signed] P. Connell
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
February 4th /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/17/37 |
Kirkcolm |
Revd [Reverend] Mr Heaslip, Kirkcolm via Stranraer
John McCrae, Kirkcolm |
009 |
A Small village lying in the East Side of Kirkcolm parish from which it takes its name, low Slated houses Chiefly form one to two Story high and its population is Said to be 2050 the inhabitants are Chiefly Employed at fishing and in a Sea faring life |
OS1/35/17/37 |
Black Croft
Black Croft
Black Croft |
William McDowal Kirkcolm
Robert Campbell, Kirkcolm
William Black Esq, Stranraer |
009 |
A Small labourer's Cottage and about 2 1/2 acres of land the former occupied by a ploughman in the service of Robert McCamon of Kerranrae the land is occupied by J. Nelson of Nettle Row Kirkcolm |
OS1/35/17/37 |
[Page] 37
Plan 10A Trace 1 -- List of Names collected by P Connell RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] -- [Parish] Kirkcolm
Kirkcolm -- A village
Black Croft -- House & croft
[Signed] P. Connell
21st Jany [January] 1847 |
OS1/35/17/38 |
Tunnock's Bridge |
John McCrae, Kirkcolm (via) Stranraer
Robert McCammon Kirkcolm via Stranraer |
009 |
A Stone Bridge, one arch built with Stone crossing the Corswall Burn distance about 12 chains from loch Ryan Shore this Bridge was built by Private Subscription and takes it name from the man that built it his name was Tunnock |
OS1/35/17/38 |
Corswall Burn |
Robert McCammon Kirkcolm via Stranraer
John McCrae, Kirkcolm via Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Burn on the Corswall estate forming the Boundrea between Corswall and Kirkcolm manse taking its rise at the Corswall Mill and running in to loch Ryan |
OS1/35/17/38 |
[Page] 38
List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan No. 10 A Trace Page 1
Object [Tunnock's Bridge] Bridge
Object [Corswall Burn] Burn
Parish Kirkcolm
[Signed] P Connell
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
20 January |
OS1/35/17/39 |
Cairn Connell Hill |
Mr James Robertson, Clendrey via KirKcolm
Robert Kerr, Mahar via KirKcolm |
009 |
A tabular toped hill Of arable land & Sloping most towards N [North] and W. [West] Takes its name from a cairn the Site of which is Still to be found on its Summit It is Situated in the farms of Clendrey and Mersluagh About 1 1/2 mile S.W. [South West] of KirKcolm |
OS1/35/17/39 |
[Page] 39
Plan 10 -- A List of Names collected by P Connell Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] -- [Parish] Kirkcolm
Trace 3
[Object for Cairn Connell Hill] A Hill
[Signed] P. Connell
Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
25 Janr [January] /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/17/40 |
Cairn Connell |
Mr Robert Kerr, Mahan via [Kirkcolm]
Mr James Robertson, Clendry via [KirKcolm] |
009 |
The track of an old Cairn Said to have been Raised to the memory of a man named Connell who is Said to be Executed about the Spot where the cairn Stood. Some Say that he was found dead about the above mentioned spot On the Site of Cairn Stands a Trig ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] Called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party Clandrie The Said Cairn Stood on the Boundry between the farms Clendrey and Merscleuch SW [South West] of KirKcolm |
OS1/35/17/40 |
[Page] 40 Copied in form 21
Plan 10 -- A List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 3
Cairn Connell - Object - Site of antient [ancient] Cairn
Parish Kirkcolm
[Signed] P Connell Pt [Private] RS& [Royal Sappers & Miners] 25th January |
OS1/35/17/41 |
High Salchrie Burn
High Salchrie Burn |
Thomas Robertson, Salchrie Kirkcolm
John McCrae, Kirkcolm |
009 |
A Small Stream or Burn taking its Rise in the farm of Clandrey And forms a part of the Boundary between the Said farm and High Salchrie. Running through a Small Glen and crossing the Road Kirkcolm and Stranraer at about one mile South of the former, where it falls in to loch Ryan |
OS1/35/17/41 |
Loch Ryan |
Thomas Robertson, Salchrie KirKcolm |
009 |
A part of the Sea flowing up to Stranraer And noted for Oyster fishing fishing is the property of General Wallace Cairn Ryan- |
OS1/35/17/41 |
[Page] 41
List of Names collected by P. Connell Private RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Trace 3-- Parish Kirkcolm
High Salchrie Burn - Stream
Loch Ryan - a loch
[Signed] P. Connell Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
18th January /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/17/42 |
St Mary's Croft |
David Gibson, Dinduff (via) Stranraer
Mr James McMickin, St Marys Croft via [Kirkcolm]
Mr James Robertson, Clandry via [Kirkcolm] |
009 |
A Small portion or tract Of land with a farm House one Storey High built of Stone & Slated with Offices Houses in Good repair The Above portion of lands which is about 5 Acres It is said It has been given as a free gift by Sir Stair Agnew of Lochnaw To the grandfather of the present Occupier Mr James McMicKin It is Situated about 2 miles South of Kirkcolm and West of the Road from Kirkcolm to Stranraer It is thought that there has been a Kirk or Chapel formerly on the above Croft, but there is not the [tras] of it to be found |
