OS1/35/16/1 |
[Page] 1
Parish of Leswalt
Plan 9B
Names of Objects -- Page
Aldouran Glen -- 43
Broad Port -- 6
Balquhirry -- 16
Balquhirry Burn -- 17
Bushy Beild -- 21
Broom Knowe -- 25
Bere Fey of Knocknain -- 26
Black Hill -- 27
Bramble Island -- 37
Black Loch -- 40
Barn Hill -- 45
Craigcore -- 9
Cairn Hill -- 14
Church -- 19
fort -- 43
Cairnhapple -- 28
Cairnhapple Hill -- 28
Cowan Hill -- 30
Cranberry Croft -- 30
Clash -- 33
Challoch Hill -- 46
Drumawhern -- 6
Drumahowen Bay -- 8
Drumahowen Hill -- 8
Dinduff -- 18
Dounan Hill -- 18
Drumawhern - 22
Drummullin Wood -- 34
Duck Island -- 36
Eldrig of Weirston -- 15
Feymore -- 11
Free Church -- 20
Galdenoch Burn -- 9
Galdenoch Castle -- 24
Green Burn -- 25
Garchrie -- 29
Garchrie Moss -- 32
Grey Loch -- 39
Glen Park -- 44
Glenhead of Aldouran -- 39
High Auchneel -- 3
High Mark Burn -- 10
High Barbeth -- 15
High Hill -- 43
High Kirkland -- 20
Half Mark Plantation -- 38
High Kirkland Hill -- 41
Half Mark -- 44
Inchmulloch -- 10
Isle of Lochnaw -- 37
Juniper Face -- 4
Juniper RocK -- 5
turn over |
OS1/35/16/2 |
[Page] 2 Index Continued
Names of Objects -- Page
Knocklemine -- 3
Kiln of the Fuffock -- 7
Knockgour -- 11
Knockarod -- 13
Kirkland Quarry -- 19
Kirkland cottage -- 20
Kirkland Hill -- 21
Knocknain -- 26
Kirkland Moss -- 41
Low Barbeth -- 16
Low Kirkland -- 19
Loch Beg -- 24
Little Galdenoch -- 27
Lochnaw Castle -- 34
Lochnaw Loch -- 35
Little Slewfad -- 40
Loch Hill -- 41
Leswalt Church -- 45
Lochnaw Castle (in ruins) (Site of) -- 37
Mare Rock -- 4
Megs Craig -- 5
Meikle Galdenoch -- 24
Mill Isle Burn -- 25
Mill of Little Galdenoch -- 26
Moss Croft -- 29
Meikle Slewfad -- 33
Pasbury Rock -- 7
Portbeg -- 23
Rough Hill -- 3
Redstone Cove -- 5
Rudock Hill -- 10
Sliggery Knowe -- 4
SlocKnaglasson -- 6
SlocKnawen Bay -- 8
Slewfad -- 13
Slewnain -- 14
Slewmeen Hill -- 27
Slewnagle -- 29
Slewintoo Hill -- 32
Meikle Slewfad --- 33
Slewcroan Planting -- 33
Sir Stair's Island -- 36
Torindoos Hill -- 9
Tor of Craigach -- 21
Weirston -- 15
Wee Portbeg -- 23
Well Island -- 36
White Ward Meadow -- 38
White Ward Plantation -- 38
White Ward -- 39
Whinny Knolls -- 40 |
OS1/35/16/3 |
Knockelmine Knockelemine Knocklemine
Knocklemine |
Alexander Cochrane
James McEwen
Andrew McWilliam Mains of Airies
George McHaffie Esq. |
009 |
[Situation] Near the N.W. [North West]
angle of the Parish and 2 1/4miles N.W. [North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A Small hill or portion of high ground on the farm of High Auchneel on which is a
Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party after the farm name "Highaughnell" |
OS1/35/16/3 |
High Auchniel
High Auchniel
High Auchneel
High Auchniel
High Auchniel |
Alexander Cochrane James McEwen
G. McHaffie Esqr. (Factor to the Estate)
Rl. Eng [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
Ainslie's Map 1782 |
009 |
[Situation] 2 1/4 miles (nearly) N.W. [North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A good farm house and out houses Slated and in good repair with a farm attached of 240 acres of arable land. occupied by Alexander Cochrane. The property of Sir Andrew Agnew. This name Seems be a derivative of the two Gaelic words Achadh a field and Aol lime ore Achadh n' aol or The Limefield. |
OS1/35/16/3 |
Rough Hill
Rough Hill
Rough Hill |
Alexander Cochrane
James McEwen George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 2 1/4 miles (nearly) N.W. [North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A Small hill on the farm of High Auchneel the soil of which is good arable land. |
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[Page] 3-- Plan 9B -- Parish of Leswalt
Cnoc Min (Gaelic) the Smooth hill
Achadh ´n aol (Gaelic) The Lime Field |
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Sliggery Knowe Sliggery Knowe Sliggery Knowe |
Alexander Cochrane James McEwen George McHaffie Esq. |
009 |
[Situation] In the N. W. [North West] angle of the Parish
A high point of land on the Sea Coast on which is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party 'Highaughnell Shore` |
OS1/35/16/4 |
Mare Rock
Mare Rock
Mare Rock |
Alexander Cochrane
James McEwen
George Mc Haffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the N.W. [North West] angle of the Parish
A large rock south of Sliggery Knowes
fronting the Sea |
OS1/35/16/4 |
Juniper Face Juniper Face Juniper Face |
Alexander Cochrane James McEwen
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the N. W. [North West] angle of the Parish
This name applies to the precipitous face of rocks fronting the Sea on which the juniper grows hence the name |
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[Page] 4- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136 Page 56 - Sliggery Knowe
56- Mare Rock
57 - Juniper Face |
OS1/35/16/5 |
Juniper Rock Juniper Rock
Juniper Rock |
Alexander Cochrane
James McEwen
George McHaffie Esq. |
009 |
[Situation] In the N.W. [North West] angle of the Parish and 15 chains South
of Sliggery Knowe
A large rock Situate South of Juniper Face
on which also the juniper grows |
OS1/35/16/5 |
Meg´s Craig Meg´s Craig Meg´s Craig |
Alexander Cochrane
James McEwen George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 19 chains South of Sliggery Knowe, in the S. [South] angle of the Parish
A large rock south of Juniper Rock. A story is told that a woman named Mag. or Margaret having climbed to the top but
could not again descend untill means had
been procured for her coming down, hence the name Meg´s Craig |
OS1/35/16/5 |
Red Stone Cove Redstone Cove Redstone Cove |
Alexander Cochrane
James McEwen
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 25 chains South of Sliggery Knowe
A long narrow Gully or narrow inlet of the
Sea projecting inland between rocks South Side of Mag's Craig |
OS1/35/16/5 |
[Page] 5 -- Parish of Leswalt
Meg - Abreviation of the name Margaret
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson´s Dictionary |
OS1/35/16/6 |
Broad Port
Broad Port
Broad Port |
Alexander Cochrane
James McEwen
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] On the Western coast of the
Parish and 1/2 mile South of Sliggery Knowe
A Creek on the Shore on the farm of High Mark & South of Redstone Cove fishermen sometimes land their boats but it is [unsafe] and having but little shelter |
OS1/35/16/6 |
Drumawhirn Hill Drumawhirn Hill
Drumawhern |
Alexander Cochrane
James McEwen
George McHaffie Esqr.
Alexander McCrea
Ainslie's Map 1782
William Cairns
See a similar name in page 22 |
009 |
[Situation] 2 miles W N W [West North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A moderate Sized hill of a ridge Shape extending north and South on the farm of High Mark The soil is good arable ground |
OS1/35/16/6 |
Slouchnaglasson |
Alexander Cochrane James McEwen
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] On the Western Coast of the
Parish, and 1/2 mile South of Sliggery Knowe
A Small inlet between rocks on the Shore
of the farm of Mark, South Side of Broad Port. |
OS1/35/16/6 |
[Page] 6 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 58 -- Broad Port
64 -- Drumawhirn Hill
58 -- Slocknaglasson
´Slouch`A deep ravine or gully. Scottish Dictionary.
´Sloc`. ´Slochd`. A pit, a den, a hollow, in Gaelic Dictionary
´Glas` ---------- Green.
´an´ ----------- a diminative |
OS1/35/16/7 |
Kiln of the Fuffock
Kiln of the Fuffock
Kiln of the Fuffock
Kiln of the Fuffock |
Alexander Cochrane James McEwen
John Fulton
George McHaffie Esq. |
009 |
[Situation] On the western Coast of the parish and about 1/2 mile South of Higgery Knowe
A Small deep hollow or rather a hole shaped nearly like a Lime Kiln. It is about 50 Links in diameter at top, and ends in the bottom in nearly a point. It is about 30 feet deep and having no water either in Summer or Winter it is Situate about 3 chains South of Slocknaglasson on the north west side of Drumahowen Hill. |
OS1/35/16/7 |
Pasbuery Rock
Pasbuery Rock
Pasbuery Rock |
Alexander Cochrane
James McEwen
George McHaffie Esq. |
009 |
[Situation] About 1/2 mile South of Higgery Knowe
A long narrow Rock adjoining low water on the north side of Drumahowen Bay rising about 10 ft [feet] Perpendicular above the Surrounding Sand in which it is Situate. |
OS1/35/16/7 |
[Parish of Leswalt -- [Page] 7 |
OS1/35/16/8 |
Drumahowen Hill Drumahowen Hill Drumahowen |
Alexander Cochrane James McEwen George McHaffie Esq. |
009 |
[Situation] On the western Coast of the Parish and
A moderate sized Hill on the Farm of High Mark adjoining the sea side, on the water side it is precipitous and indented by Drumhowen Bay |
OS1/35/16/8 |
Drumahowen Bay Drumahowen Bay Drumahowen Bay |
Alexander Cochrane James McEwen George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] On the western Coast of the Parish
A small creek on the shore of the Farm of High Mark, on the side of Drumahowen It is only occasionally used by Fishermen on account of the Precipitous Shore |
OS1/35/16/8 |
Slocknawen Bay Slocknawen Bay |
Alexander Cochrane James McEwen |
009 |
[Situation] On the western coast of the Parish
A small creek on the shore on the Farm of High Mark South of Drumahowen It is only used by fishermen. The shore is precipitous. The Boats cannot land though they sometimes go in for Shelter |
OS1/35/16/8 |
[Page] 8 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 60- Drumahowen Hill
60- Drumahowen Bay
60- Slocknawen Bay
"Slouch" See page 6 |
OS1/35/16/9 |
Galdenoch Burn Galdenoch Burn Goldenoch Burn
Galdenoch Burn |
William Cambell James Hegan
Rl Eng [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
List of Names taken from Proprietors Returns supplied by G.McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] From 1 mile to 2 miles West by North of Lochnaw Castle
A Burn or Stream which is the union of Mill Isle Burn and Green Burn meeting near Galdenoch Mill and Supplying or forming a Mill pond, at the above place after running from this pond it takes the name Galdenoch Burn and running a short distance in a westerly direction - runs into the sea south of SlocKnawen |
OS1/35/16/9 |
Craigincore |
Alexander Cochrane
James McEwen
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] Nearly two miles W N W [West North West] of Lochnaw Castle.
A small Hillock the under soil of which is Rocky Slightly covered with arable soil situate on the W. [West] side of Torindoos Hill on the Farm of High Mark |
OS1/35/16/9 |
Torindoos Hill
Torindoos Hill
Torindoos Hill |
James McEwen
Alexander Cochrane
George McHaffie Esq. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles W. N. W. [West North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A small Hill or portion of slightly elevated ground on the Farm of High Mark, at the South East side runs the Galdenoch Burn |
OS1/35/16/9 |
[Page] 9 -- Parish of Leswalt
Craigan a Small Rocky hillock
Torran - a hillock or little hill } The Bushy hiilock
Dosach - Bushy
Toran Dubh -- The Black hillock |
OS1/35/16/10 |
Inchmulloch Inchmulloch Inchmulloch |
James McEwen Alexander Cochrane George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles W N W [West North West] of Lochnaw Castle
This name applies to a portion of undulating or irregular ground on the Farm of High Mark North and South is high nearly like two separate Hills, Slightly connected by a [sort] of low ridge |
OS1/35/16/10 |
Ruddoch Hill Ruddoch Hill Ruddoch Hill |
James McEwen Alexander Cochrane George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles W N W [West North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A Hill or portion of elevated ground on the Farm of High Mark. The soil is arable. |
OS1/35/16/10 |
High Mark Burn High Mark Burn High Mark Burn |
David Addams William Cambell George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles N W [North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A small stream flowing out of the Douloch Farm and [Knocknain] moss and running into the Galdenoch Burn |
OS1/35/16/10 |
[Page] 10 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 63 - Inchmulloch -- Innis - an island a sheltered field to graze cattle in etc.
-- Mullach- the top, Summit, a height, an eminence etc.
63- Ruddoch Hill - Ruddoch - The Red Breast
Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
61- High Mark Burn |
OS1/35/16/11 |
High Mark
High Mark
High Mark
High Mark
High Mark |
James McEwen Alexander Cochrane Rl. Eng [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
Ainslie Map 1782 George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles N W [North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A good Farm House two stories high Slated, recently erected with out houses attached, the latter situate about 15 chains distance to the N. E. [North East] of the Farm House The farm consists of 180 acres of arable Land Situated along the Shore Occupied by Robert McEwen. The property of Sir Andrew Agnew |
OS1/35/16/11 |
Feymore |
James McEwen Alexander Cochrane
George McHaffie Esqr. |
019 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles N W [North West] of Lochnaw Castle.
A Hill of slight elevation on the Farm of High Mark the soil of which is arable |
OS1/35/16/11 |
Knockgour Hill Knockgour Hill Knockgour |
Alexander Cochrane James McEwen George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles N W [North West] of Lochnaw Castle.
A considerable Hill part of which is on the Farm of High Mark and part in High Auchneel. The surface is good arable soil, the greater part of which is cultivated |
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[Page] 11-- Parish of Leswalt
[Note] Merk, Merkland - A denomination of land from the duty
formerly paid to the Sovereign
Merk An ancient Scottish Silver Coin in value £0.13.4 of
our money Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary
[Note] Cnock - A hill
Gaohar - A Goat
Hence Knockgour i.e. Goat Hill |
OS1/35/16/12 |
[Page] 12
[Blank Page]
Form 136
Page |
OS1/35/16/13 |
Knockey Road Knockey Road Knockarade Knockarod Knockarod Knockarod |
John Cloy Alexander Stevenson
James Anderson John Burns
Charles Kerr
John Kerr |
009 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles N N W [North North West] of Lochnaw Castle.
