
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
KIRKCOLM Kirkcolm Revd [Reverend] Mr Heaslip, Kirkcolm via Stranraer
John McCrae, Kirkcolm
009 A Small village lying in the East Side of Kirkcolm parish from which it takes its name, low Slated houses Chiefly form one to two Story high and its population is Said to be 2050 the inhabitants are Chiefly Employed at fishing and in a Sea faring life
Black Croft
Black Croft
William McDowal Kirkcolm
Robert Campbell, Kirkcolm
William Black Esq, Stranraer
009 A Small labourer's Cottage and about 2 1/2 acres of land the former occupied by a ploughman in the service of Robert McCamon of Kerranrae the land is occupied by J. Nelson of Nettle Row Kirkcolm

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 37
Plan 10A Trace 1 -- List of Names collected by P Connell RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners] -- [Parish] Kirkcolm

Kirkcolm -- A village
Black Croft -- House & croft

[Signed] P. Connell
21st Jany [January] 1847

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