OS1/35/17/42 |
[Page] 42
List of Names collected by P Connell Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] 21st. January 1847
Plan 10 A No of Trace 3-- [Parish] Kirkcolm
St. Mary's Croft A portion of land
[Signed] P. Connell January 21st [January] |
OS1/35/17/42 |
tras - trace |
OS1/35/17/43 |
High Salchrie or Glenside |
Thomas Robertson, High Salchrie via Kirkcolm
Mr James McMicKin, St Marys Croft via Kirkcolm |
009 |
a large farm House two Story High in good Repair with Offices Houses in good Repair, with a farm of about 170 Acres of good arable land attached to it The House Stands on the farm of High Salchrie from which It derives that name, it is well Known by Glenside, in Consequence of a glen which is about 20 chains N.W. [North West] of the House through which the Salchrie Burn Runs It is Situated about 1 1/2 miles South of Kirkcolm and about 6 chains west of the Road from Kirkcolm to Stranraer and is Situated so as to command good view of loch Ryan |
OS1/35/17/43 |
[Page] 43
Plan 10 A List of Names Collected by P Connell Pt [Private] RS [Royal Sappers] & Miners January 25th 1847
Trace 3
Object House
Parish Kirkcolm
[Signed] P. Connell Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] 25 January /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/17/44 |
Clandrey |
Mr James Robertson, Clandrey via [Kirkcolm]
Mr Robert McCamon, Kirranrae via Kirkcolm |
009 |
A considerable hill of arable Soil tabulated on the Top its greatest Slope is tords [towards] the E. [East] or (loch Ryan) on the Summit Stands a Trig ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] Called by the Trig [Trigonometrical] party Clandry South It is Situated about one mile South of Kirkcolm and in the farm of Clandrey and commands a good view of all loch Ryan from Stranraer to the Open Sea |
OS1/35/17/44 |
[Page] 44
Plan 10 A -- List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt [Private] RS [Royal Sappers] & Miners
Trace 3-- [Parish] Kirkcolm
Clandrey - Hill
[Signed] P. Connell
Pt [Private] RS [Royal Sappers & Miners]
January [--] |
OS1/35/17/45 |
Round Tower
Round Tower |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Rev [Reverend] Archibald McCreadie, Minister, Cairn Ryan |
010 |
This name applies to a circular Tower built in the Demesne wall of Sir Alexander Wallace at the North end of the village of Cairn Ryan, and has been Erected for ornamental purposes, its hight is about 12 feet with a flag pole of about 8 feet on its Summit before the year of 1830 there was only one Church in this parish and on Sunday afternoons in fine weather the Parish minister appointed this Tower as a place of meeting for Such of the parishioners as could not Conveniently attend the Parish Church and here he used to deliver to them a Sermon, by which reason the tower is Sometimes some call'd the pulpit, but Since the erection of a Chapple of ease at Cairn Ryan this practice & name has been discontinued |
OS1/35/17/45 |
[Page] 45
Plan 10 A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Trace 2-- [Parish] Inch
Round Tower - A circular Building
[Signed] Thomas Smith c/a [Civilian Assistant]
15th March. |
OS1/35/17/46 |
[Page] 46
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/47 |
Cairn Ryan Point
Cairn Ryan Point |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Rev [Reverend] Archibald McCrearie, Minister, Cairn Ryan |
010 |
This name applies to a Small promontory or headland Jutting into the Western Side of Loch Ryan, in Shape it is nearly Triangular and is a Shingle bank having no herbage. On this promontory there is a Lighthouse built by the Commissioners of the Northern Lighthouses. Cairn Ryan point is Situated 1/4 of a mile North of Cairn Ryan Village and is divided from the Demesne of Sir Alexander Wallace by the line of Road from Stranraer to Ballantrae and near the Lighthouse on this Point is also a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station Called by Trig [Trigonometrical] party Cairn Ryan Probably from being so near the village of Cairn Ryan. |
OS1/35/17/47 |
[Page] 47
No. 136
Plan 10A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith CA [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Trace 2.-- [Parish] Inch
Cairn Ryan Point -- A Headland
[Signed] Thomas Smith c/a [Civilian Assistant]
15th March 1847. |
OS1/35/17/47 |
Cairn Ryan Point on Eastern side of Loch Ryan . |
OS1/35/17/48 |
[Page] 48
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/49 |
Loch Ryan Lighthouse
Loch Ryan Lighthouse |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Alexander Law Light Keeper Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Lighthouse Built by the Commissioners of the Northern Lighthouses, on Cairn Ryan Point a Small flat promontory or headland, jutting into the Eastern Side of Loch Ryan it is built on the property of Sir Alexander Wallace, on a renewable base, this building was first commenced 1843 and was then only intended as a beacon Light but has Since been finished as a lighthouse and Lighted up on the 3rd of March 1847. The light is a Stationary one of natural colour and stands about thirty feet above the level of high water. |