A considerable hill on the farm of Knocknane of a moatlike or conical shape the base nearly circular on its Summit is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station of the Same name the Surface of this hill is good arable land |
OS1/35/16/13 |
Slew Fad
Slew Fad
Slewfad |
Alexander Stevenson John Cloy
George McHaffie Esq.
Sir Andrew Agnew |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles N N W [North North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A low hill or portion of high ground of a ridge like Shape on the farm of Knocknine Situate on S.W. [South West] Side of the farm house of West Douloch. The Surface of the hill is good arable land |
OS1/35/16/13 |
Parish of Leswalt -- [Page] 13
"Cnoc" - a hill, hillock etc.
"a" - particle prefixed to words. etc
"Rad " "Rod" a way or road Gaelic Dictionary
Slew (Sliabh) A mountain, heathland etc.
"Fad" - length etc. Gaelic Dictionary
hence Slewfad - Long hill |
OS1/35/16/13 |
Feint pencil note on page. |
OS1/35/16/14 |
Cairn Hill
Cairn Hill
Cairn Hill |
John Cloy
Alexander Stevenson
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 Miles NW [North West] of Lochnaw castle
A tolerable high hill on the [farm] of Knocknane Sloping regularly [on] all Sides. The soil is good arable land |
OS1/35/16/14 |
Slewnain |
John McKahie
John Fulton
Sir A Agnew Bart [Baronet] |
009 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 Miles NW [North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A Small hill adjoining [Cairn Hill] on the East Side and on the farm [of] Knocknane |
OS1/35/16/14 |
[Page] 14 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 65 - Cairn Hill
65 -Slewnane
Slew (Sliabh) A mountain, heath land, etc.
Ean A Bird |
OS1/35/16/15 |
Weirston |
Alexander Montgomery
John Ramsay
Thomas Glendinning
Return of Survey
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 2 Miles N by E [North by East] of Lochnaw
a tract of land consisting of about 450 acres the quarter part of which is arable interspersed with numerous small portions rocky pastures & Knolls it consists of light Sandy or moorland Soil formerly it consisted of one farm but it is now divided into 6 Small holdings each of which is Known by the name of Weirston It is the property of the Earl of Stair |
OS1/35/16/15 |
Eldrick of Weirstone
Eldrick of Weirstone
Eldrig of Weirston
Eldrig of Weirston
Eldrig of Weirston |
Alexander Montgomery
John Ramsay
George McHaffie Esqr.
Sir A Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
Mr. William Cairns farmer |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 Miles N by E [North by East] of Lochnaw of Lochnaw Castle
A Small hill on the lands of Weirstone part of which is arable the remainder rocky pasture |
OS1/35/16/15 |
High Barbeth
High Barbeth
-- Barbeth
-- Barbeth
High Barbeth |
Andrew Sproat
Alexander Montgomery
Ainslie's map 1782
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 2 1/4 Miles N E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle.
A Small neat farm house with office houses all slated & in good repair with a farm of land of about 50 acres of good land . occupied by James Sproat The property of the Earl of Stair |
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[Page] 15 --4 --Parish of Leswalt |
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Low Barbeth
Low Barbeth
Low Barbeth |
Andrew Sproat
Alexander Montgomery
Ainslie's map 1782
Rl. Engrs [Royal Engineers map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 2 1/2 miles N E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A Small thatched farm house with out houses all in bad repair and a farm attached of about 90 acres of chiefly [arable] ground. occupied by Andrew Sproat. The property of the Earl of Stair |
OS1/35/16/16 |
Balquhirry |
Thomas Agnew
Robert Porteous
Ainslie's map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 2 1/2 Miles N.E. by E [North East by East] of Lochnaw Castle
A farm house in good repair Suitable houses and a farm of 200 acres of arable land attached. occupied by [Ellen] Agnew . The property of the Earl of Stair |
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[Page] 16 -- 4 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 70; 73 -- Low Barbeth
71 -- Balquhirry |
OS1/35/16/17 |
Balwhirry Burn
Balwhirry Burn
Balquhirry Burn |
Robert Porteous
William Ross
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 2 1/4 Miles N E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A considerable burn a branch of which takes its rise in Loch connal & running in a Southern direction & Supplied by other branches particularly a considerable burn called the Irvie Burn
which probably may be considered its principle branch in its course it is generally named after the farms through which it runs but near its influx with Loch Ryan it is well Known by the name of Soleburn & by thus seems to be considered the general name for it |
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[Page] 17 - 5 -- Parish of Leswalt |
OS1/35/16/18 |
Dinduff |
William Ross
Robert Porteous
Ainslie's map 1782
Rl. Engrs[ Royal Engineers] map 1819
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 2 1/4 Miles N E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A farm house in good repair [with] outhouses etc. attached and a farm of [96] acres. occupied William Ross. The property of the Earl of Stair. There ate two other farm houses in this neighbourhood Known by this name |
OS1/35/16/18 |
Downing Hill
Dounan Hill
Dunan Hill
Dunan Hill
Dounan Hill |
William Ross
William Main
Hugh McCreadie
James Murray
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 2 1/4 Miles NE by E [North East by East] of Lochnaw Castle
A Small arable hill on the farm of Dinduff on which is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by the Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party after the name of the farm on which it Stands |
OS1/35/16/18 |
Free Church School House
Free Church School House |
John Adams
Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Bell |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 Miles N. E by E [North East by East] of Lochnaw Castle
A rectangular Stone building one [story] high built partly by the funds of the Free church committee & partly by subscription from the Leswalt Free Church [Congregation] adjoining the Schoolhouse is the School residence which consists of two Small [rooms] It is capable of accomodating 150 scholars [the] average attendance is about 76- |
OS1/35/16/18 |
[Page] 18 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 73- Dinduff
75 - Downing Hill
72 - Free Church School House
Dun (Gaelic) A hill, hillock , mount fortified house
or hill, fortress, Castle etc.
Dubh (Gaelic) Black, dark, etc.
Dunan Dim. [Diminutive] of Dun A small heap or hill etc. |
OS1/35/16/19 |
Leswalt Church
Leswalt Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Andrew McCubbin
William Main |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 Miles N.E by E [North East by East] of Lochnaw Castle
A moderate Sized Stone edifice plain building ornamented with buttresses but without tower or Steeple but having a belfry it is capable of accommodating about 800 persons with Seats It was built in 1812 the Revd. [Reverend] Andrew McCubbin is minister. The belfry is used as trig: [trigonometrical] Station |
OS1/35/16/19 |
Low Kirkland
Low Kirkland
Low Kirkland |
Robert Portous
Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Bell
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 15 Chains North of the Parish Church
A farm house in good repair and out houses and a farm of 100 acres of land. occupied by Robert Portous. The property of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/19 |
Kirkland Quarry
Kirkland Quarry
Kirkland Quarry |
Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Bell
Robert Portous
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 25 chains West of the Parish Church
A quarry of blue Stone or (more properly) Greywacke it is used to a great extent in Stranraer particularly the churches recently built |
OS1/35/16/19 |
[Page] 19 - Parish of Leswalt |
OS1/35/16/20 |
FREE CHURCH [Leswalt] |
Free Church
Free Church
Free Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Bell
James sproat
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile West of the Parish Church
A plain rectangular Stone [building] built in 1843-4 by Subscription [from] the Free
church congregation of [Leswalt] it contains 422 Sittings all of which are occupied. The district attached to this is the parish of Leswalt. The minister is the Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Bell whose Salary is paid by the Free Church Committee & partly by the Congregation |
OS1/35/16/20 |
Kirkland Cottage
Kirkland Cottage
Kirkland Cottage |
Thomas morland
Thomas Agnew
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile W by N [West by North] of the Parish Church
A handsome cottage residence [of] two Stories, Surrounded by a plot of ornamental ground or flower garden the residence of the Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Bell. The property of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/20 |
High Kirkland
High Kirkland
High Kirkland |
Robert Portous
William Ross
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles N E [North east] of Lochnaw Castle
A farm house & outhouses in good repair & a farm occupied by William Stevenson farmer of [Larg Liddesdale] The property of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/20 |
[Page] 20 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 77- Free Church
75- Kirkland Cottage
81- High Kirkland |
OS1/35/16/21 |
Bushy Beil
Bushy Beil
Bush a - Beild or Vush of Beild |
Thomas Morland
Robert Porteous
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile N by W [North by West] of the Parish Church -
A Small dwelling house and about 5 Acres of land attached. occupied by James Dorman . The Property of Sir Andrew Agnew. This place is a sublet of the farm of Low Kirkland & was formerly Covered with bushes which was a place of Shelter for cattle |
OS1/35/16/21 |
Kirkland Hill
Kirkland Hill
Kirkland Hill |
Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Bell
Robert Porteous
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 Miles (nearly) N. E. [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A large hill or tract of high ground including the farm of High Kirkland & a portion of Low Kirkland & that of Bushy Beil |
OS1/35/16/21 |
The Tor of Craigach
Tor of Craigach
Tor of Craigach
Tower of Crag-ach
Kirkland Tor
Kirkland Tor
KIrkland Tor or
Tor of Craigoch |
Revd. [Reverend] Thomas Bell Thomas Morland
William Ross
Chalmers Caled. [Caledonia] vol [volume] 3 page 356
Sir Andrew Agnew
William Cairns
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 Miles N E [North East] of Lochnaw castle
An ancient moat or mound Standing on Kirkland Hill its Summit commands an extensive view of the Surrounding district. It appears to have been a place of defence or an encampment. on it is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party Weir Stone from the farm of Weirstone.- |
OS1/35/16/21 |
[Page] 21 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 83- Bushy Beild
81- Kirkland Hill
83- Tor of Craigoch
"Beild, Bield", Shelter; refuge;
protection.- Jamieson's Dictionary
See Remarks, on Mounts
of this description in Chalmer's
Caledonia Vol [Volume] 3 page 356
Where it is called a "Tower of
Cragach" |
OS1/35/16/22 |
Drumawhern Hill
Drumawhern Hill
Drumaquhern Hill |
William Campbell
John Hegans
John Adams
Alexander McCrae
William Cairns
Sir Andrew Agnew |
009 |
[Situation] On the western Coast of the Parish and 1 3/4 mile S.W. [South West] of Galdenoch castle
A Small hill on the farm [of] Meikle Galdenoch the Surface of which is heathy pasture on its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [trigonometrical] Party "Galnoughmoor" from the name of the farm.- |
OS1/35/16/22 |
[Page] 22 -- Parish of Leswalt -- Trace 6 9B-
Form 136
Page 87 - Drumawhern |
OS1/35/16/23 |
Wee Portbeg
Wee Portbeg
Wee Portbeg
Wee Portbeg
Wee Portbeg
Wee Portbeg |
David Adams
William Cambell John McKahie
Alexander McCrea William Cairns Alexander Kerr |
009 |
[Situation] On the western coast of the Parish
A Small Creek or Inlet of the Sea north of portbeg on either side of it there is bold Steep rocks |
OS1/35/16/23 |
Portbeg |
David Adams
William Cambell
John McKahie
George McHaffie Esqr.
Alexander McCrea
William Cairns
Alexander Kerr |
009 |
[Situation] On the western Coast of the Parish.
A small creek or Inlet in calm weather might anchor its Channel is situated with Boulders and Shingle and on either side of it, there are bold Rocks |
OS1/35/16/23 |
[Page] 23 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page - Wee Portbeg
- Portbeg
Entry from Drumawherrin is scored out. |
OS1/35/16/24 |
Loch Beg |
William Cambell
John Hegans
David Adams
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 17 chains S.W. [South West] of Galdenoch Castle
A Small Loch on the farm [of] Meikle Galdenoch farm of Surface water |
OS1/35/16/24 |
Galdenoch Castle
Galdenoch Castle
Galdenoch Castle
Castle in ruins
Galdenoch Castle
(in Ruins) |
William Cambell John Hegans
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] map 1819
Symson's Description of Galloway app. [appendix] Vol [Volume] 2 .85
Ainslie's map 1782
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] About 1 Mile West of Lochnaw Castle
A considerable pile of buildings in ruins apparently once a [place] of Strength the walls though [roofless] are standing their origl. [original] [have] but in several parts broken [&] falling into decay . It was [first] built by a family of the name of Agnew who was then [Proprietor] of some of the adjoining Lands . It now belongs to sir A. Agnew of Lochnaw & has been the [home] of his Ancestors since about [the] year 1316 or 1318. The Summit [of] the Southern Gable is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Point named [by] Party "Galnough Moor- Old Castle" |
OS1/35/16/24 |
Meikle Galdenoch
Meikle Galdenoch
Meikle Galdenoch |
David Adams
William Cambell
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] Near Galdenoch Castle about 1 Mile West of Lochnaw Castle
A large & well constructed Farm with offices all Slated & in good [repair] Situate close to Galdenoch Moor Castle The Farm consists of 500 Acres above is moorland & the remainder is also The property of Sir Andrew Agnew [Esqr.] |
OS1/35/16/24 |
[Page] 24 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 88 - Lochbeg
91- Galdenoch Castle (in Ruins)
92- Meikle Galdenoch
[Notes] Synson in his description of Galloway
written in 1684. calls this " a tower house" .
See Appx [Appendix] Hist Galy. [History Galloway] Vol [Volume] 2 p [page] 85. -
Mekyl. Meikle . MyKil . Muckle.
great denoting quantity or extent. Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary |
OS1/35/16/25 |
Mill Isle Burn
Mill Isle Burn
Mill Isle Burn
Mill Isle Burn |
William Campbell
John Fulton
John Hegans
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 15 chains N W. [North west] of Lochnaw castle and 1 mile West of the above castle.
A Small Stream flowing out of Lochnaw Loch and falling into a Mill Pond on the East Side of the Galdenoch Mill, After running on the opposite side from the Pond it is called the Galdenoch Burn |
OS1/35/16/25 |
Green Burn
Green Burn
Green Burn
Green Burn |
William Campbell
John Hegans
David Adams
George McHaffie |
009 |
[Situation] 1 Mile west of Lochnaw Castle
A small Stream rising in the Farm of Half Mark and running into the Mill Isle Burn near a Mill Pond at the Galdenoch Mill. From the opposite side of the Pond runs a considerable stream which is the united waters of the Mill Isle Burn and that of the Green Burn and is called the Galdenoch Burn |
OS1/35/16/25 |
Broom Knowe
Broom knowe
Broom Knowe |
David Adams
John Kahie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] North of Galdenoch Castle
A small conical Hill or Hillock on the farm of Meikle Galdenoch the Soil is arable |
OS1/35/16/25 |
[Page] 25-- Parish of Leswalt
Burn , A rivulet, a brook .
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Scottish
Know. Knowe . A little hill. Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary. |
OS1/35/16/26 |
Galdenoch Mill
Galdenoch Mill
Mill of Little Galdenoch
Galdenoch Mill |
David Adams
William Cambell
John Hegans
G. Mc.Haffie Esqr. Ainslie's Map 1782 |
009 |
[Situation] 10 Chains North, of Galdenoch castle
A Corn Mill built in 1828 and in good repair Attached is a Farm of 12 acres of ground with a Farm House and Office Houses occupied by David [Adams] Miller . The Property of Sir Andrew Agnew |
OS1/35/16/26 |
Bere Fey of Knocknain
Bare Fay of Knocknain
Bare Fay of Knocknain |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Willliam Cambell
John Hegans |
009 |
[Situation] 25 chains North of Galdenoch Castle
A Small Hill on the Farm of Knocknain the base is near circular the Surface is arable Soil |
OS1/35/16/26 |
Kncoknain |
John McKahie
William Cambell
John Hegans
G. McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's map 1782 |
009 |
[Situation] 5/8 mile North of Galdenoch castle
A Small neat Farm House with office Houses all Slated & in good [order] with a farm of 300 acres of which [20 acres is] Moorland & the remainder arable [land] of good quality Occupied by John [McKahie] The property of Sir Andrew Agnew South of this Farm House a small [distance] is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station on a sloping eminence called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party Knockeguam a [name] not Known The hillock on which [it stands] is not known by any name |
OS1/35/16/26 |
[Page] 26 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 88- Galdenoch Mill
92 - Bere Fay of Knocknain
86- Knocknain
[Note] Cnoc - A hill
Ean - A bird |
OS1/35/16/27 |
Black Hill
Black Hill
Black Hill |
Andrew McCrea
William McKea
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile North of Galdenoch castle
A Small hill on the farm of Little Galdenoch the soil of which is arable its base is nearly of an oval Shape on the west Side of this hill is the ruins of a house which was the farm house of Little Galdenoch before the building of the one at present occupied in 1843 |
OS1/35/16/27 |
Sleivemein Hill Sleivemein Hill Slewmeen Hill
Slewmeen Hill |
Andrew McCrea
John Fulton
Sir Andrew Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
Alexander Cairns Garchrie |
009 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile N by E [North by East] of Galdenoch Castle
A Small hill on the farm of Little Galdenoch. The Soil of which is arable . the base is nearly oval |
OS1/35/16/27 |
Little Galdenoch
Little Galdenoch
Little Galdenoch
Little Galdenoch
Little Galdenoch
Little Galdenoch |
Andrew McCrea
John Fulton
William Cairns
G. McHaffie Esqr.
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] map 1819
Ainslie's map 1782 |
009 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile N E [North East] of Galdenoch castle
A Small neat farm house and outhouses all slated & in good repair with a farm of 200 acres about 1/3 of which is arable land the remainder Heath or moorland pasture. occupied by Andrew McCrea. The property of Sir Andrew Agnew. |
OS1/35/16/27 |
[Page] 27 -- Parish of Leswalt
[Note] Slew (Sliabh) mountain hill etc.
Meen Min Smooth, not rough, even surface etc. |
OS1/35/16/28 |
Cairnhapple |
Andrew McCrea
James McCrea
G. McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's map 1782 |
009 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile West Lochnaw Castle
A Small thatched farm house & outhouses all of which [are old] in indifferent repair attached [is a] farm of 57 acres 3/4 of which [arable] the reminder is moorland & moss [occupied] by James McCrea . The [property] of Sir Andrew Agnew |
OS1/35/16/28 |
Cairnhapple Hill
Cairnhapple Hill
Cairnhapple Hill |
James McCrea
John Fulton
G McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile West by North of Lochnaw Castle
A Small hill on the farm of Carinhaple the soil of which is arable the base is nearly of an [oval] Shape. on this hill is situate the farm house of Cairn happle .- |
OS1/35/16/28 |
[Page] 28 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 95; 98 - Cairnhapple
95- Cairnhapple Hill |
OS1/35/16/29 |
Garchew |
William Cairns
Andrew McCrea
G. McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's map 1782
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] Map 1819 |
009 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile North by West of Lochnaw Castle
A Small thatched farm house and outhouses in indifferent repair attached is a farm of 40 acres part moorland and part arable land. occupied by William Cairns. The property of Sir Andrew Agnew. |
OS1/35/16/29 |
Moss Croft
Moss Croft
Moss Croft |
John Fulton
Andrew McCrea
G McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 5/8 Mile N W [North West] of Lochnaw Castle
A Small neat farm house and outhouses all in good repair and recently built & a farm of about 15 acres of land 1/3 of which is arable the remainder heathy moorland ground. occupied by John Fulton The property of Sir Andrew Agnew. |
OS1/35/16/29 |
Slewnagle Hill
Slewnagle Hill
Slewnagle Hill
Slewagle Hill |
John Fulton
Andrew McCrea
G McHaffie Esqr.
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet] |
009 |
[Situation] 5/8 mile NW [North West] of Lochnaw castle
A low hill on the farm of Moss Croft nearly ridge like . extending north & South on it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] station Called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party "Slew Eagle" |
OS1/35/16/29 |
[Page] 29 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 96 - Garchrie
97- Moss Croft
97 - Slewnagle hill |
OS1/35/16/30 |
Cowan Hill
Cowan Hill
Cowan Hill |
William Cairns
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 5/8 mile North of Lochnaw Castle
A Small hill on the farm of Garchrie the soil of which is arable the base [is] of an oval Shape |
OS1/35/16/30 |
Cranberry Croft
Cranberry Croft
Cranberry Croft |
John Fulton
Andrew McCrea
G McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 Mile N by W [North by West] of Lochnaw Castle and near the boundary of the Parish of Kirkcolm
A Small farm house and outbuildings recently erected & a farm of 15 acres [one fourth of] which is arable the remainder [moorland] occupied by John Ramsay. The proprietor Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/30 |
[Page] 30-- Parish of Leswalt - 7
Form 136
Page 95 - Cowan Hill
99 - Cranberry Croft
[Note] Cowan - A fishing boat
Jamieson's Scottish Dity. [Dictionary]
[Note] Cranberry - The Oxycoccus palustris
A Small ever green creeping shrub Common in turfy bogs |
OS1/35/16/31 |
[Page] 31
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/32 |
Garchrie Moss
Garchrie Moss
Garchew Moss
Garchrie Moss |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
William Cairns
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineer] Map 1819
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 Mile North of Lochnaw Castle
A large tract of Moss [belonging] to the farm of Garchrie |
OS1/35/16/32 |
Slewintoo Hill
Slewintoo Hill |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
William Cairns |
009 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile North of Lochnaw Castle
A Hill or portion of [elevated] ground on the farm of [Garchrie] The soil of which is chiefly [arable] |
OS1/35/16/32 |
[Page] 32 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 101 - Garchrie Moss
101 - Slewinto Hill
[Note] Slew, (sliable) (Gaelic) A hill mountain heathland etc.
Tuath - North
Sliabh an Tuath - Slewantua - Slewantoo - i.e. North Hill |
OS1/35/16/33 |
Mickle Slewfad
Mickle Slewfad
Meikle Slewfad
Wood of Meikle Slewfad |
Sir A. Agnew Bart [Baronet]
John Porteus
William Cairn - Garchrie
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 5/8 Mile N. [North] East by N [North] of Lochnaw Castle
A considerable wood bounded on one side by the Garcgrie Moss and is part of the Lochnaw Demain , the wood consists of Fir, Ash & Beech - this wood has been planted by Sir A. Agnew |
OS1/35/16/33 |
Clash |
Sir A. Agnew
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] about 5 Chains North of Lochnaw Castle
A Farm House & out houses thatched and in bad repair having a Farm of 9 acres of Arable Land attached Occupied by - Renny The property of Sir Andrew Agnew |
OS1/35/16/33 |
Slewcroan Plantation
Slewcroan Plantation
Slewcroan Plantation |
Sir A. Agnew
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/8 Mile North of Lochnaw Castle
A considerable wood or Plantation part of Lochnaw Demain Consisting of mixed wood - Situate on the North side of Lochnaw Loch - |
OS1/35/16/33 |
[Page] 33 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 103 - Mickle Slewfad
'Meikle' Great, Much ,
denoting quantity or extent
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
Clash A cavity of considerable extent in the acclivity of a hill
Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary
Clais - A furrow, a gutte, a Streak mark A pit, a Ditch etc.
Gaelic Dictionary. |
OS1/35/16/34 |
Drummullin Wood
Drummullin Wood
Drummullin Wood |
Sir Andrew Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie ESqr. |
009 |
[Situation] West of Lochnaw Castle
A considerable wood in the - now Demain Chiefly Beech, Ash with some Oak, full [grown] on the South side is the [Garden] belonging to Sir A. Agnew [it] is enclosed by a wall 12 feet [High] THe interior is beautifully [laid out] . |
OS1/35/16/34 |
Lochnaw Castle
Lochnaw Castle
Lochnaw Castle
Lochnaw Castle |
Sir Andrew Agnew Bart. [Baronet] John Porteous
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
Ainslie's Map 1782
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the Northern part of the Parish and about 2 miles West by South of Leswalt Church
A large and handsome pile [of] Building Part of which is of Ancient Castellated Style [Portions] of it has been built at different periods of time the first part was built 1450 the dates 1668 & 1704 are on the South Side of the Building which shows the [periods] of the Erection of these parts The Building is kept in good [repair] and is a handsome mansion [surrounded] by Gardens & Pleasure Grounds and a large demain well wooded with with [full] grown woods and some young [thriving] Plantations Ornamental parks etc. [On the] South Side & near it is Lochnaw Loch Beautiful Sheet of water with some small Islands is [well] wooded, around the Shores are also well wooded Ornamented by the Pleasure Grounds of Lochnaw *
* (This place is the property & residence of Sir Andrew Agnew) |
OS1/35/16/34 |
[Page] 34-- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 105- Drummullin Wood
109- LOchnaw Castle
Notes] Druim The ridge of a hill
Muileann A Hill
Gaelic Dictionary
Drummullin (Druim Muilean) i.e. The Mill Hill
Loch A lake
Ath A ford
Lochnaw (Loch in Ath ) i.e. the
Lake of the Ford
"Lochnaw Castle, the only considerable building in the in the Parish, is a very ancient
edifice. and seems to have been intended for a place of defence in former times.
It was protected on the South by a deep fosse--- and on the north by a lake of water. Stat. Acct [Statistical Account] vol [volume] 3 p. [page] 322
"During the reign of James 1st. William Douglas of Leswalt was
Sheriff of Wigton and Constable of the Castle of Lochnaw"
"In 1426, Andrew Agnew, acquired from the above William Douglas
the Office of Constable of the Castle of Lochnaw"
Chalmers Caledonia Vol. [Volume] 3 page 360& 361
Sir A. Agnew of Lochnaw was Hereditary Sheriff of Wigtownshire
and is Heritary Constable of Lochnaw Castle. |
OS1/35/16/35 |
Lochnaw Loch
Lochnaw Loch
Lake of Lochnaw |
Sir A. Agnew Bart [Baronet]
John Porteous
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] Immediately North of Lochnaw Castle
A large and handsome sheet of water on the north side of Lochnaw Castle interspersed with a few small Islands one of which is called the Isle of Lochnaw being the largest, on it stood the ancient Castle of Lochnaw. The Shores around are Ornamented with wood & ornamental Grounds This water adds much to the Scenary of Lochnaw. It is from this Loch that the name Lochnaw has Originated which is the popular name for Sir Andrew Agnew's Place |
OS1/35/16/35 |
[Page] 35
Form 136
Page - 108 - Lochnaw Loch |
OS1/35/16/36 |
Duck Island
Duck Island
Duck Island |
Sir A. Agnew Bart [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the Southern part of Lochnaw Loch
A Small Island in Lochnaw It is planted and is called Duck Island from flocks of wild [duck] which resort to it in Winter |
OS1/35/16/36 |
Well Island
Well Island
Well Island |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
G McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the Southern part of Lochnaw Loch.