OS1/35/17/49 |
[Page] 49
No 136
Plan 10.A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
No of Trace 2 -- [Parish] Inch
Loch Ryan Lighthouse -- A Lighthouse
[Signed] Thomas Smith c/a [Civilian Assistant]
15th March 1847. |
OS1/35/17/50 |
[Page] 50
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/51 |
Cairn Ryan
Cairn Ryan
Machryskeig |
Revd [Reverend] Archibald McCrearie Minister, Cairn Ryan village
William Hunter, Farmer, Cairn Ryan
Title Deeds of Mrs Francis Wallace Agnew alias Dunlop - To John Beggs Jnr. [Junior] Date 1792 - |
010 |
This is a Small village on either Side of the line of road from Stranraer to Ballantrae and is distant 6 miles from the former place, it is Situated on the property of Sir Alexander Wallace of Loch Ryan House, and on the East side of Loch Ryan. The population at present numbers 144 persons of this number only 4 are artisans the residue of adult male population are mostly all fishermen and Labourers. Chiefly dependent on Sir Alexander Wallace and the Neighbouring Farmers for employment, there is also Stationed here an officer of Coast Guards & 6 privates, there is also a post office, of old Standing in the village and a School house, this last built by Sir A Wallace and now in disuse - and one Public House Licensed for the Sale of Spirituous Liquor and formerly there was An Inn, but it is now Closed up, here is also a Free Church. Built in the years 1844 and 45) There is a Charter Granting the privilege of holding fairs in the village, but for want of encouragement this practice has been discontinued So that no fairs have been held in it for the last 20 years. Machryskeig was formerly the name of this Village But it is Changed to Cairn Ryan Since 1792, |
OS1/35/17/51 |
[Page] 51
Plan 10 A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
3 Chain Trace of Cairn Ryan village -- [Parish] Inch
Cairn Ryan -- A village |
OS1/35/17/52 |
Loch Ryan
Loch Ryan |
Revd [Reverend] A McCrearie, Minister, Cairn [Ryan]
William Hunter, Farmer, Cairn [Ryan] |
010 |
A Large Loch between 8 and 9 miles long and varying in Breadth from 2 to 5 miles and Lying in the direction north and South. The Shore is flat and of Sand & Shingle Character except where it joins the Parish of Ballantrae, here it acquires a rocky & precipitous character. In this Loch fishes are very numerous Such as Cod Flounders Whiting and Haddock as well as oysters. This Loch belongs to Sir Alexander Wallace of Loch Ryan House by a Charter from the Crown. |
OS1/35/17/52 |
[Page] 52
Plan 10A -- List of Names Collected by Thomas Smith C A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
No of Trace 2 -- Parish Inch
Loch Ryan -- A Loch
[Signed] Thomas Smith
15 March [--] |
OS1/35/17/53 |
Cairn Ryan School House
Cairn Ryan School House |
Archibald McCreadie Minister, Cairn Ryan
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Small neat House built by Sir Alexander Wallace for a School House for the Convenience of the Children of his Tenantry in the village and neighbourhood of Cairn Ryan, at present There is no School held in it for want of an [Experienced] Teacher. |
OS1/35/17/53 |
Coast Guards Flag - Staff
Coast Guards Flag-Staff |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Archibald McCreadie Minister Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Flag Staff with Top Mast & Yard used by the Coast Guards as a Signal pole, it Stands in about the mid lenght of the village of Cairn Ryan and within the distance of a few feet of the High Water mark on the East Side of Loch Ryan, its hight is About 43 feet it is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Point observed by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party |
OS1/35/17/53 |
[Page] 53
Plan 10 A -- List of Names Collected by Thomas Smith C Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Trace 3 Chain Trace of Cairn Ryan village -- [Parish] Inch
Cairn Ryan School House - A School House
Coast Guard Flag Staff - A flag Staff
[Signed] Thomas Smith CA [Civilian Assistant]
18th March 1847 - |
OS1/35/17/54 |
Coast Guards Boat House
Coast Guards Boat House |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn [Ryan]
Archibald McCrearie Minister Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A neat House in good repair used by the Coast Guards of the Station as a boat house and for the holding of other necessaries Connected with their duties, it is built about the mid lenght of the village of Cairn Ryan and within a few feet of the high water mark on the East Side of loch Ryan attached to the N.W [North West] Corner of this house is a Wooden Shed used by the Coast Guards as a Watch house or Sentry box, and is always occupied by the coast Guard on duty - |
OS1/35/17/54 |
[Page] 54
Plan 10A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C. Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Trace 3 Chain Trace of Cairn Ryan Village -- [Parish] Inch