A Small Island in Lochnaw [Loch] on which are a few large trees- Lochnaw Loch being drained [some] time since a well was discovered close to this Island hence [the] name |
OS1/35/16/36 |
Sir Stair's Island
Sir Stair's Island
Sir Stair's Island |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] on the Eastern side of Lochnaw Loch
A considerable Island in [Lochnaw] Loch Planted chiefly [with] beech & Fir, the Island was [planted] by Sir Stair Agnew hence the [use] of the name |
OS1/35/16/36 |
[Page] 36
Form 136
Page 111- Duck Island
112 - Well Island
111 - Sir Stair's Island |
OS1/35/16/37 |
Isle of Lochnaw
Isle of Lochnaw
Isle of Lochnaw |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the Northern part of Lochnaw Loch
An Island in the south side of Lochnaw Loch well wooded with full grown wood Ash & Oak on it is still standing part of of the Ruins of the old Castle of Lochnaw which was the ancient Seat or residence of the Lochnaw family Sir Andrew Agnew says that in 1450 a large portion was standing that being the Year of the erection of the present Castle of Lochnaw much of the stones was removed for the building of the new Castle, the remains now standing is a wall about 10 feet long & 10 ft. [feet] in height the breadth about 4 feet- |
OS1/35/16/37 |
009 |
[Situation] In the "Isle of Lochnaw" north of Lochnaw Castle
on it is still standing part of of the Ruins of the old Castle of Lochnaw which was the ancient Seat or residence of the Lochnaw family Sir Andrew Agnew says that in 1450 a large portion was standing that being the Year of the erection of the present Castle of Lochnaw much of the stones was removed for the building of the new Castle, the remains now standing is a wall about 10 feet long & 10 ft. [feet] in height the breadth about 4 feet- |
OS1/35/16/37 |
Bramble Island
Bramble Island
Bramble island |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the N.E. [North East] part of Lochnaw Loch
A small circular Island in Lochnaw Loch. Grown over with inderwood or Brushwood |
OS1/35/16/37 |
Parish of Leswalt -- [Page] 37 |
OS1/35/16/38 |
White Ward Meadow
White Ward Meadow
White Ward Meadow |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] On the east side of Lochnaw Loch
A portion of Low ground inclosed Consisting of pasture land on the [East] of Lochnaw Loch |
OS1/35/16/38 |
White Ward Plantation
White Ward Plantation
White Ward Plantation |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile N E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A Small Plantation in Lochnaw Demain Wood consists of [Fir] & Beech it has been Planted [by] Sir Andrew Agnew |
OS1/35/16/38 |
Half Mark Plantation
Half Mark Plantation
Half Mark Plantation |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile E. by N [East by North] of Lochnaw Castle
A considerable tract of [wood on] Lochnaw Demain consisting [of] Ash Fir & Beech This wood has been Planted by Sir Andrew Agnew |
OS1/35/16/38 |
[Page] 38 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 108 - White Ward Meadow
106- White Ward Plantation
104 - Half Mark Plantation |
OS1/35/16/39 |
Glenhead of Aldouran
Glenhead |
George McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslies Map 1782 |
009 |
[Situation] One mile N E [North East] off Lochnaw Castle
This name applies to a farm yard or farm steading and a moderate Sized farm part of the tract called Kirkland. Occupied by John Porteous land Steward to Sir Andrew Agnew |
OS1/35/16/39 |
Grey Loch
Grey Loch
Grey Loch |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile N. E. by E [North East by East] of Lochnaw Castle
A Small tract of marshy ground in the Lochnaw Demain the water of which are sometimes much increased particularly during rainy seasons & the extent of it much enlarged |
OS1/35/16/39 |
White Ward
White Ward
White Ward |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile N. E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A field in Lochnaw Demain and is occupied by one of Sir Andrew Agnew's Gate Keepers who holds it as a part of his yearly Salary |
OS1/35/16/39 |
Parish of Lochnaw -- [Page] 39 |
OS1/35/16/40 |
Whinny Knolls
Whinny Knolls
Whinny Knolls |
Sir A. Agnew Bart [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 5/8 N E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A long stripe of Planting on Lochnaw Demain the wood [consists] of Fir & Beech |
OS1/35/16/40 |
Little Slewfad
Little Slewfad
Little Slewfad |
Sir A. Agnew Bart [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile N E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A small Hill East side of [Lochnaw] Loch The Soil is arable [occupied] by John Porteous & is the Property of Sir A. Agnew |
OS1/35/16/40 |
Black Loch
Black Loch
Black Loch |
Sir A. Agnew Bart [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile N E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A moderate sized Loch on [the] Lands of Lochnaw, [Adjacent] which is a moss |
OS1/35/16/40 |
[Page] 40-- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 104 - Whinny Knolls
106 - Little Slewfad
108 - Black Loch
[Note] Slewfad See remark Page 13 |
OS1/35/16/41 |
Loch Hill
Loch Hill
Loch Hill |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie ESqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 7/8 mile N E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A Hill of slight elevation East side of Black Loch the soil of which is arable, on it is a Trig [Trigonometrical] station called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party Glenhead This place is part of the Land occupied by John Porteous Steward & Gardener to Sir A. Agnew |
OS1/35/16/41 |
Kirkland Moss
Kirkland Moss
Kirkland Moss
Kirkland Moss |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
Rl. Enger. [Royal Engineers] Map 1819
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 Mile N by E [North by East] of Lochnaw Castle
A large tract of Moss several portions of which are cultivated on it are several Labourers Cottages or dwellings to each of which are attached small portions of the Cultivated moss as Gardens etc. Those persons are in the employment of Sir A. Agnew- |
OS1/35/16/41 |
High Kirkland Hill
High Kirkland Hill
High Kirkland Hill |
Sir A. Agnew Bart. [Baronet]
John Porteous
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles N E [North East] of Lochnaw Castle
A considerable Hill the Soil of which is arable and is part of the Farm belonging to John Porteous Steward and Gardener to Sir A. Agnew |
OS1/35/16/41 |
[Page] 41 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 102 - Loch Hill
- Kirkland Moss
102 - High Kirkland Hill |
OS1/35/16/42 |
[Page] 42
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/43 |
FORT [Aldouran Glen] |
Camp Graves
Camp Graves
2y Hemps Graves |
Alexander McCrea
John Biggam
George Mchaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile West by South of the Parish Church
The remains of an ancient fort Situate on a prominent precipice on the north bank of Aldouran Glen formed with three ditches thrown up nearly in the Shape of a Crescent each of the ditches being terminated at both ends at the top of the precipice it was naturally a Strong position |
OS1/35/16/43 |
Altdowran Glen
Aldouran Glen
Aldouran Glen
Altdouran Glen
Altdouran Glen
Glen Aldouran |
Statl. Acct. [Statistical Account 1841 p 123
Alexander McCrea
William Main
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. McCubbin
Mr Mone
George McHaffie Esqr. Factor to the Proprietor |
009 |
[Situation] From 3/8 mile to 7/8 mile West by South of the Parish Church
A deep valley or ravine closely wooded with natural wood. the sides of this valley in Some places is very steep forming an angle of 50 degrees at the bottom of this valley runs a Small burn which is not known by any particular name |
OS1/35/16/43 |
High Hill
High Hill
High Hill |
William Main
Thomas Spence
G McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 7/8 mile East by North of Lochnaw Castle
A low hill on the farm of half Mark nearly of a moundlike Shape & is good arable land. - |
OS1/35/16/43 |
Parish of Leswalt -- [Page] 43
[Note] Alt - A Glen, Stream etc.
Doirean Storminess inclemency of weather
Gaelic Dictionary |
OS1/35/16/44 |
Half Mark
Half Mark
Half Mark
Half mark
Half Mark |
Alexander McCrea
William Main
G. McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's map 1782
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] map 1819
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 7/8 mile East of Lochnaw Castle
A good farm house and [outhouses] in good repair with a farm [of 170] acres of land the greater part of which is mountain ground [occupied] by Alexander Agnew of Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/44 |
Glen Park
Glen Park
Glen Park |
Alexander McCrea
Andrew Martin
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1 3/8 Miles (nearly) East of Lochnaw Castle
An ordinary farm house & [outhouses] thatched and a farm of about 60 acres occupied by Andrew Martin this farm is a Sublet of the lands of Challoch by Dr. [Doctor] Ritchie Chief proprietor the Earl of Stair. About 1/4 mile S. E. [South East ] of the above [farm] house is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called Challoch Int. [Intermediate] by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party This Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station Stands on [this] hill part of the farm of [Aldouran] but not generally Known by a particular name. |
OS1/35/16/44 |
[Page] 44 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 117 - Half Mark
114 - Glen Park
[Note] See remark on
name (High Mark)
Page 11 |
OS1/35/16/45 |
Barn Hill
Barn Hill
Barn Hill |
William Main
Thomas Spence
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 10 chains South of the Parish Church
A Small hill on the farm of Challoch nearly of a mound like Shape the soil of which is arable.- |
OS1/35/16/45 |
Old church (in Ruins)
Old church (in Ruins)
Old church (in Ruins) |
Revd. [Reverend] Andrew McCubbin
William Main
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile West of the present Parish Church
This is the ruins of the old Church of Leswalt it is Surrounded with a burying ground which is Still occupied as Such. In the north Side of the yard is the tomb or vault belonging to the Agnew family of Lochnaw much of the materials of the old church was removed and used in building the new church which was built in 1812 |
OS1/35/16/45 |
[Page] 45 - Parish of Leswalt |
OS1/35/16/46 |
Challoch Inn
Challoch Inn
Challoch Inn |
Frances Byers
William Main
Ainslie's map 1819
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 5 chains West of the Parish Church
An Inn on the road leading [from] Stranraer to Lochnaw & situated [near] Leswalt Church in connection [with] which is a Small farm of [Arable] land of good quality. occupied [by] F. Byers . The property of the [Earl] of Stair |
OS1/35/16/46 |
[Page] 46 -- Parish of Leswalt
Form 136
Page 114 - Challoch Inn |
OS1/35/16/47 |
[Page] 47
Parish of KirKcolm
Plan 9 B
[Names of Objects] -- [Page]
Dogstone Hill -- 49
Dochies -- 52
Eldrig Hill - 53
Glengyre Moss -- 50
Glengyre Burn -- 52
High Glengyre -- 51
Knockmonies -- 49
Knockwhillie -- 50
Knockmulloch -- 52
Knockmulloch Hill - 53
Slewdown Hill -- 50
Slewhigh Hill -- 51
Slewscart Hill -- 51
Slewsack Hill --51
West Douloch -- 49 |
OS1/35/16/48 |
[Page] 48
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/49 |
Dogstone Hill
Dogstone Hill
Dogstone Hill
Dogstone Hill |
Alexander Stevenson
John Cloy
William McDowal
John Caven
George McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the South part of the Parish
A moderate Sized hill on the farm of Douloch the Surface is good the base nearly circular. The name Dog Stone is given to a loose rock or large stone lying on the Summit of the hill hence the name Dogstone Hill. on this hill is a trigl. [trigonometrical] Station of the Same name.- |
OS1/35/16/49 |
Knockmonies |
William McDowal
James Anderson
John McDowal
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/4 Mile S.E. [South East] of Dogstone Hill
A moderate sized hill on the farm of Douloch nearly of a mound like shape rather tabular on top the soil is good pasture land |
OS1/35/16/49 |
West Douloch
West Douloch
West Dowloch
West Dowloch Douloch |
Alexander Stevenson
John Cloy
Return of Survey 1828
G. McHaffie Esqr.
See name list Plan 9A |
009 |
[Situation] 10 Chains West of Dogstone Hill
An indifferent farm house and outhouses with a farm of 100 acres of arable land. occupied by Alexander Stevenson . The property of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/49 |
[Page] 49 -- Parish of Kirkcolm
Dubh (Gaelic) Black
Loch (Gaelic) Lake
i.e. Dubh LOch - i.e. Black Lake |
OS1/35/16/50 |
Knockwhillen Hill
Knockwhillen Hill
Knockwhillie |
John McDowal
Alexander Kerr
William McDowall
Return Survey 1828
G McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile S E [South East] of Dogstone Hill
A moderate Sized hill of a [ridged] like Shape this hill is of the [class] denominated "Drum" the soil is [good] pasture land. |
OS1/35/16/50 |
Glengyre Moss
Glengyre Moss
Glengyre Moss |
John McDowal
Alexander Kerr
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the South part of the Parish adjoining the Parish of Leswalt
A portion of a large moss on [the] farm of Glengyre there are other [parts] of this moss known by the names of [the] farms in which they are situate. |
OS1/35/16/50 |
Slewdown Hill
Slewdown Hill
Slewdown Hill |
John Ramsay
Alexander Kerr
William McDowal
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the South part of this Parish and North part of the Parish of Leswalt
A low hill nearly of a mound like Shape but tabular on top the Soil [is] good arable land |
OS1/35/16/50 |
Slew High
Slew High
Slewhigh Hill
Slewhigh Hill
Slew High |
John Cloy
Alexander Stevenson
Sir A. Agnew
Thomas Campbell
Mr. McHaffie |
009 |
[Situation] In the south part of Kirkcolm and north part of Leswalt Parish
A tolerable large hill on the [farm] of Douloch with base nearly circular The Surface is good pasture land. |
OS1/35/16/50 |
[Page] 50- Parish of Kirkcolm
Form 136
Page 133 - Knockwhillie Hill
127 - Glengyre Moss
131 - Slewdown Hill
125 - Slew Hill
Gleann A valley, Glen
Gaothar A hound - hence
Glengyre (Gleann Gaothar) i.e. The hound's valley or Glen |
OS1/35/16/51 |
Slewcarte Hill
Slewcarte Hill
Midhill of Glengyre
Slewcart Hill
Slewcart Hill
Slewcart Hill |
Alexander Kerr
John McDowal
Andrew McKinstry
James Anderson
William McDowal
Sir A. Agnew
William Cairns Garchie
G McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] In the South of the Parish
A moderate Sized hill on the farm of Glengyre of a mound like Shape rather tabular on top the Soil is good arable land. on this hill is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called "Midhill of Glengyre" Slewcarte is the ancient name of this hill but the inhabitants of the neighbourhood in talking will sometimes Call it The Mid hill of Glengyre it being surrounded by other hills |
OS1/35/16/51 |
Slew Sack
Slew Sack
Slewsack Hill
Slewsack Hill |
Adam Kerr
John Ramsay
Sir A. Agnew
Mr McHaffie |
009 |
[Situation] In the South part of the Parish
A low hill or portion of Slightly elevated ground nearly of a ridgelike on the farm of Glengyre the Soil of this hill is good arable ground.- |
OS1/35/16/51 |
Meikle Glengyre
High Glengyre
High Glengyre
High Glengyer
High Glengyre |
Alexander Kerr
John McDowal
Receipt for rent
Survey return 1828
G. McHaffie Esqr.
Ainslie's map 1782
Rl. Engrs. [Royal Engineers] map 1819 |
009 |
[Situation] In the South part of the Parish 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] of Dogstone Hill
An indifferent farm house and outhouses thatched 7 in bad repair and a farm of 130 acres chiefly arable land .occupied by Alexander Kerr. The property of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw. |
OS1/35/16/51 |
3-- [Page] 51 -- Parish of Kirkcolm
[Note Glengyre] See Page 50
Form 136
130- Slewcarte Hill
128 - Glengyre |
OS1/35/16/52 |
Glengyre Burn
Glengyre Burn
Glengyre Burn |
Alexander Kerr
John McDowal
G.McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 5/8 mile S. [South] East of Dogstone Hill
A Small burn taking its rise [on] the moss of Glengyre and Low [Barbeth] where it falls into Soleburn two [miles] from Loch Ryan |
OS1/35/16/52 |
Dochies |
William McDowal
Alexander Kerr
Return of Survey 1828
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile East of Dogstone Hill
A Small hill of a ridge [like] Shape on the farm of Meiklegyre the Soil of which is [good] arable ground.- |
OS1/35/16/52 |
Knockmulloch |
James Wright
Alexander Kerr
G. McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 7/8 mile East of Dogstone Hill
An indifferent farm house [and] outbuildings in bad repair and [a farm] attached of 26 Scotch acres [good] arable land. Occupied by [James] Wright. The property of Sir [A] Agnew of Lochnaw. |
OS1/35/16/52 |
[Page] 52 -- Parish of Kirkcolm - 3
Form 136
Page - 129- Glengyre Burn
131- Dochies
135 - Knockmulloch
[Glengyre Burn ] See remark P. [Page] 50
Knock (cnoc) A hill
Mullock (Mullch) A slope, height etc. |
OS1/35/16/53 |
Knockmulloch Hill
Knockmulloch Hill
Knockmulloch Hill |
James Wright
Alexander Kerr
Thomas Clendinnin
G McHaffie Esqr. |
009 |
[Situation] 7/8 mile East of Dogstone Hill
A moderate Sized hill on the farm of KnocKmulloch of a mound like Shape rather tabular on top the farm house of KnocKmulloch is situate on the S. W. [South West] side of this hill. |
OS1/35/16/53 |
Eldrick HIll
Eldrick Hill
Eldrig Hill
Eldrig Hill
Eldrig Hill |
John McCrea
John Cavan
George McHaffie Esqr.
Sir Andrew Agnew |
009 |
[Situation] 1 Mile E by N [East by North] of Dogstone Hill
A considerable hill on the farm of Glengyre the surface of which is arable on it is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station Called "Eldrick" by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party |
OS1/35/16/53 |
[Page] 53 -- Parish of Kirkcolm |
OS1/35/16/54 |
[Page] 54
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/55 |
High Auchniel
High Auchniel |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchniel via Stranraer
James McEwen High Mark via Stranraer |
009 |
A good farm House and out buildings Slated and in good Repair with a farm of 240 Acres of good arable lands occupied by Alexander Cochrane And is the property of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw. |
OS1/35/16/55 |
Knockelmine |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchniel via Stranraer
James McEwen High Mark via Stranraer |
009 |
A low hill on the farm of High Auchniel on Said hill Stands a trig [trigonometrical] Station Called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] party Highaughnell It is good arable land |
OS1/35/16/55 |
Rough Hill
Rough Hill |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchniel via Stranraer
James McEwen High Mark via Stranraer |
009 |
A low Arable hill on the farm of High Auchniel And is good arable Land |
OS1/35/16/55 |
Knockgour Hill
Knockgour |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchniel via Stranraer
James McEwen High Mark via Stranraer |
009 |
a considerable hill part of which is on the farm of High mark and part in High Auchniel It is good arable Soil the greater part of which is Cultivated |
OS1/35/16/55 |
[Page] 55 -- List of names collected by P. Connell Pt. [Private] R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish of Leswalt - Plan 9B
Trace No. 1
High Auchniel - House
Knockelmine - Hill
Rough Hill - Hill
Knockygour Hill - Hill
[Signed] P. Connell
Pt. [Private] R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
30th. April /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/56 |
Feymore |
James McEwan High Mark via Stranraer
Alexander Cochrane Auchniel via Stranraer |
009 |
a low Hill arable on the farm of High marK the Boundary which comes Convenient to the farm house of High mark - |
OS1/35/16/56 |
Sliggery Knowe
Sliggery Knowe |
Alexander Cochrane Auchniel via Stranraer
James McEwan High Mark via Stranraer |
009 |
A high point of land at the sea Coast of Mound like shape on Said point of Land Stands a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station Called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] party High Auchniel Shore |
OS1/35/16/56 |
Mare Rock
Mare Rock |
Alexander Cochrane Auchniel via Stranraer
James McEwan High Mark via Stranraer |
009 |
A large face of Rock on the Sea Shore [geting ] the name of mares Rock but there is no person about the place who can Say why it got this name |
OS1/35/16/56 |
[Page] 56 -- List of names collected by P. Connell Pt. [Private] R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish of Leswalt - Plan 9B
Trace No. 1
Feymore - Hill
Sliggery Knowe - (Part of the Sea Coast)
Mare Rock - Rock
[Signed] P. Connell
Pt. [Private] R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
30th. April [1847] |
OS1/35/16/57 |
Juniper face
Juniper face |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel
James McEwen
High mark via Stranraer |
009 |
a large face of Rocks Called by the Inhabitants the jauniper face this has got this from the jauniper [theres] been growing on the face of Rock |
OS1/35/16/57 |
Juniper Rock
Juniper Rock |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel James McEwen High mark via Stranraer |
009 |
a large rock on which the jauniper [threes ?] grows this is what it takes its name from |
OS1/35/16/57 |
Megs Craig
Megs Craig |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel James McEwen High mark via Stranraer |
009 |
A very large Rock on between the High and Low water mark this Rock is about one hundred feet High, this Rock has derived its name from a Woman of the name of Margaret who Climbed to the top of it, after getting to the top she had to Remain until there was a way procured to relase her out of the dangerous position she was in the woman is still living) |
OS1/35/16/57 |
[Page] 57 -- List of names collected by P. Connell Pt. [Private] R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish of Leswalt - Plan 9B
Trace No. 1
Juniper face - Rock
Juniper Rock - Rock
Meg's Craig- Rock
[Signed] P. Connell
Pt. [Private] R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
30th. April /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/58 |
Redstone Cove
Redstone Cove |
Alexander Cochrane
High Auchneel (via) Stranraer
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A long narrow neck or angle of the Sea Called by the inhabetants Red Stone cove the Rocks Round It is of a red nature and wild birds build the nests there |
OS1/35/16/58 |
Broad Port
Broad Port |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A Small crick or inlet on the Shore of the farm of High Mark and South of Red Stone Cove fishermen now Sometime land there boats there but it is unsafe and but little Sheltered - |
OS1/35/16/58 |
Slocknaglasson |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A small inlet between Rocks on the Shore of the farm of mark South Side of Broad Port |
OS1/35/16/58 |
[Page] 58 - Plan 9B -- Trace 1 - List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish of Leswalt
Red Stone Cove - An inlet
Broad Port - Crick
Slocknaglasson - Inlet
P. Connell
Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
30 April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/59 |
Kiln of the Fuffock
Kiln of the Fuffock
Kiln Fuffock |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer
John Fulton Mosscroft near Lochnaw By Stranraer |
009 |
A Small deep shallow or rather a hole Shaped nearly like a lime Kiln It is about 50 links in Diameter at top and ends in the Bottom in nearly a point it is about 30 feet deep and having no water in Sumer or winter it is situate about 3 chains South of Slocknagasson on the N.W. [North West] Side of Drumahowen Hill |
OS1/35/16/59 |
Pasbuery Rock
Pasbuery Rock |
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer
John Fulton Mosscroft near Lochnaw By Stranraer |
009 |
a long narrow Rock adjoining low water mark on the north side of Drumahowen Bay & projects about 10 feet above the Surrounding Sands on which it is Situate |
OS1/35/16/59 |
[Page] 59 - Plan 9B -- Trace 1 - List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish of Leswalt
Kiln of the Fuffock - a glen or Hollow
Pasbuery Rock - Rock
P. Connell
Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
30 April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/60 |
Drumahowen Bay
Drumahowen Bay
Drumahowen Bay |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer
John Fulton Mosscroft near Lochnaw By Stranraer |
009 |
a small Crick on the shore of the farm of High mark Leswalt on the W [West] Side of Drumahowen It is only Occasionly used by fishermen on account presitious [precipitous] Shore they cannot land |
OS1/35/16/60 |
Slocknawen Bay
Slocknawen Bay |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Crick on the Shore of the farm of High mark South of Drumahowen It is only used by fishermen on account presitious the boats cannot land though they [put] in for shelter |
OS1/35/16/60 |
[Page] 60 - Plan 9B -- Trace 1 - List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish of Leswalt
Drumahowen Bay - Crick
Slocknawen Bay - Crick
P. Connell
Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
30 April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/61 |
Craigincore |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Hillock the under Soil is Rocky Slytely covered with arable Soil Situated on the W [West] Side of Torindoos Hill on the farm of High Mark |
OS1/35/16/61 |
Galdenoch Burn |
009 |
For discription of this Burn See name list for adjoining Trace |
OS1/35/16/61 |
High Mark Burn |
009 |
For description of this Burn See name list for adjoining Trace |
OS1/35/16/61 |
[Page] 61 - Plan 9B -- Trace No. 1 - List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish of Leswalt
Craigincore - Hillock
Galdenoch Burn - Burn
High Mark Burn - Burn
P. Connell
Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
30 April / 47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/62 |
[Page] 62 - Plan 9B -- Trace No. 1 - List of Names collected by
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/63 |
Ruddoch Hill |
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A hill or portion of Slightly Elevated Ground on the farm of High Mark the Soil is arable |
OS1/35/16/63 |
Inchmalloch |
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer
John Fulton Mosscroft near Lochnaw By Stranraer |
009 |
This aplies to a portin of underlying ground or irregular Ground on the farm of High mark the north and South is high nearly lik two Separate Hills but [slitie] connected by Sort of low ridge - |
OS1/35/16/63 |
Torindoos Hill |
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Hill portion of Slightly Elevated Ground on the farm of High mark at the South East Side Runs the Gadnoch Burn This place was formerly much frequented by wild pidgeon hence that part of the of the "doos" or doves . |
OS1/35/16/63 |
[Page] 63 - Plan 9B -- Trace No. 1 - List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish of Leswalt
Ruddoch Hill -Hill
Inchmulloch _ Elevated Ground
Torindoos Hill - Hill
P. Connell
Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/16/63 |
Last part of Torindoos may have been scored through. |
OS1/35/16/64 |
Drumahouen Hill
Drumawhirn Hill |
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer |
009 |
a moderate Sized Hill on the farm of High mark adjoining the Sea Side, on the water Side It is precipitous and indented by Drumahowen Bay |
OS1/35/16/64 |
High Mark
High Mark |
James McEwen High mark (via) Stranraer
Alexander Cochrane High Auchneel (via) Stranraer |
009 |
a good farm house two Stories High Slated, recently erected with out buildings attached Situated about a distance of 15 chains to the N. E [North East] of it and a farm Consisting 180 acres of arable land. Situated along the Shore occupied by Robert McEwen the property of Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/64 |
[Page] 64 - Plan 9B -- Trace No. 1 - List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish of Leswalt
Drumahowen Hill - Hill
High Mark - House & Farm
P. Connell
Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
30th April [1847] |
OS1/35/16/65 |
Cairn Hill
Cairn Hill |
John Cloy Slew High via Stranraer
Alexander Stevenson West Douloch Via Stranraer |
009 |
A tolerable High Hill on the farm of KnocKnane Sloping regularly from the Base the surface is arable land - |
OS1/35/16/65 |
Knockey Road
Knaockarade |
John Cloy Slew High via Stranraer Alexander Stevenson West Douloch Via Stranraer |
009 |
a considerable large hill on the farm of KnocKnane of mound like Shape with nearly Circular Base on the Summit is a trig [trigonometrical] Station of the Same name the Surface is good land- |
OS1/35/16/65 |
Slewnane Hill |
009 |
See description in name sheets for trace 7. This a portion of which is described above as a cairn hill. see trace |
OS1/35/16/65 |
[Page] 65 - Plan 9B -- List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Parish of Leswalt
Cairn Hill - Hill
Knockarade - Hill
Slewnane Hill - Hill
P. Connell
Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Febr [February] 26th. / 47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/66 |
[Page] 66
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/67 |
Eldrick of Weirstone
Eldrick of Weirstone |
Alexander Montgomery Weirstone By Stranraer
John Ramsy Mid Glenguire By Stranraer |
009 |
Small hill consisting of arable and Rocky pasture Situated on Weirstone about six miles North west of the Town of Stranraer, and on a portion of the property of the Earl of Stair- Called Weirstone |
OS1/35/16/67 |
Weirston |
Alexander Montgomery Farmer Weirstone By Stranraer
John Ramsay Farmer Mid Glenguire By Stranraer
Thomas Clendinnin Farmer Weirston By Stranraer
Local Survey returns by C. Christison 1828 |
009 |
A Small hill consisting of arable and Rocky pasture Situated on weirstone about Six miles North West of the town of Stranraer and on a portion of the property of the Earl of Stair Called Weirstone |
OS1/35/16/67 |
[Page] 67 - Plan 9B Trace 4 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith Civil Assistant 1st. Examiner
Parish of Leswalt
Eldrick of Weirstone - A Hill
Weirstone - Land
Thomas Smith
C Asst [Civilian Assistant]
13th. February 1847. |
OS1/35/16/68 |
[Page] 68
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/69 |
High Barbeth |
Andrew Sproat Farmer Low Barbeth By Stranraer |
009 |
A Small neat Farm house, with office houses. all Slated, and in Good repair attached is a Farm of about fifty acres of Ground, the Soil is fertile And nearly the whole of it admits of cultivation, it is Situated about 3 3/4 miles N. [North] West of the Town of Stranraer. Proprietor the Earl of Stair, occupier James Sproat. |
OS1/35/16/69 |
[Page] 69 - Plan 9B Trace 4 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith Civil Assistant 1st. Examiner
Parish of Leswalt
High Barbeth - A house and Farm
Thomas Smith
C Asst [Civilian Assistant]
13th. February 1847. |
OS1/35/16/70 |
Low Barbeth
Low Barbeth |
Andrew Sproat Farmer Low Barbeth By Stranraer
Alexander Montgomery Farmer Weirstone By Stranraer |
009 |
A Small thatched farm house with Slsted office houses. all of which are in bad reapair attached is a farm of about 90 acres of ground the Soil of which is fertile and nearly the whole of it admits of Cultivation it is Situated about four miles N. W. [North West] of the Town of stranraer, Proprietor the Earl of Stair, Occupier Andrew Sproat. |
OS1/35/16/70 |
[Page] 70 - Plan 9B Trace 4 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith Civil Assistant 1st. Examiner
Parish of Leswalt
Low Barbeth - A House and Farm
Thomas Smith
C Asst [Civilian Assistant]
13th. February 1847. |
OS1/35/16/71 |
Balwhirry |
Thomas Agnew Balwhirry
Robert Porteous Farmer Kirkland via Leswalt |
009 |
a farm house in good repair with extensive outhouses & 200 acres all the Land attached it is the property of the Earl of Stair & tenanted by Ellen Agnew widow of the late Thomas Agnew |
OS1/35/16/71 |
Balwhirry Burn |
Robert Porteous Farmer Kirkland via Leswalt
William Ross Farmer Dinduff Via Leswalt |
009 |
A burn which takes its rise at the moss of Glengyre Ph. [Parish] of Kirkholm & takes its name from the different farms which it runs through |
OS1/35/16/71 |