Coast Guards Boat House -- A Boat House
[Signed] Thomas Smith C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
18th March 1847. |
OS1/35/17/55 |
Cairn Ryan Free Church
Cairn Ryan Free Church |
Revd [Reverend] Archibald McCreadie Minister Cairn Ryan
James Cairns, Shopkeeper & Church Presenter, Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Small neat Stone and lime built house finished and in complete and thorough repair and of that Size capable of accommodating 284 persons, it was built in the years 1844 and 1845 by Subscription and a Small Grant from the Scotch Free church building fund in Edinburgh. The average number of attendant congregation is about 120 persons and the number of Communicants about 75 persons. There is an ordained minister Chosen by the Congregation and Sanctioned by the Presbytery by Permission of the general assembly The Salary of the minister is fixed at three times the Sum raised for his Support by the Congregation every year - thus the Sum Subscribed every year by the Congregation for the Support of the Minister is Sent to the Sustentation fund and on receipt of the Same three times the Same sum is returned to the minister as his years Salary there is two Elders and a Presenter this last at a Salary of £2.12s.0d per annum paid out of the every Sabath day Collections There is no ordained Deacons, a local Committee Supplies their place at present. |
OS1/35/17/55 |
[Page] 55
No. 136
Plan 10 A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C. Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Trace 3 Chain Trace of Cairn Ryan Village -- [Parish] Inch
Cairn Ryan Free Church -- A church
[Signed] Thomas Smith c/a [Civilian Assistant]
18th March 1847 |
OS1/35/17/56 |
[Page] 56
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/57 |
Cairn Ryan Hill
Cairn Ryan Hill |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Revd [Reverend] Archibald McCreadie Minister Cairn Ryan
William Patterson [Clady House]
John Kerr [Clady House]
Robert Moat |
010 |
A large hill running in the direction North & South the Soil Consists of Rocky and Heathy pasture interspersed with thin Furze it is very Steep on the western Side falling down towards the village of Cairn Ryan & the Demesne of Sir Alexander Wallace by which this Side is bounded, on the West Side of this hill there is a Slate quarry open but is not constantly worked, the Slate is of a Soft blue colour and not of good description Proprietor Sir Alexander Wallace |
OS1/35/17/57 |
[Page] 57
[--] 136
Plan 10 A List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C. Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
No of Trace 2
[Object] A Hill
[Parish] Inch
[Signed] Thomas Smith c/a [Civilian Assistant] 15th March 1847 |
OS1/35/17/58 |
[Page] 58
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/59 |
Cladey House Burn
Cladey House Burn
Cladey House Burn |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Revd [Reverend] Archibald McCreadie Minister Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Small Stream formed by a collection of Surface water off the moors and supplied by A number of other Small Streams flowing into it until it extends to the average width of about 25 links in its Course it divides the farms of High and Low Croachs from the farms of High and Low Cladey House and here the Ground on either Side of the Burn is Steep and covered close underwood, it flows into Loch Ryan about 5 1/4 miles from Stranraer on the Eastern Side of the Loch. |
OS1/35/17/59 |
[Page] 59
No. 136
Plan 10. A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Trace 2 -- [Parish] Inch
Clady Burn - A Stream
[Signed] Thomas Smith CA [Civilian Assistant]
18th March 1847. |
OS1/35/17/60 |
[Page] 60
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/61 |
Cladey House
Cladey House |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Revd [Reverend] Archibald McCreadie Minister Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Small Farm House with office houses in good repair attached is a farm of about twenty acres of Ground the Soil of which is Fertile and mostly the whole of it admits of cultivation This Farm House is on the West Side of the road from Stranraer to Ballantrae and is distant about 5 1/4 miles from the former Proprietor the Sir Alexander Wallace |
OS1/35/17/61 |
Cladey House Bridge
Cladey House Bridge
Cladey House Bridge |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Revd [Reverend] Archibald McCreadie minister Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Small Stone and lime built Built Bridge of one Arch over a burn called Cladey Burn on the line of road from Stranraer to Ballantrae and is about 5 1/4 miles from the former place Was built and is Kept repair at the expence of the County. |
OS1/35/17/61 |
[Page] 61
No. 136
Plan 10 A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith Civil Assistant 1st Examiner
Trace 2 -- [Parish] Inch
Cladey House - A House and Farm
Cladey House Bridge - A Bridge