[Page] 70 - Plan 9B -- List of Names collected by John Mechan Pte. R S M [Private Royal Sappers Miners] 1st. Examiner
Parish of Leswalt
Balwhirry - House
Balwhirry Burn - Burn
27 February 1847
John Mechan
Pte. R S M [Private Royal Sappers Miners]
1st. Examiner |
OS1/35/16/72 |
Free Church School House |
John Adams Teacher Free Kirk [School] Leswalt |
009 |
A rectangular building one Story high built
partly by the friends of the Free Church Committee & partly at the expense of the Leswalt Free Church Congregation Two Small Rooms are attached for the residence of the School master The School is built to Contain 150 Scholars but only 76 attend at present 42 of which are male The remainder female. |
OS1/35/16/72 |
[Page] 70 - Plan 9B Trace 5 -- List of Names collected by John Mechan Pte. R S M [Private Royal Sappers Miners] 1st. Examiner
Parish of Leswalt
Free Church School House - School House
27 February 1847
John Mechan
Pte. R S M [Private Royal Sappers Miners]
1st. Examiner |
OS1/35/16/73 |
Low Barbeth
Low Barbeth |
Thomas Agnew Balwhirrie via Stranraer
Rev [Reverend] Thomas Bell Kirkland Cottage Leswalt |
009 |
A farm house in good repair with office houses & 100 acres arable land attached it is on the Estate of the Earl of Stair and occupied by Andrew Sprott It [will in affect] the farm is Subject [to the parish] of Kirkcolm & the eclesiastical affairs to Leswalt parish This is [owing ] to a recent alteration of the parish boundery |
OS1/35/16/73 |
Dinduff |
William Ross Dinduff via Stranraer
Robert Porteous Low Kirkland via Stranraer |
009 |
A farm house in good repair with outhouses attached there are two other farm houses in the neighbourhood which have the Same name it is on the Earl of Stair & is occupied by William Ross The farm consists of 96 Acres |
OS1/35/16/73 |
[Page] 73 - Plan 9B Trace 5 -- List of Names collected by John Mechan Pte. R S M [Private Royal Sappers Miners] 1st. Examiner
Parish of Leswalt
Low Barbeth - House
Dinduff - House
27 February 1847
John Mechan
Pte. R S M [Private Royal Sappers Miners]
1st. Examiner |
OS1/35/16/74 |
[Page] 74
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/75 |
Downing Hill
Dounan Hill
Dounan Hill
Dunan Hill
Dunan Hill |
William Ross Farmer Dinduff via Stranraer
Thomas Agnew Balwhirrie via Stranraer
William Main Schoolmaster Leswalt via Stranraer
Hugh McCreadie Dinduff via Stranraer
James Murray Dinduff via Stranraer |
009 |
A Small arable Hill on the farm of Dinduff on which Stands a trig [trigonometrical] Station Called by trig [trigonometrical] party Dinduff after the farm on which it Stands. |
OS1/35/16/75 |
Kirkland Cottage |
Rev [Reverend] Thomas Bell Leswalt
Thomas Morland Joiner Lochnaw Leswalt |
009 |
A beautiful Stone built house two Stories high built to the model English Cottage Style and Surrounded by a very pretty flower Garden . It belongs to Sir Andrew Agnew Bart [Baronet] & is occupied by the Rev [Reverend] Thomas Bell Free Church Clergyman |
OS1/35/16/75 |
Smithy |
Thomas Agnew Belwhirrie
Robert Porteous Kirkland via Leswalt |
009 |
A shoeing Smith shop with dwelling attached on the old [] Road which runs from Stranraer through the parishes of Kirkcolm & Leswalt it is on the farm of Bilwhirrie |
OS1/35/16/75 |
[Page] 75 - Plan 9B Trace 5 -- List of Names collected by John Mechan Pte. R S M [Private Royal Sappers Miners] 1st. Examiner
Parish of Leswalt
Downing Hill - Hill
Kirkland Cottage - House
Smithy - Smith's forge & dwelling House
27 February 1847
John Mechan
Pte. R S M [Private Royal Sappers Miners] |
OS1/35/16/76 |
[Page] 76
[Blank page] |
OS1/35/16/77 |
Free Church |
Revd [Reverend] Thomas Bell Kirkland Cottage Leswalt via Stranraer |
009 |
This Church which was built at expense of the Free Church Congregation of Leswalt parish was began built January 1843 & opened for public Worship in Octr [October] 1844 the style of architecture is of the plainest [description] being without ornament of any Kind or even a gallery it contains 422 Sittings all of which are Occupied The number of Communicants are 294 the district included the parish of Leswalt The pastor is Rev [Reverend] Thomas Bell
his Salary is paid by the Free church committee & partly by the donations from the parishioners |
OS1/35/16/77 |
[Page] 77 -- List of Names collected by John Mechan Pte RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Free Church - Church
[Signed] 27th February 1847
John Mechan
Pte RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
1st Examiner |
OS1/35/16/78 |
[Page] 78
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/79 |
Kirkland Quarry |
Robert Bell Leswalt
Robert Portous Farmer Low Kirkland via Stranraer |
009 |
A Quarry from which is extracted a blue Stone called Graiwhacke Stone it is used to a great extent in Stranraer The principel Churches [in that town] being built of it. |
OS1/35/16/79 |
Low Kirkland |
Robert Portous Low Kirkland via Stranraer
Rev [Reverend] Thomas Bell Kirkland Cottage Leswalt |
009 |
This farm which consists of about 300 Acres formerly belonged to the church it is also divided into High & Low Kirkland besides Some Sub Lets Low Kirkland is in good repair with outhouses & 100 Acres of land attached it is on the Estate of Sir Andrew Agnew Bart. [Baronet] & tenanted by Mr. Robert Portous |
OS1/35/16/79 |
[Page] 79 -- List of Names collected by John Mechan Pte RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Kirkland Quarry - Quarry
Low Kirkland - House
[Signed] 27th February 1847
John Mechan
Pte RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
1st Examiner |
OS1/35/16/80 |
[Page] 80
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/81 |
Kirkland Hill |
Rev [Reverend] Thomas Bell Kirkland Cottage Leswalt
Robert Portous Low Kirkland via Leswalt |
009 |
A large hill all arable Save in the vicinity of the Top of Craigoch where it consists of Rocky pasture, the hill includes the whole of High Kirkland & a portion of Low Kirkland farms with the Small farm of Bushy Biel The name Kirkland Signifies that it belonged to the Church |
OS1/35/16/81 |
High Kirkland |
Robert Portous Low Kirkland via Leswalt
William Ross Dinduff Leswalt |
009 |
A farm house in good repair with outhouses Attached it is the property of Sir Andrew Agnew Bart. [Baronet] & held as a farm by William Stevenson Farmer of Large Lodge [hall] |
OS1/35/16/81 |
[Page] 81 -- List of Names collected by John Mechan Pte RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Kirkland Hill - Hill
High Kirkland - House
[Signed] 27th February 1847
John Mechan
Pte RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
1st Examiner |
OS1/35/16/82 |
[Page] 82
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/83 |
The Tor of Craigach |
Rev [Reverend] Thomas Bell Kirkland Cottage
Thomas Morland Joiner Lochna via Stranraer |
009 |
An ancient moat Standing on Kirkland hill it is Said to have been erected by The Danes as a place of defence the proprietor Sir Andrew Agnew [wont] allow either the moat or the land immediately adjoining it to be ploughed its Summit commands a fine & extensive view of the Surrounding Country There is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station upon it called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party Weirstone Hill after the adjacent farm of Weirstone. |
OS1/35/16/83 |
Bushy Biel |
Thomas Morland Joiner Lochna via Stranraer
William Ross Dinduff by Stranraer |
009 |
A portion of the Kirkland land of about 5 acres with the Small dwelling house is called Bushy Biel at the time being covered with bushes it was considered a place of Shelter for the Cattle etc. the Scots term for Shelter being Beil hence, Bushy Biel it is occupied by James Dorman & is a Sublet of the Low Kirkland farm |
OS1/35/16/83 |
[Page] 81 -- List of Names collected by John Mechan Pte RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Tor of Craigach - Moat
Bushy Biel - House & Farm
[Signed] 27th February 1847
John Mechan
Pte RS&M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
1st Examiner |
OS1/35/16/84 |
[Page] 84
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/85 |
High Mark Burn
High Mark Burn |
David Adams Miller Galdenoch Mill By Stranraer
William Cambell Forrester Lochnaw by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small [stream] flowing out of the Douloch - farm and KnocKnain moss and falling into the Galdenoch Burn. |
OS1/35/16/85 |
Wee Portbeg
Wee Portbeg
Wee Portbeg |
David Adams Miller Galdenoch Mill By Stranraer
William Cambell Forrester Lochnaw by Stranraer
John McKahie Farmer KnocKnain by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Bay on the Sea Coast about 6 1/4 Miles North of Portpatrick - its channel is Studded with Boulders and Shingle and on either Side of it. there is bold rocks |
OS1/35/16/85 |
[Page] 85 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 6 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
High Mark Burn - A Stream
Wee Portbeg - A Bay
Thomas Smith C/a [Civilian assistant]
1st. May 1847 |
OS1/35/16/86 |
KnocKnain KnocKnain |
John McKahie Farmer KnocKnain by Stranraer
William Cambell Forester Lochnaw by Stranraer
John Hegans High KirKland by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small neat Farm house with office houses all Slated and in good repair with is a farm of 300 Acres Ground of which 20 acres is Moorland and the Remainder arable land of fertile [good quality] Soil Property of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw occupier John McKahie South of this farm house a small distance is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station on a sloping eminence Called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party "KnocKieguam" [a name not Known]the hillock on which it stands is not known by any name |
OS1/35/16/86 |
[Page] 86 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 6 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
KnocKnain - A House and Farm
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
1st. May 1847 |
OS1/35/16/87 |
Drumawhirrin |
Hugh Downs Meikle Galdenoch by Stranraer
Samuel Fulton Duloch by KirKcolm |
009 |
A Small hill of Heathy Pasture on the farm of Meikle Galdenoch [The surface is heathy pasture] on its Summit is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station Called By Trig [Trigonometrical] Party [Gealnnig] moor Probably after the name of the Farm. |
OS1/35/16/87 |
Galdenoch Burn |
William Cambell Forrester Lochnaw By Stranraer
John Hegans High Kirkland Moss by Stranraer
David Adams Miller Galdenoch By Stranraer |
009 |
A Small [Burn] flowing out of a Mill Pond on the east Side of Galdenoch mill and falling into St George's Channel about 6 1/2 miles North of Portpatrick |
OS1/35/16/87 |
[Page] 87 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 6 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Drumawhirrin - A Hill
Galdenoch Burn - A Stream
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
1st. May 1847 |
OS1/35/16/87 |
Feint writing on page. |
OS1/35/16/88 |
Galdenoch Mill
Galdenoch Mill
Galdenoch Mill |
David Adams Miller Galdenoch by Stranraer
William Cambell Forester Lochnaw by Stranraer
John Hegans High Kirkland |
009 |
A Corn and Barley mill built in 1820 Since which period it has been Kept in good working repair attached is a farm of 72 acres of Ground with a fam House and office houses, Occupied by David Adams Miller Proprietor Sir A: Agnew of Lochnaw - |
OS1/35/16/88 |
Lochbeg |
William Cambell Forester Lochnaw by Stranraer
John Hegans High Kirkland by Stranraer
David Adams Miller Galdenoch Mill by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Loch on the farm of Meikle Galdenoch, of Fresh Surface Water |
OS1/35/16/88 |
[Page] 88 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 6 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Galdenoch Mill - A Mill and Farm - [Note] the property
LochBeg - A Loch
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
1st. May 1847 |
OS1/35/16/89 |
Broom Knowe
Broom Knowe |
David Adams Miller Galdenoch Mill by Stranraer
John Kahie Farmer KnocKnain by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small conical hill on the Farm of Meikle Galdenoch it is of arable Soil |
OS1/35/16/89 |
Mill Isle Burn |
William Cambell Forester Lochnaw by Stranraer
John Fulton Farmer Moss Croft by Stranraer
JOhn Hegans High Kirkland Moss Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Stream flowing out of Lochnaw Loch and falling into a Mill Pond on the East Side of the Galdenoch Mill. |
OS1/35/16/89 |
[Page] 89 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 6 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Broom Knowe - A Hill
Mill Isle Burn - A Stream
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
1st. May 1847 |
OS1/35/16/89 |
Feint writing on page |
OS1/35/16/90 |
Green Burn
Green Burn
Green Burn |
William Cambell Forester Lochnaw by Stranraer
John Hegans High Kirkland
David Adams Miller Galdenoch Mill by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Stream rising in a farm called Half Mark and falling into the Mill Isle Burn A Small distance East of a Mill Pond near Galdenoch Mill, the Source of Mill Isle Burn is Lochnaw Loch and it falls into this Pond mentioned and East of a Small bye road leading to the farmhouse of Meikle Galdenoch the Green Burn flows into the Mile Isle Burn, and in turn this last falls into. the Pond mentioned. |
OS1/35/16/90 |
[Page] 90 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 6 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Galdenoch Mill - A Mill and Farm -
LochBeg - A Loch
[Pencil Note]
and running into the Mill Isle Burn near a Mill Pond at the Galdenoch Mill.
From the opposite side of the Pond runs a considerable stream which is the united waters of the Mill Isle Burn and that of the Green Burn and is called the Galdenoch Burn
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
1st. May 1847 |
OS1/35/16/90 |
Feint writing on page |
OS1/35/16/91 |
Galdenoch Castle
Galdenoch Castle
Galdenoch Castle |
William Cambell Forester Lochnaw by Stranraer
John Hegans High Kirkland Moss. by Stranraer |
009 |
A Large Stone and Lime built Castle of Apparantly intended Strenght. It is now roofless and the walls which yet Stands to their full height are [but] in several parts btoken and falling into decay It was first built by A family of the name of Adam who was then Proprietor of Some of the adjoining Lands. It now belongs to Sir A Agnew of Lochnaw it has been the Property of his Ancestors Since about the Years 1316 or 1318.- The Summit of the Southern Gable is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Point Named by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party . |
OS1/35/16/91 |
[Page] 91 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 6 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Galdenoch Castle - Ruins of Castle
[Note] Gealnoughmoor - Old Castle .
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
1st. May 1847 |
OS1/35/16/92 |
Meikle Galdenoch
Meikle Galdenoch
Meikle Galdenoch |
List of Names supplied by Mr. McHaffie factor Wigtown
David Adams Miller Galdenoch
William Cambell Forester Lochnaw by Stranraer |
009 |
A large and well constructed farm house with office houses all Slated and in Good repair attached is a farm of 500 acres of Ground about one half of which is moorland and the remainder is arable it is Situated about 6 1/2 miles north of Portpatrick - Proprietor Sir A. Agnew of Lochnaw Within a few yards of the farm house Stands the ruins of Galdenoch Castle.- |
OS1/35/16/92 |
Bere Fay of Knocknain
Bare Fey of Knocknain |
William Cambell Forester Lochnaw by Stranraer
John Hegans High Kirkland Moss |
009 |
A Small hill of Arable Soil on the Farm of Knocknain |
OS1/35/16/92 |
[Page] 92 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 6 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Meikle Galdenoch - A House and Farm
Bere Fay of Knocknain - A Hill
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
1st. May 1847 |
OS1/35/16/92 |
Feint writing on page. |
OS1/35/16/93 |
Black Hill
Black Hill |
Andrew McCrea Farmer Little Galdenoch by Stranraer
William McKean Farmer Knocknain by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small arable Hill on the Farm of Little Galdenoch the Soil is arable and the Whole of it admits of Cultivation this hill is Low and of nearly an oval Shape. And lies in the direction North and South and on the West Side of the ruins of a house. Which was the Farm House of Little Galdenoch farm before the building of the present one in the year 1843. |
OS1/35/16/93 |
Cairn Hill |
009 |
Description Given within Trace No. B of this Plan. |
OS1/35/16/93 |
[Page] 93 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith Civil Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 7 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Black Hill - A Hill
Cairn Hill - A Hill
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/94 |
Little Galdenoch
Little Galdenoch
Little Galdnoch |
Andrew McCrea Farmer Little Galdenoch by Stranraer
John Fulton Farmer Moss Croft by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small neat Farm house with office houses all Slated and in good repair there were all built in, and Since the year 1843, by the proprietor Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw attached is a farm of 200 acres of Ground about one third arable and remainder Heath or moorland Pasture. It is Situated about 7 miles n. W [North West of Stranraer. |
OS1/35/16/94 |
Slievemeine Hill
Slievemein Hill |
Andrew McCrea Farmer Little Galdenoch by Stranraer
John Fulton Farmer Moss Croft by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Hill of arable Soil, on the farm of Little Galdenoch it is a low hill of an oval Shape And lying in the direction nearly north and South |
OS1/35/16/94 |
[Page] 94 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 7 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Little Galdenoch - A House and Farm
Sleivemein Hill - A Hill
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/95 |
Cairnhapple Hill
Cairnhapple Hill |
James McCrea Farmer Cairnhapple by Stranraer
John Fulton Farmer
Moss Croft by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Hill of arable land, on the Farm of Cairnhapple, this hill is of an oval Shape And lying in the direction N [North] and South. & about half way down the Southern end is the Farm house of Cairnhapple, this hill is Situated about 6 1/4 miles N. W. [North West] of Stranraer |
OS1/35/16/95 |
Cowan Hill
Cowan Hill |
William Cairns Farmer Garchrie by Stranraer
John Porteos Lochnaw by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Arable hill on the farm of Garchrie it is low and of oval Shape, lying in the direction north and South. And is distant about 6 miles N.W [North West] of Stranraer and on the Property of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw. |
OS1/35/16/95 |
[Page] 93 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 7 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Cairnhapple Hill - A Hill
Cowan Hill - A Hill
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/96 |
Garchrie |
William Cairns Farmer Garchrie by Stranraer
Andrew McCrea Little Galdenoch by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small thatched Farm House with office houses all of which are only in indifferent repair, attached is a farm of 40 Acres of ground. Part moorland and a part arable but of Light moory Soil it is Situated about 6 miles N. W. [North West] of Stranraer Proprietor Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw occupier William Cairns |
OS1/35/16/96 |
[Page] 96 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 7 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Garchrie - House and farm
Cairnhapple - A House and farm
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/96 |
Most of the description for Cairnhapple has been scored out.
"house deserted" |
OS1/35/16/97 |
Moss Croft
Moss Croft |
John Fulton Farmer Moss Croft by Stranraer
Andrew McCrea Farmer Little Galdenoch by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Neat farm house with office houses all in good repair And now built within the last three Years, attached is a farm of 15 Acres of Grounds about one third is arable and the remiander Heathy or Moorland Pasture. its Situation is about 6 1/2 miles N. W. [North West] of Stranraer, Proprietor Sir A. Agnew of Lochnaw occupier John Fulton. |
OS1/35/16/97 |
Slewnagle Hill
Slewnagle Hill |
John Fulton Farmer Moss Croft by Stranraer
Andrew McCrea Farmer Little Galdenoch by Stranraer |
009 |
A long low hill, lying in the direction north & South on the West Side it is arable And its eastern Side is Cover'd with Heathy pasture though it was formerly cultivated on the Summit is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station Call'd by Trig. Party Slewn Eagle,- This Hill is on the farm of Moss Croft. |
OS1/35/16/97 |
[Page] 97 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 7 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Moss Croft - A House And Farm
Slewnagle Hill - A Hill
Thomas Smith C A [Civilian Assistant]
April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/98 |
Cairnhapple |
Andrew McCrea Farmer Little Galdenoch by Stranraer
James McCrea Farmer Cairnhapple by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small thatched farm house with office houses all of which are old. and only in indifferent repair attached is a farm of 57 acres of Ground. The Soil is fertile and about three fourths of it admits of Cultivation and the remainder is moorland & moss. it is Situated about 6 1/4 miles N.W. [North West] of Stranraer Proprietor Sir A Agnew of Lochnaw, Occupier James McCrea. |
OS1/35/16/98 |
Slewdown Hill |
009 |
Description Given with Trace No. 3 of this Plan. |
OS1/35/16/98 |
[Page] 98 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C Asst. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 7 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Cairnhapple - A House and Farm
Slewdown Hill - A Hill
Thomas Smith C Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/99 |
Cranberry Croft
Cranberry Croft |
John Fulton Farmer Moss Craft by Stranraer
Andrew McCrea Farmer Litle Galdenoch by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small farm House with office houses and all built within the last three Years. attached is a farm of 15 acres of Ground about one fourth is arable and the residue moorland . This house and office houses are built on the South Side of the Boundary between the Parishes of Leswalt and Kirkcolm . nd Close by it, on the Side of the former And the boundary here Crosses the Summit of a Small arable hill lying in a direction North and South in Both Parishes this hill is Call'd Slewdown Hill Proprietor. Sir A Agnew of Lochnaw- occupier John Ramsiy- |
OS1/35/16/99 |
[Page] 99 -- List of Names collected by Thomas Smith C A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9 B Trace No 7 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Cranberry Croft - A House & farm
Thomas Smith C Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
April 1847 - |
OS1/35/16/100 |
Slewnane Hill
Slewnane Hill |
John McKahie Knocknain by Stranraer
John Fulton Mosscroft by Stranraer |
009 |
A Small arable hill of Fertile Soil, the whole of which admits Cultivation. it is Situated on the Farm of Knocknain and distant about 6 3/4 Miles North of Portpatrick |
OS1/35/16/100 |
[Page] 99 -- List of Names collected by [Thomas Smith C A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner]
Plan 9 B Trace No 7 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Slewnane Hill - A Hill
Thomas Smith
C Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
April 1847 - |
OS1/35/16/101 |
Slewintoo Hill |
William Cairns Garchrie via Stranraer
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
A low Hill arable Hill On the farm of Garchrie Part of which is Cultivated and part Rough Pasture |
OS1/35/16/101 |
Garchrie Moss |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
William Cairns Garchrie via Stranraer |
009 |
a large tract of moss belonging to the farm of Garchrie |
OS1/35/16/101 |
Kirkland Tor |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
William Cairns Garchrie via Stranraer |
009 |
A high hill on the farm of low Kirkland Called by Trig [Trigonometrical] party Weirstone- Sir Andrew Agnew Says that his Opinion that there has been a roman Tower on the place where the Trig [Trigonometrical] Station Stands but there is no one Can Say for a Certainty there Stood a roman tower on the hill |
OS1/35/16/101 |
[Page] 101 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9 B Trace No 8 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Slewintoo Hill - A Hill
Garchrie - Moss
Kirkland Tor - Hill
P Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
17th. April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/102 |
High Kirkland Hill |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous |
009 |
A considerable hill of good arable land and is occupied by John Porteous Steward and Gardener to Sir Andrew Agnew of lochnaw who is the proprietor- there is no dwelling house on the hill but the Offices, Houses or farm yard Is Situated about 3 Chains West of the South end of the Hill- |
OS1/35/16/102 |
Loch Hill |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
A low hill of good arable Soil occupied by John porteous Steward and Gardener to Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw who is the proprietor this hill has a trig [trigonometrical] Station on it called by trig [trigonometrical] party Glenhead- |
OS1/35/16/102 |
[Page] 102 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9 B Trace No 8 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
High Kirkland - A Hill
Loch Hill - hill
P Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
17th. April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/103 |
Mickle Slewfad |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
a considerable large Moor on one Side by the Garchrie Moss and is taken as part of the Lochnaw Demsne the quality of timber is Fir ash and beech this wood has been [like made] planted by Sir Andrew Agnew |
OS1/35/16/103 |
Mill Isle Burn |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
A Small burn flowing out of Lochnaw Loch And falling in to guan [Galdenoch] Burn this Burn has taken its name from a mill which Stood at the South end of garden now taken away and ornamental Ground in the place of Said Mill - |
OS1/35/16/103 |
[Page] 103 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9 B Trace No 8 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Mickle Slewfad - Planting
Mill Isle Burn _ Burn
P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
17th. April /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/104 |
Half Mark Plantation |
Sir Andrew Agnew Loch naw
John Porteous Lochnaw |
009 |
a considerable large tracked of wood in the Lochnaw Demesne the quality of timber is ash fir and beech this wood has been planted by Sir Andrew Agnew |
OS1/35/16/104 |
Grey Loch |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Sheet of marshy moory lands in the Lochnaw Demesne the water from the different hills Round it, in the time of Rain the flow of water is so great that the Size is very much in large then the over flow falls in to lochnaw loch- |
OS1/35/16/104 |
Whinny Knolls |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw |
009 |
along Stripe of planting in the Lochnaw Demesne the description of timber is Fir and beech - |
OS1/35/16/104 |
[Page] 104 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9 B Trace No 8 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Half Mark Plantation - Plantation
Grey Loch -Loch
Whinny Knolls - Planting
[Note] "the water of which is Small having
increased particularly during rainy seasons
& the extent of it much enlarged "
P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
17th. April /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/105 |
Drummullin Wood |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
a considerable large tracked Of wood in the Lochnaw Demesne and is chiefly beech and ash with Some Oak ful grown on the South Side is the Garden belonging to lochnaw House, which is inclosed by a wall 12 feet High, the enterier is beautifully laid out |
OS1/35/16/105 |
Clash |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
A Small tatched House with out buildings tatched and in bad repair with a farm of land 9 acres arable [It is occupied by Mr. Reanny] And is the property Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw it is bounded on every Side by wood of a [mixed] discription |
OS1/35/16/105 |
[Page] 105 -- List of Names collected by [P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9 B Trace No 8 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Drummullin Wood - Wood
Clash - House
P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
17th. April /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/105 |
The pencil note is more or less the same as the written version. |
OS1/35/16/107 |
Little Slewfad |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
a low arable Hill on the [North East Side of] lochnaw estate [The soil is arable] Occupied by John Porteous and is the property of Sir Andrew Agnew of lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/107 |
Whitewards Plantation |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw
John Porteous Lochnaw |
009 |
A Small Stripe of plantation in lochnaw Demesne the quality of timber is Fir ash and beech it has been planted by Sir Andrew Agnew |
OS1/35/16/107 |
Whiteward |
Sir Andrew Agnew
Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
A considerable large field in Lochnaw Demesne and is occupied by one of Sir Andrew Agnews gatekeepers who has it as part of the Salary alowed him yearly |
OS1/35/16/107 |
[Page] 107 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9 B Trace No 8 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Little Slewfad - Hill
Whiteward Plantation - planting
Whiteward - field
[Note] " holds it as part of the yearly salary"
P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
17th. April /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/107 |
Feint pencil note on page. |
OS1/35/16/108 |
Slewcroan Planting |
Air Andrew Agnew Lochnaw Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw Stranraer |
009 |
A considerable wood or plantation part of Lochnaw Demesne Conditioning of mixed wood Situed on the north side of Lochnaw Loch |
OS1/35/16/108 |
Lochnaw Loch |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw Stranraer John Porteous Lochnaw Stranraer |
009 |
A large and handsome Sheet of water on the north Side of Lochnaw Castle interspersed with a few Small Islands one of which is Called the Isle of Lochnaw been the Largest on It Stood the ancient Castle of Lochnaw the Shores around are ornamental Ground [adds] much to the Scenery of Lochnaw - It is from this Loch that name Lochnaw has Originated which is the property name for Sir Andrew Agnews Place |
OS1/35/16/108 |
[Page] 108 -- List of Names collected by [P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] ]
Plan 9 B Trace No 8 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Slewcroan - Planting
Lochnaw Loch - Loch
P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/16/109 |
White Ward Meadow |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw Stranraer |
009 |
a portion of Low Ground inclosed Consisting of Coarse pasture long on the East Side of Lochnaw Loch |
OS1/35/16/109 |
Black Loch |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw Stranraer John Porteous Lochnaw Stranraer |
009 |
a moderate Sized Loch on the Lands of Lochnaw adjoining which is a moss |
OS1/35/16/109 |
[Page] 109 -- List of Names collected by [P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] ]
Plan 9 B Trace No -- [Parish] of Leswalt
White Ward Meadow - field
Black LocK
P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners] |
OS1/35/16/110 |
Lochnaw Castle |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
A large and handsome pile of Building Part of which is of Ancient Castellated Style Portions of it has been built at different Periods of time the first part was built 1450 the dates 1668 & 1704 are on the South Side of the Building which shows the periods of the Erection of these parts The Building is kept in good repair and is a handsome mansion Surrounded by Gardens & Pleasure Grounds and a large demesne well wooded with with full Grown woods and Some young thriving plantations Ornamental parks etc. On the South Side & near it is Lochnaw Loch Beautiful Sheet of water with Some Small Islands is well wooded, Around the Shores are also well wooded ornamented by the Pleasure Grounds of Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/110 |