[Signed] Thomas Smith C [Civilian] Assistant
1st March 1847 |
OS1/35/17/62 |
[Page] 62
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/63 |
High Croach
High Croach |
William Murray Farmer High Croach by Cairn Ryan
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A large Farm house with office houses all built within the last two years and now are finished & in good repair, attached is a farm of about 1000 acres of ground, about one half is arable and the remainder moorland Situated about 1 mile SE [South East] of Cairn Ryan village Proprietor Sir Alexander Wallace occupier William Murray. |
OS1/35/17/63 |
Low Croach
Low Croach |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
William Murray Farmer High Croach |
010 |
A Small farm house with office houses all thatched and in good repair attached is a farm of 30,acres of Ground mostly all arable and Fertile Soil Situated about half a mile South of Cairn Ryan village Proprietor Sir Alexander Wallace of Loch Ryan House, and occupied by John Fulton. |
OS1/35/17/63 |
[Page] 63
Plan 10 A -- List of Names Collected by Thomas Smith C Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Trace 2 -- [Parish] Inch
High Croach- A house & farm
Low Croach - A house and Farm
[Signed] Thomas Smith c/a [Civilian Assistant]
15th March, 47 [1847] |
OS1/35/17/64 |
Several Moor
Several Moor
Several Moor |
William Peebles Farmer Bankhead Cairn Ryan
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
William Gibson Farmer Beoch Stranraer |
010 |
This name applies to a large tract of moorland Situated about one mile South East of Cairn Ryan Village, it is Bounded on The north side by the Farms of High Croach and Meikle Leight and on the South and Western side by the farms of Beoch & Drummuckloch, it was formerly annexed to the Farm of Beoch but is now attached to the Farm of Drummuckloch it is all moorland Save one field of about 5 acres which has been cultivated this Season, Proprietor the Earl of Stair occupier John Creadie |
OS1/35/17/64 |
[Page] 64
No. 136
Plan 10 A. -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Trace 2 -- [Parish] Inch
Several Moor- A Tract of moorland
[Signed] Thomas Smith
1st March |
OS1/35/17/65 |
High Cladey House
High Cladey House
High Cladey House |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Revd [Reverend] Archibald McCreadie Minister Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Small Thatched Farm house with office houses all of which are in bad repair, attached is a farm of about 10 acres of Ground the Soil is good and nearly the whole admits of Cultivation, it is Situated about 5 miles N. [North] West of the Town of Stranraer Proprietor Sir Alexander Wallace |
OS1/35/17/65 |
The Gables
The Gables |
William Hunter Farmer, Cairn Ryan
William Murray Farmer High Croach |
010 |
This name applies to the ruins of three houses on the farm of High Croach the ruins is Scarcely traceable except Some parts of the north Gables to which a Small garden is annexed and the Keeping up of the Garden fence Seems to be the means of these portions of the Gables being Still Standing - (cot house) they are Sometimes called the Gavles, but this is only the Country dialect of the pronunciation of the name Gables. Sir Alexander Wallace Says these ruins are of the Mansion Seat of the former Proprietor of a part of the Loch Ryan Estate - the present Loch Ryan property was formerly Two Separate ones and these ruins are pointed out as being of a mansion House on one these portions - |
OS1/35/17/65 |
[Page] 65
No 136
Plan 10A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Trace 2-- [Parish] Inch
High Cladey House - A house & Farm
The Gables- Site of ruins
Signed] Thomas Smith c/a [Civilian Assistant]
15th March
1847. |
OS1/35/17/65 |
The spelling "Clady" is used on the map sheet, but "Cladey" on this page.
That part of Description for "The Gables" beginning "Sir Alexander Wallace says" has been written sideways in the "Object" column but seems clearly intended as a continuation of Description and is transcribed as such. |
OS1/35/17/66 |
Drummuckloch Hill
Drummuckloch Hill |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn [Ryan]
Revd [Reverend] Archibald McCreadie minister [Cairn Ryan] |
010 |
A large Hill Situated on a farm of the Same name and from which it takes its name, it runs in a direction North and South and is very Steep on the Western Side, the Soil is chiefly Rocky Heath Pasture with Some arable fields on the Southern end of it. Proprietor the Earl of Stair. occupier John McCreadie. |
OS1/35/17/66 |
Cairn Ryan Toll Bar
Cairn Ryan Toll Bar |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn [Ryan]
Archibald McCreadie minister Cairn [Ryan] |
010 |
A small Neat Farm house with office houses in good repair attached is a farm of 4 acres of Ground the Soil is good and nearly the Whole of it admits of Cultivation A Toll Bar gate is established at this house by Road Trustees it being Situated on the line of Road from Stranraer to Ballantrae and about 5 1/2 miles from the former Place. Proprietor Sir Alexander Wallace occupier William Hunter |