[Page] 110 List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9 B Trace No. 8 - Parish of Leswalt
Lochnaw Castle - Castle
[Signed] P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
17 April 1847 |
OS1/35/16/111 |
Kirkland Moss |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
A large tract of moss with Several portions of which are Cultivated and on it are Several Small Labourers Cottages or dwellings to each of which are attached Small portions of the Cultivated Moss As gardens etc. Labourers are in the Employment of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/111 |
Isle of Lochnaw |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
An Island in the South Side of Lochnaw Loch well wooded with full grown wood ash and Oak on it is still standing Part of the ruins of an Old castle of Lochnaw which was the antient Castle of Lochnaw
Sir Andrew Agnew Says that in 1450 large portion was standing that being the Year of the Erection of the present Castle of Lochnaw much of the stones was removed for the building of the new Castle the remains now Standing is wall about 10 feet long and 10 in hight the with been about 4 feet |
OS1/35/16/111 |
[Page] 111 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9 B Trace No 8 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Kirkland Moss - Moss
Isle of Lochnaw - Island
P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
April 17th. 1846 |
OS1/35/16/112 |
Sir Stair's Island |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
A considerable large Island in Lochnaw Loch the timber is Chiefly beech and Fir, the timber on this island has been planted by Sir Stairs Agnew So now it retains the name Sir Stairs island. |
OS1/35/16/112 |
Bramble Island |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
Around Small island in the Loch of Lochnaw with nothing growing only brush Wood |
OS1/35/16/112 |
Duck Island |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw via Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw via Stranraer |
009 |
A Small island in the Loch of Lochnaw with Small trees growing on the Island the reason it is called duck island is the large ducks all ly on it in the winter Season - |
OS1/35/16/112 |
[Page] 112 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell Pt. R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9 B Trace No 8 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Sir Stair's Island - Island
Bramble Island - Island
Duck Island - Island
P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
April 17th. 1846 |
OS1/35/16/112 |
Pencil notes appear to have been overwritten in ink. |
OS1/35/16/113 |
Well Island |
Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw (via) Stranraer
John Porteous Lochnaw (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A Small island in lochnaw loch there are a few large trees on the Said island - what this Island derives its name from is a well that was beside it when the Loch was drained |
OS1/35/16/113 |
[Page] 113 -- List of Names collected by
Plan -- Trace No -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Well Island - Island
[Feint Note] Lochnaw loch
being drained some time since
a well was discovered close to this
Island hence the name |
OS1/35/16/114 |
Aldouran Glen
Aldouran Glen |
Alexander McCrea Half Mark by Stranraer
William Main Schoolmaster Leswalt by Stranraer |
009 |
A Glen closely wooded with natural wood and forest trees and is very steep at rome places it forms an angle of 50 degrees, at the bottom runs a small stream which I do not find has goot any particular name THis Glen is sometimes called Gendoran this short name is only used by the common people and is not considered correct. It extends from a small bridge which is 13 chs. [chains] E. [East] of Glenhead ◬ [Trigonometrical Point] to about 10 chains South of the manse of Leswalt . viz about 40 chs. [chains] |
OS1/35/16/114 |
Camps Graves
Camps Graves |
Alexander McCrea Half Mark by Stranraer
John Biggam Stranraer |
009 |
This is the remains of an old fort situate on a prominent precipice on the North Bank of Aldouran Glen formed with three ditches, thrown up & in the form of a half moon. extending from the brink of the precipice at one end to the precipice at the other and seems to have been naturaly fortified within the Glen in front or south side here it is thought that those who fell while defending the fort are buried |
OS1/35/16/114 |
[Page] 114 -- List of Names collected by C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Alexander Dean 2nd Examiner
Plan 9B -- Trace No 9 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Aldouran Glen - Glen
Camps Graves - Ancient fort
[Signed] Alexander Dean c.a. [civilian assistant]
21 Apl. [April] 1847 |
OS1/35/16/115 |
Glen Park
Glen Park |
Alexander McCrea
Half Mark by Stranraer
Andrew Martin Glen Park by Stranraer |
009 |
An ordinary dwelling House and out houses thatched and a farm of about 60 acres occupied by Andrew Martin This is part of the lands of challoch but is
distinguished by the main farm its being Situated nearest the Glen on its North side Proprietor. The Earl of stair chief tenant Dr. Ritchie of Challoch |
OS1/35/16/115 |
Challoch Inn
Challoch Inn |
Francis Byres Leswalt by Stranraer
William Mein Leswalt by Stranraer |
009 |
An Inn on the leading from Stranraer to Lochnaw near Leswalt church. connected with which is a small farm of good arable land at present held by Mr. F. Byres Proprietor The Earl of stair |
OS1/35/16/115 |
[Page] 115 -- List of Names Collected by c.a. [civilian assistant] Alexander Dean 2nd Examiner
Plan 9B -- Trace No 9 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Glen Park - House & Farm
Challoch Inn - An Inn
[Signed] Alexander Dean
c.a. [civilian assistant]
21 Apl. [April] 1847 |
OS1/35/16/116 |
Altdouran Glen |
Revd. [Reverend] Mr McCubbin Leswalt via Stranraer
Mr Mone Schoolmaster Leswalt via Stranraer |
009 |
A Steep romantic Glen or ravine through which a Small Burn runs the banks on each Side are very steep the Slopes of which are covered with natural wood on its north Side is the remains of a fort which is Called the Camps Graves |
OS1/35/16/116 |
[Page] 116 -- List of Names Collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9B -- Trace No 9 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Altdouran Glen - Glen |
OS1/35/16/117 |
[Page] 117
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/118 |
High Hill |
William Main Leswalt (via) Stranraer
Thomas Spence Leswalt (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A low Hill on the farm Of Half Mark of a mound like Shape and is good arable good land |
OS1/35/16/118 |
Half Mark |
Alexander McCrea Half mark via Stranraer |
009 |
A good farm House and Out buildings in good repair with a farm of 170 Acres of land the greater Part of which is mountain land Occupied by Alexander Crea And is the property Of Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/118 |
[Page] 118 -- List of Names Collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9B -- Trace No 9 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
High Hill - Hill
Half Mark - House & Farm
[Signed] P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
17th. March /4/ [1847] |
OS1/35/16/119 |
[Page] 119]
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/120 |
Barn Hill |
William Main Leswalt (via) Stranraer
Thomas Spence Leswalt (via) Stranraer |
009 |
a low arable Hill on the farm of challoch of a mound like Shape |
OS1/35/16/120 |
Leswalt Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Andrew McCubbin Leswalt (via) Stranraer
William Main Leswalt (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A plain stone edifice without tower or steeple but having parish house built a small belfry [anamated] with buttresses in the modern Stile and is set to accomodate 500 persons with Seats was Erected in 1812 - And is 3 miles north of Stranraer The belfry is used as a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station |
OS1/35/16/120 |
Mans of Leswalt
Manse |
Revd. [Reverend] Andrew McCubbin Leswalt (via) Stranraer
William Main Leswalt (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A commodious house two Story High with 10 acres of wood arable land and is Occupied by the Revd. [Reverend] Andrew McCubbin minister of the Established Church in Leswalt Parish |
OS1/35/16/120 |
[Page] 120 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9B -- Trace No 9 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Barn Hill - Hill
Leswalt Church
Mans of Leswalt - House
[Signed] P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
17th. March /4/ [1847] |
OS1/35/16/121 |
[Page] 121
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/122 |
Old Church in ruins |
Revd. [Reverend] Andrew McCubbin Leswalt (via) Stranraer
William Main Leswalt via Stranraer |
009 |
the old church of Leswalt now in Ruins the timber of It been taken away for the purpose of building the new on which was Erected in 1818 likewise Some of the Stones nothing now Remaining only a portion of the Side walls, the Orchard yard is Still Occupied as the buring place On the north Side is the tomb belonging to Sir Andrew Agnew loch naw |
OS1/35/16/122 |
[Page] 122 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9B -- Trace No 9 -- [Parish] of Leswalt
Old church (in ruins ) - old church
[Signed] P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
17th. March /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/123 |
[Page] 123
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/124 |
Dogstone Hill
Dogstone Hill |
Alexander Stevenson West Douloch
John Cloy Slew High (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A moderate Sized Hill on the farm of Douloch the Surface is good pasture land the Base nearly Circular this hill is sometimes Called but the most popular name is Dogstone Hill the name Dogstone a applies to a loose Rock or large Stone lying on the Summit of the Hill hence the Dogstone Hill - |
OS1/35/16/124 |
Slew fad
Slew fad |
Alexander Stevenson West Douloch
John Cloy Slew High (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A low Hill of a ridge like Shape or [question] of High lands on the farm of KnocKnane the Surface of which is good arable land Situate on the West Side of West Douloch farm House |
OS1/35/16/124 |
[Page] 124 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9B -- Trace No 2 -- [Parishes] of Kirkcolm & Leswalt
Dogstone Hill - Hill [Kirkcolm]
Knockatanlie - Hill [Kirkcolm]
Slew fad - Hill [Leswalt]
[Signed] P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Febr [February] 26th. /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/125 |
[Page] 125
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/126 |
Slew High
Slew High |
John Cloy West Douloch via Stranraer
Alexander Stevenson |
009 |
A tolerable large Hill on the farm of Douloch of Amound like Shape with Base nearly Circular [Sill] good pasture land |
OS1/35/16/126 |
West Douloch |
Alexander Stevenson
West Douloch via Stranraer
John Cloy Slew High via Stranraer
Collin Christison [Barnbarach] on Survey returned
dated 1828 in
possession of A. Kerr Glengyre |
009 |
A very indifferent house with outbuidings attached apparently in bad repair having a farm attached of 100 acres of land chiefly arable ground Occupied by Alexander Stevenson the property of Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw |
OS1/35/16/126 |
[Page] 126 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9B -- Trace No 2 -- [Parish] of Kirkcolm
Slew High - Hill
West Douloch - House
[Signed] P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Febr [February] 26th. /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/127 |
[Page] 127
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/128 |
Meikle Glengyre
Meikle Glengyre
High Glengyre |
Alexander Kerr Glengyre (via) Stranraer
John McDowall Glengyre via Stranraer
See Rent Receipt from factor to tenant filled by W McHafffie Wigtown
Survey returns by Collin Christison 1828 in possesn [possession] of Alexander Kerr Glengyre |
009 |
An indifferent farm house And out building Thatched And in bad repair and a farm of 130 Acres Scotch chiefly Arable land Occupier Alexander Kerr proprietor Sir Andrew Agnew lochnaw - |
OS1/35/16/128 |
Glengyre moss |
John McDowall Glengyre via Stranraer Alexander Kerr Glengyre (via) Stranraer |
009 |
A portion of a large moss in the farm of Glengyre the ajoining Portion of this moss is Known by the names of farms Such as Glengyre Moss- |
OS1/35/16/128 |
[Page] 128 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9B -- Trace No 3 -- [Parish] of Kirkcolm
Glengyre - House and Farm
Meikle Glengyre - House and Farm
High Glengyre - House and Farm
Glengyre Moss - Moss
[Signed] P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Febr [February] 20th. /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/129 |
[Page] 129
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/130 |
Glengyre Burn
Glengyre Burn |
Alexander Kerr Glengyre via Stranraer
John McDowall Glengyre via Stranraer |
009 |
A Small Burn taking Its rise in in the moss of Glengyre running north through the farm of Glengyre And low Birbath where It falls into Soulburn two miles from loch Ryan |
OS1/35/16/130 |
Slewcarte Hill
Mid Hill of Glengyre
Slewcarte |
Andrew McKinstry Glengyre via Stranraer
James Anderson KnocKnain by Stranraer
William McDowall Knock |
009 |
A modest Sized hill on the farm of Glengyre of a mound like Shape rather Tabular on top the quality of land good arable on the hill there is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station Called by trig [trigonometrical] party Midhill of Glengyre the hill is Sometimes Known by this name but more Generally Known by Slewcastle hill |
OS1/35/16/130 |
[Page] 130 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9B -- Trace No 3 -- [Parish] of Kirkcolm
Glengyre Burn - Burn
Slewcarte Hill - Hill
[Notes] This is only called by this name
where it touches the farm of Glengyre [Initialled] A. D.
Slewcarte is the ancient name, but the
inhabitants in speaking of it to each other will
name it the mid hill because it is surrounded with hills.
[Initialled] A.D.
[Signed] P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Febr [February] 26th. /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/131 |
[Page] 131
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/132 |
Slewdown Hill |
John Ramsay Glengyre via Stranraer
William McDowall Glengyre (via) Stranraer
Alexander Kerr Glengyre |
009 |
A low hill of a mound Shape tabular on the top quality of land good arable - |
OS1/35/16/132 |
Slew Sack |
Adam Kerr Glengyre via Stranraer
John Ramsey |
009 |
A low hill or portion Slitely Elevated ground nearly of ridge like Shape Sloping north and South On the farm of Glengyre the Surface Arable ground |
OS1/35/16/132 |
Dochies |
William McDowall KnocKmonis by Stranraer
Alexander Kerr - M [Mid] Glengyre by Stranraer
Local survey by Collin Christison 1828 |
009 |
a small flat ridge - like hill on the farm of Meikle Glengyre the soil is arable and in good state of cultivation |
OS1/35/16/132 |
[Page] 132 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9B -- Trace No 3 -- [Parish] of Kirkcolm
Slewdown hill - hill
Slew Sack - Hill
Dochies - a hill
[Signed] P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Febr [February] 20th. /47 [1847] |
OS1/35/16/133 |
[Page] 133
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/134 |
Knockmonies Knockmonies
Knockmonies |
Alexander Kerr Glengyre (via) Stranraer
John McDowall Glengyre (via) Stranraer
William McDowall Knockmonies Douloch by Stranraer
James Anderson KnocKnane by Stranraer |
009 |
A moderate Sized hill on the farm of Dowloch of amound like Shape rather tabular on top the quality of land good arable pasture |
OS1/35/16/134 |
Knockwhillen hill
Knockwhillie |
John McDowall Glengyre (via) Stranraer
Alexander Kerr Glengyre (via) Stranraer
William McDowall KnocKmonies by Stranraer
See Returms of Local Survey by C. Christison in 1828 in possession of A Kerr Glengyre by Stranraer |
009 |
A moderate Sized hill of a ridge like Shape of the class usually denomanated "drum" (Back) the hill is arable and yields good Pasture - |
OS1/35/16/134 |
Eldrick Hill |
John McCrea
John Cavan [Cordounnan]? |
009 |
A large cultivated hill on the Farm of Glengyre on it is a smaller one called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party "Eldrick" & on it is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station and is the Property of Sir Andrew this hill is well Known by all persons in the neighbourhood by the name given |
OS1/35/16/134 |
[Page] 134 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 9B -- Trace No 3 -- [Parish] of Kirkcolm
KnocKmonies - hill
Knockwhillan hill - hill
Eldrick Hill - Hill
[Signed] P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
20th. Febr [February] 1847 |
OS1/35/16/135 |
[Page] 135
[Blank Page] |
OS1/35/16/136 |
KnocKmulloch hill
Knockmulloch hill
Knockmulloch |
James Wright Stranraer
Alexander Kerr Glengyre via Stranraer |
009 |
A modest Sized hill on the farm of KnocKmulloch of a mound like Shape rather tabular on top it is likely the farm of KnocKmulloch has derived its name from this hill, the farm house of KnocKmulloch is Situated on S. W.
[South West] Side of it- |
OS1/35/16/136 |
Knockmulloch |
James Wright KnocKmulloch via Stranraer
Alexander Kerr Glengyre via Stranraer |
009 |
an indifferent farm house and out buildings tached in bad repair and a farm of land 26 Scotch acres chiefly Arable land Occupier James Wright Proprietor Sir Andrew Agnew Lochnaw. |
OS1/35/16/136 |
[Page] 136 -- List of Names collected by P. Connell R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner
Plan 9B -- Trace No 3 -- [Parish] of Kirkcolm
Knockmulloch hill
Knockmulloch - house and farm
February 20th. 1847
[Signed] P. Connell
R S & M [Royal Sappers & Miners]
[Signed] W Driscoll Gosset
Lt Rl Engrs. [Lieutenant Royal Engineers]
Nov. [November] 11. 1847 |
OS1/35/16/137 |
[Page] 137 -- OS1 /35/16 -- [Volume] 16
Plan 9B
Names of Parishes
Kirkcolm -- 47
Leswalt -- 1 |