OS1/35/17/66 |
[Page] 66
Plan 10A -- List of Names Collected by Thomas Smith C Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st [Examiner]
Trace 2.-- [Parish] Inch
Drummuckloch Hill - A Hill
Cairn Ryan Toll Bar- A house & Toll-Gate
[Signed] Thomas Smith
15th March |
OS1/35/17/67 |
Bankhead |
Archibald McCreadie Minister Cairn Ryan
William Peebles Farmer Bankhead Cairn Ryan
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Small neat Farm House with Suitable office houses all Slated and in good repair attached is a farm of about 184 acres of Ground the Soil is fertile and the whole of it admits of Cultivation, it is Situated on, about 5 miles N.E. [North East] of the Town of Stranraer, Proprietor The Earl of Stair occupier William Peebles. |
OS1/35/17/67 |
Rose Bank
Rose Bank
Rose Bank |
William Peebles Farmer BanKhead Cairn Ryan
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Archibald McCrearie minister Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Small ordinary Cottage with office houses in good repair attached to which is a piece of Ground about five acres. The Soil is good and the whole of it admits of Cultivation, it is a Sublet off the farm of Bankhead and the occupier James McKenzie is not recognised by the Proprietor the Earl of Stair as his Tennant it is Situated about one mile South of Cairn Ryan village. |
OS1/35/17/67 |
[Page] 67
No. 136
Plan 10A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith Civil [Civilian] Assistant 1st Examiner
Trace 2-- [Parish] Inch
Bankhead - A House & Farm
Rose Bank - A Cottage & portion of Ground
[Signed] Thomas Smith CA [Civilian Assistant]
1st March 1847. |
OS1/35/17/68 |
[Page] 68
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/17/69 |
Horse Park
Horse Park |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
Revd [Reverend] Archibald McCreadie Minister Cairn Ryan |
010 |
This name applies to A field of Arable ground on the farm of Bankhead and is walled round with a firm dry Stone wall This field is pointed out as being the Site of a Barrack Ground for A Troop or Company of Horse Soldiers formerly Kept by Marshall Stair at his own expense it is Situated on the east Side of the line of road from Stranraer to Ballantrae and is about 4 1/2 miles from the former place Proprietor the Earl of Stair. |
OS1/35/17/69 |
[Page] 69
No. 136
Plan 10.A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Trace 2 -- [Parish] Inch
Horse Park- A Field
[Signed] Thomas Smith c/a [Civilian Assistant]
15th March 1847. |
OS1/35/17/70 |
Cairnbeg Hill
Cairnbeg Hill |
William Hunter Cairn Ryan Toll
Robert Moat Drummuckloch by Stranraer |
010 |
A Small hill consisting of arable and Heathy pasture on the farm of High Croach on the West Side it is very Steep and Interspersed with Rocky Pasture and furze and on the East Side it is joined by a Tabular Tract of moorland |
OS1/35/17/70 |
Strandmain |
William Patterson Stranmain Cairn Ryan village
John Kerr Cladey House
Robert Moat [Drummuckloch] by Stranraer |
010 |
A Small Neat Cottage in good repair and Situated on the farm of Cladey House off which it was formerly a Subset - but this Cottage is now with a Small garden attached to it, recognised as a Separate Tenement by the Proprietor Sir Alexander Wallace of Loch Ryan House |
OS1/35/17/70 |
[Page] 70
Plan 10 A -- List of Names Collected by Thomas Smith C. A [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Trace 2-- [Parish] Inch
Cairnbeg Hill- A Hill
Stranmain - A House |
OS1/35/17/71 |
Beoch Hill
Beoch Hill
Beoch Hill
Beach Hill |
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan
William Gibson Farmer Beoch Stranraer
Archibald McCrearie Cairn Ryan
Alexander McKenzie, Herdsman Dalhabbach Stranraer |
010 |
A large Hill of nearly an oval Shape and is very Steep on the Western eastern side it is Situated about 5 miles N.E [North East] of the Town of Stranraer & on the Farm of Beoch - hence its name. The Deils Dyke a remarkable antiquity mentioned in the Statistical account of Scotland No. 21 and page 232 is traceable across the Southern Side of this Hill and on its Summit is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party Beoch Probably after the name of the Farm, - the farm Spelled Beoch and on the Western Side of the hill is an other Trig [Trigonometrical] Station Called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party Beach-Connecting Point Probably from Similar motive & to distinguish this Second one from the former |
OS1/35/17/71 |
[Page] 71
No. 136
Plan 10 A -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith Civil [Civilian] Assistant 1st examiner
Trace 2. -- [Parish] Inch
Beoch Hill - A Hill
[Signed] Thomas Smith C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
18th March 1847 |
OS1/35/17/72 |
[Page] 72
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/17/73 |
Several Burn
Several Burn |
William Peebles Farmer Bankhead Cairn Ryan,
William Hunter Farmer Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Small Stream of Surface Water collecting of the moors East of its Source and in its course it is Joined by many Small branching Streams of Surface Water likewise Collecting Chiefly on a large Tract of moorland Called the Several its course is an easterly direction and flows into Loch Ryan this Stream near its Source is narrow but widens much in its Course downwards and in many instances its brows on either Side is Steep and rugged and cover'd in parts with Natural Wood an Thorn Bushes. - |
OS1/35/17/73 |
[Page] 73
No. 136
Plan 10.A. List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C. [Civilian] Assistant 1st Examiner
No. of Trace 2. -- [Parish] Inch
[Object] Several Burn - A Stream
[Signed] Thomas Smith C Asst [Civilian Assistant]
1st March 1847. |
OS1/35/17/73 |
Contrary to Description, Several Burn flows Westwards. |
OS1/35/17/74 |
[Page] 74
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/75 |
Beoch Hill
Beoch Hill |
William Gibson Beoch By Stranraer
John McCreadie, Drummuckloch By Stranraer |
010 |
A Large hill nearly of a Circular Shape on which Stands two Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Stations. It is on the Beoch Farm. |
OS1/35/17/75 |
Several Burn
Several Burn
Several Burn |
William Gibson Beoch By Stranraer
John McCreadie, DrummucKloch By Stranraer
James McCaig Beoch via Cairn Ryan |
010 |
This name applies to a Considerable Burn which takes its Rise from an extensive Tract Called the Several Moor and empties itself in Loch Ryan In passing through the Beoch Farm there has been a new cut made in Several places about 10 Links wide and Considerably Straighter than the former. It passes through the Farms of Drummuckloch, Beoch & Leffnoll. - |
OS1/35/17/75 |
Craigcaffie Fell
Craigcaffie Fell |
James McCaig Beoch via Cairn Ryan
William Gibson Beoch By Stranraer |
010 |
A Large Hill On which Stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station Called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party Craigcoffy. Probably from the name of the Farm. It is on the Farm of Craigcaffie - |
OS1/35/17/75 |
[Page] 75
No 136
Plan 10 A -- List of Names collected by John Callanan C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] -- Ph. [Parish] of Inch
Trace No. 4
Beoch Hill- A Hill
Several Burn- A Burn
Craigcaffie Fell- A Hill
[Signed] John Callanan C.A [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/35/17/76 |
[Page] 76
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/77 |
Drummuckloch Hill
Drummuckloch Hill |
John McCreadie, Drummuckloch By Stranraer
John Crindle, Leffnoll via Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A Large Hill On which Stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station Called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party Drummuckloch. It is on the Drummuckloch Farm.- |
OS1/35/17/77 |
Meadowpark |
John McCreadie, Drummuckloch via Stranraer
John Crindle, Leffnoll via Cairn Ryan |
010 |
This House was Once a Farm House and had a Small Farm attached, but now belongs to the Drummuckloch Farm. It is occupied by a Labouring Man. There Stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station (on a Small Eminence) on the Drummuckloch Farm Called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party Meadowpark. Probably from the above name. |
OS1/35/17/77 |
[Page] 77
List of Names collected by John Callanan C Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Plan 10 A Trace 4
[Object for Drummuckloch Hill] A Hill
[Object for Meadowpark] A House
[Parish] Inch
[Signed] John Callanan C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
5.3.47. [5th March 1847] |
OS1/35/17/78 |
Leffnoll Point
Leffnoll Point |
John Crindle, Leffnoll By [Cairn Ryan]
John McCreadie, [Drummuckloch] By [Stranraer] |
010 |
The name Leffnoll Point applies to a Point of land which projects into Loch Ryan, on which Stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station. It is on the Leffnoll Farm. - |
OS1/35/17/78 |
Castle Larick
Castle Larick |
John McCreadie, [Drummuckloch] via [Stranraer]
James McCaig. Beoch via Cairn [Ryan] |
010 |
This name Castle Larick applies to a Circular hillock on which it is Said, Stood a Castle at one time. But no Trace of Such is to be Seen now, in Ploughing the field etc there was a considerable quantity of Bricks, Muscle Shells etc found Convenient to the above object. It is on the Drummuckloch Farm on Side of hill |
OS1/35/17/78 |
[Page] 78
Plan 10A -- List of Names collected by John Callanan C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Trace No. 4
[Object for Leffnoll Point] A Point of Land
[Object for Castle Larick] A Hillock
[Parish] Inch |
OS1/35/17/79 |
Leffnoll |
John Crindle, Leffnoll By Cairn Ryan
John McCreadie, DrummucKloch By Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A neat Farm House with Suitable out offices in good repair, also a Considerable farm of good arable land attached Proprietor the Earl of Stair Occupyed by John Crindle. |
OS1/35/17/79 |
Leffnoll Bridge
Leffnoll Bridge |
John Crindle Leffnoll By Cairn Ryan
John McCreadie, DrummucKloch By Cairn Ryan |
010 |
A County Bridge with One Arch, appearently New on the S.E. [South East] End the No. 1844 is Cut on a Stone which forms a portion of the Bridge. It is built on the Leffnoll Farm - |
OS1/35/17/79 |
Horse Park |
010 |
For a description of this object. See the orthography for Trace No. 2. of Plan 10A. |
OS1/35/17/79 |
[Page] 79
List of Names collected by John Callanan Cl. Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Plan 10A Trace No. 4
[Object for Leffnoll] A Farm House
[Object for Leffnoll Bridge] A Bridge
[Parish] Inch
[Signed] John Callanan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 5.3.47 [5th March 1847] |
OS1/35/17/80 |
Drummuckloch |
John McCreadie, Drummuckloch via [Stranraer]
William Gibson, via [Stranraer] |
010 |
A Commodious Farm House with Suitable out offices & Thrashing Mill Worked By Horses, in excellent repair. The Farm Consisting of a bout 500 acres, a Considerable Portion of which is moorland. Proprietor The Earl of Stair. Occupied by John McCreadie |
OS1/35/17/80 |
Beoch |
William Gibson, Beoch via [Stranraer]
John McCreadie, [Drummuckloch] via [Stranraer] |
010 |
An extensive Farm House in excellent repair, with a Thrashing Mill Worked By Water, and Suitable out offices in good repair. The Farm Consists of about 1300 acres [3 Sc a Scots Acres] of which is good arable land. Proprietor The Earl of Stair. Occupyed By William Gibson - |
OS1/35/17/80 |
[Page] 80
Plan 10 A -- List of Names collected by John Callanan C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
Trace No. 4 -- [Parish] Inch
Drummuckloch- A Farm House
Beoch- A Farm House |
OS1/35/17/81 |
Deil's Dike
Deil's Dike |
John Crindle, Leffnoll via Cairn Ryan
John McCreadie, DrummucKloch By Cairn Ryan |
010 |
The fence marKed a. b. On Trace, was pointed out to me as being a Portion of the Deil's Dike, Recorded in the New Statistical account of Scotland. The track is perceivable from where it leaves Loch Ryan until it Crosses the Road from Ayr to Stranraer at about 3 3/4 miles from Stranraer It then becomes a fence to [b] The materials with which it is built chiefly Consists of Stone, with a mixture of Clay. It can only be traced to where it becomes demolished. The Portion marked a & b . passes through the Farms of Leffnoll & Beoch. For further information See the New Statistical account of Scotland. No. 2 Page 232 Published in Feb. [February] 1839. |
OS1/35/17/81 |
[Page] 81
No. 136
List of Names collected by John Callanan C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
Trace No. 4-- Ph. [Parish] Inch
Deils Dyke - A Fence
[Signed] John Callanan
Cl. Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
5.3.47 [5 March 1847] |
OS1/35/17/82 |
[Page] 82
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/83 |
Tripolarrich |
John McCreadie, Drummuckloch By Stranraer
James McCaig, Beoch By Cairn Ryan |
010 |
This name applies to a House which is occupied by a Shepherd, No land attached but a Small Garden It is on the Farm of Beoch. Proprietor the Earl of Stair no account can be got of the derivation of this name. |
OS1/35/17/83 |
Beoch Burn
Beoch Burn |
John McCreadie, Drummuckloch By Stranraer
William Gibson, Beoch via Stranraer |
010 |
A Considerable Burn which passes through the Beoch Farm and emptys itself in Loch Ryan. - |
OS1/35/17/83 |
Craiglochan |
James McCaig, Beoch By Stranraer
John Crindle, Leffnoll By Cairn Ryan |
010 |
The name Craiglochan applies to a Pool of water It is Situate in a Cultivated Field and the Place where the water Lodges there is Grain Sewed. The Water Only gathers there when heavy Rains descend The water has no way of escaping out of it (But the Earth Soaks it.) It is on the Beoch Farm. |
OS1/35/17/83 |
[Page] 83
No. 136
Plan 10 A. -- List of Names collected by John Callanan C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] -- Ph [Parish] Inch
Trace No. 4
Tripolarrich- A House
Beoch Burn- A Burn
Craiglochan- A Pool
[Signed] John Callanan
C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
5.3.47 [5 March 1847] |
OS1/35/17/84 |
[Page] 84
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/17/85 |
Marian Port |
Archibald McDowal, Kirkcolm
John Peery, Kirkcolm |
009 |
A Small Crick on part of the large Bay of the Wig where boats of light tunnage anchor or Shelter Some time Coal and lime put ashore at this place agricultural produce is Sometimes exported from this place there is Safe anchorage here unless in very tempestuous weather |
OS1/35/17/85 |
[Page] 85
[Plan] 10 A List of Names collected by P. Connell
[--] Trace
Marian Port - A Small Crick [Creek]
[Parish] Kirkcolm
[Signed] P. Connell Pt [Private] RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
7 April 1847
[Signed] W Driscoll Gosset Lt RE [Lieutenant Royal Engineers]
Decr [December] 4 /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/17/85 |
Although Plan 10 is quoted on this page. the Name is actually shown on map sheet 009 on the west side of Loch Ryan. |
OS1/35/17/86 |
[Page] 86
Trace No. |
OS1/35/17/86 |
Page is otherwise blank |
OS1/35/17/87 |
[Page] 87
[Volume] 17 -- OS1/35/17
Plan 10 A
Names of Parishes -- Page
Kirkcolm -- 1
Inch -- 13 |